Regina Dick
...above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Ephesians 6:16DAY 11 of 365 - SHIELD OF FAITH & FIERY DARTSWhat are fiery darts and how does the shield of faith quench them? Everyday we can expect fiery darts (flaming arrows) to come blazing at us from every direction. Some of the hottest are fired carelessly from the ones we care about the most, the key is holding, and thusly buliding, up the shield of faith.What can you expect from Prayer Warriors 365?1. Expect a deeper and abiding walk with our Father in Heaven as we get to know Him more intimately in our personal lives.2. We cannot truly be intimate and honest with ourselves, until we can get intimate and honest with Him. Since He knows US better than we know ourselves, we can expect to find freedom for ourselves and others.3. Discover the fullness of His salvation as we learn to be in this world but not of this world, understanding how to put on the Full Armor of God.4. Experience the Power of Effective prayer in our lives and the lives of others. The RIPPLE EFFECT that does change the world! Realizing that your life, my life makes a difference coming together making an even bigger difference as Prayer Warriors.