Real Talk Real Walk with Shawn & Rashawn

Ep.9- How to Overcome Anxiety - The Secret to a Life Well Lived- Part 3

Shawn Maguire with guest, Ryan Casey Waller Season 1 Episode 9

During this episode Shawn & Rashawn interview their first guest who is an author, speaker, pastor, and (recovering) lawyer, Ryan Casey Waller. Ryan helps us discover how we can exercise our faith muscle when faced with worry and anxiety. This uplifting conversation reveals how we tend to curb our anxieties through materialistic ways instead of focusing our attention on the Lord and giving our cares to Him. We crave a sense of security but we have to admit that it can never be found in our own strength or in our own created coping mechanisms. How are you asking God to move in your life? Are you willing to look outside the box you have put Him in and allow Him to move in the way only He can?