Rock Solid Families

Spiritual Warfare and Your Family - Ep 305

Rock Solid Families Season 6 Episode 305

Spiritual warfare is a reality that families, particularly those who hold strong Christian beliefs, often face. Understanding spiritual warfare and recognizing how it manifests can help families confront these attacks and fortify themselves spiritually.

Ways We See Spiritual Attacks on the Family
Division and Conflict: One of the primary tactics in spiritual warfare is to sow seeds of discord within the family. Misunderstandings, arguments, and grudges can fracture relationships. 

Distraction from Spiritual Priorities: Families can be overwhelmed by hectic schedules, technology, entertainment, and material pursuits. 

Negative Influences: Spiritual attacks may come through media, friendships, or cultural pressures that promote values contrary to biblical teachings. 

Mental and Emotional Health Struggles: Spiritual warfare often manifests in the form of anxiety, depression, fear, or feelings of inadequacy. 

Attacks on Marriages: Marriage is a key target in spiritual warfare because it forms the foundation of the family. Problems such as infidelity, lack of communication, resentment, and selfishness can cause deep rifts in marriage. 

Challenges in Parenting: Raising children in a godly manner faces opposition through societal influences, peer pressure, and ideologies that contradict biblical values. 

Advice - 
Confronting and Dealing with Spiritual Attacks
Prayer and Fasting: Prayer is the frontline defense against spiritual warfare. Families should develop a habit of regular, intentional prayer, both individually and as a unit. 

Daily Bible Reading and Study: Scripture is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:17 describes the Word of God as "the sword of the Spirit." 

Wearing the Full Armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-18 outlines the "armor of God" that believers must wear to stand firm against the enemy's schemes. This includes the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit. 

Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Families must actively work on resolving conflicts and practicing forgiveness. 

Guarding the Mind: Proverbs 4:23 advises, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Families should be cautious of what they allow into their minds through media, relationships, and activities. 

Building a Supportive Christian Community: Engaging with a church community provides spiritual support and accountability. 

Regular Worship and Sacraments: Participating in regular worship and sacraments, such as Communion, keeps the family connected to God’s grace and reminds them of His power over darkness. 

Encouraging Open Communication: Parents should foster an environment where children feel comfortable discussing their fears, doubts, and questions about faith. strategies to counter them, families can protect their unity and spiritual health. As Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world." In Christ, families have the power to overcome these forces and live in victory.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Rock Solid Families podcast. I am Linda Hutchinson here with my husband Merle. How are you doing today, babe?

Speaker 2:

I'm getting pretty excited actually, to be honest.

Speaker 1:

What are you getting excited about? Oh, don't be honest. Whatever you do, Okay, be honest. Why are you excited?

Speaker 2:

We're traveling this week we are Later this week anyway and we are headed up to the New England area. You and I have never traveled that way together no, not together, I have as a kid but now we are going together and it's the fall foliage, so I'm not sure when you're going to listen to this, but we are actually going in the time of prime fall foliage.

Speaker 1:

So you know, we just need to get away. We do, and that's the plan. Now we just got to keep Satan away from messing up our plan.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, like yeah.

Speaker 1:

We need to make sure that Murphy's Law, or which is a perfect segue into what we're talking about today, because we are talking about how Satan likes to mess with our families and our lives and destroy and distract and discourage, and so the topic for today is spiritual warfare, and specifically spiritual warfare in our families.

Speaker 2:

Man. You know, I don't know if I always understood, or even—it was a saying, it was a phrase. Oh, it feels like spiritual warfare. But I don't know that I ever internalized it anything deeper than just a phrase.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're going to talk about that, but before we do, yeah Well, no wait.

Speaker 2:

No, I see you're spiritual warfaring me. Let me finish. Oh sorry, but the idea here is something that it is actually real and to actually give credibility to it and how you can actually see what's going on to it and how you can actually see what's going on and we're going to talk about real life examples of how you can see where Satan would love to do everything he can to disrupt, discourage and foil your life plan. So now.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, but before we do, we want to thank our sponsors. We want to thank Casey's Outdoor Solutions, Maxwell Construction and the Hoosier Ice House for their support of what we do here and, just in general, our ministry of Rock Solid Families. And if you're not familiar with Rock Solid Families, we really encourage you to go online to rocksolidfamiliesorg. You can check us out. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn. Just about our ministry and the mission and vision of Rock Solid Families.

Speaker 2:

All right. So we also just want to thank all of our followers, right? All of our followers and listeners, and we recently had the chance to attend a Pregnancy Care Center annual banquet, and it's really just good to see. Sometimes we do think that Satan's work is everywhere and he's winning.

Speaker 2:

And when we get to attend certain things like that, where we get like-minded people who believe in big causes, who come together and it's all under the name of Christ, that's the thing that actually brought us together. Right, that you go. Okay, we're not. The army's not as weak as we sometimes like to think it is. We could let it be, but actually there's a lot of force there, there's a lot of opportunity, and so that was just a good reminder and we just thank those people, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I want to put a disclaimer before we go any further, because you mentioned about how Satan is real and we've got to give him credit. Well, I don't want to give Satan all the credit here, because it's our own sinful nature and our fleshly desires, hon, that create a lot of the mess that our families get in and our lives get in, and so what we're going to talk about you mean sometimes we just make stupid decisions and choices.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes yes.

Speaker 1:

And so the Lord allows us to have those selfish fleshly desires, that free will, right. And then it opens the door for Satan to come in and get a foothold. And so you brought up in our notes about Ephesians 4, 26 and 27,. And it says do not let the sun go down while you're still angry and don't give the devil a foothold. And so it's an and it's a don't let your flesh get to you and allow this devil a foothold. So it really is us as well, as we can't really blame Satan for a lot of our poor decisions.

Speaker 2:

Giving the devil a foothold. You know, our buddy Carl Andrews says if you hang around a barbershop long enough you're going to get a haircut. And so if you hang around, if you open the door frequently enough to things, you might be right on the edge. But eventually you're going to be not on the edge but over the edge, and Satan, he works his way in. And so, yeah, you're right. I mean we have to also take a lot of responsibility for how much Satan is knocking on our door and what's actually happening there.

Speaker 1:

So we have a full life, real life example that happened the day we were supposed to record.

Speaker 2:

We don't normally record on the day that we're recording right now you want to explain why. Well, Satan didn't want us to record.

Speaker 1:

Our daughter was involved in a hit and run accident hours before we were supposed to record and that we were scheduled to record, and Satan did not hit her car, okay.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I look like it.

Speaker 1:

Satan didn't convince the driver to take off and flee the scene. That was that driver's own free will, and so each one of us has a choice to make. Satan doesn't make us do something, okay, but he will take advantage of it. For example, you know our response is our responsibility, and so Satan would have loved for our daughter just to fall apart or kind of get angry and go out of control in that accident and, you know, in that person's bad decision. But instead, you know I'm praying for that driver right now, my fear is Praying that he gets caught.

Speaker 2:

Well, he hasn't got caught yet.

Speaker 1:

But my fear is that it was one of you know that bad decision was either because he's uninsured or impaired. Either one, you know he still probably has a family or something where you know he's going to be affected. So you know our response is our responsibility going to be affected. So you know our response is our responsibility. And our daughter was hit so hard that she was spun around in the intersection and she also hit another car.

Speaker 2:

Right. An older woman, our daughter said about our age.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this woman was pretty shaken up, and the daughters, the woman's daughter, messaged me and said that our daughter was so composed and that she spoke life and hope into the other driver. And that woman didn't have a clue what hit her either, and so that our daughter and she used this phrase was a light was a light and was kind to this woman. And so my daughter had a decision to make Was she going to give this devil a foothold?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

In this situation that was very disturbing and difficult for her, kind of gave her nightmares. But you know, right, in this situation that was very disturbing and difficult for her. It kind of gave her nightmares. But you know, man, satan was trying to get a foothold but we don't want to allow him to get in.

Speaker 2:

I want to shine a little light on that. Yeah, that's living proof that there is a God. Because if you know our daughter is a god, because if you know our daughter she, oh, mckenzie, if you listen to this.

Speaker 1:

So our daughter is very. She can be very dramatic and emotional, and when I pulled up on the scene.

Speaker 2:

I really thought because she called me and she's just like dad.

Speaker 2:

Dad, she tried to call me and I was in an accident you know, and she was pretty frantic and I'm like calm down, like what's going on? What's going on? And by the time I had pulled up on the scene she was just as even keel as could be and I'm like in fact I didn't I think back of it like I felt like I was gonna have to go on to the scene and like sort of calm her down and I really we kind of almost gave a head nod to each other and I went right over to the cop and started talking about what was going on, because she was so composed.

Speaker 2:

And so that right there tells me there must be a God, because I'm not sure who I was talking to there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I mean, that's just an example of how the enemy tries to distract us from our priorities, you know, and so families can be overwhelmed and distracted by busy schedules or technology or material stuff, and so this distraction draws us away to what God wants for us, you know, and I just think that you know, john 10, 10, where it says the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But I have come, jesus says, to give you life, and life to the fullest. And so we have got to get laser focused, even in the middle of a storm or an accident, where we could get so distracted from what we're called to do and how we're called to react.

Speaker 2:

And let's talk a little bit, just because I think in some ways we could still be talking very vague and not really well. Is this spiritual warfare?

Speaker 2:

or not right. So let's go through and like it doesn't guarantee that this is spiritual warfare, but ways that we see the enemy working right in our own practice and our and families that come in marriages that come into rock solid families all right, yeah, and one of the very first ones you see and we have seen this in our own marriage, in our own family how division and conflict, how everything could be going perfectly well in a family or in a marriage.

Speaker 2:

And all of a sudden, what seems to maybe be out of nowhere, or small things turning into big things. You are starting to have divisiveness between you and you're thinking where did this come from? What is this about? And so that is one way that you start to see. You know that we divide we divide the household.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we we talked about the death of civility just a couple of weeks ago, or was it last week, and we talked about that, that division, and so again, don't let the sun go down on your anger. And you know we've got the political realm kind of revving up. Covid was a huge one, vaccines, all those things really divided and divided, and so we got division, we got distraction, which I mentioned before. Also those negative influences. Tell us about those.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, this is stuff that we've talked about before. If you were trying to keep the security of your home, you'd probably lock your doors right. You'd make sure that everybody in the house would say if you wouldn't let a bad person, a bad guy, a thief, come into your home. But we, not only the thief now is not trying to budge or barge through our front door.

Speaker 2:

We're letting him in, we're inviting him in through our phones, through our internet services, through the TV, through the shows that we're watching, and we're literally inviting it in. And it's disguised so innocently and almost as entertainment that we go. Why would you not?

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's so normalized. I think about back in the day when I used to love to watch Little House on the Prairie and the Brady Bunch. I remember the controversy was that Mr and Mrs Brady were sleeping in the same bed on the program, and now it's like Katie barred the door what you can find on mainstream TV and so the negative influences are just being exponentially magnified and they're coming through every you know avenue we can get. And so, man, it's really like this, this Bible, which is our sword of the spirit. Man, it's like we got to deflect those flaming arrows coming from all different directions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so being more aware right there of just what you're allowing in. And another thing this was something that we've talked about um just uh, health struggles, mental, psychological, you know, emotional health struggles, where you you start to get beat down. We talked in one of our shows about walking through pain uh just the idea that you can, you. You struggle each day just to get through the day, and because the pain or the distraction of whatever is hurting pulls you down, that you look for easy ways out. You look for peace.

Speaker 2:

You look for comfort, and sometimes you do that in ways that are not very healthy. It could be drugs, it could be other alternatives, and so they're not necessarily the best ways, but it's those things that distract us again, caveat God does not give us cancer, satan does not give us cancer.

Speaker 1:

We live in a fallen world where we are prone to more diseases and bad decisions and influences on us, and so it creates this bad health. But Satan or God can use that same situation for God's glory or Satan's purposes, and so we have got to really bind Satan by really protecting our mind and our heart and our attitudes in things like health issues. Right, because man, it could definitely give him a foothold, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, how about specifically? We talked about before just distractions and divisiveness, but specifically the attack on the marriage. The attack on the marriage and what we see with that is if we can attack the marriage, we know we're going to get to the kids right. I mean if Satan can blow up the marriage the generational impact.

Speaker 2:

Recently we had the opportunity to listen to Jonathan Evans at the Pregnancy Care Center at Banquet, and he talked about how the two men that spoke to his grandfather as a little boy his grandfather was not a Christian and two fishermen approached his grandfather and, long story short, led him to Christ, and then, of course, his son, tony Evans came through there and the millions and millions and millions that have now had been impacted.

Speaker 2:

Well, we could also reverse that right. We could talk about how the generational misses that we could have because of brokenness in families and marriages, and so that's a really powerful thing.

Speaker 1:

There's actually phrases of like generational curses or chains. There's actually phrases of like generational curses or chains, and so I don't want anyone to think they're a victim to their circumstances and that God cannot redeem and heal and restore.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But the enemy loves to discourage us and help us to feel hopeless and helpless, and that we don't have any, you know, to become a victim of our childhood or our family situation. So we ask you're right? The enemy knows that if he can divide that couple and get in there, he can have a field day the whole family.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that word generational curse. We've had people come in before and they go. They almost resign to the idea that it's a generational curse. And it's like well, we can't stop there, because Christ has come to change the world, to change us, to stop these curses, to go a new path. And so the idea that you would just resign your life to the idea that well, this is just how my parents were, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Like we don't accept that, and I don't think that Christ would accept that either. He wants to see us change, and I don't think that Christ would accept that either.

Speaker 1:

He wants to see us change, go and sin no more. Yes, and you know, the last real issue that we not last, but it's one of many that we see is the whole parenting challenges. You know, it's more difficult than ever before to raise a child to know the Lord because we are in the minority, we are swimming upstream in a culture that is so anti-God, anti-christ, it is anti-God's word, and so it's hard.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to lay that biblical foundation in our home with our kids without them rejecting it or thinking that we're so old-fashioned, right. And so, man, it makes it so hard.

Speaker 2:

You know, every kid thinks that their parents are old and old-fashioned, including ours kid thinks that their parents are old and old-fashioned, including ours. Yeah, including ours. And I remember feeling the same way that, dad, you just are old-fashioned.

Speaker 1:

You don't get it.

Speaker 2:

You don't get it, and so I think we have to be aware that that's nothing new.

Speaker 1:

I think.

Speaker 2:

what we also, though, have to be aware of is, as we talked about before, the frequency of distractions and alterations to their pathway, and that's so much due to internet and those types of things, and so you know, everything's kind of on steroids now in terms of the challenges in parenting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So let's get practical, let's get into how do we fight off the enemy, how do we protect our marriages and our families and our minds and our hearts, to make sure that the enemy doesn't get a foothold. And so we want to really talk about how do we confront, how do we deal with those spiritual attacks and, hun, the first one we believe is prayer, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, Philippians four, six through seven, it just says do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your request to God. And so the reason. I know that sounds churchy.

Speaker 2:

I would be the first guy to say that oh, that's a church answer, but the idea here is like this is a spiritual problem and so we have to invite the Holy Spirit into this. This whole episode of whatever it is. It's challenging us and to constantly be bathing our life in the Holy Spirit, running our life through the Holy Spirit. And so, yeah, prayer and fasting. Why the fasting part? Right, I mean, fasting is so abused these days. You say, do you fast?

Speaker 2:

Well, we fast nowadays to lose weight and things like that, but the idea here that I am going to make myself, my flesh uncomfortable to the point where I can't rely on just myself to get through. I have to invite the Spirit in to say, lord, get me through. I'm going through a day I'm not going to eat or whatever, and so I'm just creating more and more scenarios that I have to be in touch with God and His Word.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, speaking of God and His Word, we believe, and the Bible tells us that this is the sword of the Holy Spirit, that this is our weapon against the enemy, against those spiritual attacks, and so, reading it daily, hiding his word in our hearts, psalm 119 says you know, we are told to take up our armor of God and protect ourselves, because this battle is not against flesh and blood, it's not against our fleshly desires, it's not against that person that you think is your enemy, that person that ran that sublight and hit our daughter. You know, he's not the real enemy. There is a real enemy out there and he wants to take us all down, and so we're not going to let him have a foothold.

Speaker 1:

So his reading, whether it be individually, as a couple, as a family, family devotions, all of that is so important, just to protect and guard our minds and our hearts.

Speaker 2:

That's the whole chapter in Ephesians of chapter six. If you read six, 10 through 18, really, that's talking about the armor of God and, as you talk about the bathing yourself, covering yourself and all of these things, and so if you recognize, if you're going to use the phrase spiritual warfare, then you recognize where the terminology comes from in Ephesians that you're in war so you have to armor up right, and so this is where this comes from, and it's not a joke.

Speaker 2:

It's like we have to do these things. We have to be prepared for the attacks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the belt of truth which we try to help our kids understand. Like man, it's better, just to be honest, right?

Speaker 1:

up front you know the breastplate of righteousness, where we're going to do the right thing even when no one's watching. You know that's what we say. Integrity is the shield of faith, where we're going to believe that God is trustworthy, that his promises are true, like that's the shield of faith. We, that his promises are true. That's the shield of faith. We got the helmet of salvation, where we protect our mind with God's word and believe that he has saved us and that we can rest in that. And then we've got the gospel of peace, which is really telling us to get out of harm's way, to flee temptation. We got to put our shoes on that are going to help us stay in peace, right, and to fight those battles the right way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think, as you move on, when you're recognizing that you're under attack one of the first things that happens is you start to feel tension and conflict between the people that you love or are in your family.

Speaker 2:

And so that whole idea of recognizing that okay, I can feel that there's something going on here, and strive quickly for reconciliation, conflict resolution, forgiveness we want to get there faster, sooner rather than later, Okay. And so Colossians 3.13 encourages us by saying bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. And so the idea here, if I let the bitterness, if I let the tension continue to go, Linda and I often talk that we seldom see marriages just fall apart instantly. They usually rot apart, they usually the root starts to die off right, and it happens from bitterness or lack of conflict resolution throughout that marriage. And so the idea that we recognize it sooner, like hey, something's up, what's going on, and you start working through that. And that's not easy.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean, I'm sure you've heard the old adage before that unforgiveness is like you drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die, and so it just eats you up, right, it destroys it. And so the next one number five is guarding our minds. You know, in our hearts. You know Proverbs 4, 23,. I love this verse Above all else. Guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it, or another translation says, for it is the wellspring of life. And so we've got to be cautious. How do we guard our minds and our hearts? Through media, through relationships, through what we do and what we don't do, and so we've got to create those boundaries around screen times, right around addictions and consumptions of things, discussions, who we're throwing under the bus or talking behind their back. All of those are just ways that just leave our mind and our hearts unprotected, and it really allows the enemy in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, number six, we talk about the whole idea of you know, it's one thing to build yourself up for the spiritual warfare, for the battle, but also how about your army, how about your church family, how about your community? You know these are people that we want to be like-minded in terms of their understanding of these attacks. And then how can we help carry each other through? So sometimes, like I'm getting ready to go to my men's group here this evening, and one of the reasons why we enjoy meeting is because we have fun, but sometimes there's some strong accountability there Again, always with love and respect, but guys will call each other out Like I'm not quite with you on that one, you know, and the idea that we are that iron sharpening iron is trained to keep us ready for battle and but also, like at the end of the day, I think, if any one of those guys saw any of us in struggle and even getting beat down that they would be there to help in the fight?

Speaker 1:

Oh, absolutely, and so that's why a church home is so important A small group of men or women that you walk along, or couples that you walk alongside with you If you are struggling with addiction some kind of support or 12-step program If you're dealing with grief, a grief support, divorce, divorce recovery. We need community. I mean, that is the way we heal in community. We can't heal in isolation. And so please, please, build your supportive Christian community around you. That's number six.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, number seven is that idea.

Speaker 2:

So you put all this stuff into place and if you only pull it out, once in a while right We've joked before but the Christers, right, the Christmas and Easter churchgoers it's like you know, we get that. We've seen that we even at times skipped our church and all that. But if I only pull it out when I need it or feel guilty about it, I'm not very well practiced in it. Okay, and so the idea that you create regular habits, whether it's regular worship, whether it's traditions in the family that you do these things in, especially as your kids are growing older and they start to ask why do we do this? You can make reference back. Well, we do this because you know we believe that Jesus rose from the dead, or we believe that Jesus was born and this is the gift that he gave us, and so there's all kinds of different ways that we attach it back. But we have to be regular about this, otherwise your kids are like that's just ridiculous, why do we even do it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the final one is really encouraging that open, honest communication with relationships around you. You wanna have people you feel safe with we talked about that Christian community but just open, honest communication with your spouse, with your children, with your parents, with your siblings, with your friends, and so that allows you, if you are struggling, if you feel under attack or if you have questions or concerns or doubts, like you have someone to go to. And I hope that I have allowed people to have permission into my life to speak truth into my life, and that just allows us to really build one another up right, encourage one another. The Bible says, and so we've got to be able to do that to be able to fight the enemy off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Can I just say that that sounds easier than it actually is. I can say very easily yeah, I want people to speak truth in my life, but I can tell you that when people speak truth in my life.

Speaker 2:

it's not comfortable and you have to sit in that a little bit, and the idea that you get more comfortable sitting in it and taking the time to not allow knee-jerk emotional reactions to sit in and think, okay, you know what am I to get out of this. And I also want to make a reference to the idea of open communication and encouraging communication. You know we talk about from parent to kid. You may find that as a parent, you may not be the right one to communicate with your kids.

Speaker 2:

We have experienced that personally with our own kids that you start to not lose the authority, but lose the ability. They don't. You're just mom and dad again, right, and so starting to allow them to be encouraged to hey, why don't you join a youth group? Why don't you have a mentor to speak with? Those kinds of things like help them get connected with somebody. If you are not the right person.

Speaker 1:

I want to make a note that six, seven and eight all involve other people and that is a huge piece of fighting against the enemy. Okay, because we can get weary. We can get discouraged, we can get disillusioned, and we just need those people. I think of the story and I can't remember. I think it's in Kings where Moses is holding up the arms. It wasn't in Kings holding up his arms, and Aaron.

Speaker 1:

And Aaron and Ur were holding them up for him because as long as they were up, he was winning in battle. Josh was down in the valley and he was fighting the Amalekites, but when he got tired, his arms fell down, and so Moses had two men help him hold up his arms so they could win the battle.

Speaker 2:

And man.

Speaker 1:

I love that analogy because we all need people to help hold up our arms.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to start to wrap things up guys. And if you have felt the attack of the spiritual warfare thing in your life, you know hopefully, hopefully you take some time to actually acknowledge it as to what it is. I'm not sure exactly why our daughter became very composed and ready to go through these things, but the idea that she took a breath and she knew I will be OK.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I said I will be OK.

Speaker 2:

In all this 's what she said, I will be okay in all this, and there's that peace that came over her. Okay, and so the fruit of the spirit was working in her Right.

Speaker 2:

And so these are the things that you have to acknowledge that that you are being attacked, and but you are not defeated. There is a way through this. And uh and I, I think, um, we're also reminded in Ephesians 6, and this is specifically 12, verse 12, our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and so we often this gentleman that hit our daughter we would like to think that he's the enemy, but in fact he's not the enemy. The enemy could very well be working in his life, and ultimately, wouldn't it be great to locate this person and say hey, dude, is there anything we can do to help you out? Right, give them the help.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and, by the way, one of the things that Merle and I believe is that we've got to pray over protection over our children. And so every evening, merle and I come together and we pray for our kids and our grandkids and our daughter-in-laws, and we believe that that hedge of protection is put over them because the Holy Spirit is being called out to do that. And so, please, if you want to protect your family, your marriage, your life, then pray. Protection over that, from the enemy against the enemy. For the Holy Spirit to do that protection because he is able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine.

Speaker 1:

Ephesians 3, 20 and 21 tells us, and so it's His power at work in us. I believe that the Holy Spirit's power was in our daughter that day to be the light to this other woman who was, you know, distraught in this accident, and to keep her composure and not get overwhelmed or fear. She was doing it because she knew God was with her. And that's what we want to give our kids through prayer, through example, through God's word, so that they can fight those battles against the enemy.

Speaker 2:

All right. So, guys, if you feel like you are in a battle of sorts, and especially on the spiritual level of some of the conversation that you heard today, please get yourself some help. If we can help, you can reach us at rocksolidfamiliesorg or our phone number, 812-576-7625. You know we can be part of your army, we can come alongside and hopefully, you know, help strengthen you through those kinds of things. So we also want to thank the people who help strengthen us in what we do here. We want to thank our sponsors again Maxwell Construction, Casey's Outdoor Solutions and the Hoosier Ice House.

Speaker 1:

We want to thank all of them and all of you out there listening and viewing yeah, so if we can be of help to you, reach out to rock solid familiesorg or call our number 812-576-ROCK. That's 812-576-7625. So we just want to thank you for listening to the rock solid families podcast. Building a stronger community, one family at a time. Make it a great day.

Speaker 2:

Rock Solid Families wants to thank Casey's Outdoor Solutions for sponsoring the Rock Solid Families podcast. Casey's has grown to be one of the largest and most unique garden centers and gift shops in the Cincinnati tri-state area. Whether you are looking to take on that next landscape project or simply add a little home decor to your house, casey's has you covered. Located at 21481 State Line Road, lawrenceburg, indiana, call them today at 812-537-3800. Let Casey's help you add beauty to your home. Rock solid families wants to thank maxwell construction for sponsoring the rock solid families podcast. For over 30 years, maxwell construction has been a leader in turning dreams into realities building schools, banks, restaurants and many other commercial and public facilities. Maxwell construction has made it their priority to not just build buildings but to build into their community.

Speaker 1:

So if you have any construction needs, call them at 812-537-2200 rock solid families would like to thank hoosier ice house for being a proud sponsor of the rock solid families podcast. In the heart of historic lawrenceburg, indiana, the ice house is at the corner of vine and high streets. The historic building evokes a feeling of comfort, with spacious indoor and outdoor dining, a large bar bar and comfortable dining areas Large enough to host parties, yet intimate enough to feel like your favorite neighborhood restaurant. So thank you again for the Hoosier Ice House for sponsoring the Rock Salad Families podcast.