Rock Solid Families

Are You Ready? The Parable of the 10 Virgins speaks to all of us. Ep 292

Rock Solid Families

Being prepared is the name of the game for first responders.  They must be prepared to walk into the most difficult of situations and do the right thing.  We would do well to treat our life journey in a similar fashion.  No matter the day, we must be prepared to walk through difficult times and do the right thing.  But, the question is, "What's the right thing?"

In the parable of the 10 Virgins we learn that the right thing is being prepared to meet God on the day of judgement. Are we ready to meet the Bridegroom? 
Our actions of doing good deeds and having faith in Jesus Christ are something that we should practice on a regular basis, not just when we think we are being watched. Or worse yet, minutes before we see the return of Jesus.  

Doing the right thing is more about creating a lifestyle that reflects the Way of Christ.  We know that Jesus will come to judge us by our fruit.  He will look at our relationships, time spent, money spent, talents used, etc... and see if we honored him with all that we had. 

Some of us will procrastinate or even claim ignorance.  Then, at the last moment we may find ourselves grasping for someone to give us a hand to pull us up. Jesus sees this as manipulation of the what he has desired for us.  Frankly, he sees it as cheating.  Too little too late. Other people do not have the responsibility to rescuing a person that chose to swim in a bad current.  We have choices to make and then we have consequences to face.  

In this parable, Jesus is simply asking, "Are you ready?"

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Rock Solid Families podcast. This is Merle Hutchinson, alongside of my lovely wife, linda Hutchinson. Linda, how are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm good. How are you?

Speaker 1:

I'm good, are you ready?

Speaker 2:

Am I ready for what?

Speaker 1:

Are you ready?

Speaker 2:

That sounds like I'm ready to run a race or something. Am I ready? Are you ready?

Speaker 1:

for the bridegroom to sweep you off of your feet, Ooh that's what you did, like almost 37 years ago.

Speaker 2:

Is that what you're talking about?

Speaker 1:

No, no, I mean the Jesus bridegroom, not me Like.

Speaker 2:

I already did it.

Speaker 1:

I mean the Jesus man.

Speaker 2:

If you're going to call Jesus a bridegroom, then you and I together we're the bride.

Speaker 1:

I'm already ready, though I've already answered it before myself.

Speaker 2:

So what are you talking about? We are going to answered it before myself. So what are you? What are you talking about? We are gonna we're doing a parable again remember, that's right.

Speaker 1:

We're doing our series on the parables and so we are doing the parable. This is called the parable of the 10 virgins. Now, for those of you who are like going, we didn't make it up okay, we didn't make it up, but it is interesting it speaks of not just the virgin thing, but it speaks of the whole idea of being pure, of being ready to be married, and when? In this case, married but prepared for this next phase of life.

Speaker 1:

So there's really some interesting points in here, and you and I even kind of went back and forth with like well, I'm not sure if like that's a good thing or not. We'll get into like what we did. Well, we kind of went back and forth, like, well, I'm not sure if, like, that's a good thing or not, we'll get into like what we did. Um, well, we kind of went back and forth, but anyway, so are you ready?

Speaker 2:

I am ready. I am ready, and the question is are you? And so that's what we're really talking about. Are you ready? And so, if you're not sure what we're talking about, stay tuned. But before we do, we want to thank our sponsors.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's thank Maxwell Construction, Casey's Outdoor Solutions and the Hoosier Ice House for sponsoring the Rock Solid Family Podcast. Thanks to all those guys who come alongside and behind us that support our messaging. We've had some really great opportunities here lately, hon, where we've been able to partake in different events where a lot of our sponsors and people have been around, and it's just really cool to see locally Obviously we like to reach as many people as we can, but locally just how our community continues to just kind of be a wow factor of playing a vital role into building families.

Speaker 2:

And if you are not familiar, we are in the greater Cincinnati Southeast Indiana area, and if you are not familiar, we are in the greater Cincinnati Southeast Indiana area, and so we know that we have listeners worldwide, even outside the United States, but for those that are in the greater Cincinnati area, if you don't know who we are, please we would love for you to connect with us, even subscribe to our podcast this podcast, the Rock Solid Families podcast, as well as the Strong Dads podcast, which is one that you do biweekly, and so go to rocksolidfamiliesorg, you can click on the podcast page, you can subscribe. We would love that and it really helps to really beef up the search engines on people who are searching for Christian parenting help and marriage and faith and family and fitness, and so whatever we can do to help to kind of bring those messages out to the forefront. Our sponsors help us do that, but you can also help us do that by just liking our show, sharing our show and subscribing to our podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Um, just, we're just coming off of the heels of um, our fourth weekend of the month. Uh, families rock parenting series and parenting series, and so that will be then. What's the next date on that? Did you look that up?

Speaker 2:

that's great, that's a good question. July 20, whatever that fourth, the fourth, we'll get that to you, okay?

Speaker 1:

the fourth saturday in july. We just came off of it and you know I want to make a statement about that. Guys like, uh, primarily we got this rolling because it was we're working through the courts, but it's open to anyone. And, um, you know, we get people there that are, uh, they're basically told they have to go through the courses. Some of them are told they have to go because maybe they're not doing well with their ex or the partner, the parenting partner of the children they have, and sometimes they come in with a little scowl on their face and you can see like you're making, you're making me go to this on a Saturday morning, but I will.

Speaker 1:

I'll pretty much say I don't know if we'll give us a 99 to a hundred percent, but I'll tell you up in the 90% people are like we are so glad we went, this has been helpful, this has been good. And it's mostly guys, not because Linda and I try to dictate anything. It's because we get in the trenches with you guys, anyone who shows up. We're parents too, we struggle too and we okay, here's kind of what we have found that's helpful here, the fourth Saturday of every month at 830, down at the Firehouse on Tate Street in Lawrenceburg.

Speaker 2:

Indiana, and the next one will be July 27th.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

And so if you're tuning in and you were part of our class this past month, welcome. We're so glad that you're tuning in. We had some of our people say, hey, we really need this.

Speaker 2:

We're going to tune into these podcasts, but we also are going to be starting a new series in July called Ask Us Anything, and so if you have a question that has to do with your marriage or family or parenting or your faith, please, we would love for you. You can actually submit those questions anonymously through the Facebook page. Just click on that Ask Us Anything icon, or you can email us. You can just email us at admin at rockcelledfamiliesorg and submit your question that way, and we're going to be tackling some of those next month, so we would love for you to join in on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, let's get to work. We're talking about this parable, and last time we did not read the parable because it was a very common, commonly recognized and known parable about the prodigal son, but I feel like we have to read this one. It's a little shorter, so it's not going to beat you up with too much listening, but it's not as commonly read or even mentioned. But I think there's a lot of things for us to learn in it.

Speaker 2:

But before we start reading it, remember a parable is a simple story that Jesus used to explain a biblical principle or an eternal promise that he was given us, and so this is an example of that. We're not talking about specifically 10 different virgins. We're talking about suppose there was 10 virgins, and so we're explaining about this and how Jesus refers to us and heaven.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so, specifically, this is in the gospel of Matthew. All right, so this is Matthew 25, and this is verses one through 13. So I'll go ahead and start with it and we'll go from there. Okay. It says at the time, the kingdom of heaven will be like 10 virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

Speaker 2:

Time out.

Speaker 1:

Before we go, let's just make sure everybody knows I don't see time out in this anywhere.

Speaker 2:

The bridegroom refers to. Jesus Christ, jesus Christ and his second coming Okay. Yeah, and we are the virgins and so, just like the wise and foolish builders we've done before, you can either be wise or you can be foolish. So we're really talking about you and how you approach the kingdom of God and Jesus' second coming.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we're going to talk about what the oil means too, and all that and all this. Okay, so this is starting in back at verse six, at midnight, the cry rang out here's the bridegroom. Come out to meet him. Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish one said to the wise give us some of your oil. Our lamps are going out. No, they replied there may not be enough for both of us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves. But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet and the door was shut. Later the others also came. Lord, lord. They said open the door for us. But he replied truly, I tell you, I don't know. You Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Speaker 2:

That's a hard one for me.

Speaker 1:

Man. Well this goes back Hunt to the idea that everybody thinks that Jesus is all about love, love, grace, grace, love, grace, love grace. He's also about truth and justice.

Speaker 2:

Full of grace full of truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is where that balance is coming in. It wasn't like everybody didn't have an equal and fair chance. It was about what they did to prepare for that. So we're going to get into that a little bit.

Speaker 2:

So let's talk about the major takeaways from this story, and I think the very first one is that we've got to be prepared. You know, this parable emphasizes the importance of getting ready. We don't know when Jesus is coming back.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Bible tells us in another verse that he's going to come like a thief in the night. We're not going to be like get this big warning right. We are in the last days. We are getting the warnings now that he is coming back, and so we can't predict when that's going to be. So we always got to be prepared.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's talk about the lamps and the oil.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So the lamp is something that shines the light, okay.

Speaker 2:

It shines the light.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and oil is the energy to do that. So we all have been given the hands and the feet, we've been given the tools to shine the light, and we all consume energy every day, every day, and it's what we decide to do with our energy, in terms of how we, what kind of light we put out, and so that's what this is representing here. Like we've all been given lamps right and we all have X amount of energy.

Speaker 1:

We all have a certain amount of energy. Okay, that is a finite idea there. It is up to us to decide what we're going to do with that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it kind of reminds me, hun, of a fire you know, and a fire is burning, but if you don't keep putting logs on the fire, the fire goes out. And so I really think of it that way, like, okay, we got to keep putting the logs in the fire because we don't know how long we're going to need this light. You know we're in the darkness, we are in this world and heaven is coming, and so how long is it going to be? Should we let the fire burn out? Is it going to come before the log runs out, or do we have to keep putting another log on the fire? So it reminds us that faith without deeds is dead, that we need faith and action. We got to keep growing, we got to keep connecting, we've got to keep learning, and he's telling us that we can't go unprepared and just hope we got enough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, okay. So maybe let's go back a little bit, because this is where you and I struggled a little bit.

Speaker 2:

I was struggling with this part.

Speaker 1:

Because the idea is wow, here are these five foolish or wise the foolish yeah they came in and all of a sudden they saw the need like, oh my gosh, the bridegroom's here and enough oil they didn't have enough oil, and it doesn't say how they asked, right, whether they were rude or mean or kind or whatever they. They just came over and they said, hey, let us borrow or let us have some of your oil, and those day gone. People said what?

Speaker 1:

they say no, and I struggle with that the wise people literally said like go get your own oil yeah and I'm like gosh, that doesn't sound very loving well, and so this is that justice part, this is that truth part, and this is that idea that people can't walk your walk for you. They can't walk your walk for you. I'm going to be real honest, and you probably never did this, but maybe once or twice in my life I may have found myself in a position where I had to cheat on my homework or a test.

Speaker 2:

Not me.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's a lie.

Speaker 2:

I got my first violation in high school.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think you almost didn't graduate. No, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

But I did, I let someone. Actually I got in trouble because I let someone.

Speaker 1:

You shared your oil, I shared my oil. That is true, I shared my oil.

Speaker 2:

I shared a lab with somebody that did not have it done, thinking that would be the good thing, and I got in trouble and I was kind of mad about that. But then I realized like I've got to do my own personal work and they got to do their own work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and guys like we can all find ourself in those situations and I think we all of a sudden, you know, put our hands up and we go, oh, but I didn't know. Or you know, act like we're surprised or we didn't see it coming. And the idea here is, you know, we knew in this parable the bridegroom was coming. Okay, it was coming. We were all told that idea. We were not told exactly when. No, all right, and so that's that whole idea. Like I feel even more embarrassed because I always knew when the test was coming. Right, I always knew and I still didn't do use my energy right, right to prepare.

Speaker 1:

And so the whole thing, guys, that we have to wrap our head around is we are responsible for our own journey, our understanding of being in relationship with Christ, with the whole idea of using our energy well to be prepared, staying, on guard right.

Speaker 1:

Guarding our heart to know like, hey, at the last minute I could just fall away. Another thing that came to our mind when we were talking about this well, what about the deathbed conversions? Yeah, what about deathbed conversions where somebody intentionally said I don't know about all of that Christian stuff, I don't know, I don't know. And they live a life pretty much, I'll just say, detached from their Christian faith and maybe in the last hour day week, whatever something makes them come to.

Speaker 2:

Jesus right.

Speaker 1:

This is the thief on the cross, maybe even right, and all of a sudden they are you know, they. They asked to be saved okay and I don't know. I'm not the one to make the decision on whether they are, but that's a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's other people that kind of like the other brother remember in our story last week about the other brother kind of was resentful, like I stayed here and did all the right things and and you're giving him the party.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and so, but. But going back to this individual responsibility, hun, is that we can't go and just ride on the coattails of someone else's faith and mostly it's parents to children Like, just because your grandma was a devout Christian or Catholic, or your mom took you to church every week. It comes down to what you're doing, how you respond to the invitation, and so that takes individual responsibility and you can't borrow someone else's oil. You've got to have your own faith, you've got to own it yourself. And so please, please this is such an important reminder to us is that don't get lazy, don't get complacent. You've got to be ready, because you don't know the day or the hour he's coming back and he's gonna judge you, not your family, not your parents, not what you used to do, but what you're doing today. And you're right, he is full of grace, but he's also full of truth yeah, and you're not sure exactly where the judge is gonna fall on that you know in that time.

Speaker 1:

Something else comes to my mind is the idea that you and I run into this frequently in our work and we'll hear parents say as far as faith goes, you know, I'm going to let my kids decide on their their own, like my parents forced it down my throat and so I decided that it was going to be their own journey, their deal. And I think about how far behind it puts them, how much oil they weren't able to store up, like as a kid, like you didn't know, or you just didn't think it was a big deal at all. And so here you are, finally in your, in your twenties or thirties, and now you're trying to to figure out how to have a relationship with Christ and to do the deeds that are of that reflect your knowledge of Christ.

Speaker 1:

I don't know Like I think, man, you're just really setting your kid up for greater issues.

Speaker 2:

On the other hand, I love the fact that there's so many parents out there, young parents Like I. Just had little kindergartners and first graders in my class this week, and you know, and we were studying the armor of God and talking about how to protect ourselves from the spiritual battles of the enemy. And so, man, I'm praying that those kindergartners and first graders will memorize the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit and the belt of truth and the things that are going to keep them from the enemy's temptations. And so, man, I believe if you start early, mom and dad, please. I know that each child is their own faith, right, you can't buy their salvation through your works, okay, but you can lay a foundation that is rock solid so that they keep building on that and they are finding themselves with peace and joy and hope, because it's that hopelessness that sweeps them off into the current of this world. And so if you don't give them that foundation, that rock-solid foundation, if you're not a wise builder I'm mixing my parables here.

Speaker 1:

Matthew 7, 24. But if you're not a wise virgin.

Speaker 2:

if you're not a wise builder, then you are going to find yourself not ready when the bridegroom returns.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, yeah, this is good stuff not ready when the bridegroom returns. Yeah, oh man. Yeah, this is good stuff. You know there's also another point to this, that there was concern by the virgins who saved their oil and brought their oil with them and they said if we share ours with you, all of us could run out. In other words, we all could lose. And I think that's kind of interesting. You know, we know in lifeguard training that before you jump in to save somebody, you better make sure that you yourself are on stable ground or you have the ability.

Speaker 1:

Otherwise, we have two people that drown and perish, and so there is something to be said here Like and perish. And so there is something to be said here Like you. Just, it's not going to be your responsibility to take somebody who is, who is of age and has the whereabouts, has the tools for you to be jumping in and saving everyone. Jesus is the only savior and oftentimes we get into this like I've got to save people. I got to save people.

Speaker 1:

It's like no, you're not saving anyone and you sharing your oil is not going to be what carries them in through the gates.

Speaker 2:

We were just talking about that with a group of teachers. Right, we were training some teachers and we were talking about how sometimes as educators, we get exhausted because we come in and rescue. We rescue families, we try to rescue kids, and that's not our job. It's exhausting and it's really getting out of our lane. Like we are called to to guide people to the Lord, to show them how to get their oil, but we're not the ones to give our oil away. That's Jesus's job is to be the rescuer, be the savior, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right, so kind of our takeaway from this guys is that we did find it kind of interesting. I think we live in an immediate gratification world and so we don't worry about whether we have a storehouse of oil or how we're even using it.

Speaker 1:

Our kids still don't turn the lights off in the room when they walk out right, and so that whole idea of like no, you got to conserve, you don't have to worry and you don't fret, but you do have to conserve and you have to direct your energy into the right places and use it well. So there is a balance here too. By no means would I want to walk away from this conversation to say you don't help people no, not at all, but you help people help themselves.

Speaker 1:

One of the greatest things that the other virgins could have said to those who were asking for the oil is hey, you might want to think twice about what you're doing with your oil you know and encouraging them to do better things with the oil rather than keep supplying the oil, and so there's a balance here and how we help each other, and still everybody has the opportunity to be saved.

Speaker 2:

Well, it makes me think of that old adage of you know, give a fish and feed a man for a day, but teach them how to fish and they fed for a lifetime.

Speaker 2:

And so that's really what we're trying to do is we're trying to equip you so that you can equip your children and their children, so that they're all ready. Everybody's ready, no matter when the bridegroom comes, and so I'm ready for it. I'm ready. I know that I have assurance of salvation because of not of what I've done or how good I've been, but because of who died for me and who came to save me, and his name is Jesus. And so, if you don't know the Savior of the world, if you're not in a relationship with him, please reach out. Reach out to a local pastor or church. Reach out to us at rocksolidfamiliesorg pastor or church. Reach out to us at rocksolidfamiliesorg. We would love to connect with you and help any way we can to find you and find a community for you that you can grow and learn about, this bridegroom who loves you and is pursuing you and wants to have a relationship for you and is coming back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So, guys, you know some some takeaways from this is just that idea of we, as I said earlier, we all have a certain amount of energy. Okay, how are you going to use your energy? And we are called to have a life of faith and deeds right. Faith without deeds is empty, and so it is we're using both of those. And to continually to grow, yeah, to continually. I like this idea of just also the we didn't know when the bridegroom is going to come, and so to always be prepared to always be prepared.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know, this is that idea like, well, I'm really good when I'm at church on sunday but the other six days of the week I'm a holy tear. Okay, it's like, well, no, like. This is a lifestyle. Is what jesus is looking for a lifestyle. Is what Jesus is looking for A lifestyle. This is how you are, and if he comes down tomorrow or 10 years from now, you're living the same lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

You know, and as we're talking about being prepared, I do think of 1 Peter 3.15, where it says we should always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that we have. And so there's somebody that's going to be around you that doesn't understand about where our, where our light comes from and where hope comes from, and so we've got to be prepared. It could be at work. It could be somebody sitting in your beauty chair.

Speaker 1:

It could be someone that you're writing in a beauty chair, Like if you're like a stylist, you know like they cut your hair, you know or you cut their hair.

Speaker 2:

I heard that's like one of the number one counseling spots.

Speaker 1:

We used to say it was a dinner table. Now it's the beauty chair. All right, we got it.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying at work or at home or at a ball game, sitting in a bleach or somewhere, like please be prepared. Be prepared for him coming back, but also be prepared to share your faith.

Speaker 1:

I also say one of the challenges using your oil well, because at some time man there's sometimes hon that life delivers significant energy blows to us.

Speaker 1:

Whether you get a disease, an illness, you know whether you have a tragedy and it sucks the life out of you. And we often see. We see that, like when when parents have a child with a disability. Uh, oftentimes we see the marriage come apart and it's because people are like I have nothing else to give. This is exhausting, it's tearing me apart, I don't even know what's right anymore. And they, they're good, they drop into a simple survival mode. And so the idea here is you want to be prepared, using your, your oil well, your energy well, and and prepare for the difficulties. It's not like living scared for difficulties, but be prepared that, when difficulties come, how you can quickly set back, readdress and use your energy that you have well to get through that time.

Speaker 2:

and so you bring up a great point, and that is, if you are going through a storm, which we've talked about many times before here on this show is that you've got to have that protection and that rest. You've got to be able to trust in something that is unshakable, that is not changing, that is not going to be gone, and that is that rest that comes from him. And so, please, we're just encouraging you to get to know the Father, get to know the Son, the Savior of the world, because that is where we can rest, even in the middle of difficulties, right?

Speaker 2:

And so please again reach out if we can help you. Hopefully this has been a help for you If you're not sure about this Word of God that we really, really dig into every day to learn and how to grow and how to move forward. Connect. Connect to a local church, connect to a local body that can walk alongside you and, if we can help, reach out to rocksolidfamiliesorg.

Speaker 1:

All right, so we're going to sign off here. We want to thanks again to Maxwell Construction, casey's Outdoor Solutions and the Hoosier Ice House for being our sponsors. We also want to thank, as Linda said, all of you, and please subscribe to our shows and to our channels. We greatly appreciate that. I think that's all I got. To go check the oil on my lamp here as soon as we get done?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure. Thank you so much for listening to the Rock Solid Families podcast. Building a stronger community, one family at a time. Make it a great day.

Speaker 1:

Rock Solid Families wants to thank Casey's Outdoor Solutions for sponsoring the Rock Solid Families podcast. Casey's has grown to be one of the largest and most unique garden centers and gift shops in the Cincinnati tri-state area. Whether you are looking to take on that next landscape project or simply add a little home decor to your house, casey's has you covered. Located at 21481 State Line Road, lawrenceburg, indiana, call them today at 812-537-3800. Let Casey's help you add beauty to your home. Rock solid families wants to thank max Maxwell Construction for sponsoring the Rock Solid Families podcast. For over 30 years, maxwell Construction has been a leader in turning dreams into realities Building schools, banks, restaurants and many other commercial and public facilities. Maxwell Construction has made it their priority to not just build buildings but to build into their community.

Speaker 2:

So if you have any construction needs, call them at 812-537-2200 rock solid families would like to thank hoosier ice house for being a proud sponsor of the rock solid families podcast. In the heart of historic lawrenceburg, indiana, the ice house is at the corner of vine and high streets. The historic building evokes a feeling of comfort, with spacious indoor and outdoor dining, a large bar and comfortable dining areas Large enough to host parties, yet intimate enough to feel like your favorite neighborhood restaurant. So thank you again for the Hoosier Ice House for sponsoring the Rock Salad Families podcast.