008 – How to Experience the Spiritual Power of the Lord's Prayer
The Bible Speaks to You: Think, Pray, Love like Jesus
The Bible Speaks to You: Think, Pray, Love like Jesus
008 – How to Experience the Spiritual Power of the Lord's Prayer
Dec 03, 2019 Episode 8
James Early

008 – How often do you say the Lord's Prayer but it's just words?

It's time to re-discover the original spiritual power of this prayer. In today's episode I share some fresh new ways to approach this prayer.

Six ways to pray the Lord's Prayer

  • Slow down already. Think about what each word and phrase really mean
  • Rewrite the prayer in your own words
  • Think about how big your "our" and "us" are in this prayer
  • Thank God, instead of petitioning Him, for things as if they have already happened
  • Say the prayer as if God is doing the talking
  • If Jesus had just appointed you as one of his disciples, how would it affect the way you prayed?

For the shownotes, go to thebiblespeakstoyou.com/008. There's a template you can download to write the prayer in your own words.

Hope you find this helpful. I'd love to hear how you pray with the Lord's Prayer.


Text me your questions or comments.

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James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life.