How Writers Write by HappyWriter

Episode 104 - How Patti Callahan Writes

Episode 104

Welcome to episode 104 - How Patti Callahan Writes 

This is the first website intro that I am recording from the comfort of our new home in Charleston, SC. I'm so excited to settle in here and explore this amazing part of the country. 

I'm also so excited to share this interview with Patti Callahan. Patti is a best-selling author and overall storytelling master. You can hear the excitement in her voice as we dive deep into the existential roots of the story. This is an interview I'll cherish. It's an interview that has rolled around in my mind in the weeks since we recorded it. I'm sure it'll impact you the same.

I want to take a moment to thank Patti for her time and for sharing so much with me. 

And now, my friends here is episode 104 with Patti Callahan.

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