The Writers Block

Chap65: Portal Party with Conor Lewis! [sci-fi/adventure]

8Sparks Media Season 6 Episode 65

Narrator Conor Lewis joins us for a conversation and a brand new fully improvised tale featuring dinosaurs, megalodons and rowdy pub crawling portal hoppers. STORY STARTS AROUND 15:40. You won't want to miss this one!

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This episode is brought to you by nerdcore. A store in the Auburn Mall located in Auburn, Maine. The place for all your nerdy needs. You can find Clarence and I's books there, as well as a plethora of other local writers, artists, 3D printed D&D tiles, taxidermy, you name it. They even have board games and tarot card readings, in addition to regularly hosting local creators. And as if that weren't enough, I like to dig through their used vinyl collection, which are organized into multiple genres. I usually go for classical or jazz and are all reasonably priced and tested beforehand. So yeah, check out the nerdcore store today at the Auburn, Maine Mall. And now for our feature presentation. 3.4s It was a podcast. 1.1s Work from my. It is the coolest podcast. 4.2s He called it the writer's block. 4.8s There was a podcast. 3s Some might say. 2.8s Time. 1.4s Writer's block. 1.1s


How do I sound? I sound professional. Beautiful. Oh. Thank you. All right. Welcome to the writer's block. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. It's a 


little bit hectic. I live for the chaos. 1.1s


So we're speaking with Connor Lewis, one of our new narrators on stories. He has done, Doomscrolling, which I'm actually exporting right now in the background because, you know, we've moved some, actually, I know if we announce this on the blog yet, so we've created an official eight stories YouTube page so that you can go and listen there and watch it just kind of looping clip, but we're uploading existing stories, and Doom Scroll is one of our more recent stories, and that'll be hopefully by the end of the day, so beautiful. And everyone is very happy that actually that was our fastest growing as far as listeners go. That was our fastest growing episode, really. So yeah, up until we rebuild a cathedral, that one's doing good on YouTube. Good, 


good. Let's Just Scroll was written fantastically. 1.3s


Um, yeah. So Connor Lewis is a narrator, and he's a part of the group, which I think is how Clarence found him. And how I found 


you. Yes. He is. 


Actually, we talk about Connor. Like two episodes ago, we were talking about the Angel fund and how you and I were selling my book. And how you were praying for the women. 


Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, she's a bit shameless on my part, but, hey, it worked. 


I gotta say, it's kind of weird seeing you talk and hearing your voice, which I'm only placing in Doomscrolling reference. Besides, you've done some of the recent episodes of UN Hellscape Till Death Do us part, 


right? No, no, I didn't get selected for that. Yeah. Oh, shame. Well, I mean, I always say, like, um, if my voice isn't right, I'd rather go with somebody that's the right sound. I don't want to be picked just because I'd rather they actually find the person that suits their all better. Let me do a plethora of voices, plethora of accents. But at the end of the day, if it ain't right, it's, uh. It don't mean anything. I'd love to be involved in everything because that's the person I am. But I think that's kind of an unrealistic expectation. But you are auditioning for clearances. Impossible. Just 


impossible. Just impossible. Yeah. No, no, that's 


what I have. Is. Yes. Oh, I'll audition for that 100% audition. I haven't seen, 


I don't think. I don't think it's up yet. So when you 


audition for something with multiple lines like audio drama, different characters, are you picking out what you want to audition for or is. I think Nels is the one in charge. Is he reaching out to you for something 


specific? No, it's kind of, uh. It's kind of. You know, when I did audition, for his part, I, uh, just read the whole script for the one. For the ones I auditioned for, doing the different voices, doing all the accents, doing a couple for a couple different actors. If they said they're from somewhere trying to match that and then offering an alternative, um, just just to see if anything's stuck. Really? Um, obviously didn't, which is fine, but it depends. Sometimes you get told or what have you to audition for this part, and then you go and audition for that part. Other times it's a free rein. And I love both. 


So how long have you been narrating? 


Oh, narrating. Not long. To be fair. Uh, so I want to be. I want to be a voice actor. I still do want to be a voice actor doing anime, uh, video games, cartoons, all that sort of stuff. I have this dream in the back of my head that one day I've got two young boys that they'll be able to watch cartoons. So that's dad. 1.1s Um. But. So who? Danny. First, I think I came across Aaron on Tik Tok. Uh, and then not long after that met Tanya or Blue, uh, for you. Do you, do you do you please edit that so I get it right? Otherwise she will kill me. 1.2s Um, and, uh, she invited me on to CSC, and I was like, yeah, sure. Why not? I've not done a live before on TikTok. I've not really explored the narration avenue, so I'll give it a go. Um, went on and loved it because it's kind of like I get to create the characters in my head, if that makes sense. No, I don't, I don't see it as just reading the words on the page. I see it more as a I am that character in the book. If it's a point of view book, then that's me. I'm so that's my character and then the voice and everything spirals out from that. Um, a lot of people like it. And then I get invited back for another read, which was slightly spicy, which I wasn't expecting. 


So what is this CSI called? 


Oh, so CSI Cold Reads is a program. I think Tanya started it, but I'm not sure, um, where they will match up narrators and authors to do like readings of their books and their projects, and it's all done on TikTok live has championed like fucking five, five shows or something crazy like that. 1.2s


Yeah. Fucking beautiful. 1.5s


Yeah, yeah. So Tanya is a mastermind. She. 


Yeah. So she 


would never she would take a very talented narrator and a very talented author and say, I think these two would match. I think this would be this would be a thing. Then she'll she'll be like, okay, you're gonna be on this episode with Connor, or you're gonna be on the episode with Tegan or whomever that she has in her pocket because she has, like 10 million of us in her pocket 100%. Yep. I mean, and the other TikTok creators and authors, and it's it's wild. And then she did the same thing. I don't know how much of this you've been a part of, but with her other two shows, she would take a handful of writers in like one narrator, and she'd just put us all in conversation like, and I've been on a handful of those I've ever done CSI Cold Reads. Nobody's ever invited me. Nobody's ever. Oh, that's 


about anybody I was. I'm gonna sort that out right after this. 


So unfortunately, when, um, when Tanya got sick, like, people took over her shows for her, so they got divvied up. Uh, who was it took over CSI, 


Teagan and Teagan and. Oh, God, I feel 


really bad. I can see his face in my head. I can't 


remember because I know, I mean, I know he runs it with Tanya, but then Aaron ended up getting married. It wasn't planned. Uh, Aaron went off and got married. How dare he? Um, yeah, he took some time off as well. I know I got I helped Teagan out on one of them as a co-host, which was fun. Uh, yeah, I can't remember who else filled in because obviously, like, the time difference, I don't. It's, uh, I don't tend to stay up to watch them, which is a real shame, but, um. Right. So yeah, no, I'm not too sure who else helped out, but I did 


that one. And then she had a show called Impromptu Interview, which Kyla pilot took over. Yeah, yeah. And I've done that 


1000 times on that Thursday. 


Spoiler alert. Oh, actually. Maybe. Friday. Sorry. 


Uh, what is it? Thursday the 28th. 


I think that might be the Friday. Might not be the day for you. Sorry. And then there's another. There's another one that you did with Rick Trion as well. And that one too. Which 


ones? I always get. Which one is? Yeah, I don't remember off the top of my head. No, she's got too many to count anyway. Just. Yeah. The woman likes to be busy. Let's just say 


that. Yeah. On top of that, all the promotional stuff she does and. Yeah. 


And stuff that you don't see, it's it's it's impressive. Because even if she's not on her shows, she'll be matching people up in the background. Um, so I don't know if you know David Ross, the author. Uh, obviously he's, uh, introduce me to him, and he was like, your voice sounds close to the previous audiobook. Narrator I had, uh, I might need to have conversation with you. I was like, okay. Um, it turns out that for whatever reason, that narrator can't do any more with audiobooks. And David was saying he doesn't like to write a book unless he knows who's gonna be narrating it. He loves audiobooks. He loves working with narrators. Uh, so he scrapped this whole series and then introduced as he heard my voice went back on. Fantastic. 


That's the hellscape. Or is this just where you found the hellscape? 


Uh, I found hellscape through Tanya. 


Yeah, it's connected, but it's not. Everything's connected, but it's it's a little confusing because so many of us are friends on TikTok. So a lot of, like, people that we talk about are in hellscape. But the content is necessarily hellscape related. 


Yeah. So David 1.3s


David recently did an audiobook giveaway, which you were a part of. Yeah, I, I kind of fell backwards into that. It was purely coincidence, really. So he offered to pay for an audiobook, and you reached out to me and said that I should submit, and the stipulation was that he couldn't have had any previous audiobooks already, so I would've made it anyway. 


I was like, I know a few other people need this go for consent and consent. And yeah, I mean, 


sorry. I deeply appreciate that, I do. So he was concerned that like, people were gonna think was a scam or something. And by the way, when I say he paid for it, I mean he paid for it with under the I don't know, the words are not working today. Um, so you had two choices. You had either Connor or Teagan, but that was kind of part of the deal because he wanted to 


have work, which is not so much that is that he obviously taken so much for him. He trusts Teagan to the ends of the earth. And the fact that, um, he includes kind of included me in that, in that bracket is something that he trusts was a massive honor for me. Lovely, I love it. Um, so it was a stipulation that was either me or Teagan, because he knows that we deliver, he knows that we can do good work. And I don't think I think it's arrogant to say, I know I do good work. 


It's it's more of a trustworthy thing than it is. Let's just keep you guys employed. 2.1s




he was concerned that people think was a scam. So I stepped in and I said, listen, I know him. I don't know him greatly, but I know him enough. You know, I was like, I will back him. And I even put up like I posted the video and I put the comments, I said, I'll risk my reputation on this guy like he's legit, he's gonna pay for this audiobook. It's gonna happen. And he really appreciated that. So the day of the giveaway, the day he announced the winner, I just happened to be scrolling through TikTok and I saw him on a live. So I just clicked it because I'll drop in on a live randomly, just out of boredom or whatever. I've dropped a few of yours. Um, and he immediately sends me an invite, you know, to come up. And I'm like, all right, well, whatever. And he's like, oh, he's like, I'm gonna do announce a giveaway. And he's like, she's not on right now. So I'm waiting for her. I was like, okay, I'll just be your comedic relief. So I just sat there and bullshitted with them for like an hour. And as that time went on, you came on TV and came on, a couple of other random people came on, and by the end of it, the woman that we've been waiting for, that one, she came on and then she ended up crying. It was a whole 


I came on, I came on just after that call to work. Um, and David was messaged me. And she's not on. She's always on. This is just typical. What am I going to do? I don't know, I just reach out and, you know, if it's a bit of a if it's a bit suspicious, it's a bit suspicious. I think he did it in the end, but I think she just happened to come online and then a text message me saying that everyone was on. Can I get on? Y'all go take a break. And then. Yeah, it was lovely to see Angelique in tears. Yeah. Um. And I think I'm allowed to say that I'll be the one narrating book. I think I have to say that I think so, yeah. If not spoilers. 


Uh oh. Yes. Good question. Ah, I should've prepared more for this. I'm awfully remembering titles. 


Uh, Angelique Anderson. Yes. 


Uh, it's the ghost in the ghost in Something Goes to You. It might take 


me. You might take me forever to get there so we can talk something else. I'll 1.1s


read this online. 1s You have the names of the books he's narrating. 


Well, we're not using the video or anything, so it's gonna be easier for me to cut out the audio. We're just using audio. I should say that 


at beginning. Um, you got a lot. I mean, we all do. So something. Where 


are you from? Uh, down in the south of England, in case you couldn't tell. 


Um, we I dunno, if you listen to last Friday's episode, we were talking about the accent 


on this one. My lovely, uh, droll voice. 


Well, I watch, uh, John Oliver, and he was on hot Wings, and one of the questions was about his accent and whether or not people take a more serious. If he finds that people take it more seriously because of it. And he said that absolutely was the 


case. Uh, ghost in the house? Yes. 


That one. Yeah. Yes. Thank you. Something about accent makes you sound more distinguished. Yeah, I don't get it. I mean, I grew up with this, so this is just my voice. I said to Daniel that when I went on the, um. Excuse me when I went on the, um, 1.5s to do the slightly spicier stuff that still. Tick tock safe. Um. I just I mean, I kind of said to myself, I'm gonna do a Russian. I don't do erotic stuff. That's just that's not a bit of me. And then stumbled into reasons like, oh, it is spicy. Fuck. Well, I'm here now. Oh, well, I just went for it. And a lot of people were a little bit, um, crazy for it. Uh, yeah. Uh, so, you know, after that, I was like, maybe I do have a voice for it. And I auditioned on for a book called Bloodlust and Temptations to go look at it. It's pretty good and narrated by myself, written by the wonderful Olive censor, who's got some other smutty stuff out there. Um, including the first blood lust. This is a sequel. Um, and, uh, yeah, I booked that, obviously, and then had so much fun recording it. Um, and I was like, okay, maybe, maybe I can do this stuff as well. So. Yeah. So what would you 


say your favorite genre for 


audiobooks? That is a good question. I don't know if it's so much as it's more just a book I can connect with. So I'm currently doing, um, a, uh, modern day sci fi, no wrong. A modern day fantasy kind of thing. Uh, with dragons, uh, guns, cars, all sorts of stuff. Um, which is so much fun. That's like urban fantasy, I guess. Yeah, kinda. Um, I mean, it's it's not a closely guarded secret. Mine. I don't I never really read, like, it's not like, dislike books. It's just books don't tend to grab me. Um, so if I, if I'm sitting there and I've got an hour, I'd rather jump on some video games or or try to connect with people rather than sit and read a book. And that's a really good book. Um, which is where, like I said earlier, drawing a character for the books really helps me get into it because it makes it more fun. It makes it interesting. Um, not that they're not interesting, but you get what I mean. So yeah, just something that I can. Something I can actually get stuck into. Um, but that's that's what I look for. If I read something, I'm like, I'm not gonna audition for it. Do you find yourself when you're playing video games? Do you find yourself like listening to the voice acting? Yes. You have 


like a favorite game or typical games that you play and that I'm heavily stuck on at the minute? Um, 


it's very popular right now. Yeah. It's pretty it's pretty good fun. Uh, it is. It's not a relaxing game. From the second you log, you log on, you spawn in a ship. Uh, you sort out your inventory, you sort out the mission, you go to the pods and you dive down to the planet. And as soon as you hit the surface, that's it. Whether you're facing bugs or you're facing automatons, it's just nonstop. And so you extract. But, uh, I mean, I sit there and yeah, I do. I listen to all the voice acting and stuff in that moment. Um, whenever it was I last played, um, loading screens, you get, uh, tips and tricks and stuff across the bottom that load up. Uh, I just went into my sort of, like, typical narrating voice, like, stereotypical voiceover, uh, for that and just reading it off, one of the guys I played with, they added a voiceover to the loading screens. I was like, yes, 


success 1.8s


was a proud moment for me. I can't do video games. Get me an agent. 1.1s


Um, so I just checked my calendar. We're not on the same episode. I'm gonna be on a day after you. Unfortunately, I'm on Friday. Um. That's okay. I'll try to jump on yours, and I'll tell 


you in the comments. Uh, yeah, I think I think it's just me, because, um. Uh, Olive Spencer's the author. She was meant to be on it. I don't think she's got a TikTok following just yet. So, hey, if you listen to this before Thursday 28 and you're on TikTok, go find Olive Spencer and give her a follow so we can try to get her on on the live. 


I don't even know if I follow her, so I'll have 


to check. You need to sort that out. I know 


you know the other thing that I can tell you. I got some voice work now. Okay. Yeah, it's a gag. It's not. It's nothing serious. But this company called chatterbox, chatterbox productions, they've taken one on short stories and part of the deal. Part of the deal is that, you know, they're going to. They wanted to do one of the voices. They offer that all their authors, if you want to do it. And I was like, I'm not great at reading aloud. I'm not great at it. But I will do the voice of a zombie if you let me, you know, like you're like, absolutely. You're in. Oh, 


we need to get a sneak preview of that. No, we need to 


hear it. We definitely need to hear it go something like 1s


real 1.4s nice. 


Hello? I'm a zombie, 


I am zombie, I like brains. 


Yeah. Do you have a favorite narrator or voice actor that you maybe look up to for inspiration? 


Uh, I think Travis Willingham is pretty, pretty amazing in my books. Uh, he's. I think he's Thor in a lot of the Marvel animated stuff. Uh, he's done. So he was in Dragon Ball Z for a bit as well. So, uh, it turns out it's a lot more than I thought he was in. Um. But I mainly found him through Critical role Dungeons and Dragons stuff because I am a massive fucking nerd. Um, I mean, the stuff I started from, to be fair, um, when when everybody went into lockdown, me and my mate were like, nothing to do. And then I don't know if you know, the, uh, YouTube channel, Adult League. They do lots of different skits about video games and stuff. They started Indie Channel and we were like, it's that's pretty good. If you ever thought about playing indie, like a little bit, but so we could. So we did. And then he's like, okay, let me do it. But you've got you've got to be the Dungeon Master. I was like, fuck, all right, sure thing. Uh, trying to learn the rules. Uh, try to learn this and and control. The chaos was hell, but getting to show off accents and voices was good fun. I was like, huh? This is fun. And then found a role. And the way that they produce every show is we're a bunch of nerdy voice actors who play Dungeons Dragons. I like voice acting. That's a thing. Ah, and then, yeah, that's where that's what I want to do. 


So that's a that's a good segue because, um, I think what we do on the writer's block in the story half is kind of Dungeons and Dragons, because we are I'll explain to you the rules and to anyone listening, they might not have heard us before for whatever reason. So basically, what we're gonna do is we're going to take turns telling a story, and it can be any genre. You can swear literally anything can happen, but we're just trying to keep it cohesive. Gotcha. 2020 five minutes. Um, and so yeah, it's similar to Dungeons Dragons in that way. And especially I think that's how critical role kind of works. Right. You're just listening to this game that you guys are making up this story adventure, adventure because it's real, dammit. 


But you have real voice actors, including you doing stuff like that. Yeah. So so that's what we're to do. Start with you, since you're fantastic and what we like to do with guess is I'm gonna send you the link or you just type it in, it's our random word generator site, and you're gonna pick up five random words, whatever it gives you, and then you can write stuff. Yeah, you can write stuff down to take notes 


on my notebook. I usually have it. 1.6s


I don't have any words. And if you want, you don't have to. But it's a little game we like to play where we try to sneak our words into our part of the stories, and then afterwards we have bonus cover and try to guess each other's words. Okay. 


As a master at this, I lost the last time, though it sounds 


like a notepad and pen. Uh. 1.3s


Um. 1.4s


Now I can think of 


where I'm going. I will be two seconds. 


Did you know that by day I'm a plumber? That's right. And we at the writers block are proud to announce that one of our sponsors is Mark Negro Services, based out of Westbrook, Maine, and servicing most of southern Maine. Mark Niagara services is available for all your plumbing, heating, gas, and even sprinkler needs. It could just be my employee bias, but I can confirm that the work done by these guys is clean, efficient, and affordable and all done within a reasonable time period. You will never have a leak or go cold with Mark Niagara services, and if you're already experiencing one or both of those two things, you won't have to worry much longer. Reach out to Mark Niagara Services at M Negro Services at That's the letter m n I g r o services at Links are also available in the show. Notes. The writer's block is brought to you by Arc Hard Place. That's the letter R located in the Auburn, Maine Mall. Our card is the premier Auburn location for comic books and trading cards, including Pokemon Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh! Sports, and even music. I got my own little collection growing of pop star and yo MTV raps cards featuring legends like Ozzy Osbourne, Jimi Hendrix, LL cool J and my personal favorite heavy D in The Boys. Our cards also have some fun collectibles, like a toy replica of the gum gum fruit from the One Piece anime, and they're fully certified for card valuation, so you can find out just how much those old baseball cards you found in your attic are worth. So what are you waiting for? Get on down to our card place at the Auburn Maine Mall today. 2.3s


Three individuals found themselves around a table in Lucky's Bar. They're sinking a few drinks, getting to know each other better as an idea begins to form. Luckily, one of them has a pen and some paper and they begin jotting their ideas down. For example, why don't we start a podcast? We can call it eight bucks. 1.2s I'm sure that'll impress a few people. Uh, I'm gonna pass it off there. Okay. 


A podcast. What kind of a loser does a podcast? One of them says, and Yucks very loudly slamming his beer onto the table. They are three sheets to the wind. I mean, they've been sloshing back. Mixed drinks all night. They've been getting real shitty. Uh, all right. I suppose we could start a podcast. Why not? Because every time we have drunk ideas, they turn out really well. That time we stole an airplane anyway. That's another story. That's another story for another time. So the three men drunk off their asses start recording right there in the pub. They have their phones and they start talking and they start telling all these wild tales. Well, one of them says, you know, you know what's better than starting a podcast? Getting shitfaced with your mates? 1.7s


So our characters who we have not named their names are Connor, Clarence and John. So names the bartender. The bartender yells from the bar. He says it's getting time to close, and the three of them look around and see that sure enough, everyone in the bar is gone. There's one busboy. There's one busboy cleaning up another table. He looks very pissed off, but he's thinking of something else somewhere else. They all give one last year with their glasses, and then they get up and they head out the door as they're walking out. Take it. 


As they're walking out, they're not sure if it's their, uh, altered mindsets due to the alcohol or if this is really happening, but on the screen, glow begins to form just in front of them as a portal starts to open up and somebody steps through. The figure is cloaked in mysterious and beckons and forth, uh, inviting them to step through to a land of adventure and promise, much like stories they've already been discussing surrounding the podcast. 


Come with me. The cloaked figure lures them. Come. Come with me. I have worlds to show you. Worlds beyond belief. All right. Okay. You take it easy there, sugar tits. So the three guys wander into the portal, which, by the way, sucks them in viciously. It was way more than they bargained for. And as they're thrown into the next world or the next dimension, Sean kind of lands sideways, turns a couple times, and then throws up. Oh, Jesus. What was that? And as they're staring down into this puddle of chicken tenders, 


popping fries and 


disappear, the Coke figure says, all right, all right, enough. Come, come. And as they're walking, they see a shadow traveling in, eclipsing them as it passes over. And they're like, what the fuck is that? And they look up just in time to see the giant, no massive wingspan of a dragon. 1.3s


Sean says, Holy shit. He falls backwards onto a rock. But upon closer inspection, we see that this is not a dragon, it is a pterodactyl. And that's when they hear the roar. We've never done dinosaurs, so, Sean says, wondering if perhaps all of this stuff isn't just being conjured out of thin air because of their wild podcast sessions? No, no, no, he thinks it's just way too meta. So he gets up from the rock, brushes his hands off, and they hear that roar again, and then the ground starts to vibrate. This pterodactyl has flown away and they can see that the trees are moving. Clarence turns to Sean and he's like, uh, why did we decide to come to that portal? And Connor says, 


I just followed you two fucking idiots. 1.5s


The voice behind them goes, good, good. Now enjoy your face. The portal shuts behind them as they're shrouded in this prehistoric Jurassic landscape in front of them. As the three turn their heads to focus on the trembling trees, they start to hear the ominous footsteps and the low growls of what they can only assume is a massive creature. Uh, I think I've got T-Rex in my range. Probably not. Have you heard the, um, the the scientists think T-Rex actually sounded like. Rather than Jurassic Park at the end. Uh, and there's a back to the story. That's the three of staring. They fail to notice that behind them, uh, Dilophosaurus has appeared 1.1s as the frill start going. Clarence, the first turn around goes push, Sean in the way. And, uh, bolts, kind of not sure what to do. Stands there for a moment before thinking, well, fuck it and runs after Clarence. I don't have to be quick. I just have to be quicker than you, he thinks. 1.3s They begin running off shore, not far behind, leaving the massive footsteps and the ominous growling, uh, far in the distance. They arrive at a clearing. And what they see, they weren't expecting. 1.3s


Turning around, looking left, looking right there like, where the fuck is Connor? Where did he go? And just as they say that, they see Connor riding a fucking dinosaur. 1s What the fuck are you doing? Sean screams as as Connor is swinging his hat over his head as the dinosaurs were walking like a bronco. Jesus Christ, this guy's 


fucking nuts. So something to do 1.7s


as Sean Clements just staring at them bewildered. Connor is like, look at me, guys. You fucking idiots, get on with these two. And just as we approach another sitting dinosaur, we hear the rumbles and the screeching of a much bigger one coming. And as this one that Connor is writing, whatever name I can't pronounce it. He just said it, hears the coming dinosaur and scowls, kicking him off. He lands on his head and he's sort of stretching his neck and rubbing the inside of the skull. Oh, it was fucking worth 


it. It's just then that the cloaked figure appears again through yet another portal. He says, all right, you guys probably had enough of this shit. I mean, you've probably had enough of this shit if you'd like to move on. There are other worlds. And he kind of just vaguely waves his hand out. Um, and the three of them look at each other and say, just nod. They don't even say anything, and they both step through. The first portal presented immediately regretted because they fall into water. They are now in some sort of ocean, and they realize quickly that they did not take enough time to breathe. So they're fighting for air, swimming in random directions, looking for something, anything to help them. When Connor notices something glowing or there's like something glowing coming out from underneath a shell that's just laying on the ocean floor. 


Connor swims there for a moment, contemplating thinking, I really want to touch it. Oh, I want to touch it, but I can't be good. He tries to get attention and Shawn, but is unable to. Uh. He does notice that as he goes to open his mouth, a few bubbles fall out and they go down towards his feet. The logic dictates that they are upside down and to get up to the air they would have to swim down. Not before he touches the shell with the ominous glow as he swims down to pick it up off the sea floor beneath 


it, takes the shell, rubs it under his thumb for a second, and realizes 


that. It isn't just light that is glowing, but some sort of magical power, and he has a compulsion to breathe into it for a second. And every instinct in his body says, no, don't do it, you'll drown. But he pushes it into his 


mouth and pulls a little drawer just a little bit, and it gives him the power to breathe underwater. Oh holy shit. Sort of gill, sort of gill sort of protrude from his neck and he's like, guys as bubbles come out his mouth. Oh, guys, you gotta try this. And he passes it first to Shawn then and they both hit it. They hit it like it is. And and the same effect, their gills kind of push out and they can breathe underwater and they're like, dude, is it just me or is this fucking awesome? But on the other hand, we should really stop following this creepy guy because eventually he's gonna run into a van and give us candy. 2.2s


So they're swimming majestically through the water with their gills now just enjoying this ocean. And they're getting closer. Closer to the top. They can tell now, because the sunlight coming through the surface of the water up above. So they follow the sunlight and they reach the top, and they jump out of the water majestically like dolphins. But when they're up in the air, all three of them gulp in whatever way with their gills, and they look down and they see there's this massive shadow in the water. Um, that can't be good, Shawn says. And then when they dive back into the water, they quickly realize that it's a megalodon. 2.5s


Yeah, you're gonna leave me with it because I'm gonna go with a magic leap 1.6s as they break the surface of the water and they come face to face with this megalodon, realizing how quickly it's coming up on them and how terrifyingly large this thing is, the three of them decide it's best to split up because it can't go after all of them. And as if puffing on the magical green shell has somehow connected their minds, they decide we can take this thing. Surely 1.1s divide and conquer is the tactic of the day. Uh. Conrad dives down below it, barely, whilst Clarence and Sean go either side. The megalodon is confused and don't quite know who to follow as it rears down to join James, Connor, Clarence and Sean go for the eyes on either side. Uh, just before the Duncan II thing they do before the megalodon can roll his eyes back into his head to attack, they managed to punch it in the eye, distracting it, wounding it, and hopefully blinding it. The three of them reconvene and swim off a little ways. The megalodon seems a little bit out of place and turns around to swim away. They almost feel sorry for it because it looks like it's been wounded. But does this mean that they're now the kings of the sea? 4.1s How do you follow that up? Atlantis is the only way to go. 


We've gotta go like this. As they're beach bound, they're setting off each other like. All right. This has been a good adventure, but how the fuck we get home? You're sitting 1.5s there looking at each other. They're looking at the sand there. By the way, a horrendously littered beach. It's not clean and beautiful like the ones on TV. This is shit. There's plastic bottles and condoms and dirty diapers and. And as they're walking on this beach, stepping over filthy novels and all kinds of other gross shit, they come across a tree, but it looks not like a tree. It looks like a tree that has been struck by lightning because it's all burned on the inside. But it's big. It's like massively big. And in the center of it there's a cavern, we'll say, like a crevice that is big enough for me to walk through, maybe a doorway or an arch or something. And they all look at each other and like, we've come this far, we might as well give it a go. And as they're going down, they're like, I hear something. Do you hear that? It sounds like maybe country music, cracking pool balls or something. Laughter I don't know. And as they go in, pushing and shoving each other, like, merrily they find themselves back at the bar. 


But it's not the bar they remember. Instead of a neon lit sign on the inside says, long, guys, 1.1s we can stay here, guys have a drink or we can keep pushing on. Depends on whether or not you stay in a parallel universe. Maybe the sign was replaced. Maybe they changed their name while we were gone. There's no telling how long we've been gone. Oh, you've been gone for quite some time. They both turn around surprised. Like dramatically surprised like a sitcom. And standing there in the doorway is the cloaked figure. I've got one more portal for you. They all look at each other. They decide to have a drink first, and they invite the tiger over. He has a drink as well. It turns out he's pretty funny guy. He's got a story. 


Yes. He thinks the podcast is a cool idea. He's very encouraging. So they go back to the door and they give each other one last chance, and they step through this portal, um, only to find that. 


Only to find themselves stepping back into, uh, into lounges, back in the moment. They left 1.1s with a renewed vigor 


and renewed and 


renewed beers. So this podcast is definitely gonna be one hell of a fucking wild ride. 


And on the whole, John pulls out his phone in his pocket. Turns out he's been recording since the first conversation. They've got stuff to work with and and now you know. And that is how the story was uncovered. 1.1s The three of us here. 2.3s All right, 1.1s


that's a wrap up. So. 1.5s


Oh, I love 


it. Yeah. No, I love I love the chaos that improv brings. And I love it. I love a no bars. No no no, no, no holds barred. Yeah, 


that sounds right. Yeah. Uh, kind of improv. Yes. Whatever the fuck you one doesn't matter. Because, uh, that makes for the stories 


I do with your words. I don't know that they're nice, interesting. 


I didn't I got three out of five, 


I got none of mine. And so, you know, it's just like when I thought to use them, we were already in another world, and I was like, oh, crap. So I'll just say what my mine were, uh, kidnap monstrous ideas right away. Publicity print. I was going to tuck that into, like, they fall into a footprint. But by the time I realized I could do that. Yeah, in a tale. So I was gonna do that at first. Like you're gonna get knocked slide down the dinosaurs tail or something like that. And then I was gonna do with megalodon. But you defeated him and he swam away. I was gonna have him slap me in the face with his tail, 1.9s but I might as well. I mentioned my words. Uh, yes. So basically, for you, Conor, I only had portal. I messed up the word. Did you say cloak? 


I did say cloaked, but that was one of my words. Okay. 


And like pub bar beer. But I feel like that was just. Yeah. And then kind of, you know, clearance for you. I had compulsion. No. Cavern. No. Merrily. No. And I have a lipsey here. I think you said the wrong word. Okay, so now I 1s


try myself. Okay. 2s


All right. Go ahead. Uh, I'm guessing where am I telling? You're guessing 1.9s


viciously. That's all I got. I've got to wrap up the story, all right? I've only got two guesses for you and got a feeling they're both wrong, but we'll try, uh, ominous. Nope. And, uh, divide. No, no. 


Oh, shit. We all lost 1.7s


words. Example, uh, form. So I think I said, uh, the idea starts to form of a podcast. Uh, pen. Uh, I hid body. I was quite sneaky when I said somebody. Oh, okay. And impress. The idea of the podcast was bound to impress. That's 


pretty. Pretty slick. Um, I had zero. I did not use novel, which I did. Yeah, 


you said filthy novel. I almost mentioned something 


about that. Oh. You did? That was. I should have done a novel. Yeah. Um, well played mix, which I threw in when they're getting their slush on mixed drinks. Yeah, that 


did send out a little bit. Yeah. 


Uh, which I did not use, which in retrospect, I could have written above. I mean, it would've been breezy and then Tinder. So I threw that in in the throw up scene. Throws up chicken tenders. You played 


very well played. I 


didn't I didn't bat an eye of that because Connor had already established that this is gonna be one of those wild stories. We're gonna throw chicken tenders, whatever we got. Which is why I did dinosaurs. 


Yeah, nice. Well done. So, 


technically, I think Connor won because he used all of his words. 


Yeah, I think so. I'm not competitive, so. Doesn't mean much to me. It's everything. 


Everything. 1.4s All right, so that's the story. Now, we usually use this bonus base to just extend the conversation and talk about ever you wanna talk about and do any shout outs for yourself or anyone else that want to do so. But before I forget, I meant to mention in the starting convo that you are going to be doing a voice for my intro. My next 


album. Yes I am. So 


it's going to be like a skit. I don't give away the skit yet, but basically you're going to be auditioning to be me as the rapper alongside some other narrators. It's gonna be funny. 


Speaking of imposter syndrome earlier, I have no business being in this skit whatsoever 


as well. Yeah. Yeah, buddy. Yeah, 1.5s it's gonna be good fun. Yeah, I'm very much looking forward to that. It's different, but I'm here for it. You don't rap in the car 


in the funny to have you on 1.3s that one. Go on the radio. 


What was that? Is that the way I say shower? 


I did, I did, I tried to do a bridge accent 


that wasn't terrible. And it's a lot, a lot better than when people go, oh 


no, I wouldn't do that. 


Oh, there's so many other nuances for me. I have a I have a very southern accent, but. Where it comes out most is, um. Obviously I'm gonna do it and then how I do it. But, uh, you have swimming pool, you pull a door, and that guy's name is Paul. Mhm. But when I'm just speaking, it's just Paul Paul. Pool. Swimming pool. Pulled it all. Oh yeah. Paul 1.1s is very amusing. Yeah. Yeah. We have 


pretty thick Yankee accents up here. 2.2s


As long as the Maine accent can be. 


No, not us too. But definitely some people in our circles got some pretty thick, hardcore Maine accents 


over it. I mean, that's a stereotype that each country gets, uh, labeled with those in its strongest or the most well known. Like whenever, whenever you go to audition for something for voiceover and it's there after a British accent, it just says British accent. And you're like, which one? Yeah, yeah. 


Male and female. Yeah. British. You sound, uh, you're. It's easier to understand you than our artist, Keith Talbot. He's been on a couple of episodes and just the like that he's using, but he's got a very thick accent. He's from the UK, right? Yeah. Just another part. 


Yeah. And I think. Yeah, it's fair to say, like, it depends on where you are too, because yeah, they sound very different. Like what they call the cockney accent. It's like really fucking posh. Really. Cockney is not posh. Um, I wonder about myself is not being able to a Cockney accent, but, uh, but like Jason Statham, have you seen any of his films? That's kind of Cockney. Yeah. And then. Yeah, 


like yours is Megalodons. 


Mhm. Yeah. Me too. 1.3s


Yeah. Um, we're notorious for dropping our r's up here. So we say Paktika. 1s




Yeah, 1.9s yeah. 2.2s


Yeah, 1.4s


yeah I love it. These are the things I think there's, um, there's a website that I can't remember the name of because it would be. It's invaluable. Uh, but basically it talks you through all the, uh, like that, dropping the Rs from words and all the nuances and little habits that people have from places to help the accent sound more natural. 


Yeah. Oh, that's good. That's really good. Yeah. 


I can never remember what it's called, but I know the people I talked to. But every time I'm like, oh, I should do that, I then forget. Yeah. 


If you ever need any help on some New England, just let me know. I 


will do it. I'll talk you through it. It doesn't seem to pop up that much on auditions as a as an ask. 


Also, there are different New England to like. Maine is different from York, which is different from Boston. But yeah. Boston. Yeah, yeah, 1.1s good old Ted. That's the reason I really know the Boston accent. I just finished that show. 


I'm still still making my way through it, but it's funny. I'll have to check it out. 


So let's let's go into that, give us a Ted voice and then give us, like, your top five voices. 1s Maybe just 


give us some voices. I'll give you some voices. All right. Uh, but, you know, I can't do a Ted because it's very much Peter Griffin. But in family Guy, I do have. How's it going? 


Hmm? Get your fat ass back 


here. Say, muscles. 1.1s Thanks for having me on my finger. Hmm? 1.7s Or, uh, you got Cartman. Um. How 


would you like stack my bags, Mr. Garrison? 1.5s


I'm sorry, I said. 


How would you like to stack my bows, Mr. Garrison? 1.1s


Uh, you got stitch from Lilo and Stitch. Aloha. How's it going? My name is stitch, bitch. My boys love personalities. I have daddy and I have stitch. And whenever I'm brushing their teeth, it's a stitch. Just 


brush your teeth, because otherwise your cavities and your teeth will fall out. 1.4s


Then what you do is you take stitch and drop it down a little bit, and you add a little bit of rasp and you end up with Gollum. 2.4s


Sort of sweet. 1.6s


Uh, and then I'll give you the little snippet of Master Chief. Um, I need a weapon 1s like his best line. Yeah, yeah. He's work. I've been present 


for the the voice of Herbert before I can remember. What I can't remember. You and Carlo. We're goofing 


around. Yes. Yeah, it was me and Carlo. Yeah, I was 


in the comment section. Just dying 1.5s lines at one point. 1.3s


It's one of my favorite go to ones because, um, one, I'm very confident, quite strong. Uh, and to always get a better reaction. So if I'm ever in a game chat. So Call of Duty and end up with the campers who are snapping up on the hills, just. I'm gonna get you. I'll see you, I smell you. 1.4s Just watch him freak the fuck out. 1.3s That's great. I just I just know that you, uh, also, you've done, uh, the ghost in the story, so that's going to be your next story on a story. And you didn't really. I wasn't expecting the accents. You did, like an Irish accent. 


Yeah. And, uh, kind of a Texan southern drawl, kind of. Yeah. As well as me talking about it 


because you listen to the first one for reference, right? I remember JP did those accents too. Uh, 


I think I'm back. What was the story I 


said? So Jean-Claude, who did the Red giant story? I can't remember now if he did those accents, did you build on his accent or did you just inject your own? 


No, I injected my own flair into it. Um, I mean, I know because the I forget names. I'm really sorry. Uh, but the the male character, 


he I think. Yeah, he was from down that way originally, I believe. Yeah. Which is why I settled on that one. And I figured, well, if this is, I'm not going to do the, uh, forgive me, the American thing of thinking that America is the world and this is the last bit of humanity. I'm very sure there'd be some other nationalities in there. What can I do that's semi convincing? Because one thing I do struggle with is, is female voices. Um, I don't they're, they're difficult for me. So it's like if I take a Northern Irish accent and sort of just try and pitch up my own voice a little bit. We'll see how that sounds. And it sounded all right. Um, so I was like, that one was kind of how I landed on that. Not gonna lie. Well, it worked. I'm glad 


you liked it. 1.2s I believe so, 


yeah. Yeah. Well, fantastic. I'm sure I can't remember my head, 


but clearly I did a fantastic job. Memorable. 1.3s


Any other big projects coming up? Uh, yeah. So obviously, um, uh, ghost in the House before actually coming up. Um, I'm currently, uh, narrating Dragon Den, which is the modern day, uh, fantasy one I was talking about earlier. I've got David Ross's series. I think the series of that coming up, uh, I've got something in the works. I don't know if you know Fiona Devine. 1.2s


She's. She's on a lot of, um. If I was you on the last call. Right. Just read with me. Um, because the book that it was, uh, the book that we were reading from is the book that she's written with me in mind, I think, to narrate the main character, uh, which is a fucking huge honor. Still can't get my head around to be like my voice that much. They've written their character with me in mind, but I'll take it. And I'm excited about the future. Yeah, I plan on doing it as well. Guys, guys. Thank you. Honestly. It's when I was growing up, I had my boys, um, for reasons, um, but, uh. Yeah. So I grew up thinking, well, I'm always anything special. Um, and then sort of meeting, uh, Tanya and everyone else through Tanya and Hellscape and CSI Cold Reads and the Booktok community on TikTok. It's, um, it's proven me otherwise. A lot of people love my voice. Um, and I'm starting to like it to like. 2.8s Um, not questions per se, but just comments. Um, working with you has been fantastic. Taking the piss has been fantastic. That's what I'm here for. 


Not to make fun of your accent too much. No, 


no. Crack on. It's the reason I haven't started attacking yours. Because I can't do it. But I'll get there. Yeah, 


eventually. Um. And looking forward to a lot of projects in future. I hope we work together many more times. 


Oh, 100%. No game for an Xbox. Uh, podcast. Sorry, I thoroughly have. So, uh, The Last Man on Mars was the first audio drama that I've done. Um, and hopefully with the addition of audiobooks, I love it. It's it's it is good fun, but sometimes I feel like you can't go quite as weird as you can with a podcast story, if that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Like, um, so on the Doom Scroll story, you'll see discovering that voice, the other voice for those of you have listen to I'm not gonna spoil it, but the other voice, um, trying to work that 


out. He loves that, 


and so do I. It was just played around with pitch, like, oh, I've not done this before, but I like it. And yeah, a lot of animals, like I said, that was written by, uh, Spencer Mackenzie Brown. Yes. Uh, who just call him Spence. But we've formed a nice little connection. Um, and he's got more stuff planned, more audio dramas. He wants to turn it into a whole podcast series called AD Astra Archives. Um, so more to come on that in the future. Um, but yeah, that's that was good fun on that one. I do, uh, one of the main characters, Aiden and I got to let loose on, like, actually going for it because again, with narration and some stories, you have to you can remember people listening to it. And if you're not in communication, you can't suddenly just start screaming away with the character. Um, but on that one I did because I could script, um, and so stuff like that just is good fun. So I'm looking for the future for that. Uh, excuse me. Um, and obviously any, uh, stuff that comes my way as well. I'm looking forward to that. 


Um, I have another hellscape thing that I just did. Two nails. And by the way, I hope you get the position. I'm rooting for you, I really am. So I wrote this, uh, radio drama about a clown, basically. And I wrote it because I wanted. Well, I wrote the story before the radio drama, but when I was rewriting the script, I wanted him to be completely unhinged because I wanted to go fucking wild with it. And it looks like Maggie. It looks like Maggie's gonna try for it. And I hope you do, I see. Yeah, that Maggie's going for it. That doesn't put me off. But she's good. Yeah, she's very, very good. I can do unhinged. Uh, I think, um, there was a TikTok, um, like, voice over challenge where one of them is an unhinged character, and I fucking loved it. I went off, um, and so I know I can do it, but I just don't know. It's going to compete with Maggie. Yeah, because I've heard what she can do, and she's a very, very talented person. I'll give it a good fucking go, don't get me wrong. And then when I do, when I can rub it in her face. 1.3s


But, uh, yeah, if she wins, then she can fully rub it in my face. That's why 


I was trying to go for, like, Pennywise, but with, like, these hellacious mood swings. Yeah. That's not what I was going for. Pennywise 


the dancing clown. Yeah. 


Yeah, Georgie, 1.1s


I think. I think we have to wrap this up. 


Oh. Thank you. Thank you for coming on. Thank you 


for having me. Sheila story with us. Do you want to shout out your links where we can find you or. 


Yeah. The main place that I'm very active is on TikTok, and it's vo um, easy search on there. I do have Instagram for the same handle, but I'm less active on that. Uh, my website is something I don't use too often, but then go back and update it to here. Uh, hold on, let me just double check it so I know it's running. It's whatever 


you do have. So, like, if I were to look up your name on audible, would you appear? Or is it mainly just podcast 


stuff? Uh, I know on if you search me, I turn up audible. I haven't checked, not in the habit of googling myself, not gonna lie. 


Um, that is through audible, right? 


So then you would like to think up, down, up on there. In fact, I'm gonna do an audible. 2.7s Do I have to sign into the search? I just pulled 


it up, and I did not find it. Uh, yeah. Well, that's the thing with searching narrators on audible is not as easy as it should be. Yeah, I agree. 


Well, audible, if you're listening. Let's change that. Yeah, let's change it 


sometimes, because sometimes you like the narrator. So you wanna follow their work, not just the other work. So you should be able to do both. 


We'd like to think so. Uh, but yeah, I know on if you have a book that you think I'd be good for. Then by all means, try reach me on there as well. Um. Or. Yeah, my website is Connor Lewis Vocaloid 1.1s co. Um, and that's, uh, I try and do that quite often, but I have forgotten about it there. Yeah. Been busy life narration kids. 


Yeah, I get in the way of art 


creative. Yeah. It does. All right. Thanks again for coming on, Connor. Thank you for having me. And good fun. 1.1s How do you guys say? 2.5s Cool kids. Remember to subscribe. 1.8s And tune in next week. 2.5s For the next episode. 2.2s Writer's block. 1.7s The coolest podcast of all time. Time. Time. Time. 1.5s