Small Conversations for a Better World Podcast
Small Conversations for a Better World Podcast
Strength Training and The Menstrual Cycle w/ Amy Bowe
These days, there is more and more evidence to suggest that strength training is beneficial for women of all ages. For a lot of women, that has meant going to the gym and training in exactly the same way a man does. But what if the variable and changing hormone levels in a woman's body affect performance in ways we have not fully accounted for? What if strength training could look, and maybe feel different in a woman's body?
In this episode, we're talking to Warrior School founder, Amy Bowe, who believes that women can achieve better performance, and more sustainable results by aligning our strength training according to the phases of their menstrual cycles.
Join us as we discuss the menstrual cycle, hormones, stress, nutrition and the myriad ways all these things can affect our strength training and athleticism. We're even exploring an unexpected feminist twist! Maybe aligning our training with our menstrual cycles can lead to new confidence and better results and a "coming home" to our own bodies.
About Amy Bowe:
Amy Bowe offers 12 years of experience in coaching, nutrition, hormonal health and training. In the last 12 years she has helped 100’s of women finally get the results they want in their training through understanding their cycle.
She didn't always do this; prior, she was a Dietitian working in the Eating Disorder Space. So yes, she knows a thing or two about food!
And before this, she was lucky to have super cool supportive parents that said create your own journey and do what makes you happy. Her Mama always told her, “I work so you girls can do things”. Thanks Mama!
Amy had a chronic back pain 8-years ago. She was in pain, weak and broken. She spent 12-months cultivating a healthier stronger spine and then years after that building a strong resilient and capable body
She went from not being able to pick a 20kg bar off the floor to being able to clean and jerk 80kg. She has learned the processes and methods needed to get strong and get results.
Amy Bowe is the creator of WARRIOR SCHOOL
Warrior School is the FIRST of its kind to bring training and the menstrual cycle together in this way. It’s an online coaching program and community to help you get strong by connecting your training, nutrition and menstrual cycle.
Important Links:
Warrior School Website
Find Amy Bowe on Social Media
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Find Susannah Steers at www.movingspirit.ca and on social media @themovingspirit.
Find Gillian McCormick at https://physiogillian.com/ and on social media @physiogillian