Carolina Conference Camp Meeting
Welcome to The Carolina Conference Camp Meeting podcast, a gateway to a religious gathering in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Join us as we delve into the core values and teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church through engaging sermons, enlightening discussions, and inspiring testimonies. Discover the rich traditions and customs that make the Carolina Conference Camp Meeting a cherished experience for believers from all walks of life.
Come, journey with us as we uncover the beauty and significance of the Carolina Conference Camp Meeting, where faith, nature, and community intertwine in a remarkable tapestry of spiritual rejuvenation.
Carolina Conference Camp Meeting
A Message of the Empty Chair — Leslie Louis
Elder Leslie D. Louis was born to missionary parents from India on the island of Ceylon (today known as Sri Lanka) where he spent most of his boyhood days. He holds a B.A. degree in religion from Southern Missionary College (1973), along with an M.A. in education from Andrews University (1982). He has served in five conferences in North America including Florida, Ohio, Kentucky-Tennessee, Gulf States, and Carolina. The past fifty years of his service for the Seventh-day Adventist church include that of being a classroom teacher, elementary school and academy principal, superintendent of education, pastor, vice president of a conference and currently as the president of the Carolina Conference.
Elder Louis was elected to serve as the 37th president of the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in 2011, was re-elected in 2016 for a second term and again in 2022 for his third term ending in August 2027.
Leslie is married to Carole who is truly the love of his life. They met while they were both students at Southern Missionary College and will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in December 2023. They have two adult children: Christopher and Catherine and three treasured granddaughters: Isla, Rosalind, and Eloise.
Leslie enjoys traveling, photography, camping, biking, and reading as his leisure activities. He has had the opportunity to travel and visit countries in six of the world’s seven continents. Preaching and sharing Christ through the truths of God’s Word by evangelism, prayer and witnessing are the greatest passions of his heart.