NCF Sunday Talks

Jeremiah: Thou hast made

John Stephenson

The Babylonians had already been besieging Jerusalem for a year in 587BC. What an awful time that would have been for the population at that time. Exile in a foreign country was only months away. Much doom and gloom would have been felt in the city and surrounding area! Jeremiah was there. In chapter 32, God told him to buy a field. This was a picture of hope for the people of Judah, as surely normality would resume eventually.

Jeremiah prayed a really positive prayer after he had bought the field. He accurately described who God was and recounted some of His actions, even in the middle of a terrible situation. Do we label God correctly in our lives or do we suffer because of our misconceptions about Him? Do we label our friends and family correctly too? We are precious and loved by God. We were worth dying for. Do we show this by the way we act and speak towards each other?

God brings stability to our lives and to society. Let's throw ourselves on God's mercy, as we pray and take action. We should not be inactive. Let's seek liberation from sin for ourselves and others. Let's come to God and ask Him what He thinks of our society from His vantage point.

The script for the whole Service can be read here.