Andrews Dispute Resolution Podcast


Andrews Dispute Resolution

Intro 0:00
Welcome to the Andrews Dispute Resolution Podcast, where Susan Andrews reminds us to realize that we are peaceful when we live positively and proactively by the Latin phrase, Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit, which means, “Nothing Comes from Nothing”. So, if nothing comes from nothing, what is your something going to be? Follow Andrews Dispute Resolution through her periodic Podcast Episodes to find out. Now is the time to realize that peaceful place in you.

Susan Andrews 00:33
Hello, Everyone, this is Susan Andrews, and welcome to the Andrews Dispute Resolution Podcast Trailer. I created this trailer to welcome you to what will be my Podcast, which for anyone unfamiliar, is an episodic form of internet radio that will be available on-demand and which my visitors and subscribers will be able to conveniently access anytime via a variety of computer and mobile platforms. I plan to produce periodic Podcast Episodes providing pithy presentations illustrating the purpose of my Podcast, which is to realize that we are peaceful when we live positively and proactively by the dictim, Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit, meaning, “Nothing Comes from Nothing”. I am so passionate about this proverb that I made it part of my brand logo design and it informs my approach to dispute resolution. So, what does this proverb mean? As with all things, genuine resolution only comes from good faith and good work. I consider that the foundation of Refining Dispute Resolution, which is my tagline. So, if nothing comes from nothing, what is your something going to be? In my world of Refining Dispute Resolution, it means to choose good faith and good work in resolving or attempting to resolve your dispute. To choose good faith is to choose honesty and fairness and, of course, a lawful purpose. To choose good work is to choose engagement and commitment. In each Episode, I plan to present some aspect of the world of alternative dispute resolution in which I am involved in order to illustrate why or how I use these principles to guide people in dispute or conflict, with empowering neutrality, so that you can achieve a peaceful resolution.

Outro 2:25
Thank you for sharing this time listening to the Andrews Dispute Resolution Podcast, and remember to positively and proactively choose good faith and good work as your something. Remember to realize that peaceful place in you.