Humans of HR

111. Celebrating the ADHD Brain at work... Julie Cockerill joins David Guazzarotto on a personal journey exploring neurodiversity in the workplace and beyond.

David Guazzarotto, Episode 111

Welcome to Humans of HR.  We're a podcast and a social movement focused on the everyday challenges people experience at work. Powered by the team at Leapgen Australia.

In this episode we tackle an important topic - Neurodiversity - and are joined by the amazing Julie Cockerill, who is a Leadership, Strengths and ADHD coach. Julie joins our host David Guazzarotto to take us on a very personal journey exploring the nexus of neurodiversity and the workforce, drawing on their own experiences and reflections to help provide insights and understanding on the superpowers and kryptonite of the ADHD brain. 

Be sure to check out Julie's website - to find more resources and to get in touch with her.

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