Web Design Business with Josh Hall

287 - Build, Support, Grow - How to Offer and Package Up Your Web Design Services

September 28, 2023 Josh Hall
287 - Build, Support, Grow - How to Offer and Package Up Your Web Design Services
Web Design Business with Josh Hall
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Web Design Business with Josh Hall
287 - Build, Support, Grow - How to Offer and Package Up Your Web Design Services
Sep 28, 2023
Josh Hall

Josh share’s his proven, client-loving framework for organizing your services so that clients understand what you do and how you’ll help them. Best part is, no matter what or how many services you offer, they can fit into these 3 categories!

In This Episode

00:02 - Organizing Web Design Services
11:10 - Building, Supporting, and Growing Websites
23:11 - Categorizing Services for Web Designers
32:01 - Promotion of Web Designer Pro Course

Get all links, resources and show notes at: https://joshhall.co/287

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Josh share’s his proven, client-loving framework for organizing your services so that clients understand what you do and how you’ll help them. Best part is, no matter what or how many services you offer, they can fit into these 3 categories!

In This Episode

00:02 - Organizing Web Design Services
11:10 - Building, Supporting, and Growing Websites
23:11 - Categorizing Services for Web Designers
32:01 - Promotion of Web Designer Pro Course

Get all links, resources and show notes at: https://joshhall.co/287

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Hey, friends, great to be with you here in this episode where I want to dive into your services. This is episode 287. This is a shorty solo episode. This conversation has come up a lot recently about particularly folks early on in web design and I remember this very well where you're doing like 40 things. You'll do graphic design, branding, photography, videography, website design, website redesigns, e-commerce. You might do online marketing services. You might do email integration. You might do Google, my Business Services. You might do maintenance plans, hosting care. You might do strategy consulting, messaging and copy. You're doing all these different things and then, before you know it, you are overwhelmed because you don't know how to package this up and how to have clarity around what you do for clients. Well, the good news is, my friends, this is the episode that's going to help you with that, because I'm going to share with you my proven three category framework for organizing all of your services. If you are in web design or just design in general, digital marketing, you can arrange your services into these three categories. This is something that I share in my business course. It's one of the most popular lessons in there, so I pulled out some of the top tips from that to share with you here to help you get some clarity on this. So let's dive into these three main categories. The three main categories are number one, build. Number two, support and number three, grow. So remember that little framework with me Build, support, grow, build, support, grow and you could have different terms for these. This isn't the sexy version of aligning your packages and offers in these services, but build, support, grow is what I came up with in my business that literally revolutionized the way I talked to clients and got clients, because what I've found is probably what you're going through right now.


If you feel like you're just not sure what to offer, how to offer, where to price it, when to offer these things and that is that you do so many different things You're just not sure how to say that to clients and again, like I just hit on there, you don't know when necessarily to offer these things. But what I found as a web designer is that when I built a website, the next step of that was to care for it and support it. I did this through maintenance plans. But, as you'll find out here, there's a lot more things we can do in this category of supporting and caring. And then the question becomes what do I do with this amazing client that paid me a lot for a website build? Now I'm supporting them. Is there anything else I can do for them to actually use their website and actually use that website that I put my blood, sweat and digital tears into to help them grow their business? And that comes into play with the grow category. So, again, build, care or support and then grow. Those are the three categories.


Now, as I mentioned a little bit ago, no matter what services you offer, everything can align in those three categories. So let's take build, for example. Let's say building websites probably pretty clear, we know where that one goes. But let's say you're doing different types of websites. You're doing membership sites, you're doing e-commerce sites, you're doing simple sites, you might be doing branding and graphic design, particularly when it comes to branding, because graphic design if you're doing ongoing design work, that could potentially go into the grow category. So some of your services may actually kind of blend in between the categories, but they still can be in certain spots, depending on the phase of the project. So anything that you're doing in regards to building a website or building a brand, or building a social media presence, building email lead generators, building Google my Business profile setups, building an SEO foundation, all of that goes into your build category. So, no matter what, you could literally have a build category and have that sucker listed out with 15 different things, but for clients they see, okay, here's a variety of different things we could do inside the build category.


And if we take it a step further back, one thing I also share in my business course is that when you offer anything in your build category, I do recommend having three tiers. I love the power of three. You can, of course, make this your own. There's no right or wrong way to do this, but I always found it to be really helpful for clients, when it came to building a website or having branding or building anything out, to have three different tiers. One is more of a basic tier, a starter tier that may start at $1,000 or $2,000 for the clients who just can't swing a $5,000 to $10,000 site yet, and then the middle tier. Your featured tier is going to be the 5,000 to 10,000 range and then your big tier are going to be the bigger sites. Those could be e-commerce, membership sites, portfolio sites or brochure sites that have a lot of custom copy and coding and just more functionality. Those are going to be your 10, 15, 20 K plus projects. That is the framework for the build category.


All of your services, no matter what they are, that have to do with literally building something from the ground up, those are in your build category and I just there's a lot of different ways to go about this. I just want to help you with your current service offering. To kind of reel this in, this is a conversation I've had a lot recently in my community web designer pros, specifically with people who are earlier on and trying to figure out their services, or even people who are established but just have a lot of services and there's just a little disjointed. So build that's category one again. Everything you offer, whether it's website design, branding, graphic design, social media setup, email marketing setup, seo, foundation, google, my business those are build, even accessibility and speed and things like that.


When you're like building something from the ground up, and again, three levels, three tiers of services within the build category, then, once we have our services for building something, we gotta support it. We wanna care for it, because you can't also dive right into helping somebody grow if you're not supporting them. So support and maintenance and hosting really are the key to the foundation of your recurring income. Now one question I often get is should I have SEO services and growth services and online marketing in with my hosting and maintenance plan? I say no, and the reason that is because, with personal experience, I learn that if people view hosting and maintenance just like they do SEO services and marketing services, they will turn it off at some point.


Here's the problem with digital marketing. This and I guess it's a problem because it's expected to happen but people ramp up and slow down marketing services. There's times in their business where they wanna do ads and do marketing and go for it, and then there's times where, if they just are done with that campaign or they wanna reduce their services or they're having a downtime, a decline in business, they're gonna wanna turn things off. You do not want them to turn off your maintenance and hosting. Now there's also a little caveat to this and that is why I always recommend that you have hosting and maintenance together. If you could see me right now, I'm crossing my fingers. I'm linking these together, because people will turn off maintenance if they do not understand that it involves your hosting too. But clients will never turn off you guessed it hosting. Unless they're done with their business, they're not gonna turn off their website.


So that's why I always recommend, once you're done building a website and have everything that you're doing in phase one of a project, from the build standpoint, you offer hosting and maintenance together, and then even that can have a few different tiers depending on the project. Case in point if you have a pretty simple site that is only gonna be updated maybe every quarter or maybe once a year, if it's just a brochure like portfolio style site that isn't really active no blog, no events, no like not too many changes. They're just gonna update services, information, staff every once in a while Then that's why it's nice to have kind of a lower tier option for those clients who wanna be hosted and supported but they don't have an online store. They're not gonna be personally using the site. So that's why I like having the tiered approach in that standpoint as well, in the middle category of support and care I showed this in my maintenance plan course, by the way, so that dives even further into how to offer this. And then, when it comes to care and support, the really cool thing about this is, before we get into the growth category, you can offer a variety of different things in the second category. So hosting and maintenance is the start, but there's a lot of other things you can offer when it comes to hosting and maintenance.


In this, like support and grow category, or support and care, excuse me, one of the biggest things is strategy. Now, strategy is involved in the building of a website when it comes to, like the initial strategy. But guess what, when a client has a website that's live and they're starting to get customers, there are gonna be changes. They're gonna have questions, they're gonna wanna switch some things up. Likely, at some point, even if things are working really well from a conversion standpoint, they may wanna build a new page, or maybe they're offering a new service, and that means you're gonna have a different level of strategy or a new strategy. So that's one beautiful thing about having a maintenance and care plan that gives you the chance to serve your clients with strategy.


Now, strategy is one of those things that can 100% be in the growth category, but I love having air quotes basic strategy in with your hosting and maintenance plan. This is again something I share in the maintenance plan course, to show you how to package this up. But some quick tips on that. The high level is that if you have a maintenance plan that has three tiers simple, kind of advanced, and then elite or pro status every one of those could have some sort of strategy. And by strategy that generally means a call with you, a consult call, to put you as the web designer, as the expert and not just a web designer commodity, but you, sharing your ideas, sharing what you've learned from this podcast, from other resources inside your web design communities you're a part of. Those are things you can literally put out to your clients as strategy. And for example, let's say your small tier for your maintenance plan maybe that is or your basic tier. Maybe they do one call. They can do one call a year like a strategy consult call. The second tier could be like once a quarter and then if you have a really high touch client that is doing a lot, maybe they get the potential to do a call with you once a month, or maybe that's once a quarter, or maybe they just get private support and a little more dedicated support, and that can be another value add in your hosting and maintenance plans.


Again, in the second category of support, slash care. Those terms are interchangeable. I like support because there's something about clients knowing that not only you just care, because caring should really go through every phase of the project. But support is like okay, we have something we built in this website, now let's support it, let's make sure it's updated, maintained, optimized and then, once we have that good to go, then we can grow. So a few more things you might consider before we headed to the third category of what you could include in this middle tier. You're this, this middle service of support and care. Don't forget privacy policies.


Turn termageddon is one of my favorite Upsells and tools for this. You can go to joshallco slash termageddon, which will give you an option to be an agency with termageddon and add Updating privacies to all the websites you build. These are Privacy policy up like automatic updates. That is a value add that you can add in all the tiers of your hosting and maintenance plan. You can also add optimization services. So the basic Optimizations you could do would just be to use something like managed WP, which is what I use to update all of our WordPress websites and every month, every week, you could go into your updates.


That is going to constitute as basic optimization. But you could have further optimization. You could go even on a website that you've built. You could go in Further to doing more SEO related stuff and accessibility stuff and speed stuff like Alt tags, any Tweaking of copy, any of the clients managing a website and they're uploading pictures, guaranteed they're not optimizing every image like they should before it goes on the web. So you could have not only a plug-in that helps out with that, but you could have any sort of service you want to do per month to help optimize your clients websites, all within your growth or, excuse me, all within your support in care category. So a variety of things you could do within that court, that category again, to help support your websites that you're building for your clients.


And then the final category, the growth category. Now, the exciting thing about the growth Categories no matter what you're doing, you have so much you have. I guess really the sky is the limit. For the growth category, like with build and support, most of that is constituted with Website designs and this general branding and building of a brand or an online website or an online brand and then supporting that in some way With maintenance, hosting, optimization and care growth. Now is really up to you. And this is the really exciting but also very daunting thing, because I know I remember very well once I I don it dawned on me that maybe I shouldn't just say goodbye to clients after I Built their website and have them on my maintenance plan. Maybe I should do something more with them.


For me it was really two things. It was SEO and strategy. Those were the things that I was unintentionally. I was I was giving away strategy for years for free and then I realized maybe I should like package that up. So in a weird way, I didn't like technically offer it as strategy, like I should have, but I did it on the kind of a consulting Basis when needed. But I was charging for ongoing SEO and advanced SEO and Since I am not a SEO guru myself, I know with foundations and I'm pretty good with the basics of SEO. I had an SEO partner that helped me with this who did advanced SEO for a lot of my clients who wanted more advanced strategies for ongoing SEO, backlinking and Google my business stuff.


That went a little beyond what I felt comfortable with and that's another little hint tip here is, if there's one of these categories that you are not, you don't feel qualified in, or particularly in the growth category, that you don't want to do but your clients really want to help with that, partner up with somebody, particularly in the growth category. For example, maybe your clients need help with copywriting, seo and email marketing. If those are just three things you do not like to do or don't want to do or don't feel qualified to do yet, then partner up with somebody. This is one reason I love having my community web designer pro, because these types of partnerships are happening left and right, where you could still fill the need for your clients but you don't need to necessarily do all the work, but you could whitely. You could have somebody white label for you and contract for you if that's something they do, so anyway.


What I did with SEO was just that I offered my growth services as Basic strategy Consulting and then I was doing in some ways I was doing like lead generation. I was not doing email marketing, but I was creating a lot of lead-in pages and stuff like that and sales pages. That were all in the growth category because they were Built on something that was already there and again, with your support and care plans you could have. This could kind of blur the lines a little bit because you could offer to do something With a number of hours once a month or once a quarter, but you really get further into the growth category when you are helping your clients grow their business With their website and with the hard work that you've done.


So I ask you, for your growth category, what are the things that you're interested in? Do you like copy? Do you like messaging? Do you like creating sales sequences and funnels? Do you like doing email marketing both setting stuff up on the website like lead pages and and email captures and Then would you potentially like to do email marketing for clients?


We've had recently my student, april rayon, who talked about how she features. Her third grow category is email marketing. You could do that as well. She actually just did a training in web designer pro on how she offers that, so you could do as well. If you're interested, seo, do you know the basics of SEO and do you really enjoy doing things like advanced keyword research, copy editing and and getting into messaging and copywriting copywriting itself. Let's say you like copywriting but if it's not something you want to offer, there's a plethora of web designer copywriters now who you can partner with to do advanced growth strategies With. When with copywriting, same with social media and any other marketing, if it's not something you want to do, you could partner up with somebody to take that on for you but still offer it in the realm of your growth category.


So Do you get like how many services have we talked about here? Like 50? Literally, probably 50 plus different services. I've scratched the service on and I hope you see now that all of these Can literally fit into these three categories build support, grow, build support, grow, build support, grow. You're gonna wake up tonight at like three in the morning. Built support, grow. Oh, built support grow Because it's so powerful it really is. I hope this helps give you clarity. Obviously, there's a lot more to this. I'm literally just scratching the service.


This is why I feature this in my business course and why, as I, the reason I wanted to do this on the podcast is because a lot of the conversations I've had in web designer pro with with my students in there is it's just a really recurring theme that there's a lot of different services that everyone's offering, and I think that's by nature With web design. There's so many different things you can or cannot do, depending on your skill set and your desire to do it, and so I find I found myself repeating this over and over build support, grow, build support, grow. And I want to challenge you to do just that. Look at your services. What are you doing that is in the build category? This is kind of a recap for this. I'm actually I don't even have notes on this, I'm just kind of winging it. So it might feel a little more scattered than some of my solo episodes, but I just felt compelled to talk to you about this today because, especially in this season, as we're getting into the fall now of 2023, it's such a great time.


Clients need you, but they're not going to become clients if you offer them 40 plus services and they're like I don't even know what you do now, and then then the question becomes how good could you actually be if you're offering like 48 services? But if you have them packaged in a way and have affiliate partner relationships and people who are Collaborating with you, if you are doing a lot of different services, you don't have to, by the way, but you could. That's the true power with this. And so again back to you. Think about your services. What can you put in the build category? Most likely it's website design, and then you could take that one step further with the different types Of website designs.


If you're doing branding or graphic design Any services that are building an online presence that goes in your build category, because you might think, well, that should go in my grow category, right, if I'm doing design and graphic design, well, only if it's off of something that's already built. You don't want to build a website and then support it in Kara and then getting to the branding. Anyone who does branding knows what you start with. You start with branding, you start with the logo and that's gonna transition into the website, which is actually why, if you are somebody who does branding and graphic design, very, very powerful to put that in with your website services, but you don't want to make the website build the last service. That's the start of an online presence. Branding, design, website builds, support it, care for it, then grow it. So what's in your build category, in your support and care?


I recommend that you at least start with hosting and maintenance, especially for all my WordPress fellow WordPress users. Gotta update those plugins, gotta have good hosting. I've already explained why you want them together. Clients will turn off maintenance if they don't understand how it's all tied in together. But they will not turn off hosting and you don't need to say I control you client, like you'll never get your details. What I would recommend that you say is that we'll do the hosting and maintenance for you. We'll optimize it and care for it. You'll get a monthly report. This is, side note, what I teach in my maintenance plan course.


But you tell the client. If, at any point, you want your website or you want control of everything, you just let me know and they can either have access to the domain or the hosting or you just say here the details and we'll make sure you get full control. If, for any reason, you need to move on, or if you go to a new designer or your company needs like a dedicated IT hosting company, we'll work with you on that. You still have control of your stuff. We're just managing it and doing it all under our plan, but you still have control. Make sure to give your clients control, even if they don't really want that it will put them at ease. Actually, just recently I heard a horror story about a web designer who disappeared and the client's freaking out because they don't know anything about the domain name, the registration, where it's hosted. They don't know anything and they can't get a hold of the web designer. Luckily, those web designers don't listen to this podcast because they're not in business long.


I'm in the business of helping you trusted, good web designers who are good people and want to help your clients. Just by that, by the way, you can separate yourself from a lot of other web designers just by opening your email and getting back and communicating. Anyway, that's a whole different episode. But what can you do in your support and care plans? And then growth category again, this is where it's really a wild wild west. You could do everything from social media, digital management to ads. You could do Google, my business profile updates and reputation management. You could do SEO. You could do email marketing. You can do advanced consultation strategy, all sorts of things.


What I would ask you is what do you enjoy doing? And do a basic version of that, even because I just helped somebody in pro with this. They said I just don't know what I would do in the growth category and I said first thing you could do potentially is just strategy. You're already going to be doing strategy anyway. Clients are going to come back to you asking about what they should do, any ideas on how to grow the website. You're already going to get the questions why not make it just a basic package for the growth category and say we'll help you strategize every quarter or once a year, and then it's an upsell in your maintenance plan, easy peasy. But as you get further along and want to do SEO or copywriting or again whatever it is to help brands grow and businesses grow their brand online, that's what you'll continue to put in your growth category.


So a little bit scattered on this one. Again, I don't have exact notes on this, I just felt compelled. I actually had a different solo episode lined up, but I was just like I got to talk to you guys about this because I know just by way of the amount of people who are joining pro in the first conversations we're having are. I don't know how to package up my services. My first step is I point them right to the business.


The lesson in the business course about creating your offers, which is this build, support, grow, and then that has a lot more visuals and real examples and walks you through how to do your own. And then we get to take into the next level of that with the tiers on each approach. So technically you could almost have like nine services if you were to have three tiers on each of these main categories. But if you categorize it, it just it makes it so much easier, because imagine okay, last note imagine if your client goes to your website and there's like nine services and it's like three tiers for website design, three tiers for hosting and maintenance, three tiers for marketing, and they're like well, I don't know, I don't even know what to do here. But if it's a little more intentional in the fact that we're like okay, we have build services.


Within our build services, we have three different packages that work for everybody starter, advanced, elite or premium and then, once we build, then we take it to our hosting and maintenance plan and you could always just have one price for your hosting and maintenance. I did that for a long time. But if you're doing a lot of different types of projects, that's where it's worthwhile to have a few, and you could always say, starting at, you can see our hosting and maintenance starts at 75 bucks a month, for example, and then, as they get going, if it's an e-commerce site, you'll say, okay, yeah, we need to. This is the third tier. So it starts at 75 for our basic tier, but since we're doing monthly calls and whatever else a lot of work then we're actually going to be at the you know, like the 250 a month range.


Same for growth strategies. You could have a few different tiers for that, but you could always just start it simply on the on the front end of your website or your services pages, with like starts at like. Our growth plans start at 99 bucks a month, for example. So there it is, friends grow, I already got it wrong Build, support, grow. You could do it reverse. You could do grow, support build, but that's what most digital marketing agencies do. You know what I mean. Like there's so many digital marketing agencies that focus on ads and social media and then they go to what a terrible website doesn't convert, or it's not supported and it's not cared for and it gets hacked, or it's a terrible online experience. That's why my proven framework here and I can literally say it's proven because it worked for me in building a multi-six figure business. It's working for my agency right now and it works for hundreds of other students that I've taught all over the world who have this framework and are doing a really good job Build, support, grow. So, as I mentioned, this is pulled from my business course, which is inside of my community, web designer pro. You can also get access to just the curriculum if you just want the course.


I am recommending, though, in most cases, that you join us in web designer pro. It is on fire right now. At the time of recording this, we're closing in on 140 members, so 150 is going to be coming soon. Once we get to 200 members, I am not going to be able to coach over 200 people like I'm doing currently. Now it doesn't mean that 200 people are emailing me every day, but it is getting more and more time intensive of the coaching factor. So I say that to say if you've been on the fence about pro, I would recommend jumping in now, because once we get to 200 members, then we are going to be doing some member drives here soon.


Things are going to change a little bit. I'm probably going to have to split out some tiers inside of web designer pro and leave my direct coaching just for the people who are already in right now and who are going to be at a kind of a higher tier. We might have a lower tier open up and then I'm exploring maybe a higher tier for those who want some intensive coaching, like on a quarterly basis. But I say that to say all of this is pulled from my business course inside of web designer pro and a lot of this was also pulled from my maintenance plan course I do. If you're new to this podcast and new to my brand, I do have two separate courses for business and maintenance plans, mainly because maintenance plans are their own thing. They really I really needed its own course, but they really work seamlessly together when it comes to again offering these different tiers and everything.


So join us in web designer pro. We talk about this a lot more and when you do join, I will look at your services directly. I will literally look at your services page and your pricing. I'll probably send you right to the lesson where we cover this in more detail with real world examples, and I'll show you some members who are doing a good job here with this, because you want to make it clear for your clients. I'm telling you right now clients will understand build, support, grow. They will love it. They will love you for it. They'll be like, oh my gosh, that's genius, why didn't I think about that? And you're like that's why you came to me for the strategy. And they're like oh yeah, and then they'll pay you for strategy every month. So join us on weapons, on our pro, I'll be happy to take a look at your stuff. You can go to Josh Hallco slash pro. That'll take you to the landing page, get all the information you need and try it out. Join us in there. We'll take a look at again. When I say we'll take, I mean I will personally take a look at your stuff and you'll get a lot of feedback from awesome pro members as well.


And last thing I wanted to mention about that before we sign off here is a lot of people asked me recently if pro is okay for beginners. And it's interesting because we've just recently had like a wave of people early on in their web design journey and yes, yes, yes, yes, newbies and beginners are welcome in web designer pro. In fact, there may be no better place to have all of the proven action, guides and courses and information. You need to be able to get going fast than web designer pro, and it is a culmination of my experience with my business, what my agency is doing and 100 and nearly 40 now other web designers who have just such great supportive community. So, yes, you can be brand spanking new and come into web designer pro and I will personally give you the action path that works for you Because, yeah, it's got everything there you need so you can go one step at a time and get to work on learning the aspects of web design that you need to know, choosing your tools, and then we'll dive right into the business side of things.


So it is web designer pro being that it is where you go to become a web designer pro. Yes, there are a ton of people in there who are six figures, plus some multi six figures folks who are very established and they're even evolving their businesses and becoming going more and more pro. So trying to think of a better way to say that so, if you're a messenger person or a messaging person, copywriting person, hit me up. You can email me, joshajoshallco, because it is where you go to become a pro and level up as a pro. So, yeah, join us in there.


I would be happy to look at your services and even if you just want to try it out, you could literally just dip your toe in. I keep web designer pro currently at $199 a month, so it's affordable for those of you who are at a place where I mean gosh to, let's say, $99 a month for maintenance plan and hosting. You could get two clients two clients at $99 a month and that would cover web designer pro for you. Actually, I say that because we have a newer member who's doing that. She has one client and she's charged and I think, 200 something a month and that's what's covering her investment into pro, and now she's on the fast track to get into six figures. So, yes, yes, yes, it's available to everyone.


I would love to help you out again with this framework build, support, grow. Look at your services right now. Take some time, go to a coffee shop or grab a notepad and list out these three categories and how can you align all your services in these three categories? Build, support, grow and I guarantee it's going to rock your world and you're going to make a lot more money really fast and you're just going to enjoy your business more. So let me know what you thought about this and, more importantly, when you get this going, hit me up and let me know that you heard this episode. The show notes for this one will be at Josh Hallco, slash 287. And I really honestly want to know how this framework helps you out. So you can also just drop me a note at Josh at Josh Hallco. I'm faster in email than I am on DMs or anywhere else, so emailing me is the best place to get direct access If you want to give me an update on how this episode helped you out.


Speaking of this episode, I would love if you would leave a podcast review. As a listener, it means the world to me to hear your feedback on the show. You can go to Josh Hallco slash podcast review to leave me a review on any episode there. That will give you links to either Apple or Spotify or the other directories. So yeah, josh Hallco slash podcast review. I'd really really appreciate hearing your thoughts on the podcast.


Any review helps to grow the show tremendously. Otherwise, build support, grow there. You go, friends, and I hope to see you inside a web designer pro where I can coach you directly. You'll have access to all my courses and I'm telling you right now, the community, second to none, second to none, the community, right now it's on fire. So if you feel like you want to get your business on fire in a good way, not like burn your business down, but, you know, put the fire under your business, that's all right. We need to come up with a better analogy. Any who join us on web designer pro All right, friends, talk soon. See you on the next episode and again, really excited to help you in your website business build, support, grow.

Organizing Web Design Services
Building, Supporting, and Growing Websites
Categorizing Services for Web Designers
Promotion of Web Designer Pro Course