On The Gold with GPAA'S Kevin Hoagland

On The Gold - Long A's to Great Q's from GPAA Members

October 02, 2019 Kevin Hoagland Season 1 Episode 4

GPAA Members, 
"Ask Kevin Hoagland" your Prospecting questions is a new feature in the GPAA magazine driven by the GPAA Facebook page. 
Most of the Questions I try to answer in the magazine but the ones that will be more in-depth, will find their way to the Podcast.  
In this episode a new GPAA member asked me  really great questions about doing the right things while prospecting and how to use available mapping tools to makes sure that he is where he needs and is supposed to by while out looking for gold.  
UPDATE 10/08/2019 
The BLM has redesigned the LR2000 page. This changes the path into the LR2000 as shared in this Podcast. 
Go to BLM.gov 
Scroll down to the ENERGY AND MINERALS tab and open. 
There is a link in the left hand menu for "MINING AND MINERALS" Click on this link 
on the new page go to the right hand menu and clink on the LR2000.