Village Pres Sermons

Good and Terrible at the Same Time: "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka

Village Presbyterian Church

"But as for Aslan himself, the Beavers and the children didn't know what to do or say when they saw him. People who have not been in Narnia sometimes think that a thing cannot be good and terrible at the same time. If the children had ever thought so, they were cured of it now. For when they tried to look at Aslan's face they just caught a glimpse of the golden mane and the great, royal, solemn, overwhelming eyes; and then they found they couldn't look at him and went all trembly." -- C.S. Lewis, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"

Many people draw a clear distinction between the “sacred” and the “secular.” In their worldview, sacred things have to do with God and secular things have nothing to do with God. This view places limits on God’s activity in the world. The psalmist reminds us that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” This means that God is present in all times and places. In this sermon series, Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka will explore how God is revealed in three films. Today, we look at The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Our scripture reading is Genesis 28:10-17.

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