FriDudes - Getting Real. Pursuing Truth.

Lorrits Test

March 15, 2024 DJTommyP413 Season 6 Episode 12
Lorrits Test
FriDudes - Getting Real. Pursuing Truth.
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FriDudes - Getting Real. Pursuing Truth.
Lorrits Test
Mar 15, 2024 Season 6 Episode 12

Thank you Dr. Lorrits!  That is getting real and pursuing Truth.  How do you handle when things don't go your way?  Prayers not answered?  That is key part of the test of life and Faith.  If you would like to hear more of that play of the day, check out the Bryan Lorrits Podcast, that episode is entitled, "Jesus, Bread of Life...John 6", published on the 11th of March, 2024.

What is blessed?  Perhaps you have everything perfect in your life right now.  How about that person who lost a child?  Or battling cancer?  Are they not blessed?  Before you answer that, for you that are versed in the Word, did the best go through the best or the worst?  Job, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Joshua, Ruth, Joseph, David, Jesus, almost all his disciples.  They all went through brutal and unfairness. 

Show me a person going to church and treating God like a genie in a bottle and I'll say that's human.  Show me still going to church and praying and keeping the Faith despite hardship and unanswered prayers and I'll say that is a strong, true follower of Christ.  

My wife has been battling cancer for years.  She could have stayed angry and asked why her.  She has only gotten closer to the Lord during her trials.  That is the test.  She inspires me. 

When tragedy strikes, there are those that will run from God...angry.  And there are those that get closer to God.  I can't blame the former.  For that is human.  You and I really don't know what we would do until we are in that situation.  You say no way.  And that reminds of someone, Peter.  Peter said no way.  Then he got tested and failed, 3x.  Check Matt 26.

My wife has been tested many times.  And she has responded.  People that are closest to Lori yet maybe not the Lord, notice her Faith.  Her strength.  

As for me, if you have listened long enough, you know my trials and tribulations.  Finances have been a wrestling match.  Once upon a time, money used to come easy.  Too easy.  Now, for about 15 years it has been a struggle.  Don't get me wrong.  There are others in worse situations.  I'm just trying to say vs. most of my peers, my path has been challenging.  Easy to pay bills when it flows strong. When it doesn't, ok Lord, what are you going to do in this struggle?  I look forward to Rom 8:28.  This is going to be solved one way or the other.  I'm still hoping to hit the jackpot and make it all right.  I keep working and digging for wells.  We'll see if Brother MikeC's words come true as he tells me to keep working/digging and I'll hit the wellspring.  If/when I do, I'll think I'll be more appreciative than the one that takes it for granted.  Perhaps that is part of the refinement.   

What's your story?  Wrestling match?  Are you closer or further from God, let us know at

Now go, lift your struggles, know they are part of the test.  Know the best go through the worst.  Those going through the worst, loving God with all your heart, soul and mind is amazing.  For those going through better times, recognize the season and give thanks for what is worthy.  Love others.  Matt 22: 36-40.  Everything else you are trying to do or pray about hangs on those two.  I love you. Keep going.  Get stronger.  

Show Notes

Thank you Dr. Lorrits!  That is getting real and pursuing Truth.  How do you handle when things don't go your way?  Prayers not answered?  That is key part of the test of life and Faith.  If you would like to hear more of that play of the day, check out the Bryan Lorrits Podcast, that episode is entitled, "Jesus, Bread of Life...John 6", published on the 11th of March, 2024.

What is blessed?  Perhaps you have everything perfect in your life right now.  How about that person who lost a child?  Or battling cancer?  Are they not blessed?  Before you answer that, for you that are versed in the Word, did the best go through the best or the worst?  Job, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Joshua, Ruth, Joseph, David, Jesus, almost all his disciples.  They all went through brutal and unfairness. 

Show me a person going to church and treating God like a genie in a bottle and I'll say that's human.  Show me still going to church and praying and keeping the Faith despite hardship and unanswered prayers and I'll say that is a strong, true follower of Christ.  

My wife has been battling cancer for years.  She could have stayed angry and asked why her.  She has only gotten closer to the Lord during her trials.  That is the test.  She inspires me. 

When tragedy strikes, there are those that will run from God...angry.  And there are those that get closer to God.  I can't blame the former.  For that is human.  You and I really don't know what we would do until we are in that situation.  You say no way.  And that reminds of someone, Peter.  Peter said no way.  Then he got tested and failed, 3x.  Check Matt 26.

My wife has been tested many times.  And she has responded.  People that are closest to Lori yet maybe not the Lord, notice her Faith.  Her strength.  

As for me, if you have listened long enough, you know my trials and tribulations.  Finances have been a wrestling match.  Once upon a time, money used to come easy.  Too easy.  Now, for about 15 years it has been a struggle.  Don't get me wrong.  There are others in worse situations.  I'm just trying to say vs. most of my peers, my path has been challenging.  Easy to pay bills when it flows strong. When it doesn't, ok Lord, what are you going to do in this struggle?  I look forward to Rom 8:28.  This is going to be solved one way or the other.  I'm still hoping to hit the jackpot and make it all right.  I keep working and digging for wells.  We'll see if Brother MikeC's words come true as he tells me to keep working/digging and I'll hit the wellspring.  If/when I do, I'll think I'll be more appreciative than the one that takes it for granted.  Perhaps that is part of the refinement.   

What's your story?  Wrestling match?  Are you closer or further from God, let us know at

Now go, lift your struggles, know they are part of the test.  Know the best go through the worst.  Those going through the worst, loving God with all your heart, soul and mind is amazing.  For those going through better times, recognize the season and give thanks for what is worthy.  Love others.  Matt 22: 36-40.  Everything else you are trying to do or pray about hangs on those two.  I love you. Keep going.  Get stronger.