See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers
See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers
Living An Intuitive Life From Dreams to Dimes to Animals and More
I spoke with Gail Simmons on Mar 27, 2023 about how her life has been impacted by intuition as well as some of the adventures she has been on through out her life with intuition has shown up. She shared with us some ways we can become more aware of our own intuition and how much our lives can be enriched when we do.
Gail Simmons is an Animal communicator who is originally from Nova Scotia and who now lives in Ontario with her children, her partner; horses, dogs, and the cat who is the king of all things.
Gail can be reached for animal spirit connection and animal communication at
Welcome to Sears Beers, knowers and Doers, a podcast about intuition. Do you know what that is? Intuition to me is that inner sense for knowing that something is true. And yet I have no proof. But there's so many definitions and there's so many ways it can come. I'm looking to bring together and share with you some amazing guests. You have some amazing life stories and also some insights into how intuition can come, and I'm looking to gather those crows in the trees. I hope you're one of them. I hope that this podcast inspires you to be more connected to your intuition, and I hope that by doing that, we make the world a better place. Thanks for coming on this journey with me.
Speaker 2:Before we get started today, I would love to share some tools with you to help with stress and feeling overwhelmed, especially for the energetically sensitive person. Feel free to go to my store on my Thanks so much for coming on this journey with me.
Speaker 1:So I'm super excited today cuz I'm connecting with somebody that I met through another podcast guest, Susan Faye. And I'm excited to bring Gail Simmons to the world. So thank you so much Gail, for coming and saying yes to my podcast. I think we're gonna have fun today.
Speaker 3:Great to be here, Heather. Thanks so much.
Speaker 1:So would you mind telling us a little bit about yourself?
Speaker 3:I'm from Nova Scotia originally and living in Ontario and I've had horses for over 50 years and have been connected to the energy world in one way or another since I was 17 and I'm now 69. So that's a lot of years. But the interesting thing is, is that when I first connected to the energy world at 17 with dreams that came true. The only people I told about it were the people in the dreams and they could prevent what was going to happen. And then I would just stop telling anybody about it cuz I, they would all think I was really weird. And then I was, um, a high school English teacher for many years and didn't tell anybody during those times because of my fear, like many other energy people, um, that their parents would, you know, pull their kids outta my class or something, or they'd think I was a witch or, and I'm not. I'm just an ordinary human being with a partner and a couple of wonderful children, grandchildren now. And I'm looking out at horses right now just across my little road in my yard, basically. Life is good. And then I met somebody like you, Heather, through my exploration of the energy world that just keeps going and going.
Speaker 1:So you, you live at the integrated slash double life like many people do then?
Speaker 3:<laugh> ab absolutely. And, and, uh,<laugh>, the thing that's difficult these days is when somebody says soul, uh, what do you do<laugh>? And there's a long pause and I think, okay, I'm retired, I ride horses, play a fiddle. And so I, I, now I tell them, I said, I talk to animals. I'm an animal communicator, which gets what<laugh> from most people, but then from other people they go, oh yeah, tell me about that. So I do. And then there's some weird connection that happens because there's some other plan for us all than the one that we think than the road we think we're on. And the universe has a, has a plan for us, and all we need to do is just watch and wait and it too will happen. So, um, identifying myself in two worlds is what I do. And my, i I call my ordinary world. The world we're in right now, Heather, where we're chatting and all this stuff is my earth self. So I don't want to leave my earth self because it's the one that gets along with everybody else who's having an earth self experience. And that's the world of logic and predictability and scientific knowledge and all of this stuff. But I'm finding as I'm going on this path, I'm spending more and more time in the energy space. That's where you're never alone. I have spirit animals and I can help people find their spirit animals. We all have them. They are always with me, never, ever, ever alone. And there's a lot of loneliness in the earth self world. Yes. But there isn't in the energy world, which is absolutely fascinating. And so now I'm learning about the quantum myth and<laugh> all of this other stuff that is just mind blowing. But I can always go back and I still have dreams that come true. I have had out of body experiences where I have traveled, I can talk to the animals. It's only remotely though, because if I'm looking at an animal in my earth's self body, and if somebody else is chatting or there are other animals around, it's really difficult for me to tune in. Although I have with horses on Sable Island and seals that were there. And then sometimes the horses talk to me. And I can give you an example of that that's kind of interesting. There was a, a mare, she was one of those kind of cantankerous mares who have opinions about things. And if you walked by her stall, she would put her ears back and sort of sear her nose and turn her butt towards the door where you might be walking by. And I respected her, but I, I wasn't Mormon fuzzy about her. And one day I was in the barn, which was an L-shaped barn, and my own horse had an abscess and he was around the L and she was on the straight stretch. And I had just come from the tuckering with, with all sorts of stuff in my hands. And I was walking by this stall and the mayor was in and on on her own, and I don't know why. And the, the owner had been there and fed and watered everybody. And I just walked past her stall and she said in a very polite voice in my head, um, I'm really thirsty. Could you get me some water, please? And I, I thought I was going crazy. Uh, this is nuts. That's not how I do animal communication. I'm making this up. And I carried on a few more steps, went around the corner and she said, again, no, seriously, please, that I, and I don't have any water and I'm very thirsty. Would you mind please getting me a bucket? And I said, okay. I put down everything and I went back and I looked at her in the stall. She's got her ears picked up and she, if she could smile, she had a smile on her face. And I thought, if I look in her bucket and there isn't any water, I'm gonna drop my teeth or something. And I open the stall door, she politely stepped back. I looked in the bucket, just the, the just a little drop left. I, because the owner had already given her a bucket of water. And I said, okay, I will get you a bucket of water. And so I did. And she drank the whole bucket of water. Oh. And then I filled her bucket up again and she just stood that my baby could hardly believe it. And so I shut the door, I sl it shut, and I was walking down the, the aisle again and she said, I'm really afraid. And I said, what are you afraid of? And she said, I don't think I'll be a good mother. And I said, I think you'll be a ferocious mother. I think you've got everything you need to be a good mother. And I thought, she's not even in full. And I said, you'll be fine. You'll be good when the time comes. And I finished my business. So a few days later I was chatting with her human, with her, her person, and I said, say, is you, you're married in full? And she said, oh yeah, how'd you know? And so I told her, she's an energy sort of person too. But that's a time when an animal spoke to me. And it has happened several times, which was absolutely fascinating. And an indication of the, it's the proof because we don't have a manual. It's the proof that there is an energy field, an energy existence beyond what our earth selves sees and what beyond what science has been able to measure so far. And now science is coming into the energy world and joining up. And there's a symposium at the University of Saskatchewan that's happening in May. And it is a research project. I was involved in the one last year and this year I'm involved with a, a woman la named Cheryl Hi Rondel, who's a met woman artist who did interactive art display in City Hall in Ottawa with Eelt. And I had a chat with Eel for her. And so we're, we're collaborating on one of the breakout sessions or something at, at this symposium. And if anybody's interested in it, just look up i I c uh, interspecies Intuitive Communication University of Saskatchewan. And you can join in and listen to the research. But my point is, is that the research is, is combining science as you and I know it with energy people, animal communicators, and people who can, I can talk to trees as well listen to them. Um, so it's a fascinating world that's out there for us all. If we want to stop the chatter in our heads and open up to it.
Speaker 1:I, I remember you telling me that you had done some work with eels and had been part of this art process. And the Sable Island thing is neat cuz not everybody gets to go to Sable Island. So how did you land and Sable Island?
Speaker 3:Well, my husband is, um, an adventure a writer,<laugh> James Raffin is his name, if anybody is interested in following up on it, just for fun. And he travels usually north of the 60th parallel in the Arctic. And for the 40 years we've been together, he's gone north every year, uh, for research and writing and other things. At any rate, he um, hooked up with a company called Adventure Canada. It's a, a sailing ship, not with with sales, but it's a ship where a guy named Jeff Green takes people to the Arctic and to other places. And it, and it's not a cruise ship like you might imagine with a mall and all of that stuff. It's people who are interested in indigenous ways, in culture, in landforms, in wildlife. And so one of the trips was a trip to Sable Island and my husband asked me if I'd like to go along. So he forfeited his pay<laugh> to take his wife cuz I couldn't afford to go. And so off we went to Sable Island and we, we were a couple of kilometers offshore. It's only 300 kilometers from, uh, off the shore of Nova Scotia. And we went in these big dinghies and we went to shore. And all along the, the shoreline were hundreds and hundreds of seals. And there was a woman who was doing her PhD on the horses of Sable Island. And I hooked up with her and she knew I was an animal communicator, and so she gave me some photographs. That's how I usually work of a few of the horses. And one in particular who I communicated with. And it turns out that what he told me was what she actually knew about the horse. So I don't know anything before, I don't want to know anything before I go into the space. But an interesting thing, and I met the horses I talked to on the ship when I went to the island. Mm. But the interesting thing was is while I was communicating with the horses, the seals interrupted me and they said, you know, we, we have a message. And I said, well, I, I'm talking to the horse right now. I I can't do both. No, no, you really need to hear our message. We need you to take this back to the humans. I said, okay. So they said, we want you to tell the humans that we really need them to stop laughing at us as we're, uh, moving on the shore. And you know, most of us know what seals they kind of flop around and people think, oh wow. Is that ever funny? And they laugh and they said, they need to realize that beauti horses are beautiful, especially when they're running. And we make a big deal out of that. And they said, we are as beautiful, if not more beautiful in the water. And that's what we would like people to be. That's what we would like you to remind people about. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And I thought, wow. You know, it's like judging somebody with a disability in our lives mm-hmm.<affirmative> and not realizing what their struggle is or what beauty is inside mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And if we listen to the animals, they will teach us. And so that was interesting. So if I see a slug or I see some animal that is not attractive according to, you know, my, my ideals, I look for the beauty as I do in people I meet who I might not be attracted to at the beginning mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And each one of us has a beauty. And in teaching school, I also did that mm-hmm.<affirmative>, each student who came in had a gift, had a beauty, and one kid came in one day and he kind of sloughed in and he wore sloppy clothes. And he says, you know, have you looked up my my on my sheet on my record? And I said, no, you haven't. No. Should I? Oh yeah, I'm a bad number and blah, I've done this and that. And I said, well, you know what, all you have to do in this classroom is be kind and respectful and helpful to other people. And I don't care what's on your sheet, there's good in each one of us. And it's up to you if you wanna show me that, I'd love to see it. He was a great student. So there, you know, that happened before I ever saw the seals Right. Or listened to the seals. And there's the same message coming through. And the animals, as we all know, if we've had cats or dogs or horses are so accepting of us with all of our foibles mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And I think we need to, as a humanity, be more accepting and understanding of the ways of animals because they are sentient beings. Totally. Yeah. You know, and so I went to Sable Island to learn about the horses, to communicate with the horses. And that was all very interesting. But what was most profound was the lesson from, from the Seals.
Speaker 1:Well, and what struck me when you were talking and you brought it to school, but what popped in my head was that cartoon of, I, I wanna say Sir Ken Robinson posted this cartoon. I don't think he developed the cartoon. He just used the cartoon as part of his platform when he was alive. And it's a cartoon of a teacher with, and, and these may be not exact to the cartoon, but there's a zebra, a monkey, a frog, a fish, a horse, an elephant. It's a variety of animals in this classroom. He's like, the lesson for today is we're all gonna climb the tree
Speaker 3:<laugh>.
Speaker 1:And it's like, you talk about the beauty and the kindness and that aspect of things, but that cartoon spoke to me about the diversity of skillsets that we each have and, and strengths and abilities and whatever the case may be. Like you can go far and wide with it. And it's, it's to just, I guess, add another dimension to what you're speaking about that I totally agree. Like we have to be more accepting and allowance and kind and respectful and just know each being on the planet has a purpose and each being has a contribution. And not only that, but we also can dive deeper into seeing that we each offer different strengths and hold different spaces in the world to make nature, the world, whatever, all rotate in harmony. So I, I just love how the seals brought all of that, like into my brain<laugh> and into your brain. And here we are sharing it with everybody. So thank you
Speaker 3:Smith. Yeah. Yeah. And, and the horses, they're heart energy, if anybody's interested, look up HeartMath Institute on the Google mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And you can learn a whole lot about this. That's fascinating. And we look at how horses and dogs and cats, I suppose as well Yeah. Are used in therapeutic places. Um, and the horse's heart, and we all give off heart energy, whether we know it or not. And a horse's heart energy goes 10 times the distance from, um, its body then ours does. And that's why horses are so good at, uh, helping people with P T S D or other disabilities mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And they just know. Do you have time for another little story about that? Sure,
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah. There was, um, a horse here named Ben. He was a large pony with Canadian in him. And he was a character who was, if you, if you wanted to admonish him, you would never go Ben, because he would pop you, you just would always be soft with him. And I was very careful here with who I let in the pasture because he could spook quite easily. And, and he would, he would kick out if somebody, somebody surprised him. Not in a mean way, but in defense. So he was, he's a sensitive pony. And there was a little boy who was visiting down our road and I saw him, he had a disability of some sort, and I saw him come flailing his arms and running up the road and he dipped under the fence and I was at the stable and I saw him doing this and he goes running towards Ben and I couldn't get there fast enough. And I thought, oh my goodness, this child is going to be kicked, or, or Oh, he can't be doing that to Ben. And then I froze because I saw Ben lower his head, turn around. And that little boy, oh, gives me body chills to tell you the story. That little boy put his arms around Ben's head and put his cheek between Ben's eyes and hugged him. And they stood there in this union of understanding for about a minute. I had never seen anything like that. And I knew at that moment that these two were communicating on a very, very special level. Hmm. That blew my mind. Yeah. Wow. So wonderful. So if we adults could bring the child back in our minds and get rid of all of the questioning and the judgment and all that stuff we do every minute of our, our waking lives, the animals would just come in and say, Hey<laugh>, is it ever nice to see you? Mm-hmm.<affirmative> instead of, Hey, what do you want? What are you gonna make me do now? You know? So that was, that was a treasure, that memory to see that
Speaker 1:Huge treasure. Thank you for sharing that. My god. A pleasure. Yeah. Uh, at the burn where I volunteered the, I didn't witness this particular horse with this child, but I witnessed this child with another horse, uh, cuz they were telling me this story. And the horse that they decided to put this, uh, boy who is on the autistic spectrum on was a horse that when I arrived, was known for ghosts, had thrown his owner, was very unpredictable, gentle, but they knew that there was this unpredictable ness you'd get on him and he'd immediately go sideways, I've never ridden this horse, but I know this horse to have put his nose on the barn cat for hours. Barn cat was struggling with health. The story was that the, they, he was saddled up when the autistic boy came to visit the barn and they put him on this horse, and this horse was just like perfection with this boy on top of him. And they, for whatever reason, knew that it would be that way. That is not a logical decision<laugh> to do
Speaker 3:That. That's interesting when you said, you know, he was a bit skittish and like, I would never have voluntarily put this child on Ben.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So there was intuition in the circle, uh, to make that happen. So the knowing beyond is incredible. They Yeah. And, and becoming aware that that exists in every being, if we open ourselves up to that is, is uh, is fascinating and part of the reason for this podcast. So I'm so glad you brought it up. Like so glad you brought it up.
Speaker 3:There are other ways of, of, of knowing as well, and mm-hmm.<affirmative>, I've got the story about dimes. If, if you wanna hear that, um, dimes, I don't know if anybody, any of you out there listening have know this, but dimes will show up and somebody told me this and I thought, that is the earth self-talking. Right. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Dimes. Why not Nickels? No. And I don't know the answer to that, but after someone told me that, they said, if you see, if a you see a dime, you can't go looking for them, they just present themselves to you. Then that's somebody who is passed, who's still with you, who's saying, I am, I am here now. And so I, I, as I said, I thought that was ridiculous. Then all of a sudden, dimes start showing up. So I clean the truck, vacuum the seats, everything, and was all lovely. Go to get in the truck and there's a dime sitting in the middle of the driver's seat,<laugh> it, it could not possibly be there. I had vacuumed that driver's seat. Yeah. But that, and I've, I've got a little jug. I kicked them in. Yeah. I've had so many dimes. But the one that showed up one time that was so impossible was the one that showed up at the gate at the, uh, the horse gate. I don't take money anywhere in my coveralls to go to the barn. Yeah. I never have money. And besides these days, who has change in their pocket. So yeah. Anyway, I went to the gate and I, I pushed it through and we had, it was in March last year probably. And we'd had snow and there was mud and everything was covered in all, you couldn't walk there without having clots of mud on your boots when and did the chores. And as I was walking back towards the gate again, something glistened in the sun, and I looked down and there sitting in the mud with snow, wet snow around. It was this absolutely pristine, clean, shiny dime<laugh>.
Speaker 1:Lovely.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah. So I picked it up and I looked at it and I said, you are impossible. This cannot happen. But it has happened. And then I became receptive to a loved one who had left me.
Speaker 1:Aw.
Speaker 3:So, and that happens to me with feathers as well.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes.
Speaker 3:It's incredible. Anyway,
Speaker 1:Lovely. So I'm gonna shift gears a little bit. Like you've shared some amazing stories about how intuition shows up for you, but how do you receive your intuition? How does it come into your awareness?
Speaker 3:When I'm doing animal communication, which is, uh, intuition on steroids, I find a quiet place. I try to stop the chatter in my head. And this is kind of a strange way. Everybody, every, every energy person does this differently. And in mine, if, if you close your eyes while you're listening to this and see the, the darkness, it's not completely dark. There's sort of a little moly thing that's going on. So go deeper than that into a lovely liquid inky blackness that's just so beautiful to be in. And then in comes rushing, oh, I should have taken the chicken out of the freezer this morning. Or I should go get that on one of those things. And you say to yourself, or I say to myself, I see you and in my mind I've got five little doors, little tiny doors with brass buttons on her brass dobbs. I don't know why. And I open one of those doors quietly. And on the other side of that is a vacuum. And it sucks that thought out. And I just quietly shut the door and I go back to the space, and then I pull energy down from what I call the universal energy source that is beyond our universe. And I won't go into detail there. And it comes down in through my, the shacklet at the top of my head and into my heart space. And then I put it out towards the animal. And when I know I'm there, when I know the energy doors open between the animal and me, I get this really, really buzzy pressure on the bridge of my nose like you might have with glasses that are too tight. And when that is there, I know I'm in the space, and then I go in and ask with intention, other intuitive feelings, they are in my solar plexus area, or if I get a feeling about danger, I will have a little thing that happens in the back of my neck. I think a lot of women experience that. They're in a situation where they might feel threatened personally. Hmm. Uh, by people around them. There's a, a thunk, a knowing that something is right, there is an a presence knowing something is going to happen. And if I cannot shake it, if it keeps coming to me and coming to me, I just stop and I listen and I try to do something about it if I can. So, I don't know, Heather, if that answers your question,
Speaker 1:It's kinda Yeah, yeah, it does. I, I have a feeling that there's more ways than that, Gail, but that gives us a good idea,<laugh>.
Speaker 3:Oh, there are<laugh>. Yeah. Many, many ways.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Well, that gives us a good idea. And it's interesting, we were talking before the podcast briefly about an adventure that I'm, I'm gonna go on. And you're like, oh, that is a thunk. And I'm like, oh, yes, I
Speaker 3:Was, I was gonna bring that up. And I thought, oh, I better not, she might not be ready to talk about that yet, but that's a funk, Heather. So you have to do it and tell me how it goes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I will. Yeah. It's fun. We'll see. Uh, well, I know the adventure's happening. I'm just not sure all the, all the details, but it, it'll show up. It's awesome. I'm very excited about it. And it, it probably will land on this podcast at some point for sure. Actually. I know. Cause the podcast actually inspired the whole reason for the adventure. So thank you so much for sharing your stories with us, sharing the seal with us, sharing your dimes with us, sharing the horses with us.
Speaker 3:Well, this, this has been wonderful. And I want to say thank you to you, Heather, for having me. Thank you to the listeners for listening. And most of all, thank you to Seal and Eel and the horses, the dogs, and all the animals we've talked about for being part of this podcast. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Wonderful. Until next time.
Speaker 3:Okay. Good luck with your project.
Speaker 1:Thank you.
Speaker 3:Okay. Bye now.
Speaker 1:Bye. Thank you so much for giving us your time today. We truly appreciate our guests for sharing their stories and insights about how intuition has impacted their lives. And I'm so grateful for Peter Trainor for his time in giving me this original music. It's now your turn. It's your turn to listen and act on your own intuition and help make the world a better place. Until next time, keep seeing, being, knowing, and doing. If you like this podcast, please share it. If you want to find others like it, go to or wherever you would find your podcasts. We would love to have you join us on this journey. Come be a crow sitting in the tree. Be part of our community.