Rock Solid Families

Word of the Year - Ep 317

Rock Solid Families Season 7 Episode 317

The girls, Jenna, Bridgitte, and Linda, take on the topic of "Word of the Year".  Each of them discussed the importance of  being intentional about how you are going to look forward to the new year.  With this intentionality, describe it with are single word.  
The Word of the Year has many different purposes.  It helps us to stay focused. It helps us to look forward and actively develop an optimistic mindset. Among other things, it encourages us to invite God into our lives.  We know that we will fall short of attaining these words if we set them high enough. But, that reminds us to lean on God to create a way. 
Listen in to hear the ladies converse to develop their word and how the plan to actually live this word in the new year.

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