The Writers Block

Chap69: Bro Band Blood Bath with Danielle Muething! [horror]

8Sparks Media Season 6 Episode 69

Narrator, author, and an 8Sparks Stories legend, Danielle Muething, joins us for a conversation and story. Danielle talks about how she got into narrating and the recent release of her first book, a spooky YA story about a sorority of vampires.

At around 13:44 Danielle joins us in a fully improvised tale about two sisters trapped in a stadium full of vampiric fangirls, transformed by the sinister sounds of the blood-thirsty boy band, Bro Band.

Stick around after the conversation (around 36:04) for a bonus convo where we try to guess each other's secret words and Danielle talks a little more about what she's been up to.

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This episode is brought to you by nerdcore. A store in the Auburn Mall located in Auburn, Maine. The place for all your nerdy needs. You can find Clarence and I's books there, as well as a plethora of other local writers, artists, 3D printed D&D tiles, taxidermy, you name it. They even have board games and tarot card readings, in addition to regularly hosting local creators. And as if that weren't enough, I like to dig through their used vinyl collection, which are organized into multiple genres. I usually go for classical or jazz and are all reasonably priced and tested beforehand. So yeah, check out the nerdcore store today at the Auburn, Maine Mall. And now for our feature presentation. 3.4s It was a podcast 1.3s from my. It is the coolest podcast. 3.8s He called. 5.9s It was a podcast. 3s


Some might say. 2.9s Time. 1.7s


Is one. 1.2s All right. We are back with the Writer's Block podcast. And today we have. Oh. We thought we had. 1.3s


I turned. Sorry, sorry. 


We have, uh, Danielle mu thing. Am I pronouncing that right? Is it muting? This is all just 


so hard. Okay. 1.2s That is absolutely correct. 


Okay. Not muting. Muting. 


Great old fang. 1.1s


Um. And yeah. So Danielle muting is a narrator. She's narrated a bunch of Clarence's stories on eight spark stories at this part at this point. Um, and my story, the window which is coming out, uh, I think we're going to release it probably next week, uh, to coincide with this episode. And I was just going through your profile. It says that you've now been narrating for five years. 


True. Uh, 2019 was when I started. 


So congratulations. Thank you. So five years later, and you're also getting ready to release your debut novel. It came out May 1st. So we're 


four days in, right? 


Do you have a copy of it? So we could show off the cover? 


I, I don't. Um, I, I ordered them, but I haven't gotten any yet, so Clarence knows what that's like. So sad. 1.1s Yeah. 1.6s Yeah, I know I can't wait until I have one, and I can be like, here it is. And I can hold it physically in my hands. Sounds amazing. 


It's it's a good feeling. Um, well, again, congratulations. Uh, what's the book called? 


Called sisterhood. And it is a young adult horror story. 


Okay, so do you want to give us the pitch? Sure. 


Sure. Uh, so a girl named Lakin Tinsley has arrived, or she is at college and we're in rush week, so she's rushing a sorority, sororities. And, uh, she happens to be drawn to a very mysterious house that sits off from the other houses. And she is the only one invited to come to this house. They don't usually invite people. So she gets to come, and, uh, she finds out that nefarious things are afoot. So 


gets pulled into their sorority drama. Sounds exciting. Be vampires. I'm not even a lie like I used to. I was thinking when I when I first wrote it and I was talking about it, I was like, don't mention that they're vampires. But honestly, we all know before she does, so it's all good. It's. 


Did you know about this? 


About the vampires? Yeah. 


No. So actually I'm the one that brought this up. So we just got back from day one at the Apple Blossom Festival in Gorham, Maine. Um, and on the way back, because we carpooled there, we were just talking about potential new writers block story ideas, and I was talking about a vampire story because we haven't done that yet. Um, and Clarence was talking about, like, uh, these friends go to this party, and it turns out the party is full of vampires. So it's interesting. That's nice. And then you two were just singing the same song to. 


We're in sync. 


What's going on? What? Parents and I, that's. 


What about. What about a boy band full of vampires? 2.4s


I mean, and that's seriously how the story came around. I don't oh, you know what it was. You know where it started. Um, do you watch South Park, by any chance? Am I allowed to talk about other. 


Just. Just finished the entire series with my fiancee. 


Oh, good. Yeah. Remember the episode where it was, um, PC principal and they were doing the door song? So I saw that episode, and I was like, what is this? And I looked up door songs, and it's a real thing. Look it up. It's. I watched and I got real into it and I was watching Everybody's Door song. So. And this is in the book because of course I had to add it. Uh, but on the first night of rush, all the potential rushes go to the what is that called, Sorority row, where all the houses are. And at a particular time, all the doors open and all of the sorority houses have these songs, these chants that they do the store chants, and apparently they all happen at one time. And I was like, that is the coolest ritualistic thing I've ever heard of, and you need to watch them. They're so weird. And I was like, okay, so what if one of those houses was full of vampires and, like, lured people in and turned them into vampires? So that's where the story came from. I just I just wanted to see what a vampire sorority would be like. Are 


you talking about the episode, um, with, uh, what's the name of the character that they reveal? 


Uh, remember reality. Just remember, 


because they kill him at the end. 


Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I like that episode. That's, uh. But yes. The door. You should definitely look up sorority door songs. It is a thing. All right. Interesting. You can get lost in them. 


I usually start off the podcast asking where our guests are from. So where are you from? I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. Do you have any? I 


was just about to say. You're in the corn. 1.6s


Yeah, yeah. 2.3s I live, I, and I live outside of the city, so really we have friends when they come over there. Like, you live in the country, and I don't think we do, 


but yeah. Yeah. As somebody who is. Yeah, traveled across the country a lot, I often make jokes about that part of the country is nothing but like corn and cattle, 1.2s


all corn, corn and cows. That's what we got around here. Yeah. 


So to bridge it back to the narration, how did you how did you actually how did you get into narration? Well, let's start with that 


for uh, so I have been a professional actor for a very long time, 25 years maybe. And, uh, I had I did a show with a friend. Her name is Jennifer Jill Araya. She's a very big audiobook narrator now. Um, but we did a show together, and. Then she started doing audiobooks. And so I said, hey, how did you get into that? And then she helped me get into it, which is kind of what we all do. You know, we get a lot of people who say, how did you do this? And then we help them get into it if they want to. Uh, so yeah, she helped me get everything set up and all of that. And when I first started, I was in a closet. A little, uh, coat closet is where I recorded. And, uh, because we were like, you know, you have to put some money into it going in, but you don't have to put a lot to get started. You just have to have a space and a good mic. And so I started in there and then a year later I was still doing it. And so my husband, who does construction, he built my booth for me down in my basement. And the rest is history. History, 


as they say. 1.3s


Um, did you have, like any specific or particular genres that you were wanting to get into when you started? 


Uh, I just knew I didn't want to. I always I wanted to do fiction. That was it. I wasn't interested in nonfiction. I like I want it to be I love fantasy, I love horror, uh, sci fi. I wanted to be. I wanted to do that more than anything. So, um. And that really is all I have been doing. I don't I don't do much that doesn't involve some kind of supernatural something or other to it. So, yeah, I'm pretty lucky that way. Um, 


I can explain to the audience how we met. And so Danielle did a sample thing two Halloweens ago where she was doing simple narrations for, uh, one person, uh, for every day of the month. Was that it? 


Is that did we meet doing that one the Halloween excerpts. Is that where we met? Yeah. So? So every day in October, I did an excerpt from a horror book. Yeah. And I just put it out there and I said, anybody who has an excerpt that I can do, I need 31 of them. So yeah. And you and you submitted, which was awesome. Yeah. I 


can't remember if somebody had tagged me in it or if you just fell across my feet, because I don't think we'd followed each other prior to that, but maybe we did, I don't know. Anyway, somehow in the TikTok algorithm, we found each other and then I sent in regretful reproach. Oh, that was the first. Yeah, okay. And she did an excerpt and I was like, well, what if we just did the whole thing? I'll obviously pay you whatever. Just. And she's like, oh, okay, sounds good. Because we were gonna do, you know, we were already doing story. We were already doing eight spark stories anyway. And we were looking for another narrator and I was like, oh, look at that. She kind of fell into our lap. And then, well, here we are. How many stories later? 4 or 5. 1.1s


Yeah. At least 4 


or 5. Yeah, at least four. Yeah. It makes sense to me now, knowing that you're an actor, because you get so into the rating on the window, which we haven't released yet. Um, there's one steamy scene which gets interrupted by screams, and your screams are, like, blood curdling. Uh oh, I was listening. I was listening to that episode with my fiance, and we were both like, whoa, I can't I cannot wait to release this. So you acted in plays or did you do any movies or anything like that? Oh, 1.5s no. Oh. 1s


Go on. 1.2s Intermission. Music. 8.1s


Are 1.2s you thinking that it would like automatically? Smoothly? 2.9s All right. And we're up too early. 1.3s I did that on purpose. 2.8s Applause. 4.8s Yeah, I have to hold it. 


Oh, I wonder how much there is somebody going. Who is that? My dad. 3.6s


I'm. 2.1s


Sorry. We're having way too much fun over here. 


So much costing. 2.4s All right, I don't know, I turned my my phone is getting very hot, and I don't know why that is. So you got 


any? So we have four buttons on this thing that allow us to do that. Uh, and we can put our own sounds in. So two of these I want to fill in. Do you have any ideas 1.9s


for sounds? 


Yeah. Things that we can just throw in at random. Fart noise. 


Oh, always, always, 


always have a fart ready. Just fire one off. 1.1s


Oh, 1.3s I mean, you can't go wrong with a fart noise. 


Pun intended. Sorry. Fire one off. 1.7s


Oh, thank you, I never. 


Okay, anyway, um, so. Yeah, you've you've listened to the podcast before. Um, so you kind of understand the. Yeah, I'll go over it. Anyway, for anyone who's listening who may not know. So basically what we're going to do is we're each going to choose five random words from the random word generator site. Um, you just Google that you should be able to find it. Uh, let it let it just come up with five random words. Write them down. You can write stuff down. You can swear anything goes. You can go for as long as you want on your turn, or just pass it off. If you have no idea what to say, you're going to start the story. And we're just going to try to keep the story going. It'll start with you and then me, and then Clarence, and we'll just go around and around for like 20 minutes. I have 


to pick five words. Is that what you said? Yeah. 


Generate five random. Oh, I should probably explain the words. Um, so basically what we like to do with guests is attempt to include those words in the story. Okay. And then afterwards we're going to try to have a bonus conversation where we try to guess each other's words. Oh, it's not mandatory, but it's just like a little extra fun thing. 


Okay, uh, wait, you said I have to start the story. That's really hard. Hahaha. My hand. 1.4s


The pressure is on, 


right? Um. Oh gosh. I just went through trauma with this computer, and now. 2.3s


Um, I can start it. 18s In a dark, dingy 1.1s club. Four young men march across the stage to the absurd, hideous but yet beautiful screeches of teenage girls, and they begin singing 1.1s all four of them in in synchronicity, in some bubblegum pop song. And as they go, the the teenage girls are jumping up and down with joy and thrill, and they have T-shirts with each one of the band members names on them and their faces, and they are all love struck over this boy band that doesn't have a name that I can think of yet. 1.1s


The bros, the 


bros. Okay. All right. 


Thanks. And one little girl in particular. We shall call her McKenzie. McKenzie is not buying into the prose. She does not give a flying fuck about any of them. If they were all to die in a fiery plane crash, she would not care. McKenzie was more of a my Chemical Romance kind of girl, 1.1s


and as she's sitting there with her sister who talked her into going because she was too young to go by herself. McKenzie is crunching on some popcorn, staring off at these, and kind of secretly hoping that one of them falls off the stage. 2.3s And she thinks 1.6s it's abundantly clear that there's no talent. It's all just autotune. I mean, it's nothing. And she's thinking to herself, yeah, I don't I wonder what my father would think of this band. 2.2s He would have a raging fucking fit. And her sister Lily is like, 


hey, why don't we, um, why 


don't we try to get backstage? Wouldn't it be fun? Wouldn't it be great if we could go and meet the 


band? Oh, God. Fuck. 


Please don't tell me it's true. Uh, anything but that. She thinks. But she wants to make her sister happy. Lily is, after all, the greatest sister she could have ever asked for. Aside from her teenage crush on terrible musicians. 1.1s Um, yeah. We'll see what we can do. We might be able to get backstage. I don't know. I've done it once before. She says. 1.4s Really just jumps with joy and she's super excited. And as she's staring at the stage listening to their song, she happens to notice that the audience has gone quiet. Like, unusually quiet for such a noisy venue. And she starts looking around and there are people that have just turned off like the lights are on, but nobody's home. They're just not moving, not saying anything. They are just vacant. 1.1s


Do you want to go this way or. That doesn't make any sense. Do you? Do you? Do you want to go next, or do you want me to continue? 


I could go, okay, I could go. 


So we'll just go in that direction for now. 


All right. So we just. What just happened? All the lights went out and everything got or. No, I'm sorry. Got deadly quiet. People are very 


quiet, strangely quiet. And 


they're. Some of them are non-responsive. 


Okay. Uh, so being that this was in a big, uh, complex, that it the amount of silence that came out of this place all of a sudden really shook all of them, and they weren't quite sure what to do about this. McKenzie especially, uh, was very aware of what was going on. Um, she looks down at Lilly and notices that Lilly has also glassed over her. Her face has gone blank, too. Um. And for some reason McKenzie is still aware she has not fallen into this stupor, and suddenly the guys up on the stage start chanting. Their music goes from singing to chanting and, um, she notices that their appearances aren't quite what they were. They aren't as even though they weren't, she wasn't like as into their looks. She understood. They were, you know, they were cute guys, but now all of a sudden they weren't quite looking like humans anymore. It was like almost like masks were coming over their to mask their, uh, cute boy appearances. So, um, this hum starts to come out over the crowd. They all the the the boys slash whatever they are now are still doing their chanting from the stage. Everyone in the audience starts to hum, uh, in unison and and. They notice that, uh, 1.1s all the the audience members, they start to shake and you can feel this, uh, vibration in the air. And all of a sudden, the boys go from being human like to completely unrecognizable. And McKenzie isn't quite sure what to do with this. Uh, she she wants to scream, but she knows that if she brings attention to herself, to the fact that she can see what's going on, that she'll be an even bigger danger than he is at this moment. Uh, now, of course, she wants to save her little sister, as you know, as well as all these other thousands of girls that are in this huge, complex. But, um, she has no idea how to do that. Uh, I'm gonna end it there. 


See, you got this. 1.6s


I just needed a start. 


So, Mackenzie, who, by the way, is has been sitting there eating her popcorn, observing this like, awkwardly just trying to remain nonchalant. Um. 1.7s


She looks around. She looks back at her sister who's still participating in this, whatever the fuck it is, as well as everybody else in the room. Um, and she just says, I think I gotta get out of here. So she stands up slowly and she turns to the person next to her. Uh, it's like a 15 year old girl who's like, mid shout, like screaming her lungs off. So she's just sort of standing there like this and shaking, I guess, now. Um, and she says, excuse me, I gotta, I gotta go to the bathroom. And the girl just kind of ignores her, so she just pushes her aside and the girl falls backwards, but she's like, 1s still shaking. So she's just, like, wriggling on the seat. It's very weird. Um. And she grabs, uh, 


Lilly's hand and starts to pull her and finds, thank God she can. Lilly's at least willing to come. There's still something inside her sister that understands that she's with Lilly, with, um, McKenzie. So they make their way, um, through this crowd of people, and they finally get to the middle aisle in between the seats. And as they start to walk up to the nearest, um, entrance to the to the, um, what is it called? 




Yeah, to the back to where all the vendors are for the food and stuff. Yeah. 


Oh, the green room. Yeah. As she's starting to make her way up there with Lilly, she hears a spotlight and she sees that her the floor around her has been illuminated. She looks up in the sky, and she sees that there's a spotlight focusing right on her now. Um, and the fact because it was so. Oh, no, they were humming. Um, and then she notices on the jumbotron one of the big screens on all of the screens actually in the building. Her and her sister are there. Everyone's looking, and she looks around, and then she realizes that everyone is now looking. Everyone in the stadium is looking at her and her sister. Take it. 2s One by one, the hums begin to die and it becomes more and more quiet, and all of their eyes are upon her, and she sees herself in the jumbotron. And even the creatures that are no longer the boy band are staring at her, and they start to descend. They start to move off of the stage and start walking towards her. Oh, fuck. Oh shit. She turns to Lily, opens her performances. I'm sorry, Lily and smacks the shit out of her. Just whack. 


And Lily shakes. 


Stop humming. Eyes shoot wide open like she just came out of a bad dream and she says, what the 


fuck was that? I'm just kidding. She didn't say that. She's a little kid. 1.5s


Yeah, she said that. 2s


So, uh, she grabs McKenzie, grabs her sister's hand and turns to run. But two men, clearly fathers of children, have stepped into the aisle, blocking the doorway that's up the stairs. She stops. Oh, no. This is a bad, bad situation. She turns around and runs down, sees an empty row and cuts across. And she's running across the aisle of this, uh, stadium and not stadium. But you know what I'm talking about. Club thing. And her feet are just sticking. 


I had them in a stadium, 1.1s


and I had them in a stadium. But 


you did say club, so it like, oh, 


you screwed it up. Ah. 1.4s And her feet are just sticking as she's running. 1.3s




And she's running. And at the end of the aisle a little girl is standing in the way and she says, well, one little girl versus two grown men, all right. And she pushes the little girl. The little girl kind of falls, topples backwards. And as she's ascending up the next row of stairs, they're all reaching out for her. Their fingers sometimes brushing her, but she's dodging and moving and running as quickly as she can, and basically dragging Lily up the stairs. Who's, by the way, screaming at this point? 


Stop stop stop stop as they're trying to grab her and one of them even grabs her hair, but doesn't have it for very long before McKenzie kind of jerks her out of out of their clutches. 1.1s


And they finally make it up out of the Coliseum. But they're not. This 


place is getting bigger and bigger. 


Up, up. Out of the venue. Into the hallway. There you go. Into this crazy hallway, and it's long and it's almost vacant. Except for the concession stand workers who are not at all affected by the trance or whatever it was. They're sort of looking strangely like, what the hell happened? And as they sort of run down the hallway, the 


the little girls are following them out and they're pouring out of this long all of the entrances into the not Coliseum, into the other word. 2.9s


Venue into. Yeah. Pouring out of the venue, into this hallway. And the concession stand. Workers are screaming. So McKenzie and Lily jump over the counter, and they try their best to explain what's happening. And they're mid mid pitch when hands start coming over the counter after them. And. 1.1s Take it 1.7s


right and the. They realize that the 1.1s they they don't know what to do. So they have thousands of hands of girls reaching for them. Uh, the the the chanting from the demon guys are still you can hear it throughout the hallways. The concession stand workers are completely confused, and McKenzie just grabs the closest thing she can find, which is a big bin, a tub of popcorn, and she throws it at the first girl she sees, and it hits her in her face, and she kind of shakes it off and and she's like, ooh. And and she comes to and kind of understands what's she's like what what what's going on. And so they realize that she's now out of it. So they grab her and pull her back by in the concession stand. And then she just starts shouting requests at the, at the guys working behind the stand. And they say, uh, we need all the popcorn you can make. I don't know why, but popcorn is breaking the spell. So they start popping up all the popcorn in the machine and it's flying all over the place, and they're filling up their tubs and flinging met these girls. And as they come out of their trances, they're helping to fling more and more popcorn. And it's going everywhere. And, uh, everybody's starting to break out of it. And the guys all of a sudden the demon chanting, you can hear that. They start to realize that McKenzie and Lily and the concession stand workers and the the girls that they have been able to break out of the spell are starting to to break away from what they're doing. And we start to hear a loud roar coming from the men on stage, uh, at their anger that this has that they figured out a way. It was the popcorn that kept them from, uh, taking over their their brains. But they're going to try their hardest to keep keep them all under their spell. So they they pull out the ultimate chant, the one that they were waiting for for the end of the night, thinking this will be the one way that we're going to keep all these girls here and, and suck their souls so that we can stay as famous as we are, because we all know that's what boybands do. To get their fame is to pray to the devil or whatever they do, use their demon powers. Uh, so their voices rise above. The the now popcorn covered screaming of these girls who are realizing that something is going wrong. And, uh, I don't know, I'm going to pass it now because. 1.2s Good luck. 1.2s Um, Mackenzie unfortunately knows all of these songs. She's heard them all before. Um, because her sister just runs around the house playing them, singing them. It's just always on the TV. Um, and this happens to be their number one hit. I want you bad. Um, and she finds two pieces of popcorn, large pieces of popcorn, and she just shoves them in her ears. And then she takes two more and shoves, shoves them in Lily's ears. You don't need to listen to that trash, huh? Lily's still kind of in a daze. 1.6s Um, and one guy off to the side has started a janitor or whatever is. Started cleaning up the popcorn. Um. 2.5s


Um, 1.3s uh, so as this song is getting louder and more powerful, um, and the whole room is muted now so they can't hear anything because popcorn is an effective earplugs. 


Um, they noticed that everybody who had changed back or seemingly had changed back is now starting to shake again. And they all, just like all at once, jerked their heads in their direction at the same exact time. Um, and their eyes are, like, getting red and. They all start to part and Mackenzie sees this little girl, like five years old, come running out of the crowd and she looks like she has fangs. And before anyone can think of, anyone can react. This girl lunges for Lily and bites her arm. 1.1s No shit. 


Shit! 2s Fucking cock sucker! 2.3s


Huh? Under ordinary circumstances, I wouldn't. But smack! She smacks the shit out of that little girl. 2.1s


Pushes her to the floor, checks on the bite, and sees that not only is it pretty serious bite on the wrist, but it's also like kind of bubbling, like the saliva is like acidic in some way. And she's like, oh, we got to get out of here. This is bad news. Bad news. She picks Lily up over her shoulder in a fireman's carry and starts running. She's running down the hallway and they're still they're still parted. There are still groups of young teenage girls on either side. And as she's running down the hallway, she hears the chanting, the the stage, the chanting. The musicians are getting closer. And she's like, oh boy, this is bad. This can't be good. And she goes to hit the door because there's those giant stadium doors, you know, the big blue ones that weigh £8,000. She tries to hit it, but it's locked. Oh, no. What are we going to do? What are we going to do? Lily, she says as Lily begins to harm again. 2.1s


Mhm. So she starts kicking the door trying to open it. And all the while they're getting closer and closer. She can hear them coming up the stairs, all four of them. And she knows that they're onto her. Oh boy. And effectively a handful of the teenage girls start humming again. 


Oh. Oh no. Oh no. And she starts kicking one of the windows. 


She's like, I gotta get out of here, gotta 


get out of here. And she thinks, oh, wait, I got something. She turns around and runs back to the concession stand, where the two concession workers are still confused. Still very confused. Janitor 


is still cleaning off the side, sweeping up upward. 


Yeah, the janitor is still cleaning, and she's shuffling through their freight, looking around for anything that might stand out. Anything that might break a window. She grabs, uh, the the fryer mat thing. She's like, this might work. And she grabs also takes the broom from the janitor. She's like, this might work. And she runs. She starts smacking the window. Well, she had to put Lily down, but she's smacking the window and she looks over her shoulder and there they are, all four of them. And they're no longer at all cute boys. They're demonic monsters. And they are chanting, and they are closing in on her, and she's banging on this glass as it's fracturing. Slowly they're ascending and they're ascending until finally the the glass shatters 


and she grabs Lily and tosses her out first, and one of them reaches out and brushes her hair just as she escapes. Just in time. Take it. 1.1s


So, uh 1.3s uh, before the fingers can grasp her hair, she plummets out the window, rolls a spectacular roll onto the, uh. The pavement lands right in front of Lily, who has also successfully gotten out, and, uh, looks back over her shoulder, sees the boy, the demon boy band reaching through the window towards her. Uh, she sees that the doors are starting to vibrate as the, uh, all the other girls are starting to bang on it, and everybody's trying to get out to get them. And of course, all she can think about is her little sister, Lily. And she's like, you know, I hate that all these other people are going to go down this demonic rabbit hole, but we got to get out of here. Uh, so she turns to grab Lily, and when she looks at her, she sees that she's no longer Lily. She is now transformed into a demon from the bite that she got on her arm. She has now become one of the demons minions, and she screams at the top of her lungs, throws herself on the ground, and and curses the boybands, uh, for doing this to her and her sister and. 3.3s


I could end it, but I'm going to let you end it. 


Well, the guest usually ends it. We could end. Oh, 


I end it. Okay, so she screamed. She's yelling to the gods. She's so angry about, uh, what they've done to her sister. And she wants to. She doesn't know what to do. She wants to save her sister. Should she grab her? Should she take her? Should she save her own life? She's just not sure. Uh. And as she's sitting there looking up into the no longer angelic face of her little sister. The doors break open and the crowd of now all turned young girls ascend upon her and bite her and change her as well. And the whole venue has now become one with the Demon Boy band. 1.2s Damn. 1.4s And through the doors in the background, Old Jimmy is still mom 


whipping up the popcorn. 


Crazy as not I've ever been. Awesome. Another demon boy band. Uh, so you always gotta end with a Jimmy quote. 1.2s


You know what's funny? I was somewhere in the middle of there. I came up with the title, and it's so stupid, but it's funny. 1.1s


Instead of 


woe is me, bro is me. 1s


That's this. 1.4s Bam! So I lost my ear. 


So stupid. It might just work. 1.6s Uh. So, uh. Yeah. What did you think of that? 


A+, A+ print. Print and sell. 1.1s


I can tell you, you were really getting into it towards the end there, 1.6s


because, you know, that's what I do. Yeah. 


Um. All right. You guys want to guess each other's words? 1.4s


I was so bad about. I was like, I started to guess, and then I was like, all right. And then I forgot to write down. 


It's it's tricky. 


Um, yeah. I'm gonna I'm gonna start by guessing your words. Danielle. Uh, so I had complex. 


Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, because I kept throwing it out 


there. Chant. Nope. Um. Request. 


Yes. Oh, nice. Nice 


and spectacular. 


Um. No. Or 


roll. What was it? Role? 




Oh, I really thought spectacular was the only one I was going to get. I looked at clearance when you said that. I was like, 


it's funny because I guessed that too. I guessed spectacular and roll. 1.1s


Um, so I think that's all I had for you. 


It got complex. So that was it. 1.8s


Oh, I also guessed popcorn. But looking back now, that was my word. I was going to 


say, I guess, that 


it really wasn't one of my words, but you know what I mean. You just played on to what I said, right? And then for you, Sean, I guess janitor and powerful for me. Yeah. No, no. 


Um. Shit. I didn't use any of my words. Oh, 


sorry. I had awkward. Awkward was when I had for, you 


know, 1.1s I said something. Yeah, yeah. Janitor. Probably that. Yeah, I said something else that while I was saying it, I was like, oh, they're going to think that's a word. That's a good. 1.3s




was definitely a left field. It 


worked. But, um, okay. What were your words, Danielle? My 


words were pledge I don't did I use pledge? I meant to I don't think I 


feel like you might have, 


I don't know, mask. I used mask because their faces changed. Uh, request. You got that one appearance and complex. 




All right, so we didn't guess too. All right. So, um. Yeah, why don't you guess? Well, guess. Clarence's. I'll let you go first. I remember I thought popcorn was one. Um. 2s


Uh, club was club one. 




Um. 5.3s No. Awkward I had for, um. 1.8s I can't read my handwriting. Spotlight. Were you a spotlight was that. You 


know, that was me. Yeah. 


Okay. Um, I think those are all. That's all that I, 


I guessed. Uh, Coliseum 


pitch 1.2s


bubbling, acidic fire. Man or fireman? 1s


No, 1.1s I, uh 


damn, I only used three of the five, I used abundant. I used father, and I used, uh, freight. When do you use 


freight? When they get behind the, um, in the concession stand, she's going through all their freight. 


Oh, I must have are tuned out for a second there. 


I don't in the two that I. 


I was like 1.9s the two that I could not fit in anywhere was lace and drill. 1.7s


Someone could have found a drill or something. Yeah, I think, or the music is just being drilled into your head. 


Yeah, that's pretty good. But yeah, those are my words. 


All right, so it looks like you won this round. 


Mhm. 1.1s Good job. 


I guess your words than I normally my words that I didn't use were Grand rack campaign pest and satellite. 1.8s Yeah. 2.3s That's fun. Yeah. Like 


that story came out as ridiculous as I was hoping it would. 3.2s Uh, so for, for the listeners, I don't know how much of the beginning conversation is going to get in, but we made a joke about vampires and clubs, and you and I talked about clubs earlier today. Mhm. And vampires of club full of vampires. And then I think it fit in perfectly with, with Danielle's sisterhood book about vampires. So 


they, I think we did get that part of the conversation. Yeah. Um, so yeah, this is the bonus convo and it seems like the connection is a little better. So we will try to talk about as much as we can. Um, so yeah, I'm trying to remember what has and hasn't been covered, but, um, so what's your what's your favorite genre? Would you say 


horror? Horror? Yeah. Yeah. Like no question. Comedy, I guess, would be close, but 


horror. And I think you you cut out while I was asking you, um, was it mainly theater that you did or. 


Oh, yeah, I think that's where we were talking. I did I've done musical theater. Uh, that's my main. That was my main focus, um, for the last. 1.1s Ten years, ten, 15 years. I've done a ton of children's theater, so that's where all the goofiness comes from. And all the voices and all the all of that came from doing that. So yeah, but musical theater was my focus. Uh, not that I haven't done some straight plays, but mostly musical. 


And speaking of music, just remembered you also play a ukulele. I do. Um, because Clarence said you you serenaded him once. Was that like a congratulatory serenade or. 


I don't, or 


just a random serenade? 


No. Um, she had played a song. I don't remember what it was, but she had played a song on TikTok, and I was like, oh, this reminds me of this other song. And I didn't, like, tell her to play it for me, but she did. She recorded a video of herself playing a song by the Bridge City Centers. 


Oh, that was called 


Pussycat and and 1.3s


yeah, I don't remember the words, but. 


Yeah, yeah. And it was funny. And I got a good chuckle out of it. 


We'll have to do like a collaboration at some point. 


Yeah. Yeah. The first song was called um, my Girls Pussy. Oh, yeah. About about her pussy cat. Uh, and it was funny because I was at the, uh, female doctor, and my friend sent me the this she, like, texted me the song, and she was like, you gotta listen to this before you go in. So I did, of course, which was, you know, very silly. So then I came home and I recorded it for her, and I wasn't even planning on putting it on TikTok. And I sent it out to a couple friends and they were like, oh, you got to put that on TikTok. So I did, and that's probably one of my most viewed videos. I was like, of 


course it is. I am following you on TikTok, so I'll have to check that out. 


Yeah, that's that's on my narrator. So I have two TikToks. I have a narrator and an author one. So that's on my narrator one I'm trying to keep my author one clean because it's for I'm writing for young adults, so I'm trying to be kind of clean on that one. Whereas the author or the narrator one is no holds 


barred. So, yeah. So 


what's it been like going from narration to writing? Have you always wanted to write? 


I, I have written things in the past. Um, not I did, um, I've done some shows, I've written some shows. Nothing that's been produced. But, uh, I did some shows for. 1.4s Of local the museum center around here. I did a Christmas Carol adaptation for a couple of years there. Um, and I wrote, uh, I've written some, um, what do they called training videos, like when you go in? I wrote one a training video for was that for the museum? I think that was for the museum center, which was so stupid. But they they were like, no, that's hilarious. Just write it. And I was like, okay. It was so dumb. But they they loved it and they used it. And uh, I got to be in the video too, which was really fun. And then, uh, we also the Newport Aquarium is here, and I worked there for a long time as a, as a presenter, as a performer. And I wrote their one of their I think they still use it to this day. I haven't been there in like six years. But they're scuba Santa. They have a scuba Santa thing that they do at Christmas time. And I wrote that script. So if you ever go and they still do scuba Santa, I. So yeah, it's all about bubbles and bubbles. Our wishes and the bubbles go up from the from scuba Santa to the, I don't know, up to the world. And that's how you get your your presence or whatever 


I don't know. 


So I know. Yeah. So yeah I've written things but I've never you know, this is like the first book that I've done. Um, so. Yeah. 


Awesome. Um, I know that you I don't know if this would was covered in the first conversation, but, um, you're narrating is have you done the narration already for this book? 


I have, yeah. 


And that's available. 


Yeah, it's on audible. Um, I'm trying to figure out if I can just put that anywhere. I get it out. 1s To more places, not just audible, but I figured that part out yet. So 


I did have a question before we wrap this up, did you have a favorite story of ours? Anything that stood out to you? I can't say that like of of the stories you guys have sent me. Yeah, I've 


only sent her one. 


I know, I know, 


but the judges stacked. It's kind of stacked. 


But I will say, um, regretful was approach was the. Was that the one in the boat? They were in the boat. 


The sirens. Yeah. 


Yeah, I like that. I don't I have a thing for, I have a thing for mur peoples. 


Mur more purpose 


people. Oh. We have, uh, an episode on this podcast called Mur children. Yeah. 


Oh, a little, little twist on it because they don't come out of the. Well, they kind of come out of the sand. They 


they're like turtles when they're born. They're in the sand. So they start attacking people on the beach. Well, 


yeah, that wasn't the reaction I was expecting. But, 1.8s uh, I also I liked the, um, the piano snow blind. Was that that one? The piano and the the hotel. That was good. That one very much reminded me of, um, The Shining, which is I love 1.1s


that. I love the movie. Yeah. Yeah. Creepy. I love creepy ghost. 


Yeah. I mentioned on my TikTok, I don't know if I've told anyone through the podcast or anything but the piano part. The second time it starts playing is actually one of my songs that I snuck in there. 


That is that is awesome. I love that, I 


love that, and I have to listen to it again. 


Wait. Sorry, but I. Yeah, I mean, I, I honestly, I, I have a blast doing all the stories because I, they're all creepy and I love sitting down here and scaring myself while I'm doing them, and. Yeah. 


Um, well, while we still have you, um, can you shout out all your all your links where we can find you, etc.. 


Yes. So my website is Danielle. Nothing com nothing is spelled mu e thing. People get that wrong all the time. It's all good. But Danielle mu thing um, dot com is my website and on there are links to everything. Well, actually, I don't think my book stuff's all updated yet, but it will be. But, uh, you can. TikTok is probably where I'm most active, um, in social media, but I have Facebook. Um, I have I'm on threads. Still figuring that one out. I joined discord, I really can't figure that one out. But someday. Someday, we'll figure that out together. Uh, and then I have Instagram, but I don't. I'm not on there much. So TikTok is really like, that's the big place you're going to find me. And then. Yeah. A website for all the information. 


All right. Um, I know I just said that was it, but I do have another question. Um, do you have any other books planned for the immediate future? 


Why? As a matter of fact, I do, and we did not set that up. Thank you. Seriously, we didn't set that up. Uh, I yes. Um, so when I was writing sisterhood, I did it for NaNoWriMo last year, uh, because I was like, sure, let's try this. Why not? And, um, I so the whole thing of NaNoWriMo is you write 50,000 words in a month and that then you have a book, right? Yeah. And so I finished my first draft of sisterhood with 30,000 words, uh, early, because I was like, I want I'm going to write every day, right? In the month of November. So I finished it early. And to get to 50,000 words, you have to write 1667 words a day. And my husband said, I challenge you to do that. So I said, okay. So when I finished sisterhood, I was like, I can't, there's no way I'm going to hit that word count by doing rewrites. Like, I didn't think I'd be able to do that. So I was like, I'll just start a second book. I had such a flimsy premise for the second book. I was going to write it about aliens, and it turned into a book about witches. So but it it is the most confusing book. So right now I'm trying to take what I wrote of that book in, you know, just the kind of fill up the rest of November and make it a story. So it's kind of all over the place, but that is going to be the next book. It's a it's a witch book. It's set in middle school and it's about witches. And then I want that. I want to try to get that out. Honestly, by gosh, don't hold me to this, but I want to try to get it out by July. 


Nice. All right. 


We'll see. Yeah, 


I do have a few comments. Maybe we'll have you back on, um, to coincide with that release. There 


you go. Yeah. That works. 


So firstly, I want to say I was in her corner in Danielle's corner, very firmly from the very beginning, from when she announced that she was going to put out sisterhood. I was in the comment section, root neuron and I was, and we actually had a few email exchanges too. I tried to help her as best I could because it's confusing. It's very confusing, 


very confusing. You were very helpful. Thank 


you. And then I had another thing that I wanted to say before we wrap that up. And it is that we are so grateful for you and all that you have brought to our. Yes, uh, experiment to our podcast. 1s




thank you. Thank you for everything you do. 


Yeah. I'm I'm so glad we met each other on TikTok. Yeah, that's why I don't want it to be banned, because I feel like I've met so many awesome people so far, and I don't want you guys to go away. And, I mean, I know we have other things, but like, you know, yeah, we wouldn't have met if it wasn't for TikTok. So true. I hope it stays around. But yeah, I'm. Thank you. Where's the up always 


I just bought it. Yeah. 


Oh look at that confirmed purchase. Sisterhood. 


Oh thank you. I'm 


sorry. I didn't even realize it was already out on audible. Otherwise I would have already. 


Yeah. No, I downloaded it. 


But you. I'll get it to. 


Yeah. Awesome. Thank you. And. Yeah, as always, thank you for trusting me with your stories when you send them out, I. I always appreciate 


that, so I can't wait. Um, I gotta write. Clarence writes way more than me. Um, but I do have some ideas that I think you're going to end up narrating, so I look forward to hearing those when I finish my story. 




Um. All right. Well, thanks again for coming on the podcast. 


Thank you. Thank you for dealing with all the insanity that happened tonight. We'll get it. We'll get it next time. We'll be more 


prepared. And for the audience, don't listen to any boybands. 


No. 1.5s


All right.