home—body podcast

the Magic of the Third △

grace allerdice Season 4 Episode 186

Today, I explore one of my personal codes and symbols – the number three and the concept of the third.

Three is always inviting me to go deeper and unpack more and more of its layers. It pulls me into a wider and greater understanding.

Tune in to this episode to learn how the three or the third gives us a code for understanding humanity’s current chapter, as well as how we can become more skillful in what seem to be increasingly polarized situations or realities.

“The third is not just playing the game. The third is making the game. It's creating the story, the orientation point from which we experience life from a different vantage and then we can hold a new truth.” — grace allerdice

Themes from the episode —

  • The polarization of duality
  • The wisdom of three
  • Becoming creators, not just players
  • Paradox as a truth
  • Planting seeds the world needs


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