Rock Solid Families

Rock Solid Radio - My Kid Won't Go To Bed! Episode 150

Rock Solid Families Season 3 Episode 150

Many of us have experienced a child that cries and resists bedtime.  They have all sorts of reasons; they don't want to miss something, they are afraid, or they just want something more to eat.  

These episodes can turn into battles between parents and children.  Way too often we see the child exerting a stronger will than the parent by pushing the parent to the breaking point.  The crying continues until the parent gives in and allows the child to join them on the couch for "just a few minutes" of tv time.  Soon the child is staying up the rest of the evening with the parent.  

Taking this one step farther, which often kids do, the child ends up sleeping with the parents in their bed.  They are not able to sleep for a host of reasons in their bed so the only bed that seems to work for them is their parents bed.  Before you know it we have a little one sleeping between mom and dad.  

This show is not just about bedtime, it is about boundaries. Boundaries that protect the values which are established by the leaders of the home, the parents.  When we allow the child to set the boundaries we soon will see push back in a variety of areas.  Food they will and will not eat, clothes they will and will not wear, chores they will and will not do.  Soon we see an eight year old dictating through their tantrums exactly how the house will operate.  

We minimize their requests because "it's just not worth the battle".  "It's just bedtime, I'm not going to ruin everyone's night by arguing with my kid."  This is a lazy way of parenting that soon permeates into multiple areas will unintended consequences. 

This show will help you recognize your values that you want your home to operate under and then implement them in a calm yet determined manner.  It absolutely does not require a yelling match between parent and child.  Rather, it requires a steadfast leader that knows the exact course to be traveled. 

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