AskPat 2.0: A Weekly Coaching Call on Online Business, Blogging, Marketing, and Lifestyle Design

AP 1123: How Do I Get More Clients and Stand Out In The Crowded Niche I'm In?

Pat Flynn Episode 1123

Kelyn Block has built a part-time basketball coaching business through word of mouth, and he wants to parlay it into a full-time gig. He's got a clear shot at the basket and just has to start dribbling down the court. I help him navigate and discover where he can go with his special skill—because obviously, he's not the only one to teach basketball. This is a very tactical conversation in which I try to get Kelyn comfortable talking a little bit more about himself. He does a great job answering the questions, and we get to some really exciting conclusions. By the end, you'll be on the sidelines cheering Kelyn down the court. Swish!

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