Kenneth (DM):

This episode is brought to you by the Redwood public library. With over 4,000 books to choose from, the Redwood public library will fulfill all your sorcery, Enchantment, Bestiary, and artifact-urial needs. Visit the Redwood public library today. I'd like to welcome everybody. to another session of Bob, Ang and Tony. Okay. The last where we left off our adventurers, they... Killed a fire drake. So, uh, we will, we will head back to the inn. Alright. Uh, you guys, I assume you guys.

Paul (Tony):

"The charred inn"

Kenneth (DM):

Yea, the"charred inn". That's the name of it now you removed the sign, it's now"The Charred Inn."

Morgan (Ang):

Why would we go back to the same inn?

Kenneth (DM):

Well, it's the only inn in town. So you guys can rest there for night and you guys walked down in the morning and the, the barkeep is there, and you guys are getting some breakfast. Uh, you look out the window and it's just, it's a pitter patter of rain on outside and you know.

Jonathan (Bob):

And the Jay Chou song start playing.

Kenneth (DM):

So what do you guys want to do today? Actually the barkeep goes over to you hands you breakfast because you paid for your night at the inn previously?

Morgan (Ang):

What were we doing yesterday, can you guys remember?

Jonathan (Bob):

We went to the...

Paul (Tony):

We killed the Salamander thing...

Kenneth (DM):

Alright, so you guys finish up your breakfast. As you're walking out of the Tavern, uh Athelm, the guy who hired you for the quest previously comes up to you and says,"Hey guys, uh, again, once again, thank you guys for um, uh, defeating the Darkwood beast for me and the vial that you gave me, got me so much money. So just, just thank you guys. Um, I'm actually opening up a stall in the town next to us. So if you guys wanna come over, there is a free market going on because the right, like around this time, here's the trading hub. So if you guys wanna come just please, please do, I can provide you with some equipment and stuff."

Morgan (Ang):

I get a feeling that Bob wants to raid the free market. He's grinning from ear to ear.

Kenneth (DM):

All right, so, so he says that and then he leaves and then you see him get back on his wagon and he just rides off to the next town.

Morgan (Ang):

We should go to the next town.

Kenneth (DM):

It's up to you guys. If you guys want to stay around... I'll.

Jonathan (Bob):

Stay around! I wanna rip this town like.

Kenneth (DM):

Rip this town a new one.

Morgan (Ang):

Yeah, because tearing a hole in the Cavern is not bad enough.

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay. So we go to the market.

Kenneth (DM):

So you guys go to the market in this town or the flea market that Athelm asked you guys to go.

Jonathan (Bob):

Oh, that's another town ah? Oh no, I go to this town's first.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay, so you guys head over to the blacksmith. So you guys go in as this burly, big man, half naked just on the hammer."What d'ya guys want?"

Paul (Tony):

What do you think we want?

Kenneth (DM):

"Well you've come to a blacksmith, you want weapons or armor? Tell me what you want. I can get it done." So you guys look around the, uh, the blacksmith. You see racks of weapons. Previously he's done more or less they are cobbled together. You see... I'll probably need to upgrade my weapons, but you guys check your weapons... Silver swords, uh, you guys see black handled swords, really a variety of weapons you see armors as well.

Paul (Tony):

I need a medium size, medium, medium armor.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay. So he, pulls, he goes over to the rack, he, he puts down his hammer, he goes on a rack and he pulls out a few, few armor. He says he shows you uh, two pieces of leather armor. He gives you a, a steel armor, a really heavy one. This will hampen... You look at it, it will hampen your speed, but it gives you a much higher defense.

Paul (Tony):

Any other like, materials?

Kenneth (DM):

No, you need to buy a DLC to get the special items. Not available in game. In this game. In base game please buy, please purchase DLC to access new armors and weapons.

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay. I have a light armor, so I probably want to get a leather armor yeah.

Kenneth (DM):

I assume that you can find one hide armor plus two and he says this is the finest that I have in this shop.

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay. I'll get that.

Kenneth (DM):

What he's left with is a leather armor plus one which is uh, 11 plus dex modifier. Yeah, he's got steel no he's got heavy armor. You... There's a disadvantage to rolls, a but disadvantage to stealth. Okay, so he has a heavy armor. He has chainmail.

Jonathan (Bob):

Shopping, shopping from guys.

Kenneth (DM):

AC is 16, you will require a minimum of 13 strength to wear this. Okay...

Jonathan (Bob):

I need. Uh, I need weapons. My quarterstaff is crap.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay. So he says you warlock and you sorceror looking person. You guys are magicians. There is a high mage over in the town is like in the North. It's Town C. There is a high mage over at Town C. So you guys can head over there if you're looking, you're looking for magic items.

Jonathan (Bob):

I want to take a look at things first. We go to the apothacary.

Kenneth (DM):

So you go over to this town's apothecary. The guy, the guy behind says meek looking guy. He just, he says,"What do you..."

Morgan (Ang):


Kenneth (DM):

So, uh, he sells portions. He sells bags of magical components. If you guys need uh, spellcasting equipment.

Jonathan (Bob):

Can I sneak around the shop and see what he has.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay, you can give me a stealth check.

Jonathan (Bob):

That's, because I can now move silently because of my cat.

Morgan (Ang):

Okay. Uh, Tony, let's leave the shop for awhile. Let's let, let let Bob do his thing.

Jonathan (Bob):

Oh no, I know already. I charm...

Morgan (Ang):

You really wanna use your spell slot when you, you're not even in...

Kenneth (DM):

You have advantage on all charisma checks towards one creature of your choice that isn't hostile towards you.

Morgan (Ang):

Yeah. I think the old man isn't hostile towards you.

Kenneth (DM):

When it ends[inaudible] and becomes hostile towards you. Okay...

Jonathan (Bob):

No, wait, I do, a perception check on this guy first.

Morgan (Ang):

To perceive what?

Kenneth (DM):

To see whether, is he s trong. Does he have p owers? W hat, if he suddenly...

Morgan (Ang):

For all you know, he's not the only one in the shop. We shall now impart....

Jonathan (Bob):

6+15. 21. Boom.

Morgan (Ang):

What's he doing?

Kenneth (DM):

You look around the shop, you're basically looking around...

Jonathan (Bob):

No I'll perceive him, whether is he strong or not.

Kenneth (DM):

Oh, he's just, he's just a shopkeeper. He doesn't sell a lot of things. The shop only sells like potions and stuff so you don't actually have a lot... At most he sells here are like like forgery kits like scrolls and...

Morgan (Ang):

Shouldn't you do an Arcana check?

Jonathan (Bob):

Fine, let's do an Arcana check now.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay. You're doing an Arcana check on the shop keeper. He doesn't look like he has a lot of magic. The shop behind him looks like there's a lot of magic but he doesn't help you to have much magic.

Jonathan (Bob):

So he's just a old twat.

Morgan (Ang):

You able to brainwash him and make him forget about us.

Jonathan (Bob):

You think I'm the Men in Black ah.

Morgan (Ang):

Is there any way to temper with his memory?

Kenneth (DM):

Guys, can't you just pay? It's on principle. This potion costs one copper.

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay, prestidigitation.

Kenneth (DM):

Prestidigitation what?

Jonathan (Bob):

To distract him while he's, someone steal something else.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay, so please roll for your prestidigitation.

Morgan (Ang):

This is going to end badly. We all gonna get thrown in...

Jonathan (Bob):

The question is what are we going to steal first. I don't end up stealing a copper coin. Then we go to jail for a copper coin.

Morgan (Ang):

We're not even in an encounter. What are we doing?

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay. Fuck it. What does he sell?

Kenneth (DM):

He's sells light potions. During uh, battle, one minor action. You heal up to your hit dice of power. So your hit dice is on your first page. So one, uh, minor action...

Paul (Tony):

I buy all five.

Kenneth (DM):

Please add that into your, uh... okay, so you guys update that into your kit. So you look around his shop. Um, he has... It's just minor healing potion. So on top of that, he has a few tools, uh, herbalism kit. So if you get that, you can go nature check and then you can find herbs in the forest.

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay come. Let's go the high mage.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay. You guys want to go to High Mage so... You guys are heading over the town of Redwood to find a high mage over there to find magic weapons. So it's about a half a day's journey. You guys wanna hire a horse or do you just want to trek over there? All right, so you guys trek over to Redwood and as you enter this is the bustling city and is a lot larger than Tydon was. It actually looks like, uh, it has a like mayorship. It has, uh, that, that rulers to this town. It's a lot larger.

Morgan (Ang):

It doesn't look run down.

Kenneth (DM):

It doesn't just run down. As you're walking past the streets. You see children running past, you see like a market place, Brimming and yeah.

Morgan (Ang):

I'll like to roll for investigation. 10 plus one, 11. I feel sad.

Kenneth (DM):

So as you look at it, you see a few major points in the city who Tony knows. If you want to find a high mage, most likely he will be in the library.

Morgan (Ang):

Tony is the smartest one, and he's the stripper. The stripper with scales is the smartest one.

Kenneth (DM):

So as you walk around, you see, you see street people, you see markets and they stare at you because they've not seen a dragonborn, a Genasi. So, so you guys know that, uh, Tony knows that the mage probably hang out in the library. You want to tell you all your friends, if you guys want to find? You guys just walking around on the streets, people are staring at you like really. Your investigation was 1, right? So as a group of children brushes past you, uh, Jonathan please roll a perception check.

Paul (Tony):

What's up kids?

Morgan (Ang):

Please tell me you didn't do, you didn't lose your money.

Jonathan (Bob):


Kenneth (DM):

You see, you see a kid trying to reach into your back pocket trying to...

Jonathan (Bob):

And I turn around so he gropes my dick instead.

Kenneth (DM):

The kid gets scared cause he pulls on something and he just runs away screaming.

Morgan (Ang):

Then I guess the"being nice to the kid" event has just skipped.

Kenneth (DM):

So although, although this town looks for all furbished, you do note that some of the kids do look a bit run down.

Morgan (Ang):

Yea the kid was probably a beggar.

Kenneth (DM):

Orphans or Hobos. That there is poverty in this town.

Jonathan (Bob):

Can they be my little birds? You do what you watch Game of Thrones, right? You know Varys, you know what Varys did, right?

Kenneth (DM):

If you want to, you can go and talk with them, if you want. You can capture them, if you want to, and force them into your slavery. Okay. So what do you guys go? What are you guys doing?

Morgan (Ang):

So once we get to the library, we probably could use, do, an Arcana check to look for the dude, right?

Kenneth (DM):

Alright. So as you guys enter this library, you see it's really dusty everywhere around, just stacks of books around... As you look around the library, you don't see anybody except for this, this meek little red head, ginger girl. She's wearing, she's deeply buried into her book.

Jonathan (Bob):


Morgan (Ang):

Is she really a girl?

Kenneth (DM):

So, this redhead looks up and it says," Hi. Uh, what are you...?"

Paul (Tony):

May I know where is the high mage?

Kenneth (DM):

"Uh, the, my, my master is not here yet at the moment. Uh, yeah. Do you, do you need him for something?"

Morgan (Ang):

Okay, let's roll for insight.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay. So she, she seems really nervous talking to you. She doesn't seem like the sort who would be lying about this.

Morgan (Ang):

I recommend that Tony get her to relax by performing. This way she won't be that nervous.

Paul (Tony):

Let's play a cleansing song.

Kenneth (DM):

Wait, what is your instrument by the way?

Paul (Tony):

It's an accordion.

Kenneth (DM):

So you play your accordion to a calming tune for her. Please roll for performance check.

Paul (Tony):


Kenneth (DM):


Paul (Tony):

Plus seven.

Kenneth (DM):

You a re kidding me. So she s eemed a s intrigued at the music, but she goes,"Please quiet down. This is a library."

Morgan (Ang):

But there wasn't anyone else.

Kenneth (DM):

"Please, please stop bothering me. If you're looking for my master, you can find him. I think he said something about vampires in a ruin somewhere off of town. You can find him there. He was going to explore there."

Morgan (Ang):

Do you know where's the ruin? Do you have a map?

Kenneth (DM):

So she goes around and she checks the walls. And as you pulls down and books topple over her. She finds the map. She flips it up. So you see, you basically have a map of the city and the surrounding areas.

Morgan (Ang):

Burning hands.

Kenneth (DM):

So you know that around the city, there are plains. This is a forest. This is where the lumberjacks go to cut the wood. There are forbidden ruins in the corner where nobody goes to. It was, it was used as a quarry previously, but then it was um, something bad happened. That's why her master was investigating the ruins.

Jonathan (Bob):

So it's a quarry.

Morgan (Ang):

It's daytime. But they're looking for vampires?

Jonathan (Bob):

Safe what.

Kenneth (DM):

Yeah. If you want to find my master, you can find him there. He has been gone for, for about a day or so already.

Morgan (Ang):

What does he look like?

Kenneth (DM):

My master changes his forms every, every so often.

Morgan (Ang):

Now you're just fooling with us on purpose.

Kenneth (DM):

As a high means you have spells to change your appearance. You could be 200 years old.

Morgan (Ang):

Can he read minds?

Kenneth (DM):

As a high major. I assume he can read minds.

Jonathan (Bob):

Fine. Do you have magic weapons that we can buy?

Kenneth (DM):

My master keeps his stock of, uh, magic weapons and armors in his safe, but it is magically sealed. I can't access currently.

Morgan (Ang):

What's the family name? What's the Mage's name?

Kenneth (DM):

Ask her for her name also. My name's Jane. Jane Finnis. My masters name is Peter Silverheart.

Morgan (Ang):

We should go look for him.

Jonathan (Bob):

The market don't sell weapons for...? Let's go to the market.

Kenneth (DM):

So as you traverse streets, you see lots of food types. You see a few people selling trinkets. You assume that they're swindlers because they go like,"Oh, this is an invincible amulet of Invincibility." or some shit like that. So you know they're just fooling you. You know, like,"This magic Elixer heals you, and keeps you immortal!" Rejuvenation potions and stuff. So you do see, you do see like a gypsy and then, uh, she wields a crystal ball and stretches out to you."Travelers, would you like to see your fortune?"

Paul (Tony):


Jonathan (Bob):

Is it free?

Kenneth (DM):

Of course. All services need a price. Has a price to my services.

Jonathan (Bob):

One copper. With that the Gypsie drops all false pretenses."Li siao ah!?"

Morgan (Ang):

Yeah. Yeah. No she, she would tell you about your future.

Jonathan (Bob):

Bash you with the crystal ball. Your future right there.

Kenneth (DM):

So you want to talk to her?

Jonathan (Bob):

How much?

Kenneth (DM):

How much? One. One copper is fine. So Bob sits down in front of a gypsy and then so what do you guys do?

Morgan (Ang):

Tony and Ang just stare.

Paul (Tony):

Use Arcana check on her, make sure she's not lying.

Morgan (Ang):

To make sure that she has magic right. I rolled a nine plus 3. 12.

Kenneth (DM):

You do not detect any sort of magical presence coming from this woman.

Paul (Tony):

She's lying!

Jonathan (Bob):

Oh shit! So when does she say?

Kenneth (DM):

So she says that your futures are wreaked with peril...

Morgan (Ang):

What kind of peril? What do you see, oh gypsy?

Kenneth (DM):

She says that your face that you face, you will face...

Jonathan (Bob):

A monster like no other. Death and doom and fury.

Kenneth (DM):


Morgan (Ang):

And what does it look like?

Jonathan (Bob):

And the question is, how can I avoid that? By paying one more copper coin?

Kenneth (DM):

Yes. In fact, if you do give me, five copper coins, I will give you this amulet of protection.

Jonathan (Bob):

Ah fuck you. I'll prestidigitation her face.

Morgan (Ang):

I do not like where this is going.

Kenneth (DM):

She walk back, and she pulls up an amulet and she brings it to the front and she presents it you, while your prestidigitation.

Jonathan (Bob):

I created a puff of wind with an odd odor. I say your words are as believable as this bullshit.

Kenneth (DM):

So that's happening. So she gets really offended, really angry because while she's holding this amulet in her hand. She turns around, one of the kids from the streets that walked past you just now, jumped up, snatched the amulet away from her hand and just continue running. And then guards behind you," Stop! Stop their child!"

Jonathan (Bob):

And then?

Kenneth (DM):

So she looks really bewildered and she goes,"Oh my God, my amulet is gone!"

Jonathan (Bob):

Then I tell her,"If you want your amulet back, I'll do it for a price."

Morgan (Ang):

You see, if you get the amulet from the kid, it's yours.

Paul (Tony):

So, let's chase.

Kenneth (DM):

So, you guys are only able to follow the guards are chasing after the kids, right? So you guys went around behind them. All right. So this is going to be a skill challenge. I'm going to give you guys, um, let's see, five successes and three failures. If you guys succeed, you'll catch up to the kid, if you fail, you will lose the kid and the guards altogether. So we can start with... Ang.

Morgan (Ang):

So what do I roll?

Kenneth (DM):

So you roll any of your skills, and then explain to me how you use that skill to chase down the kid.

Morgan (Ang):

I will roll um, my, Acrobatics.

Kenneth (DM):

Alright, so you leap over the guards.

Morgan (Ang):

12 plus 2. 14.

Kenneth (DM):

All right, passes. So you leap over the guards chasing after the kid. Next, Tony.

Morgan (Ang):

Animal Handling. The kids are like monkeys.

Paul (Tony):


Morgan (Ang):

Even If you make a really loud performance the kids might stop and watch you.

Paul (Tony):

But that's too early right?

Morgan (Ang):

Can we pass to Bob first?

Jonathan (Bob):

History of the place. 8, fuck I've failed.

Kenneth (DM):

That's one success and one failure.

Paul (Tony):

Okay la. Performance. 12.

Kenneth (DM):

So as you play a tune, you didn't stop the children, but it drew a huge crowd towards them and then started blocking the way. Back to Ang.

Morgan (Ang):

I will use my Arcana to detect the talisman. Because the children are lost among the crowd. Right? So I use my Arcana to detect the children.

Kenneth (DM):

The magic Talisman, or what you're assuming is magic la.

Morgan (Ang):

9 plus 3.

Kenneth (DM):

12 okay. You pass. So as you detect, you sense, you sense where it is, and with your athletic skills and acrobatic skills you jump towards where the point of the magic is to cut them off. Alright, so Bob.

Jonathan (Bob):


Kenneth (DM):

How're you going to... tell them to stop. Your shouts fall on deaf ears as the kid continues running.

Morgan (Ang):

We thought we heard a mouse squeak.

Kenneth (DM):

Alright. Tony.

Paul (Tony):

Persuasion. I'll bellow at them and cause a shock to them.

Kenneth (DM):

Seventeen. Alright, pass. That was great. So you need one more success or failure. The children turn around and,"Who's this guy playing? What the fuck's happening?" Alright, and one more. Ang.

Morgan (Ang):

Sleight of Hand. 10 plus 2.

Kenneth (DM):

Alright, so as you run you, you happen to hit the kid, in mid air, and then you steal it from his hand and he just continues running while the guards run after him. Okay, so now you guys are in the middle of the streets. Uh, Tony's performing somewhere. People are just throwing money at him.

Paul (Tony):

Where's my money?

Kenneth (DM):

At the point. I would say that people have given you enough for 1 silver.

Morgan (Ang):

Did you say you have a lot money?

Kenneth (DM):

What? People are throwing money to him.

Morgan (Ang):

He performed the last time round in a bar. I think he collected money then also.

Kenneth (DM):

So now you have the talisman in y our hand and then T ony's performing somewhere. So you guys, you guys are in the streets la.

Jonathan (Bob):

Where's the gypsie? Didn't we chase after her?

Kenneth (DM):

Quite far away. She couldn't leave her store because her that's where all her belongings were.

Morgan (Ang):

We should, we should regroup with Tony. And he's easy to find. Follow the music.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay, so you guys, your group, Tony and then Tony, everybody's...*applaud*... and they disperse and they're talking excitedly amongst themselves.

Jonathan (Bob):

I'll go to the Gypsie first...

Morgan (Ang):

... and try to sell her back her talisman.

Jonathan (Bob):

Yeah. Will you give me this over here?

Morgan (Ang):

Why don't we just bring a talisman to the mage and ask the mage how to use it?

Jonathan (Bob):

Call her bluff. I have a feeling she has something more. There's a reason why he said that your 12... cannot detect.

Morgan (Ang):

There's stuff in her shop. Why don't we go find the red hair chick and ask her what this talisman is. She's a librarian and she knows every book in the library. She should know what this talisman is. The gypsy might try to take it back from you and then when you know what the Talisman is, you know what it's worth...

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay[inaudible] go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Let's go to the Jane.

Kenneth (DM):

So you go back to Jane. So she's still in her books.

Paul (Tony):

What is this?

Kenneth (DM):

Although you do see where she collapsed the books, she's stacked it up and it's on the floor now. She looks up,"Hi, what do you guys want from me now I've already told you where my master... Oh, Oh, Oh. What is that? Where do you, where did you get that from?"

Jonathan (Bob):

You tell me.

Morgan (Ang):

Someone dropped it.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay. Do you want me to identify it?

Morgan (Ang):


Kenneth (DM):

So she pulls it up. She pulls on the necklace and she's like,"Oh it's so heavy." She brings it to the alter. She lays it on one of the altars around because that's where, yeah, so she draws circles and pentagrams and casts a spell. She says something words. And so the, the, aura turns around...

Morgan (Ang):

Avada Kedavra.

Kenneth (DM):

It lights up. This is clearly, magic but I can't, I can't really tell, tell what it is. It doesn't seem to emanate any sort of magic from it. But there is a spell...

Jonathan (Bob):

It's locked inside.

Kenneth (DM):

It seems to repel any sort of magical intrusion into it. I can't seem to identify it.

Jonathan (Bob):


Morgan (Ang):

So are you saying if I were to try to burn the talisman nothing will happen.

Kenneth (DM):

You can, you can try that. I am not sure.

Jonathan (Bob):

I use history.

Morgan (Ang):

She is our history check. You probably wouldn't know what this is.

Jonathan (Bob):

This feels like Lord of the Rings. The ring put in the middle."Let's destroy it!"

Kenneth (DM):

No ordinary axe can destroy the ring. It has to be cast back into the fires of Mordor.

Morgan (Ang):

Are we able to fold the talisman and make a crease.

Kenneth (DM):

You guys try it? Okay. So what weapons do you use?

Morgan (Ang):

No, we just fold the talisman.

Kenneth (DM):

Fold the talisman? It is an amulet.

Morgan (Ang):

It's not paper talisman meh?

Jonathan (Bob):

Oh that's what you've been thinking all this while. It's a rock. It's a rock. It's a freaking rock. You can't fold a rock.

Kenneth (DM):

I should be describing this amulet right?

Jonathan (Bob):

The Ang Moh thinks it's a chinese talisman. This is damned weird.

Kenneth (DM):

It's gold. It's gold. Okay.

Jonathan (Bob):

Not Gim Zhua, you know.

Kenneth (DM):

Bullion, in the shape of a bullion. Okay. It's a pyramid. It's basically like a pyramid. It's gold, at least it seems like it's gold la.

Morgan (Ang):

Basically, it looks like this.*slams D4 on table* But it's gold.

Kenneth (DM):

It looks like a Gold D4 basically. So if you guys want to, Jane says,"I can fashion this into an amulet for you if you are not afraid of its magical property, like a necklace. If you guys want to wear it".

Morgan (Ang):

We, we, we, we just need to know what it is so that we can go and barter.

Paul (Tony):

Let's go find the High Mage. Maybe your master will know more about this.

Kenneth (DM):

My master knows a lot about magic. I'm sure he's able to find out.

Morgan (Ang):

In the meantime, is there anything we can keep it in to nullify its magic? Like a container. It could be a cursed item, we would never know.

Jonathan (Bob):


Kenneth (DM):

The magic seems to be, it seems to nullify magic. That doesn't seem to be any sort of magic emanating from it, but I think...

Jonathan (Bob):

I know what it is already!

Morgan (Ang):

Show her your egg. Show her your egg. It's not what it looks like.

Jonathan (Bob):

Egg. Egg. Show her.

Morgan (Ang):

I show you one vial of blood. What do you think this is used for?

Kenneth (DM):

Oh, so she takes it. And immediately she drops it on the floor.

Morgan (Ang):


Jonathan (Bob):

Because it's hot, you dumb fuck.

Kenneth (DM):

Not every body is resistant to fire.

Morgan (Ang):

And I grab it.

Kenneth (DM):

Okay. Please roll a sleight of hand check.

Morgan (Ang):

16. High-speed yo.

Kenneth (DM):

What is that?

Morgan (Ang):

It's blood of a... drake of some sort.

Jonathan (Bob):

Fire drake.

Kenneth (DM):

"I've never seen, I've only seen them in books", so she pulls up like books, like creatures...

Morgan (Ang):

I was thinking, y ou s ummon a cat right. Then we feed the b lood to the cat and see what happens t hen?

Kenneth (DM):

She flips, she puts the books over and then she points to you a picture. So more or less, you see like a rough drawn picture of what you fought in the forest.

Morgan (Ang):

It looks exactly like that.

Kenneth (DM):

This is a fire drake. It is a magical beast. It's only found in the Underdark, how did you get its blood?

Morgan (Ang):

We found it one, one town down in a cave.

Kenneth (DM):

That's so weird.

Morgan (Ang):

in a cave. In a forest.

Kenneth (DM):

So she says,"This blood holds clear magical properties. But I wouldn't know how to use this as a chemical or...

Jonathan (Bob):

Then what about this? Then I take out the egg.

Morgan (Ang):

Please keep your dick. Or I'll drop this on your dick.

Kenneth (DM):

Is that a Fire Drake egg? That that must've been why the fire drake came to the surface in the first place.

Jonathan (Bob):

So how do I hatch it ASAP.

Kenneth (DM):

I only know that fire drakes hatch by the mother's breathing fir/ flame onto the eggs.

Morgan (Ang):

So, so we cook it.

Kenneth (DM):

Basically you cook it, if you wanna.

Jonathan (Bob):

Yes. Yes, we cook it.

Kenneth (DM):

So you guys wanna cook the fire drake egg?

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay. Can you look at the books to see like what's the optimal temperature and under what conditions can we incubate it instead of making a very nice breakfast for all of us?

Kenneth (DM):

So she flips you a book and says,"There isn't a lot of information here because fire drakes are rare creatures we don't have..."

Morgan (Ang):

But will your master know?

Paul (Tony):

We will pass the egg to him.

Jonathan (Bob):

What if I pass the egg to him? Will his temperature...?

Morgan (Ang):

I don't have a naturally high body temperature. I just have high resistance. But I could cast a bonfire, then put the egg in the bonfire.

Kenneth (DM):

That is possible.

Jonathan (Bob):

It's cooking.

Kenneth (DM):

That's basically cooking.

Morgan (Ang):

Well, that's how it is. It's a dragon, it can withstand those temperatures.

Kenneth (DM):

As much as I can tell you, fire drakes fire has magical properties in them. So it might, it might be a fire, it might be the temperature, it might be their breath...

Morgan (Ang):

Drip, drip, the blood on the egg.

Kenneth (DM):

So you take out, you waste a vial of blood...

Jonathan (Bob):

Can you not.

Morgan (Ang):

Not now la, when we're trying to prepare it.

Paul (Tony):

Prepare it!

Jonathan (Bob):

Next week on Masterchef, we'll teach you how to cook a dragon's egg organically.

Kenneth (DM):

Saving time, I've already prepared...

Morgan (Ang):

If Ang can cook, so can you!

Paul (Tony):

Welcomma to my showa. Today we are cookinga, dragon egga...

Jonathan (Bob):

Uh, so let's check what the talisman is. The taisman is very good against warding off. Which means if I threw it at the High Mage right, it might nullify the power.

Morgan (Ang):

I try to find out. I use burning hands on you.

Jonathan (Bob):

Can you don't do something that's damaging, your twat?

Morgan (Ang):

No, no, no. If the talisman works the way you say it works? I will not be able to burn you.

Jonathan (Bob):

What if you burn me already, then my eggs hatch. Then I'm like Deneris, coming from the fire, nude, with the dire drake. Call me Calisi. Calisi Bob.

Kenneth (DM):

Bob-lisi. Do you want to cast burning hands on him?

Jonathan (Bob):

No. Not in the freaking library.

Morgan (Ang):

At least we go to a secure location. Like a cave. I'll just use like a small spell on him and see if it does any damage.

Kenneth (DM):

So you guys have the Talisman, you guys have the egg, you guys have the magma.

Jonathan (Bob):

Can you try on an unseen servant...

Morgan (Ang):

Actually I can, because an unseen servant can hold stuff. But not in the library.

Paul (Tony):

Outside outside outside outside outside.

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay. Can. I make someone as a friend? I put the thing on him. And then you burn.

Morgan (Ang):

That is still in a town.

Jonathan (Bob):

So if the person dies, right. It's not going to turn hostile.

Morgan (Ang):

Yea, but it's us, we killed him.

Jonathan (Bob):

Then we put him somewhere. Oh yea there's a child. There's always children in the streets.

Paul (Tony):

Wanna steal my money? Come here.

Morgan (Ang):

Or why not you put it on the egg and then see if, if the egg gets cooked or...

Jonathan (Bob):

Do not risk the egg. Do you know the egg is something we c an n ot risk. I don't wanna end u p cooking. Then end up with a giant Balut, you know.

Morgan (Ang):

Okay. The egg is for when we are lost, right? And when we are hungry.

Jonathan (Bob):

No! Under no conditions. I'd rather eat him than eat the egg,

Morgan (Ang):

May a record show that Bob pointed to Tony and said,"I'd rather eat..."

Jonathan (Bob):

Like you can cut off the flesh of your skin. And then you heal it.

Morgan (Ang):

None of us can use heal, by the way.

Paul (Tony):

And you're a bird.

Jonathan (Bob):

Oh yeah.

Morgan (Ang):

So we can eat you. Fried chicken.

Paul (Tony):

White Poultry.

Morgan (Ang):

Okay. Are we going to bring the talisman back to the gypsy or we're just going to assume what it is.

Jonathan (Bob):

I want to go to the gypsie again. I'm pretty sure she has more things to say.

Morgan (Ang):

If you've go to the gypsie, you might lose the talisman...

Jonathan (Bob):

but if I go to the High Priest confirmed get fucked one. I know the high priest confirm attack us one.

Morgan (Ang):

Not necessarily.

Jonathan (Bob):

Or with the vampire. We haven't even get garlic!

Morgan (Ang):

What makes you think that vampires work like that?

Jonathan (Bob):

That means we need to get Holy water. We need to get stake.

Morgan (Ang):

Actually it doesn't say stake and hammer. That's Christians style of killing vampires, not D&D style.

Jonathan (Bob):

Then Chinese style la. Talisman on the head.

Morgan (Ang):

Maybe you're supposed to do that. You could try befriending it.

Kenneth (DM):

Befriending a vampire?

Jonathan (Bob):

Siao ah. It's not twilight, you know.

Morgan (Ang):

If you kill the undead, and then you revive them. Necromancy.

Jonathan (Bob):

I don't, I'm not that level. Fucking I can do is Unseen Servant.

Morgan (Ang):

Just store their dead bodies and then one day you just have like the whole...

Jonathan (Bob):

The bodies are already dead.

Morgan (Ang):

That's the whole point.

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay. Anyways, let's go find a gypsy. Can we take a vote? There are three of us anyways.

Morgan (Ang):

I don't mind.

Paul (Tony):


Kenneth (DM):

So you guys, you bid farewell to Jane, and then you leave...

Morgan (Ang):

Bye Jane.

Jonathan (Bob):

Jane's the best NPC ever. Don't have to pay for anything.

Kenneth (DM):

She's an assistant apprentice.

Morgan (Ang):

No, because she likes his performance.

Kenneth (DM):

She's freelancing.

Jonathan (Bob):

Okay. So we'll go to the gypsy.

Kenneth (DM):

So you w alked back to the market and hear screaming from the market.

Jonathan (Bob):

I fucking knew it.

Morgan (Ang):

No, the gypsy's dead.

Kenneth (DM):

As you approach the market, you can see half of it being torn down. There's blood everywhere. And towards the end of the market, rushing up towards where you are standing is a huge overhead white figure that's just smashing things. Perception check?

Morgan (Ang):

Yes. 2. I see a very big white figure.

Jonathan (Bob):

Oh fuck. 4.

Kenneth (DM):

Alright. So Tony, you recognize it as either an abominable snowman. Or a Yeti. Something huge...

Morgan (Ang):

Okay. Scorching Ray, let's go.

Kenneth (DM):

So it's charging towards you. I want, let's roll for initiative![Inaudible].