AskPat 2.0: A Weekly Coaching Call on Online Business, Blogging, Marketing, and Lifestyle Design

AP 1130: How Do I Share My Story and Get More People to Find My Message?

Pat Flynn Episode 1130

My guests on today's coaching call are a couple who have done something incredible. Their son, Tim, was diagnosed with autism at age two, and with severe speech and language and communication disorder at four. But his mom, Sally Wagter, never gave up on her child. Tim just turned 18, and he's amazing. And Sally and Erik Wagter, experienced entrepreneurs, have just launched a website called Releasing My Child's Potential and published a book titled Miracle in Slow Motion to support families with autistic children. But how do they get their message out to the people who need to hear it? We talk about opportunities for PR, and ways to get attention for a book that's already available for sale.

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