home—body podcast

Orienting Toward Your Destiny Through Stone Medicine Healing w—Sarah Thomas

December 21, 2023 grace allerdice Season 4 Episode 184
Orienting Toward Your Destiny Through Stone Medicine Healing w—Sarah Thomas
home—body podcast
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home—body podcast
Orienting Toward Your Destiny Through Stone Medicine Healing w—Sarah Thomas
Dec 21, 2023 Season 4 Episode 184
grace allerdice

We’re joined by long-time stone medicine alchemist and healer, Sarah Thomas. Together we delve into the ancestral healing power of stones and crystals and how they can help us on the journey to the fulfillment of destiny.

“Crystals are like the bones of the earth. And if you follow their resonance, that is really deep medicine. So we use this for really deep things, really chronic things, things that have been going on for a long time, hidden things, really getting at the roots of disease and spiritual origins of disease.” — Sarah Thomas

Sarah, whose secret name is Star Wolf, is a healer, acupuncturist and educator who is immersed in the clinical and academic experience of ancient stone medicine and future crystal technologies. Sarah is the lead instructor at the Upper Clarity School and founded North Carolina's first mineral studies program. Sarah's Dao is to resurrect the vast and uncharted potential of healing and awakening with stones.

we discuss —

  • How crystals embody universal connection
  • Bridging together ancient stone medicine and future crystal technologies
  • Deep medicine & the roots of disease
  • The ethics of gathering crystals
  • Sarah’s meaning of Dao and destiny
  • How to start intentional work with stones and crystals


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We’re joined by long-time stone medicine alchemist and healer, Sarah Thomas. Together we delve into the ancestral healing power of stones and crystals and how they can help us on the journey to the fulfillment of destiny.

“Crystals are like the bones of the earth. And if you follow their resonance, that is really deep medicine. So we use this for really deep things, really chronic things, things that have been going on for a long time, hidden things, really getting at the roots of disease and spiritual origins of disease.” — Sarah Thomas

Sarah, whose secret name is Star Wolf, is a healer, acupuncturist and educator who is immersed in the clinical and academic experience of ancient stone medicine and future crystal technologies. Sarah is the lead instructor at the Upper Clarity School and founded North Carolina's first mineral studies program. Sarah's Dao is to resurrect the vast and uncharted potential of healing and awakening with stones.

we discuss —

  • How crystals embody universal connection
  • Bridging together ancient stone medicine and future crystal technologies
  • Deep medicine & the roots of disease
  • The ethics of gathering crystals
  • Sarah’s meaning of Dao and destiny
  • How to start intentional work with stones and crystals


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Music. And welcome. I'm really excited to be joined today by Sarah Thomas. MAC LAC quietly founded the Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine in 2009. Among small groups of students who were meeting in little healing centers, Sarah's a healer and an acupuncturist and educator and is immersed in the clinical and academic experience of ancient stone medicine and future crystal technologies, which we're going to dive into today. Sarah's been honored and blessed to stand on the front lines as a soul healer, sharing treatments day in and day out with some really beautiful souls for almost 20 years now. Sarah, whose secret name is Star Wolf, is the lead instructor at the Upper Clarity School and teaches at Earth Medicine conferences all over the US. Sarah founded North Carolina's first mineral studies program for healers and guides hundreds of students from all over the world in stone medicine certification trainings. things. Sarah's vow is to resurrect the vast and uncharted potential of healing and awakening with stones. And Sarah, welcome. So happy to have you. Thanks Grace. Thanks for the intro. Do you have anything that you would love to add to kind of offer any context for how you're showing up today or who you are today or how you'd like the listeners to know you? I would just like to say that that was great. I never know what bio is out there or what is going to be read, and I feel like that was just fine. Thank you so much. Great. Yeah, I feel like bios are such an interesting thing when it comes to the internet, how they're very fractal, I feel like. They are. That's a good word for it. So, well, I would love to jump right in. The primary context through which I'm familiar with your work is through sharing stone medicine and, as you say, future crystal technologies. And I I also think of you as someone who's just super in your purpose. I think that's a very magnetic thing about you, and I also think it's very rare to find even in healing circles, and I think that's something that's very important and special that you bring to the world. I'm wondering if you would share a little bit about, you say that a lot of it is your Tao is to share the potential of healing and awakening with these stones and to really resurrected for where we are in this day and age for humanity. And I'm wondering if you would share a little bit about how you found that Tao and how you've really come to embody it in such a potent and authentic way. Yeah, absolutely. Well, I was actually just writing an email today to my teacher about why I'm teaching and how I even got here. And I do believe in us having millions and billions of lifetimes. Like staggering amounts, like so many more than we can, we often think of, you know, and I do have something that really feels like I was contracted to be doing this. Like I came into this lifetime with this purpose to, to help everybody remember that like there's grid work out there in the world and that there's all of these other realms and that our ancestors and people who had higher technologies like previous to us on this Earth, did this grid work and they linked things up together. And whether you're doing that on the body with stones or acupuncture points or if you're out on the Earth and you're kind of listening to the mountains and you're like, what am I linking up? There's this ancient language about oneness and I feel like the crystals really embody this, but this teacher said this to me once when she was in channel and she was profound. She was profound. She was actually speaking late language to be honest and it was this profound transmission and she just said to me. I can't speak late language, but she said to me, when you're doing the work here and you're doing the work here and somebody's doing the work here and there's all these pods doing the work, she said, and the thing is that y 'all have to link up and when you link up, you'll shoot off," she said. And that embodied this whole piece of like, we're headed back to this oneness, and how are we linking things up together? And I feel like this lifetime that I'm in is this contract about reminding us all of that. There's these grids, there's this net everywhere, and we can kind of follow that. And the crystallization of minerals is a reflection of that, too. So…, I'm here on assignment, and it's funny when I say, like, I'm here to help everybody remember because even when I say that, I'm like, I don't even know what I'm doing. You know, it's just a thing happening, and I feel like that's maybe something that other people can relate to. Yeah, it feels a little bit like, I think there's something really, wonderful that can happen when we're really being a conduit for whatever wants to come through us in this lifetime, and some of it, it's great because when things go totally wrong, it's not all of our fault. And when things go super great, it's not all our fault either. So I think there's a level at which it probably stays healthy for us to not entirely completely feel like we know what we're doing. That's a working theory that I have anyways. Yeah, totally. What do you feel that ancient stone… You know, it feels like you're sort of in… I'm thinking about how you phrase it in your bio, it feels very much like there's not a transition so much because especially if time is not linear. Ancient stone medicine and then you talk about future crystal technologies, there's a little bit of bridging that you're doing there, and you can correct me if that's not a correct interpretation. What do you feel that those two things really bring to humanity at this point in time? Why do you feel like this is really a moment? If you were contracted in, so to speak. Why do you feel like it would be now? And what do you feel like stones are really bringing to the moment where we are and helping us here? I mean, I do feel like we're at the end of a cycle and all the prophecies keep saying that and I think we all feel that. So it's like if the end is going to be falling into the beginning, I guess we build this bridge from the end of the beginning. And I feel like people are trying to build this new world and we are. Doing that by listening to the old ways. We're like, how can we find an elder teacher that will bring us the old wisdom? How do we find that ancient wisdom? So I think there's this bridge happening for all of us. We're like, what are the foundations that we can stand on within lineage? Something that we can say, well, this is time -tested. These are the stories that are being passed down. And then, gosh, we're in this new age with that. And that's happening in crystal healing. It's so interesting, like this 50 years ago, this explosion happened in like 1972 where everybody started channeling Atlantis and Lemuria and everybody was like, oh, you need crystals to do all this stuff. And then everything got quiet again and it was all discredited to work with crystals and we all looked silly if we worked with crystals and that's still going on. But now 50 years later, it's like, oh, we're remembering that this is actually part of the old ways. This is something actually in our bones and we're gonna merge. And it's reflective that my teacher a couple of years ago, one of my teachers reminded the world what the word Wu really means. And he's a Chinese Taoist priest, and he reminded everybody, and I don't even know if we knew this, but I know the world at large didn't know this, but now we say Wu Wu, like, oh, crystals are so Wu Wu. I swear on every podcast and everybody in LA and everything is like, oh, so Wu Wu. We say it like it's weightless and grounded in nothing, and it's just something to disregard. And he reminded us that woo comes from the ancient word woo, W -U, which was actually like somebody who was listening. It was really truly somebody who was listening profoundly, like ear to the ground, listening to the divine, listening to nature, devoting themselves to walking in prayer. And then they were so devoted to that that they could bring that to their community. And they were the ones that if your child was sick, this is where you were going for healing. And it's a really sacred thing. And it was often women, these Wu, that were pushed to the outskirts. And I remember this in my bones, like I lived it almost, like disfigured, ugly, like running away, like refugees, being made fun of, not allowed to train in the schools, you know, and then still this is where your kid is dying, you're on their doorstep like, help me. So this is something really sacred, you know, and that's another bridge that's happening. It's like we're remembering that that's actually what woo is. And that woo lives inside all of us, you know, it's not something that's just some woman in the past or it's, there's this resurrection inside all of us that we have inside of us. Mhm. Yeah, you said something about having your ear to the ground and I feel like that's a way that I. Sort of think about tracking with what's going on like tracking with my own inner knowing as well as what resonance of what's happening on the planet and what wants to come through or what's changing and you know stones are literally the ground. They're literally like the ground that you spend a lot of time listening to. What do you feel like is unique about working with stones and crystals as far as how they interact with our bodies, with our DNA, with our, perhaps even our spirit bodies as well. What's kind of unique about how stones can work with us and we can work with them? Yeah, I was just out to dinner with my mom and sister and her friend, and my sister and her friend work in a restaurant, and they're older and they work in a restaurant, and they pull up to dinner last night limping and in their restaurant clothes, and they're so stiff because they were on their feet all day and my sister's friend is like, I have to tell you what's going on with me. She keeps asking me to treat her, and she's like, there's just something in my back, and then it's going down my leg, and it's nerve, and I've been to the chiropractor, and they're telling me to do this, and I'm like, can you help me? And I'm always like, chiropractor sounds good, I'm glad you're going to that and everything, but what I really have to offer is, where is this really coming from? What are the spiritual origins of disease? And even though you spent your day on your feet all day, there's always spiritual origin of disease. It's coming from something. And when I ask that question, I'm like, what's really underneath this? Because that's what I can help you with. And she was like, well, it runs in my family. My brother had this, my mom had this, and there were signs that I had this when I was a kid. And so see how that goes deep? What runs in the family goes deep into our ancestry, and that's what's being passed down through the DNA. DNA, and all kinds of other things too. It's not just like blood and symptoms and things that are being passed down, but those things settle really deep inside the body and sometimes we carry them for lifetimes. So there's a stones resonate with what is deep in the body because they're deep in the earth. Stones resonate with what is hidden or unconscious inside of us because you can't see them. When you look around, you know, it's like what's underneath everything? And it's like we have this little experience of the tip of the iceberg, but... Everything that's happening in our lives is coming from our unconscious programs. So we work with stones to get deep into our unconscious programs, moving our karmas, our ancestry, what runs in the family, this programming, this conditioning, what's happening to us from eclipses, stars, sun, moon, solar programs. These are all things that you can't say in the day -to -day, I know this is happening because this, but they're actually the things that are running our lives and creating our destiny and our fate. Carl Jung would say, these are the things that create our life. To the ancient Taoists where they are looking at the body as a hologram for the earth, they would say, oh, it's the crystals. Actually, it's the crystallization under the surface that is going to actually resonate with, be able to pull out what is in the bones. Yeah, the crystals are like the bones of the earth. So if you just follow that kind of resonance, it's like, oh, this is really deep medicine. We this for really deep things, really chronic things, things that have been going on for a long time, hidden things, really getting at the roots of disease and spiritual origins of disease. I feel like, you know, when we invited into deep healing processes, there's a way that I feel like we really have to go into like not knowing. And I'll actually, I'll say we, I'll say I feel like I have to go into not knowing. And sometimes we're able to get information kind of about origins and whys and all the ins and outs of why something is the way it is. Sometimes things just can change and we don't have to know all the reasons why the laundry is dirty. We can just put it in the wash. I feel like stones, like that depth that you're talking about, it really makes me feel like there's sort of a mystery there that we're getting invited into and that I feel like I've struggled in the past with being able to surrender to some of that mystery and that not knowing, especially when I was younger, as it relates to the healing process. I don't know if that's a question or if you have anything to say in response to that, but. CBT You totally nailed it. I mean, it's like once the practitioner realizes they don't know what to do, and they just let themselves sit with uncertainty for a minute, it's like something happens. But we're so uncomfortable with uncertainty, and we're just trained to be so uncomfortable with it. Or when the person who's on the healing journey, like my friend was just saying she just, I for years she's been trying to buy this building. Really good intentions around it and always talking about, I'm gonna get there, I'm gonna get there. And she got really sick this fall and she finally laid in bed for four weeks and everything really slowed down and she ended up getting to a place of uncertainty about her whole life. Like, what do I wanna do with my life? Am I even doing what I wanna do? And she got to this place where she kind of like let go of everything was like, I don't even know who I am. And you know, like a day later, the person who owned this building called her and said, Do you want to buy the building in January? What's so funny about the mystery and uncertainty? Yeah, I think that place of I don't even know who I am anymore is particularly, we resist that place so hard and it is a very powerful one for sure. Everybody's like there though. I feel like everybody's, it's up. I think that's true. I think everybody is there on a level and there's a way that we try to perform that we're not there and I feel like that can be the block, at least for me. I'm wondering too, there's, when I hear people talk about stones, I've heard some people say like, you know, everybody should basically give up your stones, put them back in the ground, like they were extracted in this super terrible way, like we need to really just be not taking anything else from the Earth, et cetera, et cetera. And that's not a vibe that I get from you. And I'm wondering if you would speak a little bit to sort of your perspective on our relationship with these stones and how they come into our lives, ways that we can respect and honor that and do that as mindfully as possible, but also I think maybe some spiritual perspectives you might have around what that story is as well. LSWS What a great way to ask that question. It's like, let's go into the underworld and explore. Thank you for asking that with such care. You know, I was talking to one of my mentors when COVID hit and I felt like the world was ending. It just did for all of us for a minute. It's like apocalyptic. And I got to talk to her on the phone like right in that time. And long story short, she said, the people who will make it through this whole change, this whole cycle ending, are the ones who listen to the protocol of the Earth. And I said, oh, so I got to be tucked up to the Earth. I've got to be listening to the Earth, right? And Lao Tzu once said that the Earth gives us our instructions. So I'm on this journey, right, of listening to the Earth. What is she actually saying to me? I mean, I hear what everybody else is saying that she's saying. And putting my ear to the ground and really listening, like truly the transmissions for me, and maybe it's just what I need to hear, but she's trying to teach me about. Getting this every drop of scarcity out of my being. And every drop of lack out of my being, because the way she shows her face to me, it's not there. She talks to me and says, these are my precious treasures, like they're her jewels. These are my precious treasures. I mean, they're jewels to her, you know, they're treasures. And she holds them out. And when I see them, there's an abundance. I mean, there's no end. there's like an eternal well of these crystals. I see them in dreams. So this is what she's showing me, this eternal well, and I do believe she's tapped into this eternal well. And this teaching for me is about abundance, but more than that, it's just about there's no end to this oneness. And so I'm following her, not feeling like I know what is right for everybody. I'm following her also like if I can bring crystals to the world in a way that. When we study and we gain knowledge about the crystals, what we do is we bring them for healing, we bring them for recovery for people, we bring them for recovery for animals, for the earth, and something about the knowledge piece of understanding them and then bringing them for healing is some kind of balm. It's like some kind of healing salve for the pain and darkness that's going on with the mining industry in all forms everywhere for everything that we use and all of these computers and I don't mean to be defensive when I say that, it's like, but everything that we have is pulled out of the earth. And crystals get this, we zero in on that, and that's okay. But everything that we have is pulled out of the earth and people die all the time and horrible things happen in the mining industry. And I can't bring a salve to it. I can't. You know how we want to make everything better and put flowers around it and pretty pictures and rainbows and like, fuck that. I can't. I can't make it, I just, we have to be sad about it. We have to be sad that kids are dying, kids are mining, kids are spending all day working, getting cobalt out of the earth. I can't make that better. I'm just like, here's what I can do. I can keep listening to the protocols of the earth, this transmission that I'm supposed to get, and I keep trying to pass that to people. These are her sacred, precious treasures, and if you work with them with honor and love and care, if you have this love and this honor you're bringing this into the world for healing, there's something to be said for that. So it's all of that too is just drenched in good, bad, right, and wrong. It's all drenched in that. And if my real Taoist teacher was here or Lao Tzu was here, they'd be like, there's nothing good, bad, right, or wrong about mining. There's nothing good, bad, right, or wrong about bringing crystals out of the Earth. And at some point you get past judgment too. It feels like, too, that I don't know if this it was feeling coherent in my head when I was thinking it and it may not come out that way. It's like the thing that's actually. To me, the issue is how the heek of the consciousness of humanity and how we are interacting with receiving from the Earth feels like the thing and it feels like potentially when worked with in a way that is magical, effective, powerful. Those are tools that could help transmute the consciousness of humanity to be able to receive from the earth in a way that is regenerative and reciprocal and magical. I think it's sort of a tricky thing because we have to be where we are with what we have, and where we are both isn't perfect, so. Thanks for your reflections. It's like every teacher is like, if y 'all could just learn reciprocity, it's like kindergarten, peace. And my other teachers say, I keep genuflecting my teachers, but the other one, when the consciousness of humanity rises, then all of the problems on the planet will disappear. It's our consciousness. Yeah, I just, the sense that I've been having lately, it's like I even feel like the watchingness, especially of animals in particular, a little bit of trees too. We have a big oak tree in our backyard and we pruned it recently just to help with longevity and stronger roots. Trees like to be pruned occasionally. Literally, from the pruning, I've always said, I just feel like this tree is watching us and watching over us. Literally, there is an eyeball looking right at our house that we couldn't see before because there was a branch there. But I get this, especially animals, they're all just kind of watching us and watching humanity at this time, like, are they going to do it? Are they going to do it? There's this sense of, like, I really feel that a lot. And a few months ago, actually, I got this really strong message to just put my heart on the ground. And so I've just been going outside and laying face down and putting my chest on the ground. And that's been a very powerful transformative practice. And now days that I don't do that, which should not exist, feel very disorienting to me. There's something about that resonance. and there's a way that what you're talking about with crystals and stone medicine, there's a way that it's sort of bringing the earth to the heart or vice versa. I think I'm great at not asking questions right now. I'm just throwing things at you. I like it. I like everything that you say. I appreciate. What are some of the stones that are really speaking to you in your practice right now? Are there some that you see as sort of recurring themes with what healing is needed, whether that's in your life or the lives of patients or people that you work with? Are there any stones that feel like they're sort of really rising up for you right now at this season in your life? Absolutely. There's really, over the past like three, four weeks, there's been some highlights. I've really been deepening my relationship with the mirrors of nature, the mica and the white mirror or the good mirror, and then obsidian, the black mirror or the bad mirror. And then quartz, pure clear quartz is another mirror, and it has just this incredible neutrality, so it doesn't have this bias. like Mike is kind of like, let's look at your good parts. Let's get a sense of like, let's really look at how beautiful you are, how good you are, like what you've got going on. And then obsidian is like, let's look at these hard parts. And pure quartz kind of goes beyond that. And it's like, it's just transparency. It's just, it's beyond good and bad. And that's a whole kind of higher transmission for me. So I've been doing a lot of work with integrity in my life. Like I just I'm always like, how do I clean that up? Like what feels congruent? And these stones are showing me that because I've been working a lot with my own students and myself with authenticity. And so kind of getting all the little secrets out of my body like all the little lies I tell myself, all the little coverups I do to myself. This is just what the self does. It's not like different among any of us, but the intention has been like, let's look within. And it's so funny because I find that honestly it's authentic people that we love, that we want to be around, that we want to follow, that we feel good around, that we feel like everything is going to be okay when we're in their presence. It doesn't matter if they're a rock mason or pruning trees or setting up a water filter in my basement or a spiritual teacher. Like I think that's what not only are we drawn to but there's an effectiveness coming from these people like I know this crystal healer she's so authentic and all of this work is rippling out from her treatments and so many people are drawn to her and you'll notice like even a comedian or somebody who is like a performer or something like they're actually just authentic It's like we're all drawn in. So I don't know, I'm interested in that at this time. So all those mirrors are helping me. And it's not just that, that it heals, like, you know, that authenticity heals, but it moves the world. It's like an authentic prayer that's one minute long and quiet and maybe not even said out loud. It's like the ripples out are incredible. And then you can have somebody do this whole ceremony for like 24 hours straight of all these like bells and whistles and everything. If they're trying to be someone they're not or if it's like striving to become something in a strong way. It's like it won't even have as much power as the one person in their little yard like laying down a crystal with one tiny little authentic prayer. So I'm interested in it because it seems like it's the heart of power too. BT. Yeah. I love that you said that. And this is not at all where I was going to go with this, but it seems to be coming up. So something that I've been encountering or noticing in my own, work and in my own life right now is that I think we can only heal or initiate to a certain degree until the next step has to be power. I love the way that you're speaking about power as really this place of resonating with one's true self is how I'm understanding what you're saying, which I think also goes back to something I said at the beginning, which is something that I notice in you, like you're in your own resonance. And I think some of the ways that you speak to that even in your bio is like, you know, you're really clear on like, my Tao is this, my Dharma is this, et cetera. Do you mind speaking a little bit for people for whom that language might be new or unfamiliar a little bit about what you mean by that resonance or how to understand one's Tao or et cetera? I think I mean destiny. And I guess when I said Tao too, I mean like kind of my assignment. I think of destiny as like not really a destination but kind of an orientation because I think that we're I might be like 20 % into my full potential and when I'm 55 I might be like 30 % into my full potential and I see kind of like every little thing that we do every little healing is just like can we bump up that percent just like a half a percent one percent it's like kind of this journey. To the fulfillment of destiny and what we came here for. So I guess I have a hard time really even thinking of that without the context of many lives or being a multi -dimensional being who exists in many timelines, realities, dimensions. Because I do, I feel like this life that I'm in is like one little like mission. Maybe other people don't think that way. I don't know. Yeah, I mean I think that way so I'm looking like yeah, that makes perfect sense. But yeah, I've been conceiving of destined Like I think we all have purpose. But I feel like destiny is just like this extra thing that we say yes to or that we're able to say yes to At any given moment or that's how I've been playing with it lately I like that like makes it a little bit less heavy or like oh, I have to get it, right, yeah, I think people wrestle with this concept of like fate sometimes when we get entangled with that and And something about, it's like, you know, when you have like the Star Wars movies or like the Lord of the Rings or whatever the thing is, there's always this moment, like they're living their lives, they're in who they are and their purpose, and then there's a moment where they're like, will you take the mission? Like will you say yes? Will you go on this radical, crazy adventure where you might die, but you might succeed? It might be great. I don't know. And that feels like the destiny piece to me, I think. Yeah. Do you know, there's people too out there that just really struggle with that. It's like their whole lifetime, they're like, where's that piece? Where's my piece? What am I doing? and they'll have this bumper sticker on their car that says, like, not all those who wonder are lost because they're like, I'm not lost, but they do feel like where's my destiny crystal. I have a friend like that. And it's just, I guess it's just another program you can have. I think so. And actually this will be interesting. One of my teachers has been talking about it lately is that. I don't even know necessarily that we have to always be conscious of it in order to be in the frequency of our destiny. I think we're these little, I think my teacher's been saying lately, we're the acupuncture points on the ground. And then I realized this, I was about to say that you are an acupuncturist. But yeah, this way that whether or not we're fully conscious or aware of that quote destiny piece and we're losing sleep about it, it's that us being here in a body is channeling something and we can be at peace about that. Well, I like it because it's like saying just being in a body is like your purpose. Exactly. Doing something. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. For people who are new to stone work or want to be more conscious about or more intentional about how they're working with stone medicine, what are some of the ways that they can do that? You know, is it like going to the crystal shop and like buying all the ones that you think are pretty and then bringing them home or putting it by your bed? Like, what do you think? I know I see a lot of people like, you know, it's like putting it in your bra and like wearing it around. Like, what's the thing? Like if someone wants to be more intentional about it, like what do you advise people do to sort of step into that? Do you mean like a lot of people have a lot of crystals around, but they might want to be like, okay, what do I actually like, do I want to do an intention with this? Yeah, or like they might have a lot of crystals around, or maybe they don't, or they want to. But like, I think there's a difference in having a lot of things around, and then actually like doing some potent medicine. I think those might be different things. Yeah, I hear you. It's like bringing an intention. Kind of clarifying, like getting a little creative work out there, a little creative act. I love, and I feel like this resonates with so many people, but I love the grid work. I love to, and I love the eight -pointed, you know, grid where there's one crystal in the middle, and then you get eight crystals around it. So there ends up to be nine total, but it's really the eight around it. And I have found that if you just get one crystal and put eight around it, it's just kind of magical and endless, like the effects that can go out from that grid, just the number eight is magical as we know. And then I think that's a great way to actually send a healing intention. So if I were like, man, I wanna feel connection with these crystals and do some work with them, you know, there's always people in our lives or animals or something that we're like, man, I'm feeling for them right now. I know they're sick or I know they're going through something. And just to set up that eight -pointed grid with the intention to send like love and healing and love and love and love to this person and whatever your intention, however you want to specify that. But it's actually a great setup to send healing to somebody. And sometimes we don't know what to do. Like we're like, how do I really help this person who's in the hospital? And it gives us something to do. Yeah. And action to take. Yeah, I like that. Yeah. I'm wondering if before we sort of wrap up and get into all the things that you might have coming up and where people can find you, stalk you, fall in love with you on the internet. Is there anything that you'd love to share or say that you feel like I didn't ask or make space for? No, I thought that was really great. I do just wanna say that because people will like this, but I think apophyllite is a great crystal for this grid that I just talked about because it brings so much light and just giving that light, whether it's apophyllite you put around a piece of quartz, or one piece of apophyllite with eight piece of quartz because people do like specifics a little bit. You're just going to be like blasting light to that person. And you can think of it as radiant light like capital R, capital L, which is just like the light beyond light and dark. Whether you call it pure love or unconditional love or that thing that's beyond good, bad, right, and wrong, I feel like apopholite is a great crystal. And that's a good intention too. I love that. And if you're watching the video of this, you can, or even if you're not, I would check out the video and you can get a peek at that beautiful snow. I just held up a great apophilite. Well, I know we need to wrap up and I'm wondering if you would share with the listeners where they can find out more about you, follow your work, stay in touch with things that you're doing when you're teaching, ways that they can work with you or be a student of yours. Where do you like people to interact with you online? If you wanna take a free little class, I do have a podcast. It is called The Crystal Clarity Podcast. You can find that on YouTube. And that's something to just take another quick class with me. And I also have a website called upperclarity .com where you can look at all the actual trainings that we do and maybe pick one that seems right for you. And on Instagram, if you wanna just look at pictures, And we have a crystal shop where I do all this work for you because I make sure everything in the shop is not heat treated, dyed, synthetically altered in any way, so everything's totally pure. And I do all the work of like meeting the families, checking people out, making sure things are like done consciously and ethically as much as possible. So if you go to the claritycrystalshop .com, you can see our little shop. But if you just go to Instagram at Sarah underscore E underscore Thomas, then you'll also see pictures of the shop and everything and have a trusted source for stones that have been kind of like really every single one has been touched and held by me and I made sure it was all quality and met all these people. I've spent like the past 10 years meeting people and families who work with stones. So that's all there. And we'll be sure to have all the links for all that in the show notes below so people can easily find you and click you and Sarah, thank you so much for coming on and sharing your presence and your perspective and your knowledge of stones and I really appreciate it and the listeners will as well. Thanks, Grace. It was super fun and easy. I'll see you around. Yeah, that sounds good. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the episode, please take a few moments to subscribe to the show, leave us a review and share the episode. These small tasks help our independent podcasts so much. Be sure to also check out the show notes below to learn more about any resources, guests, or sponsors that we shared with you today. Our intro and outro music was created by artists Aaron Palavik and Jared Kelly. Our podcast logo was created by Elaine Stevenson, and this show is produced by Softer Sound Studio. Thank you for being here. Music.