Rock Solid Families

The Harrison Butker Discussion - What was he really saying? Episode 287

Rock Solid Families Season 6 Episode 287

Have you listened to the Harrison Butker commencement speech?  If you are a Christian living  a Christian lifestyle, you will likely find the speech good, but not surprising.  However, if you watched the news media stories you got the idea that Harrison was trying to command all women to forget about careers and stay home to make babies.  That is not at all what his speech was about, but that's not what the media wanted you to believe. 

In our show we discuss Harrison's message and his audience.  We discuss the importance of knowing your faith, whether you're Catholic or Christian, or any other faith for that matter.  Then examine how you are actually living according to your supposed faith.  Harrison challenges all of us to do just that.  

We also discuss how the world is working extremely hard at getting you to believe the humanist faith and why it makes so much sense, but it really proves otherwise. 

Teaching our kids what we believe and why we believe it is essential to growing kids into strong adults that govern themselves by a compass much more effective than their own opinions.  Teaching our kids to ground their values in an unwavering faith will help to carry them through the heat the world will attempt to put them through.  

If you or your kids are feeling like the world is bombarding you with worldly messages, maybe now is the time for you to take a stand like Harrison Butker.

Harrison's Speech -

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Rock Solid Families podcast. I am Linda Hutchinson, the full-time executive director of Rock Solid Families, wife of this amazing man over here and the mother of five kiddos well, five, four adults and one teen and six adorable grandchildren. Hi, honey.

Speaker 2:

What's with the intro?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Lord, and we're going to wrap up today's show so now you know who Linda is. Sometimes you used to say executive director. I never use my title Because you're the presidente. But I never use that. But now, gosh, you really just blew it up and wife and mom and grandma. I feel like I'm a nothing.

Speaker 1:

It has to do with our topic today.

Speaker 2:

What all those titles?

Speaker 1:

Well, did you by chance listen to the commencement address at the Benedictine College by Harrison Buckner?

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely, I did listen to Mr Harrison.

Speaker 1:

Not that we were at the college graduation no no, well, you couldn't help not to listen to it because it was on every major news station.

Speaker 2:

So then I had to go back on YouTube and listen to it in its entirety. Yes, that was an absolute ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Ridiculous what Blow up Well.

Speaker 2:

That should have been a non-topic in my mind.

Speaker 1:

Well, but I wanted to watch the entire thing too. It's about 20 minutes and you can go back and watch it, but there's been so many teeny little snippets and things taken out of context and things like that that I wanted to listen to the whole thing myself and draw my own conclusions.

Speaker 2:

The sad thing about that, hun, is it totally discredits our media again Because they've taken so many things absolutely out of context. If you listen to that in its entirety and know who his audience is and know who he is, you're like really, but I think it was a great.

Speaker 1:

It's a great segue to a conversation that I really want us to tackle today, so we're going to get into the harrisonner debate.

Speaker 2:

You're looking for a new title today, aren't you?

Speaker 1:

You're looking for a new title. You want to be president also. No, not at all.

Speaker 2:

How about roles?

Speaker 1:

We're going to get to gender roles. But anyway, before we do that, we want to thank our sponsors. We want to thank Casey's Outdoor Solutions, Maxwell Construction and the Hoosier Ice House for their support of what we do here at the Rock Solid Families podcast, but also the organization that's behind this podcast and that's Rock Solid Families, and so if you don't know who we are, we would love for you to check us out at rocksolidfamiliesorg coaching organization located in the greater Cincinnati area that really deals with individuals and couples and families, trying to help them strengthen their relationships really with God and his word. So the Harrison Buckner debate really kind of touched on a ton of things that we talk about on a regular basis?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, and so also, we also want to remind you a lot of the work that we do is parenting, parenting focused, because we believe that raising the next generation is among the most important things that we will do while we are parents. And so we are offering and continue, have been offering and are offering the fourth Saturday of every month we are offering our Families Rock class, and it's located down at the Firehouse in Lawrenceburg, indiana, on Tate Street, and so that typically runs from 830 to 12. And again, that's on the fourth Saturday of every month, so that'll be coming up here very soon, actually this weekend.

Speaker 1:

If you're watching it while this podcast drops, it'll be on may 25th. Yeah, yeah, so 2024 you do uh.

Speaker 2:

Lots of different people attend that and uh, so you could be invited, uh, or you could just show up, it doesn't matter, just show up it's 75 dollars per household that comes in and uh, we, we like to say, hey, you're. It's a heck of a deal because you're getting three and a half hours of what we would think of as coaching session. It's small enough that you can actually ask your own questions, get a lot of your one-on-one work, but it's big enough that you know you're not getting singled out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So why this topic? Because you know just a little background if you have had your head in the sand the last several weeks. The Kansas City Super Bowl Chiefs, kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl kicker Harrison Bucker, was invited to give a commencement speech at a small conservative Catholic university in Atchison, kansas, and that happened on May 11th of just this past year, and just in the matter of a couple weeks, hon, this commencement speech has already been viewed 1.2 million views as of when this is being recorded and so it created such an uproar of backlash and it touched on such a wide array of topics that it really hit a lot of nerves, and so we're just going to kind of touch on not everything on this thing at all because it spanned on from COVID policies to poor presidential leadership, to social issues like abortion and IVF and surrogacy, and LBGTQ and Pride Month, and calling out church leadership.

Speaker 2:

I mean lots of different things. When I said before it was ridiculous, you have to remember we're coming from a faith base and so when we listened to a talk that he gives, you know, we felt like he was kind of preaching to the choir that we sit in and also his audience was of the same, you know he's Catholic, very devout conservative Catholic, and that's what his population was, that he was speaking directly to.

Speaker 2:

So you know, when I say it was ridiculous, based off of who the audience was and who he is and who we are, when we hear it, none of it hits funny or weird to us, but the idea that it then went to the level that it did, in terms of we could say that it's gone viral, that there are some things that are worth talking about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I think this speech, though, does, however, represent a small microcosm of a much bigger issue, and that's the deep division of our country between conservative, traditional values and progressive liberal ones. And so this visceral reaction, hun, and this immediate demand for Bucker's job, reflects that deep divide. And you know, on the other hand, while there's a petition going on for his job, there is, on the other hand, a crazy reaction for his jersey, and now Bucker's jersey is the number one selling NFL jersey. It is past Mahomes and Travis.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And so both sides are wanting to be heard on this matter, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, gosh, social issues have now become the way that many social issues are how we identify ourselves, and so these issues, whether we're part of the Christian world, or whether we're part of the LGBTQ world, whatever it's like well, this is who I am, completely.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so people take these things very, very personally.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And that's why there was a lot of spirit behind it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but the church leadership and the nation's COVID response is not what we want to focus on today. We wanted to focus this show on the topic of gender roles, since there's a male and a female, so that's why you were naming all your titles and everything.

Speaker 2:

You have lots of roles.

Speaker 1:

Well, our show naturally comes from both sides right, Male and female and so the things that Bucker addressed that caused so much controversy. So we really wanted to focus specifically on that part of the show our show on that particular part of his address, because that has caused a great divide.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And just what he said about women, specifically about his wife forsaking her career to be what he called a homemaker.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And that created. He addressed the women in the crowd and he specifically mentioned these diabolical lies that women have been told about their professional career and how their careers trump the most important vocation he believes as a Catholic, and that is as a wife and a mother. And so, again, I think you got to remember the audience, right yeah?

Speaker 2:

yeah, exactly that's why it was weird, you know. Let me go back to my counseling days in the elementary school. There are lots of different things I've talked about many times that the elementary school woke me up to Woke meaning. Yeah, it awakened a truth in me that I probably had suppressed because the culture was speaking otherwise, and one of them was that very frequently, moms would come in to me, maybe because their kids have a situation or some sort.

Speaker 2:

So they would come in and we would have a meeting and you could feel the tension and the stress in their life and it didn't take long and in many, many times over my 20 years there, somehow the conversation would evolve to how stressed out the mom is.

Speaker 2:

And to only find out that she's carrying a full-time job, she's also taking on the role of a full-time mom and all the other things that come with that. And, hon, I can't even tell you how many times and we've talked about this before how many times I encourage moms to say hey, you know, if you had to make a choice, which one?

Speaker 1:

would you make?

Speaker 2:

And and they'd say you know, just to be with my kids, because, because the window is short you know the time is precious and and I would say okay so, especially if I knew they had a faith background. Okay, so let's look at what that might look like. Yeah and Hun. Never once did I get a lady that quit or altered her work schedule to have more time at home. Never once did that come back on us with the negative of. That was the dumbest thing I've ever done. No, it just doesn't happen.

Speaker 1:

You know and there's even been backlash that some people in that audience did not agree with Bucker. But you are going to a conservative Catholic university and I'm sure there were graduates and families who maybe weren't Catholic. I've heard someone say oh well, they got a scholarship and that's where they went. Well, that was your choice. But you knew if you didn't agree with the college values, you didn't have to go to Benedict College, right? But you knew, going to this college, what this college stands on and that is the biblical values of marriage and family. And so you weren't going to Stanford, you're not going to Columbia, that's who was not—you weren't speaking to that audience, and so I think there's just a couple observations here we want to make about the topic of gender roles and what Harrison Bucker was trying to say. But he had so much thrown into that that they were kind of throwing the baby out with the bathwater and like like dismissing everything he had to say because they didn't agree with maybe one or two things that he had to say.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Well, um, when you talk about the idea of people cherry picked, they cherry picked certain things that they felt like that was the only thing they heard.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Even if they listen to all 20 minutes which, by the way, the no news segment ran 20 minutes.

Speaker 2:

They would run a minute, minute and a half clip over the one particular thing, and so it reminds us that we should be very careful about the news that we get and the cherry picking that goes on to get a certain narrative. And this is, this is another call out to our where we get our news from, but it's a call out to the responsibility of media in general that if you're, if you're're, if you're going to slant and you're going to pick and choose what you're going to air to drive a narrative.

Speaker 1:

You better be careful yeah, and you better do your fact checking. So he was listening to that entire thing. He was not saying that women could not go out and kill it in the business world.

Speaker 1:

He wasn't trying to tie up women and make them barefoot and pregnant and turn them all into homewrecker, serving him as the man of the house. And if you listen to the whole speech in its entirety, he also mentioned his vocation as a husband and father and how that trumps anything he does on the football field for the NFL or in the business world. So if marriage and family are not what you desire, you have that right. He wasn't saying that no one's making you get married or have a family. The Apostle Paul wasn't even married, like he decided to devote his life to the Lord.

Speaker 2:

He wasn't even saying you should be Christian.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

What he was saying. He was making the assumptions that you guys are. Christian because of, like you said, the choices that you made by attending this college. And, as you said, honey, if you got a scholarship there, or somebody paid for it or whatever, and it was like the only thing there, that still is your choice, it's still your choice.

Speaker 1:

I've heard that same thing from like Brigham Young, which is a Mormon college you know, and so you know if you get a scholarship to Brigham Young like. You know what Brigham Young stands for, and so you know. The speech has gone viral with over a million 1.2 million views, but the World Wide Web was not his intended audience. And so, from what I took from his speech, if you do choose to get married and have a family and you do call yourself a Catholic, then God calls you to make God your highest priority and put marriage and family above your careers.

Speaker 1:

That's what he was saying. And again, that comes from God's word. That's biblical, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, I appreciate his strength of character to be able to speak up to those sort of things, because many of us would fall to that. And what he's saying and this is another lesson to all of us is that he's reinforcing the idea that, hey guys, embrace your Catholic faith. Embrace it and learn it and grow in it and follow it well, and you know your parents hopefully your parents took the time to teach it to you and now he's saying, hey, let's take this seriously. We are a dying breed, right? Faith is one generation away, right from extinction. And so he's talking about these things. And this comes from Deuteronomy 6. We've talked about that before.

Speaker 2:

The whole idea of that is we are to teach our children in the way that they should go, and we are to write the scriptures on the doorposts of the home. And so we talk in our home like. Your kids should not guess as to what the values are in your home, it should be written all over in your home, by how you talk, by how you walk, even by the art that you put on your walls right, you make fun of me with that Right.

Speaker 2:

And so, as a parent, you should be very intentional, and this is what Harrison's talking about. Let's be intentional. But a lot of these students are coming out and they're already getting the values of the world written on their screen. And he's calling them to say hey, no, open your eyes to see what the values of your Catholic faith are.

Speaker 1:

That I'm talking about today. Yeah, like you said, deuteronomy chapter 6 on, and to model this and to teach this to your children and their children. And then he warns us. Moses warns us in verse 10 through 12 in Deuteronomy six, the very thing that Bucker was warning us about, as the diabolical lies were warned here. When things are flourishing in your life, when you have wells dug and thriving vineyards, don't forget where it all came from. And so when you're the CEO and your career's taking off, don't forget the Lord. He's a jealous God and he's not going to be standing for number two.

Speaker 1:

He wants to be number one in your life. And yes, God gives us all free will, because real love cannot be coerced, it's got to be freely given. And so he gives us the freedom to love him or reject him. And so Bucker is assuming that he's talking to people who love the Lord and want to follow him and he's saying don't lose your first love. It is the same warning that Paul gives in the book. No, I take that back. It's John. I believe John gave in the book of Revelation.

Speaker 2:

Don't forget your first love, yeah, yeah. Well, hon, we have to practice this even at Rock Solid Families in our work. It is in our opening statement about how we are going to approach them. Excuse me, we are a faith-based ministry and so we don't apologize for that, because we want people to know if you chose to walk through the door, and so we've even talked about there's court orders sometimes where people come in.

Speaker 2:

But even in the court order, people are given different options. Well, if you can go to this faith-based one or you can go to this secular one, either one, but you need to choose one of these to go to. So when they choose rock-solid families, we don't hide from that and apologize. There are situations where typically we don't try to intentionally offend somebody, but we say, hey, we're going to use God's word as our foundation for the truth and for the righteousness that we're trying to strive for.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know you were talking a few weeks ago, hun, about the category none N-O-N-E from the Pew Research, and so I went back and I got those statistics because we kind of had said that just off the cuff. But according to the Pew Research, it shows in the past 20 years the category of none for religious affiliation N-O-N-E has grown from 8% none in 2000 to 29% in 2021. That's a 20% increase over the 20 years or so, with a higher ratio being younger adults. And so again, bucker is talking to graduating college students who are about to go into this world, who, where they are a minority, if you're a Catholic or a Christian, you're going out into a world that is against you. And so he's saying don't lose your first love. The highest priorities, if you choose marriage, should be God, then your spouse, then your children. Careers are down here. If you don't want a family in marriage, then fine right, right, yeah, no one's twisting your arm to make you have to go a certain way.

Speaker 2:

I'll go another step. So you talk about the idea that we've had a 20 percent increase in the number of people who refer to themselves as nuns, and so what that would also tell us is that the parenting of that generation started to not speak, like Harrison has to their kids. They kind of started to take on the wishy-washy views of the world and like well, you know, we used to think back when I was growing up.

Speaker 2:

This is the way we did it, but I know that's old fashioned now, and so you know now you kids.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to make them believe or follow God.

Speaker 2:

Now here's what. This is something that's been very eye opening to us and that is well, go ahead and choose the way that the world says Go ahead and choose that and, as we've said before, there's enough history now and people choosing these ways and see how they actually turn out for you. And again, we don't want you to actually do that because the damage that takes place living together, sex before marriage, drugs do your own thing do what feels good.

Speaker 2:

These things all come at a very significant price, and so I think sometimes people want to shy away from God's word because it seems so restrictive. It seems like it's just so oppressive, but when you come to find out, as I've told our kids many times before, I'm way too lazy to be a criminal because, you might have.

Speaker 2:

You might've gotten something quick initially but you will pay so much on the back end trying to get out of the mess you're in. And that's what we are finding now that people tried to take these shortcuts of do what feels good right now, and so Harrison's calling them out like no, no, like I know the career and making that money right now sounds good and sounds interesting. But hey, your faith has taught you something differently and there's great benefit in doing that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, again, to the audience that he thought was like-minded. Okay, not to the world wide web, but to a like-minded Catholic audience. Second, Corinthians 2, 15 through 16 tells us, though, that he warns us that to some, we are the fragrance of life. Some people are going to. By the way, he got a standing ovation, which some people I was reading, which speaks to why it was the right audience.

Speaker 1:

Again, but there was some people, though, that were writing in saying no, I was sitting down and I was booing, okay, but he did get a standing ovation. To some, he was the fragrance of life, like yes, amen, sir, I agree with you, this is from God's word. And then the people who are sitting down to some, we are the stench of death, and so some reject it. Some believe that you just condemn me, or you judged me, or criticize my lifestyle, or whatever. And God's like hey, he warns us. He's like blessed are the persecuted. And God's like hey, he warns us. He's like blessed are the persecuted. Because when blessed are you? When people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you? Because of me, rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven. For the same way, they persecuted the prophets who were here before you. That's Matthew 5, 11. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

You know this is also a call out to um and a salute to harrison. But um, I'm currently in a study and we just uh are doing daniel in the book of daniel oh man, and in in chapter two and chapter three. You know, king nebuchadnezzar builds this great statue 90 feet tall that represents the god that he wants himself and everybody else to fall prostate to and and prostrate to and worship yeah and uh me uh nebuchadnezzar nebuchadnezzar, the three guys uh oh, shabrach, meshach and abednego, yeah, uh his buddies.

Speaker 2:

The three of them say no, yeah, no, we're gonna stand up and no, that's not the God that we'll follow. We will follow the one true God. And he said he gets so mad, he has a temper tantrum and he has them basically arrested by his authorities and they throw them into the fiery furnace and so, right there I think it's very important that is analogous to when we stand up for the real God, we're going to take heat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, and Harrison is taking heat. That's literally what that's about.

Speaker 2:

When you stand up to the ways of the world, get ready to jump into a furnace, but when you're in that furnace you remember what happened to them Didn't get burned up, nothing, right.

Speaker 2:

Nothing. And Nebuchadnezzar is looking at this fiery furnace inside and he sees four individuals and he believes that one of them seems to be the son of God that is in their presence. And so they walk out without a single ash burn on them, without any singed hair or anything. And so our point being is you got to get ready. You got to get ready that if we're going to stand up and teach our kids well, you got to stand up against the crazy of the world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we know we're swimming upstream. In a post-Christian modern world we are the minority and we can't speak for our listeners, but we can stand on these three priorities in our life, in our ministry, and we believe that's the healthiest priorities for families we work with too, and that's where we're going to go.

Speaker 1:

If you're in our office, one is God the second one is your spouse, if you're married, and the third is your children, if you're married, and our careers and our possessions and our opinions it all takes a backseat, and so we'll never apologize for that, no matter how divided our country gets or how vicious the attacks become.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a challenge. Yeah, a challenge for you guys, as you're listening. Well, first off, I would challenge you to go listen to the Harrison. Butler or Bucker talk. It's about 20 minutes long or so.

Speaker 1:

And again, you might not agree with all of it. Yeah, but the point is is that does Harrison have the right to speak that to the audience that he was in? Yeah, to his audience he was invited. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So you have to remember that and so listen to it and understand those things and see what that does to you, whether it pulls up any visceral reaction or not. But the other thing is is I would challenge you and you have some other things on here that you want to talk about but I will challenge you with the idea of, well, what would you stand up for, yeah, what would you fight for? What would you stand up for? What is what is it in your life and in your house and in your raising of your family that you would say, without a doubt, this is something that I will not break on, and because when we don't stand for anything, we will fall for everything, and that's kind of what he's trying to say. Like, guys, you know, the culture has got all of us falling for all these things that look good in the moment and we're paying the deep price for that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely so. I do want to end on this scripture, hun, because it's hanging in our kitchen and it reminds us day after day what we value and prioritize and it's what Rock Solid Families was built on, and that's the unshakable rock of Jesus Christ and the absolute truth of His Word. And so it comes from the book of Joshua, chapter 24, I think it was kind of like Joshua's final commencement speech to the Israelites, to the tribes of Israel, god's chosen people, and in his final farewell he was basically challenging people just the way you did hon to the graduates, and Hal Harrison was challenging the graduates of Benedictine College, again a conservative Catholic college. You know that was his audience. He challenged Joshua, challenges them in the same way, and this is what Joshua says but if serving the Lord seems undesirable for you, then choose for yourself this day whom you will serve what you're going to stand for right.

Speaker 2:

That's right.

Speaker 1:

Whether the God your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates or the God of the Amorites in those lands you are living. But as for me and my house, we're going to serve the Lord, and so if that means being canceled, if that means being fired, if that means being persecuted, so be it. I mean, as a Roxella family, god is our strength, his Word is our guide and we trust in Him as followers of Jesus Christ. He is number one and we will continue to build our lives, our marriage, our family and our ministry on those truths.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, guys, hopefully this is something that you can think about. You can have some table conversation, especially with your kids. I mean, this is a great type of conversation to have with your kids, especially if your kids are of school age and even attending a public school, but even a private school, they're all under siege and to say, okay, guys, what is our stance on this?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what would we stand for?

Speaker 2:

As I said before, like your kids shouldn't walk around in your house wondering what the values of your home are. And so this is a great prompt for conversation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, as we close, we want to thank again our sponsors for today's show. We want to thank Maxwell Construction and Casey's Outdoor Solution and the Hoosier Ice House for their support of these conversations. And again, we don't have all the answers, but we do know that Harrison Bucker had the right to speak. We have the right to speak, we have the right to believe what we want to believe and we'll fight for that. God wants us to fight for that. He wants us to defend his word and his truths.

Speaker 2:

Can I say something too? Yeah, defend his word and his truths. Can I say something too? I do think that there are people who try to read through the lines on what he was saying and they try to say that so Harrison's telling me we're going to hell. And that's not what he says, and we are not to say that. As Christians, we are not to say if you do this this way or don't do it this way, you're all going to hell. It's really not our place.

Speaker 1:

No, we're not the church.

Speaker 2:

All we are to do is live the way God tells us to, and other people are going to have to figure that out on their own. Okay, but we have the responsibility for our own kids, and so it is the delivery, and Harrison and I did a very good job. He did not say and all you other people out there, you're headed. No, he said, guys, this is what we're called to do as Catholics, and so I think that's important, that when we are teaching our kids because your kids can come out in school and they hear well in our house, we do this, and they could be very self-righteous at school, and that really is not going to work to anybody's benefit.

Speaker 2:

We are still called to love and respect everyone. Okay, and delivering this message, sometimes it takes a little bit of diplomacy and how you do this. Well, but still stick to the truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Speak the truth in love and do it with gentleness and respect. So thank you so much for listening to the Rock Solid Families podcast. Building a stronger community, one family at a time.

Speaker 2:

Make it a great day rock solid families wants to thank maxwell construction for sponsoring the rock solid families podcast. For over 30 years, maxwell construction has been a leader in turning dreams into realities building schools, banks, restaurants and many other commercial and public facilities. Maxwell Construction has made it their priority to not just build buildings, but to build into their community.

Speaker 1:

So if you have any construction needs, call them at 812-537-2200 rock solid families would like to thank hoosier ice house for being a proud sponsor of the rock solid families podcast. In the heart of historic lawrenceburg, indiana, the ice house is at the corner of vine and high streets. The historic building evokes a feeling of comfort, with spacious indoor and outdoor dining, a large bar bar and comfortable dining areas. Large enough to host parties, yet intimate enough to feel like your favorite neighborhood restaurant.

Speaker 2:

So thank you again for Hoosier outdoor solutions for sponsoring the rock solid families podcast. Casey's has grown to be one of the largest and most unique garden centers and gift shops in the cincinnati tri-state area. Whether you are looking to take on that next landscape project or simply add a little home decor to your house, Casey's has you covered. Located at 21481 State Line Road, Lawrenceburg, Indiana, Call them today at 812-537-3800. Let Casey's help you add beauty to your home.