165 – How Did Jesus Love His Disciples?
The Bible Speaks to You: Think, Pray, Love like Jesus
The Bible Speaks to You: Think, Pray, Love like Jesus
165 – How Did Jesus Love His Disciples?
Dec 06, 2022 Episode 165
James Early

165 – Have you ever noticed all the ways Jesus loved his disciples?

If you were going to tell someone you loved them, what would you say? How would you say it? There are so many possibilities. Just saying the words, “I love you,” doesn’t always convey love does it? 

It’s about the tone of voice, the circumstances, your facial expressions and body language, the sincerity in your heart. A lot more than just words goes into letting someone know you love them.

And if you were going to show someone you loved them, what would you do? To them? For them? With them? Again, there are lots of ways to show someone you love them, sometimes without even saying a word. Actions often express much more love than words ever could.

A listener recently requested I explore in a podcast episode, all the ways Jesus expressed love to his disciples.

Well there's no way to talk about them all in one short episode, but this week I take an overview of many of the ways Jesus loved his disciples.  And the implication is that he loves us in the very same way.

Here are the ways Jesus loved his disciples mentioned in this episode:

  • Jesus loved them first and foremost by being true to himself and his purpose
  • He loved them by choosing them to follow him
  • He taught them publicly and privately
  • He appointed them to preach and teach and empowered them to do so
  • He taught them not just with his words but with his example
  • He was patient with them
  • He answered the questions
  • He rebuked them
  • He prepared them for when he would no longer be with them
  • He sent the Holy Spirit to guide them once he was gone
  • He trusted them to do what God called them to do

When you look at every single word and action through the lens of how much Jesus loved his disciples, his love is so much more obvious.

And remember, the love in Jesus's heart for his disciples includes you and me as well.

Here's how Jesus summed up this love: "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love." John 15:9  NIV

Jesus loves us the way the Father loves him. Are you

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James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life.