Garden Dilemmas, Delights & Discoveries

Ep 48. Gardens Inspire Love - Lessons from Louise Hay

Mary Stone Episode 48

Welcome to our chat from the screen porch about garden and nature stories that help heal and grow our lives.

Last week's chat about personal growth with houseplants came with a struggle of self-doubt. Then came a recording by Louise Hay sharing her 10 Essential Steps to Loving Yourself, with an analogy to starting a garden that will inspire you. 

We chat about a simple way to Start a Garden, the No-Till Gardening way using cardboard boxes. And how being your best friend helps you grow loving yourself.   

Link to the related column – Love Yourself-Love Your Garden  and Starting a No-Till Garden

 Plus Link to Louise Hay's talk - How to love yourself 10 steps to loving yourself Louise Hay-

 I'd love to hear about how gardens, nature, or plants have contributed to your growth, too, by emailing me at

And Follow Garden Dilemmas on Facebook and Instagram #MaryElaineStone

 Episode web page —Garden Dilemmas Podcast Page


Thank you for sharing the garden of life,

Mary Stone, Columnist & Garden Designer

Garden Dilemmas?

More about the Podcast and Column:

Welcome to Garden Dilemmas, Delights, and Discoveries.

It's not only about gardens; it's about nature's inspirations, about grasping the glories of the world around us, gathering what we learned from mother nature, and carrying these lessons into our garden of life. So, let's jump in in the spirit of learning from each other. We have lots to talk about.

Thanks for tuning in, Mary Stone
Garden Dilemmas?
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