See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers

How Running Toward Fear Can Be The Best Intuitive Leap

April 03, 2023 Season 4 Episode 30
How Running Toward Fear Can Be The Best Intuitive Leap
See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers
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See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers
How Running Toward Fear Can Be The Best Intuitive Leap
Apr 03, 2023 Season 4 Episode 30

I spoke to Irena Zemljic with Senka Pazman translating for us on Feb 13, 2023. It was wonderful to learn how her son inspired her to learn about Theta healing travelling across the world from Croatia to Mexico. Also to hear how it has transformed their lives.  Now she is doing sessions online with both Croatian and English speaking clients all over the world. 

Irena Žemljić: Rođena sam 1973. u Zagrebu i obrazovala sam se u medicinskoj struci na Zdravstvenom veleučilištu.

Nakon rastave braka ostajem sama s dvoje djece i osjećajem krivnje i manje vrijednosti. Tada počinje moj put u duhovnost i otvara mi se potpuno novi svijet.

Nakon 10 godina istraživanja, 2017. dolazim do tehnike Thetahealing-a koja mi je promijenila život. Odlazim u Meksiko na edukaciju za učitelja jer mi je glavna misao vodilja bila kako naučiti druge da sami mogu mijenjati sebe, a s tim i svijet oko sebe.

Pomaganjem odraslima i djeci te iskreni osjećaj suosjećanja i ljubavi čini me svjedokom mijenjanja vlastite stvarnosti u kojoj sam ja glavni kreator. Jer to je ono što Thetahealing radi: mijenjanjem vlastitih vjerovanja mijenjate svoj život i otvarate vrata osjećajima radosti, ljubavi i cjelovitosti.

To je ono što želim sada priuštiti i drugima, da znate da niste sami i da se pomoć i znanje mogu dobiti, odluka je na vama J

Moja poruka vama je da date priliku sebi, kao što sam si ju i ja dala.

I was born in 1973 in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, and I decided to pursue a degree in medical sciences.

After the divorce, I ended up alone with 2 children which left me feeling guilty and worthless. Luckily, my big crisis led me on the path of spirituality and after 10 years of (re)searching, in 2017, I found the Theta-healing technique that changed my life and opened a whole new world for me.

In the same year I went to Mexico to learn to become a Theta-healing practitioner and teacher. My goal was to teach others how they could change themselves and with it, their life, their circumstances and the world around them.

This is also what Theta-healing essentially does - helps us to change our beliefs which will, in turn, impact and change our lives and open the door to joy, love and the feeling of wholesome.  

I managed to change my life to the point where I am feeling joyful and wholesome, and I would like to share and pass on this knowledge to other people who are ready to give themselves a chance to heal, the way I did.

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Show Notes Transcript

I spoke to Irena Zemljic with Senka Pazman translating for us on Feb 13, 2023. It was wonderful to learn how her son inspired her to learn about Theta healing travelling across the world from Croatia to Mexico. Also to hear how it has transformed their lives.  Now she is doing sessions online with both Croatian and English speaking clients all over the world. 

Irena Žemljić: Rođena sam 1973. u Zagrebu i obrazovala sam se u medicinskoj struci na Zdravstvenom veleučilištu.

Nakon rastave braka ostajem sama s dvoje djece i osjećajem krivnje i manje vrijednosti. Tada počinje moj put u duhovnost i otvara mi se potpuno novi svijet.

Nakon 10 godina istraživanja, 2017. dolazim do tehnike Thetahealing-a koja mi je promijenila život. Odlazim u Meksiko na edukaciju za učitelja jer mi je glavna misao vodilja bila kako naučiti druge da sami mogu mijenjati sebe, a s tim i svijet oko sebe.

Pomaganjem odraslima i djeci te iskreni osjećaj suosjećanja i ljubavi čini me svjedokom mijenjanja vlastite stvarnosti u kojoj sam ja glavni kreator. Jer to je ono što Thetahealing radi: mijenjanjem vlastitih vjerovanja mijenjate svoj život i otvarate vrata osjećajima radosti, ljubavi i cjelovitosti.

To je ono što želim sada priuštiti i drugima, da znate da niste sami i da se pomoć i znanje mogu dobiti, odluka je na vama J

Moja poruka vama je da date priliku sebi, kao što sam si ju i ja dala.

I was born in 1973 in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, and I decided to pursue a degree in medical sciences.

After the divorce, I ended up alone with 2 children which left me feeling guilty and worthless. Luckily, my big crisis led me on the path of spirituality and after 10 years of (re)searching, in 2017, I found the Theta-healing technique that changed my life and opened a whole new world for me.

In the same year I went to Mexico to learn to become a Theta-healing practitioner and teacher. My goal was to teach others how they could change themselves and with it, their life, their circumstances and the world around them.

This is also what Theta-healing essentially does - helps us to change our beliefs which will, in turn, impact and change our lives and open the door to joy, love and the feeling of wholesome.  

I managed to change my life to the point where I am feeling joyful and wholesome, and I would like to share and pass on this knowledge to other people who are ready to give themselves a chance to heal, the way I did.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Sears Beers, knowers and Doers, a podcast about intuition. Do you know what that is? Intuition to me is that inner sense for knowing that something is true. And yet I have no proof. But there's so many definitions and there's so many ways it can come. I'm looking to bring together and share with you some amazing guests who have some amazing life stories and also some insights into how intuition can come, and I'm looking to gather those crows in the trees. I hope you're one of them. I hope that this podcast inspires you to be more connected to your intuition, and I hope that by doing that, we make the world a better place. Thanks for coming on this journey with me.

Speaker 2:

Before we get started today, I would love to share some tools with you to help with stress and feeling overwhelmed, especially for the energetically sensitive person. Feel free to go to my store on my Thanks so much for coming on this journey with me.

Speaker 3:

So I'm super excited today because I have two people on this podcast with me. One is a previous podcast, Sanka Paman, and she is introducing me and you to a lady named Nate Irena Gem. And she is somebody that Sanka thought she would be a really good podcast guest, and we're gonna be doing this a little differently than normal because there may be situations where there's translation needed. And so just enjoy the podcast. If you're Croatian, you're going to get it without the translation. So<laugh>, it is so cool. She's my third Croatian. I think that country is beautiful inside and out. And interestingly enough, Senka shared with me that Irina's last name actually also means Earth. So it's gonna be fun to include the earth on this podcast. So thank you so much, ladies.

Speaker 4:

Hi. Thank you. Hi. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Wonderful. So Irina[inaudible] with your help if necessary. Irena, could you please share with the world a little bit about yourself for us?

Speaker 4:

[inaudible] She says thank you, and she chooses creation as her language of preference,<laugh>, because she thinks it would be easier for her just to express all the emotion and share the stories in the, in the right way.

Speaker 3:

Awesome. Thank you.

Speaker 4:

Has two children actually, and who are not that small anymore because she's, so, they're 18 and 20 and she's, she herself is 50 and says that it's just actually because of them that she started on this journey of that healing.

Speaker 3:

Oh, neat. Okay. So not many people know about theta healing. Would she be able to tell us a bit about theta healing?

Speaker 4:

So healing is not associated with any religion. Oh my goodness. So healing is not associated with any religion, but it is great to practice your intuition and it's great to see which emotions and which programs sort of within us reflect and mirror the world you live in currently or at that moment.

Speaker 3:

Cool. Okay. Yes. So back to you being a mom and having them inspire you to learn this thing, I'm sure that there's more to tell. Tell us more about yourself.

Speaker 4:

So she says that the journey with the healing actually started because her, her older son was diagnosed with, um, Asperger's Syndrome, which is sort of an autism disorder. I mean, I wouldn't call it a disorder, but I'm lacking words here. That's okay. And so he had severe anxiety attacks and even though she, she was already into, this is actually really hard, you guys,<laugh>

Speaker 3:

<laugh>. Aw, hang on, hang

Speaker 4:

On, hang on. No, she was already working on herself, so, and she was reading books, but she still didn't know how to help him and that's why she, she started with a data healing and now he's 21 and he got into, into university and actually starting life on his own, basically. While as before, she's also a bit amazed with the whole<laugh> how it ended up, because as a young boy, he would, he would be closing his room by himself and just, you know, having these anxiety attacks. And so it's, it's done magic. It's done magic.

Speaker 3:

I have, yes. Goosebumps. Beautiful.

Speaker 4:

She actually emphasized that everything, and a lot of things that has happened in her life was actually intuition working. And back then, when she needed help with her son, um, she actually didn't have the financial means to pay for some education for herself. And of course, online stuff didn't exist, expect back then, like online courses. But she says that when she needed help the situations and people presented themselves to support her, and so she managed to go to Mexico where she met vi which received the, the, the Thera healing knowledge.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah. So that's how, that's how it actually started.

Speaker 3:

So for anybody who doesn't know, VI is the creator of Fat Healing. That is amazing. Okay. I'm again, full body chills. I love it. That's a big trip. It's a huge trip. So how long ago was that?

Speaker 4:

The, the journey happened four years ago, and it lasted for two weeks in Mexico. She said they had classes, I suppose, uh, every day from 10 to 6:00 PM from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and she said she was experiencing a lot of things and, uh, a bunch of emotions were coming out. And she also said one night she cried the whole night. She ended up the whole night crying, crying and uh, uh, sadness and, and even guilt were coming out. But after that, even though it was quite the night, she felt that something changed within her. She also said that the Lady Vi was very, you could feel her, her power coming out of her. And she was quite fast When, when she looks at you, when she touches you, and Iena says that she was<laugh> quite fascinated with her and wanted to be like her<laugh>.

Speaker 3:

Wow. Yes. Those dark nights, I think there are many who can relate to that as they go on a healing journey. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, that brings up a lot of different things, and it's to trust that it's gonna be okay. Sometimes it's hard to trust that it's going to be over and it's gonna be okay. Yes,

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Wow. Just four years ago and so much change in your son. Wow.

Speaker 4:

So much. Yes.<laugh> for me.

Speaker 3:

So you started it off on a personal basis and now you're doing it as a business as well, right?

Speaker 4:

Yes, yes. Right. So how she started on the path of doing that as the business, even though Irina has another job, she has a regular job and she does this on the side. Okay. But she says that she saw how it influenced her, like Theta healing influenced her and how much her life changed because of it financially, even in partner came into her life, who also understands the spiritual journey. She says that the, her, her kids changed and are able to handle their lives. Uh, even when the whole covid thing was happening and the lockdowns and stuff, they were, they were still strong enough to handle everything. And so she started, what she wanted to do is to share this experience with other people and teach them so they could also help themselves like she did with herself. And she says that with data healing, by practicing data healing, you're basically practicing intuition.

Speaker 3:

So true. I highly encourage people to look up the healing highly. I've studied it, I've done it, I've received the benefit of it. It, it blew open the doors that were closed in terms of what is possible for me, like probably seven, 16 years ago. So yeah. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Incredible. So what is, what's the other job you do?

Speaker 4:

Uh,<laugh> in hospital. I work in hospital.

Speaker 3:

There's no intuition in a hospital. You need to have that turned on there too. Oh my God.

Speaker 4:

I work in laboratory.

Speaker 3:

Yes. So you're good at seeing patterns.

Speaker 4:

<affirmative>, she said very jokingly that she embodies the physical and the spiritual part in the hospital. She practices the, the earthly things, very tangible things. And then she comes at home and practices the spiritual<laugh>. I love it.

Speaker 3:

Well, I just see too that sometimes our regular day jobs, the things that we land in, whether intuition was part of it or just it was part of our journey, they're skills that we learn and practice there. Kind of like the, not everybody's gonna know this reference, but the karate kid wax on wax off where somebody teaches you skills, um, and you're like, this has nothing to do with anything I want to do. Why am I doing this? And yet when we look back it's like, oh, there were definitely attention to detail and paying attention to patterns and being exposed to so many different people working in hospital, all the different personalities. Like it is, it's just interesting how, how we land places and they don't look like they, they mesh with the rest of our lives. And yet sometimes it's like, oh yeah, there's a reason for that. You probably could help a lot of people who work in a hospital, they know what you do. Right.

Speaker 4:

She says that at least in creation, but I'm presuming other places as well. Um, the field of medicine, hardly the spirituality doesn't enter it very easily.

Speaker 3:

Mm. No.

Speaker 4:

And he's, but he says it that it's completely fine and some people need more time and that's also fine.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes. True. Yeah. They may, may benefit from it, but they may not have the awareness that it is a tool that they can benefit from. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Very true.

Speaker 4:

Uh, she says that one of the people she learned from was a Canadian named Steve Parker. And he started on this journey about 15 years ago. And so when she got the invitation from you, Heather, she thought it was a nice full circle coming together. Oh

Speaker 3:

My gosh, yes. Yeah. How neat. So I'm going to shift gears and ask, how does intuition

Speaker 4:

Come to you? She says this, that these days as she's been practicing more, it's, it's much easier for her to know where to go when she needs to go somewhere. She has a much easier time feeling what she needs to feel. And she says that there's a technique that, that she practices every day. And it's a technique that shows you which emotion to work on. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. But when she, she has a decision to make, and of course there's always a question whether this decision is, you know, the right way or the wrong not, not the wrong way. And she also then mentioned that they're all the right way. But now when she needs to make her decisions, she feels emphasized emotion inside of her that then she takes as a green light to do something. Okay. And, uh, just hang on a second. Let me ask her something. Sure. If, if there's a decision like this that she needs to make, and if she feels some kind of fear related to this, then she knows that that is something that she needs to do. She needs to step into the fear and do it. Wow. She also said she, she, she feels the support and the trust in your in universe. She feels it.

Speaker 3:

Okay. And then

Speaker 4:

I, it's much easier to make a decision anyway when you know you have a support

Speaker 3:

<laugh>. Exactly. What's interesting to what you just said is I literally just came off a course where they said that fear doesn't actually exist. It is misnamed excitement sometimes. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And so your knowing to chase after your fearful things is just so in line with what I just heard this weekend. I want other people to hear that. Please.

Speaker 4:

So great.

Speaker 3:

So fun. Oh my gosh. Because how many times do we run? Because we're like, oh, fear it must be bad. And you're sitting here going fear. Hmm. Must be good. I love it. Oh my goodness. Yeah. That's it. And it's so interesting cuz you, well Seka is using the word no as well as feel and your emotions being a radar. So those all probably are ways that it comes too. And that knowing of that security with having something hold your back that you're supported. There's no wrong answer. I love, love, love you sharing that too. Thank you.

Speaker 4:

Thank you both<laugh>.

Speaker 3:

People need your message. Thank you. Cka for thing. Irina would be a good podcast. Yes,

Speaker 4:

I think so, yes. Okay.

Speaker 3:

When it comes to intuition, is there anything, am I interrupting? Sorry.

Speaker 4:

She also learned through this journey to just kinda dive in some to, into some things, even though they may not have a lot of logical like sense. Um, so she, at the time when Mexico was happening and all of that, she didn't have the financial means, but they came, but also she had a, a stable job, but she felt like she wasn't happy at doing the job. And then she got a job offer from a spiritual center to go work there. And so she resigned and, and did that. And she thinks that was also through intuition and she learned at the spiritual center, she learned the things, she learned a lot of things there that she's sharing today with her clients and that are helping her today in her spiritual journey. And she's very satisfied now because she's got both. She's got the financial means, the job that she likes, and she's able to spread the world and word<laugh>.

Speaker 3:

And isn't that the truth? It doesn't have to make logical sense. It is the least logical thing sometimes that we need to do.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, true

Speaker 3:

<laugh>, we're all having that sigh, aren't we? Yes. Yes. Thanks for channeling that message for us all. Get out of the logic. Get away from run from logic. Run,

Speaker 4:

Run. Yes. Yes.

Speaker 3:

So your spiritual journey started long before four years ago.

Speaker 4:

Uh, yes. So her spiritual journey started about 12 years ago, and it started with the starting point was her divorce, uh, where she was 34 with two small kids and she just didn't know how to move forward from that point. She was in the dark, but she realized that she needed to take an action. And she also jokingly said that at that time she had no clue what chakras were nothing. She knew nothing<laugh>. So she also tried ayahuasca and, and other things. And, but she says that the, the progress was very small and very slow, and it was only with, uh, data healing that she saw a big change. And she's, she says that not everything is for everyone. And that we need to see for ourselves what, what works for us the best and what guides us and whether there's a change coming from what we are doing, which should be our greatest guide<laugh> really. Um, she says that she's very grateful to the plants and the shamans, but data healing is what she, she feels is, is hers and it's also, it's hers to, to share with the world as well. So

Speaker 3:

True. And that comes back to intuition. People have to figure it out themselves. Like there's lots of people who are guidepost and you'll try many things like you say, like along the way it's all pieces of the puzzle. Yeah. We, we land where we're supposed to. I'm so excited. You found that is Yes. And all the people you're helping. So do you work, you have clients outside of Croatia?

Speaker 4:

She says that it's all Croatians, her clients, but not all of them are in Croatia and Theta healing works long distance on Zoom with headset. There's for energy. There's no limitation really. And also I can attest myself that I'm in Bulgaria now, which is another country in Europe for two months. And Ira and I, I worked over WhatsApp and uh, she says that her only limitation in that regard is tradit language.

Speaker 3:

<laugh>. Right, right. Sure. For sure. Unless you, and it's a private thing. It's too very

Speaker 4:

<laugh>. Um, so speaking of, uh, two days before I asked her if she wanted to be on your podcast, she said two days before she told her partner that maybe she should start, you know, learning English, but get to a higher level. And then two days later I come in with Avitation

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Dunno what?

Speaker 3:

Yes. Perhaps what next? You know what next. Yes. This has been absolutely lovely. Thank you so much Sanka for the, the role you played today. Not only in introducing us, but in sharing the messages and the insights that Irena has. It's, I it's just been delightful And thank you for putting Theta healing on the map on our podcast, cuz I don't think that we've had Theta healing brought up yet. Yes,

Speaker 4:

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you<laugh>.

Speaker 3:

Very cool. Well, we may do this again. We'll see only next time. It might be in English. Uh oh.<laugh>. Oh, I'll have to learn some Croatian words now. Cause my world in Croatia is growing. Yes.<laugh>. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

That's so true.

Speaker 3:

Well, I will say until next time, and thank you so much again ladies, this has been wonderful.

Speaker 4:

Thank you Heather for having us. Thank you. Thank you. I, I, I can say just thank you and, and my dad. Beautiful, beautiful young woman. And I, I just love, love them. And, uh, you, Heather, have, uh, she says that you have a very supportive and calming voice. And she says that in generally it feels a lot of support for you. And she says that, that what you represent to other people is support.

Speaker 3:

Oh, thank you. You're gonna make me cry<laugh>. I know. I appreciate that. Thank you so much. That shows up in my life a lot. So you're right on the money. There's Irena right there. Language barrier, not a part of it. Energy has no language.<laugh>. Wonderful. Well, we'll see. Until next time. Thank you.

Speaker 4:

Bye-bye. Thank you. Bye-bye.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for giving us your time today. We truly appreciate our guests for sharing their stories and insights about how intuition has impacted their lives. And I'm so grateful for Peter Trainor for his time in giving me this original music user. It's now your turn. It's your turn to listen and act on your own intuition and help make the world a better place. Until next time, keep seeing, being, knowing, and doing. If you like this podcast, please share it. If you want to find others like it, go to or wherever you would find your podcasts. We would love to have you join us on this journey. Come be a crow sitting in the tree. Be part of our community.