The Esoteric Entrepreneur

185. YEARLY FORECAST: A Part Time Job, Motherhood & Ending Founder Mystique Online

Jaz Borri

Last week i shared the dirty details of the transformative tsunami of 2023 and today I'm excited to share a vision for 2024 that pulses with the heartbeat of anarchy.

This episode is a tapestry of my personal growth and strategic foresight for the year ahead, woven through my journey of self-discovery that occurred when I created & then applied my new planning framework "The EE edit" last month. The past year's challenges have been alchemized into a foundation for a year bursting at brim with potential, and I’m opening up about the seismic decisions I've made that both terrify and exhilarate me and yet are essential in order to fulfil it.

Ps. This is our final episode of season three before we go an a podcast sabbatical. Fear not, we'll still be uploaded new podcast episodes, it'll just be a bi-weekly schedule with a twist until we return for season 3 in April 2024. Why is the break so long? What can you expect for these bi-weekly episodes that will uploaded in the interum? A twist, what twist? All is explained & revealed at the end of the episode so stick around for that if you give a shit (tbh, it's kinda wackadoodle but in my opinion, totally brilliant)

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Intro & Outro Music - Thnx 4 Nothin' By JZMN JYN. Click here to listen on Spotify!

Speaker 1:

I'd like to begin today by acknowledging the traditional owners of this land on which this podcast is being recorded today, the dark and young people. I pay my respects to their elders, past, present and emerging. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land. It's an esoteric, entrepreneurial thing. Hello, and welcome back to the Esoteric Entrepreneurs Podcast, everyone.

Speaker 2:

Last week, we talked about 2023. We did a recap, and this is part two, where we're going to forecast for the year ahead, for 2024. I'm going to be sharing with you everything that I am prioritizing, what I have planned, what I'm doing personally and professionally, and how I'm going to turn the year that was 2023, the most buckery filled year that I have ever experienced into gold. If you missed last week's episode, you're going to want to go back and listen to it, one for a little bit of context of why I'm making the decisions that I'm making this year, which are not going to lie scaring the fucking shit out of me. I am making these decisions with a sense of clarity and strength that I never have had before. I've had hard years in the past and I've been excited for the future and felt really sure of myself, but I've never had it in this extremity, I think because last year was so awful. I am now experiencing this clarity in a much more intense and visceral way. It's just a little shout out as well to anybody who did have a really rough year or is going through a rough time right now. Just know that that pain is going to make the pleasure even more sweeter, and I wish somebody would have reminded me of that. What I'm going to be doing is taking you through all the findings that I gathered from doing the esoteric entrepreneur edit. This is a forward planning framework designed for spiritual entrepreneurs, founders and friends, and I took myself and not only did I take all of my club members through this process during the month of December, but I also took myself through the process as well. I can sit here and say with absolute certainty that it was the time and the space and the methods that are inside this edit that are allowing me to feel this steady after a roller coaster of a year.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, the decisions that I'm making and I'm going to be sharing with you are very different. I don't think that you are going to expect what I'm about to share with you. I really did not expect myself to even make these decisions, but because I have carefully considered what it is that I need to do in order to achieve and experience the things that I want and need. It doesn't matter how scary these decisions are, I just know that they're right and that, inherently, has given me this sense of self-trust that I've never experienced before. This edit is so powerful. It's more powerful than I even realized it was going to be. I've had some feedback as well from the babes inside the membership that it's also been incredibly powerful for them too. One babe decided to close her business completely. Another babe decided to launch this brand new thing that she's had on a proverbial mental shelf for 10 years. It's just so cool how this framework really brings out exactly what you need to do in order to achieve sustainable success and the trust and the conviction that sustainable success requires you to embody in order to execute any sort of sustainable strategy.

Speaker 2:

If you want to grab that edit, you can go into the club, join us on the seven day free trial and then you can take the four module mini course that is the Esoteric Entrepreneur edit and do this planning for yourself. It is never too late to start planning. I usually leave my planning until January. I just did it in December this year because last year was fucked, so I needed some space and time and turns out this is something I'm going to be doing every single year. I've decided as well in the club I'm going to do some check-ins throughout the year with whatever you do inside of the edit. So I kind of want to make the edit like the first stop when you jump into the club, because I find that when people come into the Esoteric Entrepreneur club, they're coming because they're searching for something that is going to help them release any fear around people forgetting about them if they take a break, because they're actually really burnt out, or finding new ways to do the things they love in a more sustainable way. That is why people come to the club is because they want to find a different way of doing things, and inside we provide you with all of the information, so many resources to really help you figure out what those things are for you. So, yeah, go and grab it. It's $44 a month and you can start on a seven day free trial.

Speaker 2:

But I do want to also say but before I go any further, I do want to just give a shout out to anybody who reached out to me after last week's episode. It was a very vulnerable one. I still can't believe I actually hit upload and let you guys hear all of that. But I do feel so much lighter after sharing. I'm a Gemini. I love to share. It helps me, it's my therapy. But I also received a lot of feedback that a lot of you guys like resonated and went through similar experiences, and to know that that share was not just therapeutic for me, it also helped others. That was my ultimate prayer with that episode. It's just so beautiful and, whether you reached out or not and you felt that way, I just want to say thank you so much and I love you and I just have so much gratitude for you and it's going to get better from here.

Speaker 2:

Okay, now I also want to remind you that this is our last episode of the year Not really, because it's actually January now Slash season of the podcast. This is our final episode because, yes, now we're going seasonally, baby, I've mentioned this in the past, but I'll just say it quickly, but I'll remind you again that we are now going to be a seasonal podcast. After almost 200 episodes of consistently uploading every single week, it's clear that that is not a sustainable way for me to continue this podcast long term. Now, don't worry, whilst we're in between seasons, the format will be changing a little bit, but you're still going to get an episode on the regular. However, it's just going to be a little bit different. I think you're going to really love the idea that I have planned for the break, but we'll talk about that at the end of the podcast. So stick around and get all the details on that, so that you can get all the details on that.

Speaker 2:

And then, lastly, this episode is going to be fairly unedited, like last week's was. I'm going to edit it a little bit more because I did listen back and fuck me, it was painful for even me to listen to, with all the ums and the r's. Like, girl, just say what you got to say, spit it the fuck out. So I'm going to edit a little bit, but I'm going to make this pretty chill with the edit, because I do think that conversational piece is really important and with a episode like this, which I'm just like sharing what I'm doing, giving you a peek inside the hood, I wanted to feel like it's robustly telling you her super secret, her super top secret plans for world domination in the year to come. Also, like last week, we're going to do a little backogram. Forecast is going to stand for something with each letter. I just found that really fun last week, so, and it helped me like get my thoughts together, as I be really vulnerable. So we're going to do that again and I feel like I'm stalling because this is the first time that I am publicly talking about these big changes that I've decided to make.

Speaker 2:

So instead of continuing to waffle on, let's just get right into it. Okay, starting with F. F is for family, because your girl is getting married and starting a family this year. It is crazy to sit here and say like I'm getting married and I'm going to start a family this year, and obviously I don't know if I'm going to be able to fall pregnant easily. I don't know if it's going to be a whole damn thing, but I just have that intuitive feeling that it's going to go smoothly. I don't have any anticipation about it being hard or anything, but my intuition could be wrong. I just may be positively thinking. But even if it is, can we just stop with the whole? Like if we're lucky enough to have a family, it's like you're already doubting yourself.

Speaker 2:

I don't love that. I was even saying to Dan I don't love the phrase we're trying to have a family. I don't love that because if you've been with me for a while, you'll know that the word try is something that I don't like to have in my vocabulary. If you try to do anything. It means that you're attempting to do something without achieving it, and that is not the vibe I used to say to all my clients that I did life coaching with. This is something that I would say like you're not allowed to say. The word trying and there was a couple of other words as well that I like asked from their vocabulary I want to say you're not allowed to say it. I mean like watch yourself and try to find new language for what it is that you want to say, because our words recreate our reality. You know what I mean. Like it matters, like these are spells that we're putting out into the universe. And you know I'd say like try and pick up your pen, don't pick it up, try to pick it up and you're just kind of like hovering your hand over the pen. That's the energy that you're putting forth when you're saying you're trying for anything, especially when you're saying you're trying to have a baby. And that's why I like to say I'm starting a family.

Speaker 2:

I'm going into it with a really positive mindset. I've been doing a lot of work around the feminine and motherhood and independence and what I want motherhood to look like and the kind of parent that I want to be and looking into my lineage and my matriarchal line and my paternal line, and it's just, there's a lot of stuff that I've been doing in therapy, with hypnotherapists, with spiritual guides, on my own. I have been doing this work for like two years and you know, it was actually this work around wanting to become a mom and knowing that I didn't want to lose my independence and my freedom and I wanted to create a lifestyle where I could maintain a lot of that that actually got me obsessed with this whole sustainable success thing. Like, if I hadn't have looked at all that stuff around motherhood and parenthood, then I wouldn't have done any of the things that I've done with the work that I'm doing now with sustainability when it comes to success, and I wouldn't have gotten as passionate about it. I wouldn't have uncovered this gem that I now am so obsessed with. And same thing goes for getting married.

Speaker 2:

To be quite honest, like I remember, in 2021, I was working so much I hardly had enough time to hang out with Dan, let alone have a family, and it was when I had a really honest conversation with myself that I actually realized, like how the fuck could you have a family when you don't even have time to be like someone's wife. Like you know, I knew that the type of wife and marriage that I wanted to be in was one that was very conscious and very focused on my relationship. I wanted my relationship to become a value and a priority and as much as like. It's not that I didn't prioritize my relationship before. It was just not something that I would say was like in my core values. It was just something that I had and I wanted and I did, but I didn't like state it in my value system and understanding that I was never going to be able to truly experience the kind of relationship and therefore build the kind of family that I wanted to have without that shift meant that I started to do some really deep healing and work and it uncovered a lot of fears for me.

Speaker 2:

I am somebody whose greatest fear used to be becoming a mother, specifically becoming a mother before I was ready, and I want to make it very clear. Like you know, it might sound like what I'm saying is kind of traditional and like, oh, if I want to be this wife and I want to be this mother, then I have to do this, this and this, and it's actually kind of the opposite I am yet to see. Well, actually, let me rephrase that For a really long time I struggled to see mothers, examples of mothers and wives that I thought were inspiring, cool, expansive and exciting. Like they weren't a lot of women that I knew at all, like parasocially, or even like in my friendship circles, where I was like, oh, I want your life, like I think what you've got is amazing. I aspire to be the kind of wife or the kind of mother that you are and the life that you have just seems so exciting and beautiful.

Speaker 2:

I was like that doesn't look great. That looks like it sucks actually, and how do I reckon with this? Like animalistic desire to have a family and get married to this amazing guy, but I can't see around me anything that is making that seem fun. Like it was this real sort of paradox that I found myself in, because internally I wanted it so bad, but then the external of the reality, looking at it, scared the absolute shit out of me. It looked like all my freedom, all my autonomy, all my fun, all my joy, all my personality, my individuality, was about to be sucked out of my fucking, every single paw in my being in order for me to be good at that job and deemed worthy and accepted and valid. And yeah, I struggled with that for a really long time and it wasn't until, I want to say, the last like six months.

Speaker 2:

And the way that Dan showed up for me during my mental health crisis that I talked to you guys about in last week's episode, the way he showed up for me just was so fucking amazing and I ranted and raved about how awesome he is in last week's episode so I won't do that again. But what it reflected back to me is like I can be taken care of and it doesn't mean that I am like worthless if I'm not providing, because for me, I was always somebody who earned the most. In our relationship I was the breadwinner, and I'm not just saying that, like with Dan, this was in every relationship I've ever been in, even when I earned literally nothing, I was always, yeah, like the performer and the provider. And you know, being unwell meant that those roles had to change and for a long time.

Speaker 2:

The reason I think I resisted it so much is because I thought, like why would he want to be with somebody who was like not bringing anything to the table. And when I said that to him, you know and I expressed this fear and understood that you know as soon as it came out of my mouth that it was crazy is he was like well, why would I want to be with you? For, like, what you can like do for me, like, provide for me, like money that you make or whatever he's like, those things are amazing and I want you to get back to that place. But that's not why I'm with you, and you know that whole experience just reminded me of how important it was for me to really like unpick that stuff, not just because it was affecting my ability to sustain work and not burn out and create cool stuff, but on a more personal level. It my like addiction to work and my, I guess, like obsession and the coping mechanism of constantly performing and being on all the time was stopping me from, I guess, experiencing the kind of relationship that I not only want but I deserve.

Speaker 2:

You know me being able to step back into the receivership showed me what an equal partnership actually means. There have been times where, you know, things have not been so great with Dan and I've had to support us and hold it all together and, you know, kind of take on distresses because he didn't have the capacity. And you know this felt like a time where he, yeah, like reciprocated in actually a way more bigger way than I ever did for him. But that equality is something that was reflected back to me during that experience and it's something I want to build on in a healthy way, in a conscious way, and it's really important for me to concentrate on making our relationship as strong as it possibly can be and to start thinking about parenting and asking those tough questions and having those conversations now. I am a firm believer in having the conversation to the point where Dan is like do you really need to be talking about this? We don't even have a kid. I'm like, yes, why are we waiting till we have a kid to talk about this? Let's talk about it all now.

Speaker 2:

And you know that is a massive focus for me leading up to having a family, because even if I get pregnant this year, I'm not gonna have the baby probably until 2025. So you know, even though, like a part of that is obviously getting my body ready for pregnancy and all that stuff too, it's also getting my relationship, my lifestyle, my mental health, my spiritual health, everything in order. And you know, getting married is a part of that and it's not to say that if you have a child and you're not married that you're missing. That that's fine if that works for you, but for me I really wanted to be married before I had a child, because my desire for marriage was always stronger than my desire for a child and to have a family. You know, dan and I are kind of on the same page, not kind of. We are on the same page when it comes to kids. We wanna have a family. But you know, we're also okay if that like doesn't happen, like if it's like super hard and, like you know, we find out that that's just like not gonna be our journey, then that's okay with us, we're okay with just being the two of us.

Speaker 2:

If that's the case and it just goes to show, well, the reason I share, that is just goes to show like why I've put marriage before children and it kind of feels like super traditional. But it's actually got more to do with, yeah, maintaining my independence as a woman and making sure that the groundwork is laid for equal parenting and an equal partnership when we do that as well. So I pray that that share like inspires some of you guys, because I know that there's just like a lot of fucking patriarchal bullshit that sometimes is masked as feminism, that is really just internalized misogyny when it comes to children and marriage and like all this sort of stuff out there, especially in the spiritual community, like I mean, it just feels like sometimes we're on like one end of the spectrum to the other and I want to share that because you can create your own reality, even when it comes to having a family and having children. You can do it your way and you do not have to bend to what people tell you motherhood is like for them. You get to create your own vibe.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and if you're looking for incredible women to follow that are like cool and like being a fucking legend and a boss and also like incredible mothers and partners, look around you, ask questions. I can tell you right now they're out there. They're probably just not super loud about it. I've found the people that are doing family and motherhood in the way that I think is fucking dope and is inspiring to me tend to not talk about it a whole bunch. So I don't know if that's true for everyone or if it's just true for me. But, yeah, ask questions and if you want to know who mine are, dm me and I will tell you who they are. I am not going to tell you right now because it's kind of personal for them. Like I said, they're not super loud about it, but I will happily give you their information and, yeah, if that's something that you would like.

Speaker 2:

So next up is O. O is for over. There are many things that I am flicking away, that I am fucking over, that I am done with. You can consider these my 2024 outs for the year, except it's mainly just like one that I'm going to share with you. That's a major one. As I said, there's actually a lot of things that I'm just like done with and I feel like they're coming in so fast and thick, the more rooted in my decisions that I get. I am just seeing the world a little bit more in black and white and, as somebody who is a Gemini and who loves to play in a great area and loves to play devil's advocate and, quite frankly, love to sit on a fucking fence every now and again, I mean, my Scorpio Rising comes in and like makes me choose at the end of the day, but a lot of the time I can be a little bit of a fence sitter. I can be a little bit indecisive and overthink and sometimes spiral a little bit right, because I can see both sides of the story. Now that is definitely kind of ending.

Speaker 2:

I have felt so clear on where I stand about so many things. You could probably hear that in the way that I talk about family, like I have just now. It's like this is what I think. This is how much information I'm going to give you. If you want any more information, dm me and then I'll decide if I want to tell you or not. Like that's how I'm rolling. If you don't like it, fuck off. Like there's very much that sort of energy. Again, I'm stepping into this sense of self assurance more so than ever before, and I think this is because when the nodes came out of Scorpio and Taurus, I entered a new cycle, because my rising sign is in Scorpio and at 29 degrees Scorpio as well. So ever since like yeah, a couple of months, I want to say two and a half months since those nodes shifted into Aries and Libra, I'm on. I'm a whole new bitch.

Speaker 2:

I am like freaking myself out with how sure I am of the things that I don't like, and this has been such a powerful thing for me. I've always known what I like. I've always been someone who's been like yes, I vibe this, I want to do this. But if I something I've never done before, or like I've never heard of, or like I have tried but didn't like, I'm like, oh, I'll give it another chance. Oh well, I guess I can look into that thing, even though, like, even when my instincts like that's not for me and it's like no judgment, like I'm not coming at it in like a fiery way of like fuck that, and I don't know anything about it. But I do get that intuitive hit of like I don't think that's for me and I've tended to ignore it up until this point in my life. Like I'll give somebody a chance and then I give them a fucking chance and then they fuck me over, or I was fucking right. Like it happens all the time, and now I can guess that shit, and so now I am just saying no, and so clearly over. So much stuff.

Speaker 2:

The one thing I wanted to mention, though, today that I want you to know about. Dear listener, dear friend, dear person who ingests my content in one way, shape form or another, your girl is over short form content. I don't care about Instagram or TikTok, and when I say I don't care, I don't really care to make shit. I don't mind scrolling the app. I had a little rant about this on stories the other day. I'm even kind of getting over scrolling. I love stories because stories to me feels like the perfect place for me to be. Like what's everybody up to? I get to be a little nosy. Get to see what you're doing. Get to see what funny thing your dog did today. Cool outfit. Your boyfriend is wearing the cool piece of art that you bought. What you're doing in your day, this cool thing that you found, this quote that inspired you, that is exciting to me.

Speaker 2:

I'm not loving the intense selling that is happening on Instagram and I don't know if that is just because I follow so many coaches and maybe I just need to unfollow a lot of them or just silence them for a bit. But guys, there are fucking 18 slides of your new fucking program or the program that you are evergreen selling. It's hard to follow you ongoing because I know you're doing it for the new people that are coming in or whatever. You're reminding people and I get it sell, but I'm going to need you to sell somewhere else. I'm going to need you to just send me an email about it. I don't need you to be blasting me with these visuals and caterpillaring me with all this information and all these screenshots and all these fucking oh my God, like enough. Enough, it's done. I honestly think that trend is done.

Speaker 2:

I know for me, people aren't buying from my stories anymore. Stories used to be my number one fucking place. Stories are like a fucking billboard. I'm going to use a business advice for you. Stories are now, and Instagram in general is a billboard. It's something that people drive by. People are not going on Instagram in the same way that they were in 2019 because now we have TikTok. Tiktok is where we scroll for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours. Tiktok is where we doom scroll. Instagram is not where we doom scroll. We tap through stories, and the reason we're tapping through stories is because we want to see what that person is doing.

Speaker 2:

When someone's uploaded a new story, I'm like, ooh, something else has happened in their day and they want to update me about it. What have you done? Where are you going? What have you got to say? It's a place where we can really show our life and share who we are and what we're up to. I almost think about it as tweets and statuses right, how statuses used to be, but obviously visual. And then the grid. I don't fucking know about the grid anymore, bro. Honestly, I'm over the grid on Instagram. The grid needs a rebrand. I actually don't fucking know what to post on my grid other than something like when I'm going through a launch. Otherwise, I don't want to post there, not on my personal brand anyway.

Speaker 2:

You guys might have seen, on Instagram I've actually separated me from the esthetic entrepreneur. We have the esthetic entrepreneur Instagram and if you aren't following already, please go do that. That is where I'm going to start teaching. I'm going to put content that is educational. I'm thinking about doing horoscopes on there. We'll do updates for what's happening in the club and what's coming up on the podcast and stuff like that. It's going to be a mini website, basically, but a place where you can also have fun following and know that you're going to get content that is going to help you create more sustainability whilst you're trying to engage with social media or creating content in the first place or making sales or whatever. Obviously, everything to do with the esthetic entrepreneur is sustainability and finding your own ways and methods to work. A big part of that is also astrology and all those cool things. That's what we do here. I'm going to do all of that over on the esthetic entrepreneur Instagram, as well as many other places coming in the future. We're going to launch a newsletter.

Speaker 2:

I'm getting ahead of myself, but my personal I don't even want to. What am I going to post there? I'm just over it. I'm not really interested in batching reels, bro, and then all of the hooks that people use. All you have to do is scroll on like online business marketing talk and you'll see all the tips and tricks you know.

Speaker 2:

Making a noise at the beginning of a talking video, putting on lipgloss They've seen Alex Earl do that and been like that's how you go viral. That's how you get people's attention. It's like seriously, bro, can we be a little bit more like original and like innovating than just copying Like ugh, I just can't Like. There's something about it that I'm like I cannot sit down and make a talking TikTok of the three ways to sustainably I don't know make your next TikTok and start by jiggling my water bottle and then putting on lipgloss and giving you this like hook. That actually has no reframe and is not an original thought and doesn't actually lead to anything Like. I cannot, I cannot do it and so hence I'm just fucking over short phone content. It's not to say that I'm like leaving Instagram, though I am seeing a lot of that. I have something to say about that and I have an idea of where I wanna say some stuff about that at coming soon. But I'm just over it, bro. I'm so over it and I just wanna make cool shit this year. I wanna make cool shit on the internet that you can really sink your teeth into. I want the old internet back.

Speaker 2:

I least recently did a threads about this. Let me read you the thread directly, directly read you. This thread Actually got quite a lot of responses because I reposted it on my stories and a lot of people were like same same, same, and even on threads I got a couple of. I got a decent response too. But I said, okay, what did I say? Where? Is it?

Speaker 2:

This is my little thread which, by the way, threads guys threads is a vibe. I really love it. I say here I miss the old internet. I want blogs. I want simple jump cuts. I want 38 minute blogs with no B-roll. I want a hip top. I want listicles and hauls. I want photo albums dedicated to one non-event event. I wanna know your answers to a MySpace Bulletin Style quiz. You get the picture Anybody else craving this right now, or just me, and turns out it's not just me.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm just over this. Like quick internet shit. It is making me feel dumb. I feel like it's making me act dumb. It feels like I have to access a part of my brain that is incredibly strategic, but then I have to dumb it down Like I just hate it. I hate it, I'm over it. I just wanna podcast, I just wanna like vlog. It's the only thing that I wanna ingest, it's the only thing. Like I wanna write a book, I wanna read a book. You know, like I'm just so over the scrolling thing and I'm just I'm over it. It's boring, it's done and I really think that we're gonna move away from this short form content thing and this whole idea of like virality through, like by mistake and like one off.

Speaker 2:

It just feels very like people say like oh, a social media strategy. And it's like to me. If you're not making long form content and you're only on TikTok and Instagram, you are leaving so much up to chance. If you don't have an email list, if you don't have a podcast, if you aren't like, there is just the relationship is never gonna be there, because people cannot get deep with you. They can binge you, which is like, oh my God, if you can create bingeable content, that's amazing. But the impact that bingeable content on social media creates is very shallow, and so you may as well be dedicating that brain space to creating bingeable long form content, because then people feel obsessed with you, they're really in it with you and you know, obsessed in like a positive way and like a healthy way, but you're making a real connection.

Speaker 2:

If you're struggling with sales, stop focusing on just trying to like, bang out as much content as you possibly can. Like different if you're in a launch or whatever, because that's like marketing, like I'm not talking about a marketing strategy, I'm talking about a social media strategy. I'm talking about, like, a brand strategy. They're different and I'm just like disengaging this year. I'm disengaging from trying to fucking grow on social media.

Speaker 2:

I wanna get deep, I want you to know me, I wanna know you. I wanna make cool shit that makes you think and makes you want more and once you like, and I just wanna create something that is gonna like itch your brain, you know, and you're excited to listen to or read or watch every single month, fortnight, week, day, whatever. I am done like just here's the other thing. I wasn't gonna mention this, but I am done like trying to pretend like I know everything. I don't. And even these fucking coaches who are like here's how I made seven figures in one year and this is what I would do differently, and so this is what you should do.

Speaker 2:

Like are you kidding me? Like you've never made like no, boring, boring. That's like not even though you're saying that that's about me, that's not about me, that's not about me. And I sort of say we can't talk about ourselves in our content. But there is this sort of like egoic nature that I'm just like not interested in when it comes to short form content and even the content that isn't like that, a part of me is like, could you expand on that? Like if I see something on socials that I'm like, oh, that's really interesting and I love that concept, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like say it's not someone just like sharing, like I don't know, like their top favorite fucking books or whatever, I'm like, oh, that's really interesting. Like I want to know more about that, but they're not really gonna tell me more about that because they're not actually talking about that in a podcast. Or like they didn't do a whole podcast episode on that. That was just a section in their podcast because they knew they were gonna make a social media post about it. Like it's just this, like chopping down of like these big ideas and these big revolutionary concepts that I see so many service providers and creators and coaches and business owners and spiritual practitioners and therapists and all these things that they're. They are these incredible thinkers, and it just feels like social media asks you to package it up in a nice little box and fuck that, fuck that.

Speaker 2:

I need to clear the fucking room for what I'm about to say and that's why I love podcasts and that's why I'm thinking of more and more ways to get deep and long with you, babes. Okay, like I said something to really sink your teeth into. So that is my decision. I'm not leaving Instagram, but I am kind of like not going to post on the grid for a while until I figure out, like, how I want to approach this in a sustainable way. That feels exciting to me, because sustainability does require you to feel excited about something. It needs to be in alignment with your energy. Like I'm going to do an episode, or I might even do like a mini series, like a mini course inside the club about, like what is sustainable success? Like what does that actually mean, what does it take and what are the ingredients to ensure that your strategy, your success strategy, is a sustainable one. Let me know if you want that. Okay, we're not even very far through. I'm going to keep it rolling.

Speaker 2:

So reckoning R is for reckoning. I'll keep this one pretty short and sweet, but I am very steadfast in 2024 in continuing to go hard as fuck with therapy and dismantling my worth from my ability to perform. As I mentioned. You know it's something I've been working on for a really long time. The depression hit last year. You know things are currently being dismantled. I mentioned in last week's episode that I'm currently figuring out if I have PTSD and going through like a diagnosis thing, a journey, I guess you would say, and I really want to continue, yeah, reckoning with this stuff. I feel so supported in the team that I have around me of medical professionals and spiritual mentors and guides. I, you know, along with my family and my friends, it's just something that I, yeah, just truly feel like I've like hit the nail on the head with, like what I need right now to continue reckoning with that and I want to stay on top of that during 2024. It's something I'm really prioritizing and I guess what I'm forecasting is to have that dismantled.

Speaker 2:

I know that this is something that has to be dismantled before I have a child and you know I'm not putting pressure on myself to have to be perfect, because you know there's always going to be layers to this and there's a part of me that has sort of surrendered and accepted on some level that you know this is something that I will always have to keep an eye on because it's so deep in my psyche and my subconscious. And it's not to say I can't have periods of time where, you know, I feel really free from it, but I do have to continue to protect that, just like sobriety. That's how I, how I view it. It's like you know, just because you haven't had a drink for 10 years, I haven't had a drink for 10 years, doesn't mean that every time, like somebody asks me if I want to have a drink, I don't have the opportunity Like I still have the opportunity to say yes and break that right. So I view it in the same way of, like you know, some days it's way easier. I'm like, oh, and I don't want to drink, I don't even think about it. But then there's other times where I'm like I really wish I could drink, you know, and it's hard to move through that. Right, and I, it's the same. It's the same with this connection that I, or this entanglement that my worth and my ability to perform has, and continuing with therapy, the particular kinds of therapy that I have, continuing to explore different ways.

Speaker 2:

I had a lot of success with EFT tapping with Danny Lent, past podcast guest and dear friend of mine. He's amazing. If you ever want to do private EFT tapping, go to him. But yeah, I just I'm just super dedicated to reckoning with this and yeah, I feel really calm. I don't feel like I'm drowning in it anymore, just, but I want to keep that as a commitment.

Speaker 2:

Moving on, e is for establish, so when it comes to work, this year I want to establish the esoteric entrepreneur brand. My whole focus is all about establishment. It's not about sales. It's not going to be about marketing and growing and like scaling and all those stuff. No, I am establishing a brand because this is a brand that I believe has a mission that is required for humanity to be better.

Speaker 2:

I know that there are so many founders, business owners, entrepreneurs that are currently struggling and so many aspiring founders, business owners, entrepreneurs that are yet to suffer because of the current way that we are taught success is acquired, and the esoteric entrepreneur is here to buck that trend, to reestablish how we become successful, to redefine the standards of what success is. That is what this brand is about, and our dedication is to spiritual founders, spiritual the spiritual people of the world. Even if you're not in business yet, we're here for you if you're fucking spiritual and you want to be successful. Period. And I just think that, because that mission is so big and I'm so dedicated to it and I want to spend the rest of my life dedicated to this mission, I'm playing the long game, baby. I'm playing the long game, and so this year is just about establishing the brand, establishing the office suite, testing, experimenting, researching, teaching, of course, what I know.

Speaker 2:

But when it comes to the business and the back end and what this looks like as an enterprise, the full focus is in the establishment of it and I guess, more specifically as well, establishing it away from just me. I guess I am the esoteric entrepreneur. The esoteric entrepreneur is me, it's my brand, but it's just by me, if that makes sense. I'm obviously like headwitch in charge, I am the voice of it, but it's its own separate entity. I want you to think about it as what Gwyneth Paltrow is to goop, what Michelle Pellazon lipsits is to holisticism, what Steve Jobs is to Apple. And I'm not comparing myself to these people in any way, shape or form, obviously, right now, but I'm saying that that sort of relationship is what I'm establishing between me personally and my personal brand as well as the esoteric entrepreneur brand. So it feels really exciting to just fully commit to the establishment of it and you know, it feels really.

Speaker 2:

The reason I knew that this was the right move was not just because we kind of are in the beginning phases of the establishment of the brand, but also when I made this decision, there was this internal relief that I felt and that, to me, was like there it is, there's the knowing, because I knew that if I was going to do this, I would have to change my lifestyle, and I knew that I had to put my money where my mouth is and shift a lot of things to make this happen. There were sacrifices and compromises on luxuries that I currently experience in order for this to happen. And so it was interesting when I felt the sense of relief, when I was like, okay, I'm gonna make some decisions, I'm gonna share with these, with decisions with you. So I'm not kind of going into it right now, but it was interesting to kind of feel that. And the reason I wanted to share that specifically, probably preemptively, is because I think it's really important to be in contact with that part of yourself, because I think without that feeling I probably would have second guessed it. But the fact that I was like, no, I'm feeling like excited weirdly about me looking at all this shit that I have to sacrifice, all these compromises I have to make in order for me to concentrate on establishment and what that will mean for the goals and the tasks that I will be prioritizing and have to execute on in order for me to establish the brand. Like it's weird that I'm feeling good about this. So that's a yes. So we'll talk more about that in a second. Let's move on to C. So C is core values.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I just want to share with you my three words for the year. So this is what came up specifically in the Esoteric Entrepreneur edit In week one, which is entitled Dream Week. Module one is dream. You write down all the words that are sort of coming to your head when you're visioning and thinking about what you want to feel and what you want to experience. When you're visualizing it and you're just feeling into it. What are all the words that come through? There were so many, so many that came through for me. I'm going to be sharing inside the club my Esoteric Entrepreneur edit to tell all the babes exactly what I had inside of mine, but also to kind of show how you can use an ocean to really customize your workspace and it can be really really powerful for creative, spiritual people, because it can just feel like I find it to be this place. I can get really witchy and I just love it. But inside of the edit I wrote down, I want to say like 30 to 40 words, like a lot of words for the year, and then there's an exercise where you break down those three. So you break down all of those words into three categories and then find a word that kind of encapsulates that category. And so for me, my three words were stability, creativity and connection. Those are my core values. Just going to leave it there on that one.

Speaker 2:

But it did mean, like I said, that I had to do things really differently, which kind of brings me to A, which is Anarchy. I know that I want to be in a wildly different place to where I am now by the end of 2024. I have to be. I cannot do. I refuse let me rephrase, I refuse to feel how I've been feeling, or even settle for how I'm feeling right now. I still feel better, but I think it's just because of how bad it was. I definitely don't feel like the best I've ever felt, but I do feel good, but I think it's just because I felt really fucking bad. So I know I want to be in a wildly different place to where I am now. I'm talking like 180 degree energy. This ain't it. And I know that if I want something different, I have to do something different to challenge the status quo internally and externally, and I feel like I have a lot of clarity on know what that is, like I said with the establishment piece, and so I have made some pretty big decisions as to how I'm going to do this. And this kind of brings me into this final piece of this forecast Baccagram that we're going through right now.

Speaker 2:

So I think the biggest anarchy when I think about Anarchy, it's about rebellion and it's about doing things differently and like fucking the system and not giving a fuck about how other people do the thing to get to where they've been that you just buy pure desire and maybe a little sprinkle of spite and anger and rage and drive. You are going to do it differently just to show them that you can. Now it's not to say that this is like revolutionary, what I'm about to share with you, which is like my big thing that I'm scared of sharing, but let me provide you with this context so you understand why we say all the time, like when you become an entrepreneur, it's like I say this all the time. It's in your blood, and I don't think that you ever should feel less of an entrepreneur if you have a part-time job, an entrepreneur is almost an adjective. You can have an entrepreneurial spirit, you can have an entrepreneurial mind, you can have an entrepreneurial aura. When we see in mysticism and the arcane and the esoteric, entrepreneurship is an adjective sometimes.

Speaker 2:

And so in leaning into that understanding of entrepreneurship and moving out of the linear somebody who owns a business, somebody who, I don't know, makes money I feel like there's other ways of describing that. A business owner, maybe a mogul, could be a great word, but entrepreneur is so much more vast in its meaning. And so to think that you have to be an entrepreneur full-time, which directly equals I work full-time for myself, that's bullshit. That's so fucking. That's so much fucking bullshit. Ever Part-time jobs, full-time jobs are so important to entrepreneurs because, as an entrepreneur, if you have an entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial mind, you're a thinker, you're an innovator, you're a change maker, you are somebody who is thinking outside the box, pushing boundaries, taking risks. Like a full-time fucking job is probably something you're gonna need a lot of the time, and I just think there's just this common misconception about what entrepreneur really means like in its truest form, right In comparison to other words another descriptive language around somebody who, I guess, runs a business.

Speaker 2:

You can still run a business and have a job. Like. Do you know what I mean? Like running a business doesn't mean that you can't have a day job, and having a day job doesn't mean you can't run a business Maybe once upon a time, but it's 2024. Like, that's not how everything's working. So all this is to say I am considering strongly and currently working with the universe on ways in which I can go back to work. This is not to say that I'm closing down any of my programs. This is not to say that you know I'm anything stopping. You can still come and work with me one-on-one or you can jump into the club, but those are the only places that you are going to be able to work with me in 2024. I might run some cool little bits and pieces along the way if I feel excited about it, but as it stands right now and this kind of brings me to my S spot here, which is sustainability I am not launching or doing any new programs in 2024.

Speaker 2:

I, for a while, was tossing up as to whether I wanted to launch. Sorry. Firstly I was like I want to launch. There was three ideas that I had and I was like I'm gonna launch them on 2024. And then I was like maybe I just thought I don't actually think I want to do that, I think I want. I started to think about the sustainability pace, obviously, and I was like, no, you know what, I'm gonna do something radical and I'm only going to launch one thing in 2024.

Speaker 2:

And then I did the Esoteric Entrepreneur Edit and I realized that if sustainability, creativity and connection were by core values, if my core focus was to establish the Esoteric Entrepreneur brand in my professional life and if I knew I needed to do things differently, I needed to engage in some anarchy, because I want a 180 degree flip on where I am now and that means I have to change the status quo. Externally and internally. That meant no new programs, no launches at all during the year of 2024. Now, this shit is flexible, obviously, but I'm kind of just saying that to myself, so I don't freak out, because your girl obviously is a recovering workaholic kind of scares. A shout at me to not push myself to the fucking brink, but I don't want to do. I am changing. I'm in therapy and I'm changing, so I'm making this decision. I don't want to launch anything new and I don't want to sell. This is what I mean by that. I don't want to launch any paid programs. I'm definitely going to be creating new things and launching new stuff, but anything that I launch is going to be free or next to free. You know what I mean. Like right now, you can work with me one-on-one. That's like anywhere between $2,500 to $15,000, depending on what tier you want to go on. And we have the club, which is $44 a month, which is our membership. Or you have the podcast, which is free. You have the Instagram that is free.

Speaker 2:

We're going to be launching our newsletter, the esoteric. I'm not going to tell you what it is. I'm not going to tell you what it is. Should I? Should I tell you what it is? Fuck it, you're a podcast listener. The Esoteric Entrepreneur Edit, oh, no, edit, oh, my god. The Esoteric Entrepreneur Report. That's going to be our new newsletter. So jump on the mailing list and you'll be there and you'll be ahead of the game. The links are always down in the show notes, in the link tree, and then we're also I'm also thinking about launching the diary of an Esoteric Entrepreneur. Okay, okay, and also EETV. Okay, that's enough, all right, but all those things are going to be free.

Speaker 2:

Okay, because, again, what's the core value this year? Creativity, connection and, as I said, stability. What I want to do is just take all of the pressure of having to earn from the business. It's not to say that I won't sell my one-on-one services and I won't be promoting the club and all of the things, but like I don't want any pressure on it because in this establishment phase, in this iteration phase, in this experimental phase, it's really important that that money piece is taken off the table.

Speaker 2:

When I think about, like creative 101, all my years as a musician and a dancer and a performer, you know part-time jobs can actually be really helpful to the creative process because you're not having to create from a place of need. And at the end of the day, guys, I'm a creative, I'm an artist and my business is my canvas that I post on Sorry, I said I post on. Well, I do post on it, but that I paint on and that I create on. But I feel like I've gotten away from that and the joy of being online and creating. You know this is art, you know creating content, like I just feel like I could be really flexing that creativity muscle through there. I love it and you know I love my work and even you know, when I'm in sessions with people and I'm helping them dissect and figure out and strategize and like all of this stuff, like that is creative too, because that's creative thinking, it's problem-solving. You know, before you can put the analytical strategy in, you have to problem-solve and that requires the left part of your brain. You know that creative part of your brain and so you know the sustainability piece and the no launching means, this prioritization for me on creativity. And you know stability financially Not you know, coming, having to fully come from. You know my part-time job, like I don't give a fuck if I have 10 clients, I'm still going to be making the effort to go and have another stream of income from something outside of my business, purely because what that does to you mentally is allow your creativity. It sort of tricks your brain into thinking that you can take more risks. And that's important for me in this establishment phase because I have to experiment. The experimentations are going to come to like a little bit later in the year because there's some establishing that needs to happen with what we've already got and making that really solid to experiment on. But in saying that like I think it's really important to kind of have like just what that does like to your subconscious and the pressure that it takes off is really powerful.

Speaker 2:

Some of the best work that I've done within any of the businesses that I've had over the last 15 years has been when I had a part-time job. You get a lot of motivation. You're out in the world like especially being like digital, like I just, yeah, want to have a space where I'm doing something different and I don't know what that thing is going to be yet. I don't know. Like there's a couple of opportunities that I have, there's a couple of avenues that I want to look into to make sure that it's like the right fit for this focus and it's going to actually help me get closer to where I want to be. And yeah, I think you know I'm not rushing into making a decision as to where I'm going to put that energy, but I'm going to be putting it somewhere because I think my brain needs it in order to be really creative. I know that about my creative self is that it really thrives when I can kind of switch in and out of different modes and I'm kind of witnessing things. And you know, having another job could and I know is going to be really great for that.

Speaker 2:

And then, last but not least, is tea for transparency. I want to pierce the veil on founder mystique. I recently put this in my bio and this is kind of related to what I'm doing and this is kind of relaying back to my personal brand. Obviously, the esoteric entrepreneur very simply is here to make success more sustainable for the spiritual. That's what we're here to do and you know personally, there is this calling to using social media, the long form content, the things that I create, to start piercing that veil on what it means to be a founder.

Speaker 2:

I think founders, you know, I think this kind of swings two ways like founders, unfortunately don't have the allowance in society or in the online space to fail and still have authority. They're not allowed to be unhappy, they're only allowed to be grateful. They're not allowed to be depressed. They are not allowed to feel overwhelmed by, you know, the responsibility. They're not allowed to question whether they're cut out for it. They're not allowed like, especially in the spiritual space, like there's so much bypassing and therefore what that results, as in the online world, is this kind of mystique, this persona, this mysterious energy.

Speaker 2:

I think whenever you see founders kind of sharing their stuff, they're only sharing the positive stuff, even when they share the negative stuff. It kind of feels a little bit contrived, it feels unauthentic. You know, we see all the time with the income flashing and the market that using it as marketing. It just always sort of feels like this sort of ulterior motive to everything that a founder kind of shares, especially in the coaching space and all that. But I think also, on the other hand, there's a lot of founders who kind of share really scarcely. If you think about the founders of white fox boutique or you think about the founders of, like your favorite e-commerce brand, like insert e-commerce brand, here you kind of just see them buying a Louis Vuitton bag or them purchasing the new G-wagon and no context. And that's what I mean by this mystique. You know, when we look up the word mystique, I'll read the exact meaning for you it is a quality of mystery, glamour or power associated with something or someone. Right?

Speaker 2:

The second definition here is an air of secrecy surrounding a particular activity or subject that makes it impressive or baffling to those who specialize knowledge. There is a founder mystique that we see online specifically, but I also think we see it in the world too. I know entrepreneurs and founders are so ashamed of their failures. They don't want anybody to know about it. I know this because I was this over the last year of my life, probably 18 months. This secrecy didn't just keep me disconnected from the world and therefore, I think, probably made my depression worse, but also it kept me disconnected from myself. It didn't allow me to fully be in contact with what was really going on because I had to keep up this facade. There's so much shame around that. I just think as well too. It's like if us, as founders, can just be really open about the reality of what a founder lifestyle looks like Individually it's going to look different for everybody because everybody has different businesses with different sets of skills and different problems and different lives and different days I just think the world would be better off. I think there's true service that is rooted in piecing this veil of founder mystique. I'm on a mission to do that. One thing I did say is I don't know how I'm going to use Instagram. I think this is how I'm going to use Instagram is to really just share, pierce the veil on my founder mystique and speak about that and be really staunch on how important this is.

Speaker 2:

It's not about me getting on my soapbox every day. I mean you should tell the truth, do whatever you want. I get why you're not. Because you're told that you're basically a piece of shit if you're not win-win-winning. A lot of people and I know this they fucking lie about their numbers. They haven't actually achieved all those things. They're not actually doing all those things in their day. Again, it's like you have to share every fucking ounce of everything that bad happens to you. You still get to be private, but we need to stop glamorizing and being secret about the activities that are happening behind the scenes, because it's hurting, it's just creating this really negative cycle and it's producing more harm than good, because by you doing that, you're then signaling to other entrepreneurs that they can't be doing bad or be having a problem or having a challenge and struggling, and that's fucked up. And the more we can admit it and talk about it, the quicker we heal.

Speaker 2:

The shadow comes into the light. This is something that why I'm so staunchly like for fucking shadow work, why I've shifted a lot my whole one-on-one containers into shadow work containers, primarily with a side of strategy, because there is an issue here and there are people who are taking their own lives or want to take their own lives and are in a place that are not. They're not good. So, yeah, I'm just going into this year dedicating myself to being really transparent about the journey of being a founder, and I guess this is my first step is sharing this episode with you guys today. So that's it. That is my forecast for 2024. I know that this is a long one. Lots of have been long ones but I don't do long ones like this anymore.

Speaker 2:

So I thought why not just go deep, lay it all out on the table for you and now that we're here at the end of the episode, let's talk about what's going to be happening whilst we are away, between seasons. Now you're probably wondering well, when does the next season drop? So the next season is not going to be dropping until April. Yes, april, guys. Three months. Okay, we're going to be taking a three month break from our regular podcast. Now I want you to kind of take a little bit of grain of salt. Don't freak out, because there's still going to be content coming out, except the format is going to be different. So, between now and April. What you're going to get is four nightly episodes and the most exciting part and I'm so fucking like just jacked about the idea that I had with this. I was like you are a fucking genius, you are brilliant what we're going to do over the next three months is drop down to that four nightly or bi-weekly format and schedule, rather, and what we're going to do is give you a recap episode every single month.

Speaker 2:

So obviously, we did our recap. You've got a little taste of what that recap format is like. We're going to be doing them monthly, so I'm still going to come on live once a month and just give you my recap for the month, but these are going to be a little bit more personal. I have some fun ideas. I have some fun ideas, obviously going to be talking about business and sustainable success obviously all the things that we normally talk about but I'm going to theme them out and it's going to be really great. I want to do a whole recap episode on my hyper fixations of the month and the things that pissed me off that month, and I have a couple of different ideas. So just know it's going to be really fun and it's going to be a vibe, and it might be a recap of all my favorite podcasts that I've been listening to or, I don't know, books.

Speaker 2:

There's going to be all different potencies of the recap. Some will be quite broad, some will be really specific. We're going to have a lot of fun with them and we're going to do that for the rest of the year and for as long as I feel like it's fun, every single month as our fourth episode of every month. But obviously during the break we're just going to be having them fortnightly. So that's going to come out on the final Tuesday, tuesdays or Wednesdays let's be honest how they ever get it up on a Tuesday, but I think over this three months we should be able to get it up on the Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

And then the other episode every month is going to be Are you fucking ready for it? I'm going to give you an episode from the Esoteric Entrepreneur Club. Yes, bitch, that's right. I'm going to give it to you for fucking free. I'm not going to give you a teaser. I'm going to drop episodes from the club. Yes, what is normally paid content is going to be free. Okay, now these are going to be past episodes from the club.

Speaker 2:

Again, the club is a place where every Friday, you get a little piece of content dropped into your Patreon and you get to learn some shit. Okay, these episodes are much more like teaching based. They're basically like mini courses, and we're really going to like expand on that next year, but I'm going to drop the most popular, the most loved pieces over the last six months that we've had inside of the club and, yeah, you're going to have them so you can get a little taste. So now is the time to join the club. If you're not sure about the club, for sure, wait, listen to one of those episodes and you're like, okay, I get the vibe, I'm in. But if you're like, once a fortnight, bitch, what the fuck, go get in the club. Babe, go get in the club, because we are switching up the format in there, as I mentioned, and we're diversifying the content that is coming out. So we're going to be moving to like a whole different sort of structure.

Speaker 2:

I want you to think quarterly things, quarterly focuses, community challenges, mini courses, hypnosis, live co-working sessions, notion templates that are full of sustainability spells and prosperity potions and distortion disclaimers. It's about to get really fucking fun and really fucking witchy in there. So if you've ever wanted an ever flowing resource that just constantly feeds you sustainable success hacks and is designed specifically for spiritual babes, founders and friends that help you grow, build and execute your soul, work without burnout or boredom, then jump into the fucking esoteric entrepreneur club. Okay, during the break, there are still going to be episodes dropping in there every single week. Okay, so you can start in 40 foot holes a month. You can start in a seven day free trial so you can test it out and, as I said, you're going to get taste testers from the club for the next three months. And I'm sure you're wanting, like, why three months? Okay, two reasons. One, I'm getting married in March and the amount of shit that I have to do is insane. Like I'm 10 weeks out.

Speaker 2:

Guys, I'm trying to maintain my sanity, my mental health. I mean, she started Lexa Pro, but you know I don't want to push that queen too far. You know what I mean. I don't want to have to up my dose. So that's really like the main reason. I just need a little bit of a break from like constantly churning out episodes. I'm not a good batcher and every time I try to batch it just like doesn't. It just doesn't fucking work. Okay, especially if they're solo episodes. If I have like interviews, then like I'm good, but even then, like I find it hard to batch, like you know, all of the intros and things like that.

Speaker 2:

And you know I'm a one man, one woman team. Right now I let go of my whole team from my sabbatical and as I reestablish and rebuild, I want to hire a little bit differently. And so I'm editing, I'm doing everything and just with the wedding, like it's so fucking much and they said I need to establish some shit. And you know, and I was, when I did my yearly tarot spread inside the esoteric entrepreneurial edit, it was very fucking clear to me that basically Q1 is like laying the foundation. It's like my year isn't even started until like April, basically. So I'm taking that as a sign and, yeah, going to be moving a little bit differently and a bit more slowly and just I need to take some things off my plate. And then also, secondly, I need time to record all of our beautiful new guests, because next season we're going to be doing three guest episodes every single month and then the recap. That's going to be the format that we vibe for season three and then, if we love it, we'll keep it going, and if we don't, we won't.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I am so excited to tell you all about season three as well. That will come in due time. I will inform you all about it right before it starts. But yeah, you're not going to miss me. I'm still going to be back for the recaps and everything, but that's it, okay. So now is the time for you to subscribe. If you haven't subscribed already because of everything I just said, leave a review. Let us know what you thought of this last season. Let us know what you thought of this episode. Dm us, follow us on Instagram at theesotericentrepreneur, or me personally at jasbori everywhere All of the things. Stay tuned for all the exciting new things that are coming through. I love you, thank you for an incredible season and, as always, this is the Esoteric Entrepreneur podcast. I'm your host, jasbori. Have a great season.