Web Design Business with Josh Hall

312 - How Jason Gracia Built a 7-figure, Productized Web Design Business

February 12, 2024 Josh Hall
312 - How Jason Gracia Built a 7-figure, Productized Web Design Business
Web Design Business with Josh Hall
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Web Design Business with Josh Hall
312 - How Jason Gracia Built a 7-figure, Productized Web Design Business
Feb 12, 2024
Josh Hall

Founder of swyftsites.com (websites for online coaches) Jason Gracia is back on the podcast pulling the curtain back on exactly how he built a 7-figure, completely productized web design service that gets his clients results.

In This Episode

00:00 - Productizing Web Design 
05:50 - Building a Successful Service
19:25 - Proven Website System for Coaches
27:47 - Business Strategy in Design
39:17 - Content Collection and Website Development Process
49:37 - Efficient Website Building and Client Acquisition
55:53 - Maximizing Partnerships for Business Growth
1:03:17 - Coaching Program and Tracking Client Success
1:06:18 - Seven Year Itch Principle for Entrepreneurs
1:13:13 - Productizing Your Business

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Founder of swyftsites.com (websites for online coaches) Jason Gracia is back on the podcast pulling the curtain back on exactly how he built a 7-figure, completely productized web design service that gets his clients results.

In This Episode

00:00 - Productizing Web Design 
05:50 - Building a Successful Service
19:25 - Proven Website System for Coaches
27:47 - Business Strategy in Design
39:17 - Content Collection and Website Development Process
49:37 - Efficient Website Building and Client Acquisition
55:53 - Maximizing Partnerships for Business Growth
1:03:17 - Coaching Program and Tracking Client Success
1:06:18 - Seven Year Itch Principle for Entrepreneurs
1:13:13 - Productizing Your Business

Get all links, resources and show notes at:


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When I had them on the call, I said there's works of art and then there's machines that produce results, and works of art are fantastic, but that is untested and unproven and I don't want to use your money to test a new idea. Instead, I'd rather give you what I know works so you can get clients, and you can get so many clients that you have enough money where you can build your works of art. But what you want, if you're an entrepreneur, is you want a proven system that's going to get you the results that you're after.


Welcome to the Web Design Business Podcast, with your host, josh Hall, helping you build a Web Design Business that gives you freedom and a lifestyle you love. Hey friends, it's so good to have you here for another episode of the Web Design Business Podcast, a very important episode for this podcast. I think I will be bookmarking this and referring back to it often, moving forward, because we're going to dive into how to create a productized Web Design offer and for this topic, I don't know. I know a lot of Web Designers who do subscription Web Design and have some sort of productized offer, but I can honestly say I don't know of anyone who has a more productized and systematized Web Design offer than my guest, my good friend and, in a lot of ways, my business coach and colleague, jason Grasia.


Jason is the founder of Swift Sites, which is literally a productized service that builds websites for online coaches, so it's very niche specific, but, as you'll find out in this episode, he literally does a sales call on, boards a client and that's it. That is his entire involvement. He has a productized Web Design system. That is remarkable. So what we're doing in this episode is I invited him on to see if he would be willing to share with you this productized system, which is a seven figure business, like in the millions of dollars of revenue that he's generated with this incredible business at Swift Sites, which you can find at SwiftSitescom. The spelling on that is S-W-Y-F-T Sites, s-i-t-e-scom. That will be linked at the show notes for this episode which you'll find at joshallco 312.


But, man, friends, I reference this site a lot in a lot of my courses and tutorials and other resources about a really good site that has very clear messaging and copy for niches and it's even I mean you don't see this on the front end of the site but my gosh, this system.


I just I'm so excited for you because it's, it's remarkable. So, without further ado, here is Jason, who's going to open up and pull the curtain back on his seven figure productized Web Design business, swift Sites, to help you with productizing your service. Even look, if you don't want a service that's like this, productized, I highly recommend you do productized parts of your business. You can keep some things custom, but if you're going to scale in any way, like right now where I just recently released my scaling course you need to productize as much as you can, automate and delegate what you can to free yourself up to do the work that you want to do in your business and productizing it is the way to go. So, all right, let me get out of the way and bring on Jason to pull back the curtain on his seven figure productized Web Design business.


Here we go, jason welcome back onto the podcast round three, right I think so.


Yeah, this is round three.


I was just saying before we have record it's kind of cool to see you in Riverside, which is where we're recording.


Usually we're zooming because, for those who don't know, jason, you are one of my closest colleagues. I consider you a business coach, a colleague, a friend, all the above. I've still appreciated your mentorship and guidance through my journey, and one of the many things I love about what you do and what you've done is your Swiss sites, swiss sitescom. You have created a like the. It's almost the model of a productized Web Design service. I refer to your site all the time. So if you're down for it, I'd love to just kind of unpack how you did it in this chat. You got it. I am so down. Yeah, like the little hook.


I started doing websites like everybody else, that I made $26,000. I eventually got to the Swiss sites model and in 24 months I made a million dollars. So that and it's all the model. So yeah that I am happy to unpack that because it changed everything, changed my life, changed my business, changed the game for me. Yeah, I mean, I saw it too. I saw you going from the website. I saw you going from the website.


Yeah, I mean, I saw it too. I saw you going from recording in your basement to recording calls in your yacht.


No yacht, but you did I mean you really? I have seen you just literally blow this business up. Now you're a quiet guy outward facing on social media and stuff. But to see what you've done and see even just the way you've been able to have other passion projects come to life I will talk about, like you've really freed yourself up to be the entrepreneur you want to be, which I think is a side benefit to the productizing and niching down is you can really. What do you think about that? Like, just to have the freedom to do other things has to be pretty freaking awesome.


I spent. So, yeah, I could not agree with you more, because when I used to do web design projects, they would take like they'd consume me. I would, that's. All I would do is deal with the project at hand. Client issues, scope creep all the like, all the drama of building websites that's all I did all day, every day, and I could take on a handful of clients every three months. With the way that I've done it now, I spend an hour total per entire project and that's on the sales call. So I do a sales call. If they're in, I close and I do not see that person again until they're happily launched with their own website ready to go. And instead of three clients every few months, I can take on 40 clients a month.


Now that is where we're at today, but take us back to the beginning. I think it's probably we all know why you would want to productize and niche and have a system in place for web design. But what did that? How did that start for you, jason? Like, first of all, how did you know what industry you wanted to niche? Into Because I imagine you were a generalist, just like all of us are as web designers, often when we're starting, how did you know coaching clients were your clients?


Yeah, so I'll do a quick little go back in time a bit to 2001. So I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs. My dad was a business consultant. I mean I remember sitting at Big Boys, which is a hamburger chain in Milwaukee, and we have that too.


We call it fresh is like, fresh is big boys.


Yeah, and we'd be going through stocks like he'd be showing me. I was probably eight years old then we'd be going through looking at the newspaper, at stocks, and then we would be talking about way back. Then he even was talking about lead magnets and his business was called Give to Get the idea of giving away something for you. So like way back when I was little I was already in like that's all we talked about. Everybody. Parents divorced when I was young but I went with my dad every week and it was like going to see like a business consultant every week, which I loved because that's that's what we talked about every week for years.


So come college, I went to school for marketing and then when I graduated, everyone on my dad's side kind of my dad, my stepmom, my two brothers they all had websites, all in their own areas. My one brother, scott, he launched a throwing knife because he was into knives, so throwzinicom was his. So he sold knives through the mail. I don't know if you can do that today, because man, he sold some crazy things.


Axes and spears, yeah, and he'd always say if someone broke into his house they probably turned right around and leave because they would just see weapons everywhere. My other brother, chad, he was into acting, so he had acting tipscom, my stepmom getorganizednowcom and my dad at Give to Get marketingcom. So it was like I had to start a website. It was like family business and I always since I was younger, I read Tony Robbins, zig Ziglar, like when I was little Dale Carnegie. I loved motivation, like the idea that you could read something or hear something that would change something in your mind to help you accomplish more than you did before. I loved that idea and so I wanted to be that person. So I launched motivation one, two, three and that was my little website. I was just gonna put out little tips and tricks about getting motivated. That website did really well. It was like the perfect timing in 2001 because we got to be the number one motivation website on Google relatively quickly now. Back then it was all about Page links, like for having people follow you. So I every day for hours would reach out to every website I knew and ask if they would link to me. So I got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people to link to motivation one, two, three, and then we just climbed up until number one for ten years. So I that's how I got into personal development. So that's kind of a little bit of how the coaching came into it, because that's the world I lived in.


Now, 2001, coaching was very different. Back then it would be orders, didn't know anything, but that's how that started. So I wrote books, I did courses, I did consulting, all around motivation, and did that for a long time, did really well. The company made a million dollars and then, as you know, diagnosed the cancer and that was kind of like a reset. So when that happened, I kind of walked away from motivation one, two, three. I just, as you could imagine, everything was just kind of flipped upside down, um, and as I walked away, I just didn't have it in me to do that.


At that moment, money started to disappear, because when you don't work, apparently you don't make money and the bills did not stop. So those, those, those bills wiped us out like it was everything we had. I wasn't working and we had all the medical bills for my cancer. And then I got an email One day, randomly in November 2016, from a man named Bill Simmons from South Carolina and he asked me If I designed websites now at that point never for anyone else, it was always me like I loved websites. I, back in HTML days, I would just hand code like simple little websites, but never for someone else. I just that was my thing.


But in that situation, no money, work we had. We were thinking about having to sell our house. I said what any dad would say because I had a little baby. I said, of course I designed websites. Like, yes, I do that all day, every day. And it turns out he was a coach.


And so that is when I really sunk my teeth into okay, if this is my chance, kind of a second chance, a comeback, I want to knock it out of the park. So I dove deep into coaching websites Like what does a coach really need? Not a basic website, not just a brochure, but what are they? What are the mechanics of what a coach needs to do, the things they want? And so I dove in deep.


I studied other people's websites, I studied coaches, I studied anything I get my hands on as far as how to make this machine for Bill Simmons so that it worked and Bill would turn into anymore. So I, I learned about, you know, discovery calls and calendars and follow-up sequences, all for a coach. And I built it, handed it over and he loved it. I, I mission accomplished, and so Bill turned into Nancy, and Nancy turned into Marcy, and Marcy turned into ten more, and then I just got better and better and 20 more, 30 more, 40 more, and it started to catch on because I became known as the guy who could build you a coaching website and so that is pre productize. So that's kind of how that started. Where Bill came into my world, I did the best I could for him. I did good enough that it spread, and then people started to get to know Savvy Hippo, which is what it was called originally, savvy Hippo. That's the place to go if you're a coach and you want a website Did did you have what's side know?


we have to do a follow-up episode on your story as a whole because your cancer story, what you're, you and your family went through, is just incredible. You were in a mastermind with Shannon matter and our good friend, and, and you were on her podcast recently and you opened up about that, so I have to make that a follow-up episode. Incredible man, but at that time you're you're at this point in life where I mean, yeah, you're like literally about to sell your house, completely wiped with medical bills and stuff. Like, did you have Savvy Hippo as a brand name in mind at that point or were you just operating like Jason?


You know, yeah, when I started I didn't have anything. Yeah, okay, and I like it wasn't. As you can imagine, I'm sure, after motivation one to three, I wasn't like. Next day Bill Simmons wrote, right, it was kind of I just toyed around with some ideas. So motivation one, two, three ended and I I just thought what can I do? I have experience, maybe I could help people start an online business in motivation, things like that, where I was just kind of Toying around. But after a few months that's what Bill wrote and I didn't have. There was nothing. So, yeah, it was just how Did?


he find out about you? Was it through motivation? One, two, three, it was true.


Yeah, so he was on one of my sites, okay, and then reached out saying, in effect, I love what you did for yourself. Do you do that for other people? Yeah, wonderful.


So you, you got your like client avatar, client one. Which is not always the case. Now, were you doing generalists like? Were you working for chiropractors and massage therapists or Hair dressers or whatever? At that point are you pretty much all on the coaching all.


And on coaching, yep, yeah, because At the time that was when it started to Explode. I mean, today, everyone, everyone's a coach. But back then it was just starting to grow and so I thought I've got 15 years experience in personal development, I Don't want to do e-com, so I didn't want. I didn't want to kind of live in that world of oh, you're a coach with a book or a course. What I really love the idea was I Could manufacture this perfect little machine that could help a new coach get results fast, which is often through one-on-one coaching, and so we didn't have to wait for a book to be written or a course to be created. It's just someone could show up and say I'm, I'm brand new and I could build the website that worked for them. So Pretty early on I was like, okay, coaches, that's a market that's growing. I know it. I have a background in personal development. I could go all in on this.


Yeah, even your approach that you said when you met Bill initially, it was like, instead of just saying I'll build you a pretty website and we'll get it out the door as quickly as possible, you were very intentional about the results for him, which is what I came to like. You know, it took me like 10 years to think about Making a nice website that looks cool and functions well and and all that. It's more about, okay, the client themselves. What's their goal? How can I make a yeah, a full machine for them to help grow their business? So, and again, you, you've been an entrepreneur, so it probably isn't a shock that you know you. You came into this right thing with the idea of, of a results-based Service.


Essentially, right, I know that's why I was gonna say I think that is why a lot of Designers struggle, because they look at it as art only, and I look at it as it's a machine that should deliver results, because you're totally right, one of my and this is one of my kind of USPs in the market, might my unique Kind of placement is I came in backwards most people who do websites. They love the idea of design and creation and art and their artists in a way, whereas I was businessman first who just so happened to do websites, and so I just gave it a different twist, which is this is a machine that can punch out a result.


Yeah, you're a business. Set it apart. You're a business strategist who does websites and not a web designer who can do a little business strategy.


You got it. You got it. That set me apart because when I, you could get on the the phone with ten other designers and they would talk design. They would talk your branding and brand boards and they would talk color theory and font choices. And what I was talking was bottom line, getting clients building your business, and we're gonna do it with a website and that is night and day. So I just lived in a different world than everyone else, so it was easy for me to get those clients.


And what year was this when savvy hippo really took off? Where you started doing 2016?


So 2016 is when? Yep, but we're still. We're pre productize. So this is just savvy hippo, but I'm building, just me, building websites and honestly.


I feel like for anyone who feels like they've missed the boat on Productizing that's not the case like you it's this is this is the perfect time, as any of this conversation is going to be coming out early 24 here and Q1 it's the perfect time to think about productizing what you offer because for you I imagine you get fee, like you get common themes. I'm sure you're getting the same questions over and over Coaches, even if they're coaching different industries, they probably have a lot of recurring challenges and struggles how, what planted the seed for productizing this and where they're like those common themes that you found.


Yep, and that's it. So here's, and I remember doing it. So I built, let's. I probably built 10 websites. And when then the seed was planted, and what I what? Here's what happened.


I built a website and, as opposed to going to the client saying what, how do you want this to look? In my brain was I know how this should look, because I know how I know. Like motivation 123 got millions of visitors. So I just knew Put this here, move this here, say this here. I knew how to make the machine work, but I didn't want to just come off saying that. So what I did was I, if you were my client, I'd go through the whole process of what do you think, and they would say, well, I really want to do this. And then I would take an hour to explain why that's not a good idea. Then they go, oh, that makes sense. And then we go to the next page and they'd say, oh, I want this, this, this, and I'd say, actually Boom, boom, boom. And then, oh, that's okay, that makes sense.


So in the end, they had the website layouts that I wanted them to have, but I went through three months of getting them there and after doing that with about ten clients, I realized Maybe I just have one website that I sell to many coaches, because on the homepage I need this section and I need it to say these things and I need the next section to do this and I need this button here. So what I realized was I built a machine that can be replicated. So why am I spending months with each client convincing them? Because in the end, the website started to look the same as far as structure and architecture, because I was trying to achieve a specific result, but I just it was like dragging them along.


I had to convince them and I realized this is inefficient. I am building the same structure of website, but I'm doing one at a time and it's taking me months and months, and months. So step one was I stopped doing that and I just had structures, but I would still do everything. It was just me building websites, but as opposed to starting from scratch, I now had frameworks and layouts that were set and how did you, how did you approach that conversation on your website?


practically Did you? Did you change the verbiage and almost get people into the mindset of you're the expert, you know what they need and they need to follow your frameworks. Because this is what I found. I mean a lot and I found a lot of clients were very hesitant towards templates and pre-built sites Because they didn't want to look like everyone else. But I think if you're, I imagine you came across of it at it like a result-based Messaging and copy. So there, that probably alleviates a lot of the fear of a template site if it's like right, this freakin gets results, so right, is that case. That, am I reading that right? Is that kind?


of right. Yeah, so the website I didn't update too much. They still kind of came in with the idea that we can build your coaching website and then, when I had them on the call, I Said there's works of art and then there's machines that produce results and works of art are fantastic. But that is untested and unproven and I don't want to use your money I to test a new idea. Instead, I'd rather give you what I know works so you can get clients, and you can get so many clients that you have enough money where you can build your works of art. But what you want, if you're an entrepreneur, is you want a proven system that's gonna get you the results that you're after and that worked.


I thought now, just between you and me and everyone listening, I thought there's gonna be tons of pushback because the idea of template is terrible. But that's not how I pitched it. What I pitched, it is proven model. So I have made a million dollars building websites. I know where things should go. But the good news is, on top of it, it's your colors, it's your fonts, it's your message what really matters, your mission, that's what makes it you.


I just control what's under the hood. You just said it, Jason. You just glanced past the gold statement that I don't even know. You knew it was so gold in there, but it's. You don't sell templates, you sell a proven system, Yep.


That is the word we can call it here.


Thank you so much for your time. That's all we need to do here, man. This is great, like literally, that's it.


I never mentioned the word template.


Yeah, that is really. That's the. I think that's the culprit for because I have a lot of students who are doing the hybrid model, like I did, which is essentially kind of like a half productized system. As a generalist and I really enjoyed, honestly, being a generalist I loved having medical clients and the steel company and barbershops I enjoyed that but I had my own systems to make that process a lot easier, so it can be done, but at scale and at the level you are, if you can refine things as much as possible with, like the way, the double whammy of niche and a productized solution, you're really a fine tune machine.


And I think what you said is is that's the gold. The template verbiage, I imagine, is the killer Cause. As soon as you say, yeah, we use website templates, what's going to stop clients from thinking, well, I could just go to Squarespace and pick a template. How did? Did you ever have that Like? Did clients ever say, yeah, like? Were they ever wondering about the template style thing? Or was that not even a factor when you talked about results and the proven system?


It's the niche. That's why I could get away with it and not get away with like I was tricking anyone. But the niche is the reason, because if it was a template website that could serve many industries it would probably be ineffective. But because coaches need us very, it's almost like you're in a race. You're sitting in a race car. Everyone there has a basic, same type of engine, because it's it's getting us around the track and it's we can all share that experience, because we need this race car to do a very specific thing that everyone else needs to do. I wouldn't be able to do that if I built engines for race cars and then for soccer moms and then right Like the. The only reason it worked is because coaches need the same thing on a website, which is we want people to book a call with us to learn about working with us. And when you have the same objective, then you can use a standardized process. But yes, how I would describe it on a call is you could have a totally custom website, a beautiful custom website that looks like nothing else on the internet and it can give you $10,000 in the investment you make and zero clients.


And that is what most coaches do. They look at the art and they don't realize that what they're missing is the strategy and the actual results of a website. That is what's gonna set you apart. So what do you want? Do you want a brand new, untested framework that we build together, or do you want something that's been in the works for 15 years, that has already delivered results and you can get it to without having to go through those 15 years? So I brought the machine that was already proven and built. They could leap year or leap ahead for 15 years by not having to go through what I went through to figure out. This is how the website should be laid out to get the result you want, but it's only the niche. I think that's the key.


So that machine again. I'm wondering if clients would potentially be like well, can I just find like a coaching template on Squarespace and use that for 50 bucks versus paying? I think your price point's like 4K right now right, yup, for one five, yeah. So what's the extra guided systems and processes within that your, your?


I have it, it's. I narrowed it down to one line which says it all, which is WordPress, squarespace, wix. They are knives, but Swift is a chef, and that's the difference. A 15 year old can throw together a template in mom's basement, but a 15 year old doesn't know that I need to put this CTA on this page, this far down with these words, to get a human being to click this button, and so that's the difference. We are a chef, the tech, the tools get it anywhere, but you can't get what I know anywhere else.


I hope everyone pulls that line into the next sales call they do and it's not like a sleazy sales thing, like it's true, it is totally true, and I unintentionally learned personally that half of my conversations with clients was just that, explaining why I was much more than just a designer or just a pixel pusher, if you will.


There's so much more to it. When it comes to business strategy and just online marketing and flow, I mean design the artful things of a website still apply and are important into a professional website, but people do tend to get hung up on that and I think nowadays, in the days of AI and image generation and graphics and everything else and templates, it's like it's so easy to be a commodity, whereas business strategist and people who are creating a result space solution like this it is not easily replicated. So that makes total sense of how you're able to alleviate a lot of those challenges and questions that I'm sure a lot of clients and coaches had initially, because it probably didn't take long for them to be like all right, yep, you do whatever you need to do.


I mean what?


do you do to the clients who push back and say well, I really want a custom site, I really want to do more and more pages? Do you have add-on options for people who want to do things outside? Or do you just say, listen, this is our process and if you don't go abide, then we're not a good fit. What's that like for you?


Yep the latter, you don't. The only way you grow is with no. I had a call literally yesterday and he's like well, actually I have my own ideas and I said I'm sure they're fantastic, I believe that they are, but we do one thing and we do it really well, and if you want us to do something different, we have to say no.


Did they ever come back?


He pushed back more. He's like ah, come on, could you just? And I was like nope. The reason we're so successful is because we made a choice to help this specific person with this specific thing and we don't do anything else. So you can go find someone else, but that's not us.


Gosh, and there's so many examples of that, where, as soon as you deviate from what you do, well, that's when problems start and that's when troubles arise.


And I did it like before Swift and Savvy Hippo if anything like that came up, yeah, I was like, oh, yeah, sure, I'll do that. Oh, that you need, sure, and that was the worst idea ever. I was like in over my head. They kept coming with requests. Today, this is what you I even say on my sales call everything you see here, you get nothing more, but you get nothing less, and that's it. So they know what they're getting up front and that actually, like this is kind of a tangent, but that actually helped me a ton when it came with the reveal, because I felt like when I first did websites, I was so nervous and sometimes they were unhappy because they didn't know what to expect, but with my system now I show them the pages, exactly how they're gonna look.


They know exactly what they're gonna get. So when it's done, they are thrilled because they already knew from the start what it was gonna look like. So that took a ton of pressure off me. I mean, we've worked with over 500 clients and I haven't had anyone say, oh, this is not what I expected, this is not what I wanted, because they already knew. I already showed them this is how your homepage is gonna look, and here's why it looks this way. Here's a psychology of it, right so?


and we all know as web designers, sometimes it's really hard to see what the client has in mind, because they may not even know what they have in mind or they may not be able to articulate it. So you send them a sweet design that you design and you think they're gonna love this. Oh, it's not what I had in mind. You're like, well, you didn't tell me what you had in mind, so I didn't know what you had in mind.


Yep, and I skipped all of it. That's not part of our conversation at all.


The clients who do say like you're just like you're not a good fit. Have you ever had them come back and be like we went custom, we went artful, it was terrible, or do you see? Or do they tend to just kind of disappear after that for the most part?


Usually they don't come back because someone who does want custom, I get it. Like I used to be the same way If I wanted someone to build something. I didn't want them just to grab something they already had because I wasn't thinking about it in results. I just thought I wanna show this off, like look how great this is. So most of the time they're gonna go and they're gonna get someone to work with them, put something together custom. But often those sites don't work just because you could have the Mona Lisa, but the Mona Lisa doesn't have email marketing and your scheduling set up the proper way, like it doesn't matter. So it's just hard. Like when they're too focused on the custom, they miss the whole point of the website, which is business building. So they usually don't come back, but sometimes they do. Sometimes, yeah, I tried this myself and what you got just looks like what I need. I submit I give in.


How far do you go? I mean, you're not just building websites you mentioned, you're helping with like lead generator, scheduling email sequences, like how far are you reaching in? Because you're really getting into like business consultant territory with this. How far do you go with setting, like, if I use MailChimp but that's like, what other tools are you allowing to enter your systems? Yep.


Yeah, great question. So you're totally right, it wasn't just pages. I actually set that up on my sales call, which what I do is I kind of go through our process of how we do what we do, and we can get in that if you want to, because I didn't productize. Yeah, I just standardized my layouts but I did a whole new thing to really ramp it up. But first I showed them the pages and I explained.


These pages are based on science and psychology of visitor behavior. These look a certain way to get a certain result and that's why we don't go custom, because we can't guess our way there and I, like, as an example, could kind of give your listeners an idea of how I sell this so well. I say things like when someone comes to a coaching homepage, they have six questions in their head. We have to answer those questions a certain way, in a certain order, for them to know like and trust you enough to click one of these many buttons to book a call. So when you can talk like that, a lot of the pushback as far as wait, this is a template that just goes to the side because they realize, okay, this is a different level of expertise, like you know what you're doing, which helps kind of scoop up all those objections and then push them to the side, because now they even the 4k price range.


It makes sense that you're able to have that level of offer with a little more than just the website. Right? Yeah, like what if somebody comes yeah, I guess, to my original question to like what else?


Yeah, so I go to like that. That's how I first pitched the pages right. So I go through each page showing them here's the layout, here's why it looks this way. Then I go to a slide and I do a slideshow with me on screen and zoom and I say and this is a wonderful website for 3% of your market. But then I have a big old slide that says problem, most people do not book a call on their first visit. So I say most people who build websites stop right here. They're going to give you amazing pages. They might even have a lot of the things that I mentioned built in, which is great, but 97% of your potential clients will walk away if you don't have.


And then I say email marketing. So one of the first third party systems we use is email marketing. So we use Mailer Lite for a lot of our clients. We used to use MailChimp, mailchimp just for some people. It's a little hard to use for new coaches, and their free version they kind of knock down. There's not that much they offer. Mailer Lite, though, opens their whole platform up to a thousand subscribers for free, okay, but our clients can use any they want. We have campaign Aweber, constant Contact, and so that's the first external we do. So we say you have to have email marketing set up and we'll set it up for you.


Okay, and if you want to use Mailer Lite, all you do is click a button that says I want to use Mailer Lite. Our team will do all the rest. We've registered the account for you in your name. All the logins are yours. But we do all the work. We integrate it into the website, we create the forms. So on day one it's just there and it just works. You don't have to do a thing. But email alone is not enough. You can't say, hey, join my subscriber list. That does not work anymore. And then I use like I'm old enough, as you can see by my hair, I'm old enough. Where that used to work, you could just put a little form and people would fill it out Well, not anymore. You're not going to get any subscribers unless you have. And then I reveal lead magnet. So we include a lead magnet. So my team actually creates a PDF, a downloadable PDF for every client.


It's their content.


So they give us the content, but we turn it into a downloadable PDF. We design it using their colors and fonts they chose. So now we've got this PDF and then we say, but on its own not enough unless you connect the dots and you create funnels. So that's the next thing we do is where I show them how we create simple funnels within WordPress where, if they request the giveaway, for instance, they are automatically brought to the booking page, which brings in the last thing we do, which is Calendly.


So we set up a free Calendly account for every client. It's in their name. We set up the appointment for them. All they have to do is click a button that says I want to use Calendly. We do all the rest. So we create the accounts for these clients and then give them the logins afterwards. But we really do everything for them. They just give us initial information. They click a button. We do all the rest until it's done. So in the end, they have a website with all the pages they need calendar so people can book a call, and email marketing set up so that they can build their list.


So there's almost like three pillars, or maybe even five pillars, depending on how what's the how you look at it. The website, the lead generator, the email platform, the funneling and the booking. Yeah, Although I guess you could probably categorize in those like the three pillars, which is great, which is essentially website booking, email marketing.


Exactly what a coach means.


This is yeah, I was going to say. The reason this is so important is because you're selling websites for coaches, but technically you're selling like five things for coaches all wrapped in one Very clever and very intentional, I imagine, with how you're cause it's all they're thinking is website. Yeah, cause I was going to. This is why I love web design. Websites lead to everything else, and all things lead to websites.


That's what that's why, like if you, there's so many things you can say. I've found in headlines and I've coached hundreds of students, thousands of students in my courses I've seen a lot of headlines and a lot of them work. What I found is like if you just say you build awesome websites, that is also a great line because you can really expand from there and all, all roads lead magnets, email funnels, pdfs, whatever, both of them live somewhere.


They got to. They live on the website. That's what's so great about the opportunity for web designers now. So I love that. There's actually like five things you're doing but it's under the umbrella of the website. Yeah, I imagine you productized all of those very intentionally after doing that over and over for coaching clients. We know, no, no surprise there that after working with 10 or 15 clients, you're like okay, every one of these needs the website. A lead generator, the booking system, the email content collection. Here we go, oh boy.


The bane of every web designer.


I was super excited to talk about this.


You, of all people, have perhaps the the best productized system and standard operating procedures for this. How did you master content collection? How did yeah, how did you do it?


So, as you know all too well, and everyone listening probably knows, the worst thing in the world is sending 800 emails saying, hey, I really need that content. I can't move forward until I get that content. So what I realized was what if, instead of all of my work being put on pause while they're doing the content, what if I don't do anything until they're done with their content? That way, they can take a week, they can take a year, and so that was my first idea of what if my work does not begin until their work finishes. But to do that, I have to somehow let them know what I need and how I need it. So at first it was Google Doc saying okay, on the homepage, here are the different sections which. It helps to have that that standard outline and framework right, cause I couldn't do this otherwise.


So I knew there are six sections to every homepage hero section. This is what I need. And so I just had a little Google Doc and they'd fill that out with the information. So I'd say, if you are my client, here's everything you need. Google Doc, you fill it out, you take your time, you take as long as you need, I'll be with you when you're done. And then I'd ignore them until they finished.


Then I realized what if I could put this all into a beautiful little piece of software where I could both educate them on what to write and have them fill it out and have some extra goodies in there. And that is really what changed it and what made Swift Sites what it is where first I tried on my own. I thought I was a developer because I could build websites. I am not a developer, I don't know anything.


So I found a developer and what I said was I want to build a piece of software that a client could log in. They could choose their colors, they could choose their fonts, they could upload their images and they could enter their content and I could have trainings as they went through it to tell them what I need them to do. And so that's what we built was the Swift Sites software, which really sets us apart. So a client. Now, once the sales made, they log into the software and the software walks them through choosing colors, fonts, pictures and words. It's the whole thing. Everything I need from them is in one place and then they click a button that says I'm done and then they come into our world.


And you will not move forward unless they're done right.


Absolutely. We will not do a thing for them website-wise. Of course there's support and there's things like that. They have questions, we help them with that, but building, we don't touch a thing until they're done and it's worked.


Do you have a deadline, do you say? Because I imagine, like what if a client takes three years, or what's the mean?


Yeah, so I used to have a deadline, and I even use this on sales calls too, because I say before I had kids, I would say I need this done in 30 days. And I thought everyone just sat at their computer and worked all day. I did not realize, oh, people have families and people have jobs, so there is no deadline on you. You take as long as you need. Wow, we'd love you to get done as soon as you can, but if it takes you six months, it takes you six months. And I can only do that because of the setup, because once you're in our system, you have work to do before I do anything.


They pay for it right.


They pay full or payment plans. Okay, yep, but that's how we do it, so that I took the content piece and I put it 100% on them. But I train them and this is something else that sets me apart. As far as in coaching and I'm sure this is true for almost anyone on web design the hardest thing is what do I say on these pages for clients? So I let them know. I walk you through exactly what to say on every page, every section. We give you examples of what you can write. I teach you the strategy of why you should write it this way. You can see what other coaches have done. You can even reach out to us directly if you get stuck. So that's how we solve this content part, which is it's harder for you and it takes a long time. I'm going to tell you exactly what to do and it's on your timeline, so no pressure, but that's how we solved it.


I was kind of curious how far do you go with messaging and like what if they send you just a horrible heading and you're like you know what I mean? Like, what, like do you help with copy? I mean, I imagine, with AI? Now I don't know if that's in the roadmap for you, but I would imagine there could be a pool of like similar headings that are proven, that kind of thing. So we do it, yeah.


So we do a few things I used to copy and this is a little less relatable because not everyone listening has software that does this for their people. But what I did was I actually because I'm a copywriter kind of at heart, like that's what I do I've written copy to make millions. So I wrote entire copy websites of copy from different coaching specialties life coach, life purpose coach, midlife coach, parenting coach, marriage coach, business coach. So I wrote their homepage, I wrote their contact page, I wrote their services page and what our software does is you can actually click whatever specialty you are and then it pre-fills your pages for you with my copy. Okay, then you get to edit and tweak based on my advice.


So you would come into our software. You'd be, for instance, on the homepage where you enter your own, your home information, and you click play on my tutorial and I just walk you through. So all right, josh I don't say Josh because it's for everyone, but all right. So what we're going to do is we're going to fill out your homepage information. So if you open up the first card, you'll see it's the hero section. Here is what we need to do, accomplish for the hero section. So this is what I want you to write. If you click this button, you can get some examples. If you get stuck, you can reach out to us. And that's how I handle the whole content piece, which is giving them words, giving them training, giving them examples, and then they go through page by page, by page, and then only when they're done do we get started.


And really I mean to be able to productize content collection, you have to have your productized service in your Right yeah it only works yeah it really is all about the systems that you have in place to alleviate that. That makes total sense, I would imagine. I mean, do you know your percentages with how many people drag on past 30, 60 days or three months? I mean because I imagine if somebody's serious about it, it's kind of as soon as you get this content is as soon as your website will go live. Yep.


It's all over the all over the board, as you can probably imagine. So we have people who come in on a Monday and their website is being built next Monday, so they're ready to go and our turnaround time is five days. So we, once we start, we are done within usually three days. But we say five days and I tell them. Typically in the industry you could be waiting six to eight weeks for your website to be developed for us. We don't want you to lose clients. If someone's interested in working with you, they're not going to wait two months and then come back for your website. They'll just find someone else. So we do it in less than a week only because we have productized service. But yeah, so we have people who they get everything done in one day. They sit down, they follow my tutorials, they fill it out, they click their button, they schedule their build. We have people who they take a year, but we're fine with both because it doesn't matter to us right.


How does the payment plan work? Is it like over six months or something? Or is it the duration Cause? I would imagine for cash flow purposes you gotta. If they take a year, are you still billing them out a year later? How does that work?


They pay immediately. Either full or payment plan starts right away. So if they wait a year to do their work, we still have their money.


So what's the payment? They all say go ahead.


Yeah, yeah. So we do a four or five K, five K every day, four K if you're ready right away, oh, okay.


And then they can split it into. They can split it and we do interest free payment plans. So it's kind of a lot of you don't do that. It's not always recommended. But if I can show them the dream, which is what we build, and then show them four K and they kind of get deflated cause you're like, okay, I thought it was going to be a little bit more. And then I say, well, don't worry, you can cut that in half, you can cut it in thirds, you can cut it in fourths, fifths or six. Oh, okay, You're not going to pay any more than someone who pays in full. So that's how we do our payment plan. We let them go down to as low as 500 a month, but they don't pay any more. So what I say is you can break it down, but you don't pay any more than anyone else, and we'll build your website even if you're not done paying your balance.


Okay, so you're essentially what would be the maximum duration of a payment plan, like six months or a year.


Usually it's eight months. So eight times 500 is 4,000. So usually eight months. But then there are people we have enough clients where we can just do whatever works for them.


Because, there's.


Sometimes they're just struggling. And I grew up on welfare single mom like we struggled, even though and that's a whole nother podcast my dad was doing quite well, we were not, but I know I get that and I talked to them just honestly saying I know that's a lot of money and I know you really want to do this, so we do. We've done down to 250 a month. Okay, and the idea there is your website pays for your website, right, so you pay one payment. We'll build your website as soon as you're ready to go, even if you have 10 payments left. But the good news is you're going to have a website that's helping you make those payments.


Yeah, got it. Yeah, and it makes sense. In that niche, where a lot of people are probably working full time elsewhere, potentially this is a side hustle, so they may not have the budget that definitely. That makes a ton of sense. Let's talk about your team a little bit because, as you mentioned, this is not all. You, your, your process now is literally about an hour per build, but you're at the. You know, light at the end of the tunnel. With building, this incredible system was swift. Where did you find your developer?


Developer was Facebook, so I was in a Facebook group, I believe it was. I don't even remember which group it was years ago.


And I met. By the way, Jason, was it through my group?


I think we might have. Yeah, because I used Divi early on, so I bet we did connect through Divi. Yeah, yeah, and I think I met my developer through Facebook.


He was it through my group? Am I the sole reason that's with the so successful?


Let's say I don't know if he'd be in a Divi group, but let's just say yes, but I caught him at the right time because he didn't have a lot of work to do and he thought the project was interesting. He built it for just a few thousand dollars, which, when I came back to him years later saying I need another one built it was now $75,000. So I realized, okay, I lucked out like the luckiest luck of all lucky lucks because he was just I don't have much to do, this sounds interesting, I'll help you out. And then I realized, wow, he gave me like a 99% discount because there's no way I could have afforded it.


Did you post like a job description, like I'm looking for this, and you got a bunch of people saying I'm interested. How did you actually like literally hire him?


I think it was more that I said I have this idea of I kind of want my clients to be able to log into some type of portal and be able to submit information. Does anyone know if that's possible? And then I think my developer then reached out and said why don't we chat? This is definitely possible. And that's where it grew. And it took years to get the first one built. But then I just kept upgrading, upgrading, then Swift kind of we upgraded everything into the Swift sites brand and that was really fast. So, yeah, I just lucked out in a Facebook group and then my builder so, as you said, I don't do any of it.


We actually in this might get a little more like not technical, but just the way. Really, we every step, we just got things done faster and faster because we productize everything. For instance, when we say we create lead magnets for people, a lot of people are like, oh geez, that's a lot of work, you got to do all this that. Well, we have all of our layouts already built in Canva. Everything's ready. It's just placeholders ready for them to put in their content. So everything is down to an SOP. Everything is standard, standardized across the board. So there is no customization in our entire start to finish process. But what really helped was my developer found a way that we could have our software where people put in their information. Well, he created a plugin for WordPress where we just have to push a button and it takes everything from my software and plugs it automatically into pre-made layouts and WordPress.




So their colors, their fonts, all of their copy. It's automatically put into every page where it needs to go. So my team's job is to go in and make sure it looks good. Okay, so they edit the font, they move things around, they add a few touches here and there, but, yeah, it just takes a few hours now for an entire build to be done. And I found my lead builder, who is the greatest thing on earth on Upwork. Of all places, upwork is where I found Emily and she has she's done over 250 sites for me. She is. I could not do this without her. She's amazing, and she is why I don't have to worry about this business that just churns out tens and tens of thousands of dollars. I don't do hardly anything now, I just wear on a call and close.


Do you communicate with her through Upwork or have you brought her? On outside of Upwork.


Yeah, Slack is where, yep, almost everything we do is through Slack together.


Yeah, because I've hired some folks on Upwork and I just hate having to log in there to do everything and open up a ticket and just band is Upwork.


Like to remind you that everything should be done on right because it makes sense. That's where they make their money.


Yeah, for the marketplace as right Sure so did she stop doing Upwork and come over to your team, Yep soon after.


Yeah, and now she's been with us for years.


Yeah, because they have like a non-compete or something. Don't they have something in place to wear, like if you're working on Upwork, or you can't or not supposed to work outside of it, otherwise you get?


dinged Right Right, your Upwork account can be penalized so that they make it hard for you to get more work. Yeah. Heads up everybody, yeah right, and then I have a backup builder just in case Emily gets too busy. We do about three builds a week, so if there's four or five builds in a certain week, she can pass work off, if only there was a web design community with more website designers, if you need them too as you scale.


So I don't think one exists. So that's too bad, but that'd be so great. But yeah, I have a lean, just this tiny little team in this web creating machine, and it's all because of the niche, and then standardization, and they still get an amazing product that delivers results.


Amazing little team for the little website machine. That's beautiful. How are you marketing Facebook ads? I know you're doing. Are you doing anything else to market this? Because I'm sure people are curious like how the heck are you getting clients?


Yeah, so I get clients. I'm like a client getting machine as far as what I try. So I've gotten clients through everything content marketing, partnerships, referrals, affiliate marketing, paid ads but probably my big buckets are when I go. So when I launch any new company, what I do is I find the leaders that are at my level, so I don't go too far up, but I find the people who are working with my people Right, so I teach it to all my clients. We form partnerships with people who have kind of tangent offers. So in Swift's case, I reached out to people who work with coaches but they teach them about how to run a coaching business. They, the mentor is just as confused and overwhelmed by tech as everyone else.


So what I do is I reached out to them saying I love what you do. This is fantastic, but do you have anyone who helps with the website piece? Because I actually perfected a model that can help your clients get a website up and running in days, so that you are not the person they come to asking, oh, my website doesn't load, or oh, this page doesn't work, or oh, how do I do this? Or that you can actually offload that all on our team. So when you do that, you get many people who are like thank God you exist, because I can't answer another website question.


And that's just something I teach in Web Designer Pro and my business course. It's such for some reason, and maybe it's just because people, if they're not in the entrepreneurial world, you, generally web designers are just trying to learn a website design and then oh, crap, I got a business, so it's not something you generally think about when you think about getting clients.


It's like social media or whatever the standard things are, even networking, which I'm a big fan of. That's one of the first things. The partnerships thing is like the most impactful and almost one of the most fun things you can do, especially for introverts who don't want to be front facing all the time. Necessarily, you get a partner who, like said, has actually a huge client pool that can funnel them to you. You get hot leads. You don't get cold leads, it's hot leads. No no.


So I could talk about this forever. I love this topic, but I'll tell you. I'll share two quick things. No client is easier to enroll as a partner referral because they arrive already pre-sold. I have authority and credibility. They're just like where do I sign up? But the other thing you can do, if it works, is work your offer into your partner's offer so that when your partner gets a new client so I did this I had a wonderful partner and she actually made her offer better by saying website included. Is that Betty, not Betty? Okay, so Linda. Linda brought me $100,000. One partnership. We had one talk one time. I made $100,000 from her in one year because every time someone came into her world and became a client, they automatically got a website through Swift and Linda would pay me directly. So that one partnership may be so you were like a white labeler almost for her Right.


Because now any coach who works with coaches and they're struggling with the website piece, well, they can just send them to Swift and we'll take care of you. So you could either do a referral where I would send money, which I do with a lot of people you refer someone to me, we'll give you a commission, but then we have people who actually build Swift into their own offer.


So every time they get a client.


I get a client.


You know what's funny? I did this and I didn't even realize I did it. When it was in transit. I had one of my best clients he was. They were like a marketing firm for like low level political stuff, so it was like state officials and stuff they would do campaigns for. And I ended up meeting him through a networking group and then one thing led to another.


I did some work for him and then he's like I don't have a web designer for these and he's like we offer it, like we'd like to offer it for every marketing campaign. Not every client takes it on, but would you like to be the guy to do all their websites? And yeah, I like template ties. I had a couple of different templates. There you go One gravity form, contact form. We would customize it occasionally and that was it. And yeah, he would send me like two or three a month there for a little while, especially during the fall, like with political campaigns, and it was super simple and super easy and he was just feeding them to me. It was unintentionally. That partnership thing with him is how that worked out and it wasn't the most gravitifying artistic creative work, but it paid the bills really nicely and he was the one who was like, yeah, whatever you charge is fine.


It's a very similar type of setup and there's we know you and I know there's really no such thing as passive income. There's always effort involved, except with those partnerships. I will say once that was set up with my partners, there was no work. I just got an email that said, hey, send me an invoice for this next client. It sounds good. I guess I did have to type out the invoice, so that was right. That was the effort.


You can hire that out. Yeah, right, yeah, partnerships are a big thing for my business, as you know, for 2024. And something I'm actually I think I'm going to create a playbook, not a full course, but a playbook for web designer, partnerships for pro, just to really help folks like think about the partnership thing, because it's like you're sitting on gold as a web designer. How many people do you know who do photography, videography? I had a client who was a business coach, just very timely, and they became one of my best lead generators. Because who are their clients? Businesses who need websites.




I was like, oh and yeah. I mean you could really approach the partnership thing as just a referral or, like you're doing, you could white label it and be a part of another service. Either way, so much gold we're all sitting on.


One more thing I did, and then I'll tell you a few others we can, because I just did the partnership for traffic. But another thing you can do. So what I teach is there's referrals, there's offers, where you integrate your offer, but then there's content expert, where I, if you take some people's courses online as far as how to grow your business, if there's a website portion, I'm the teacher. Oh, okay, so they have a course, they cover websites, but they don't know websites because that's not their thing. I come on. I'm like hey, I'm Jason from Swissites and I'm gonna teach you this. Well, obviously, then they come right back to me when they want a website. So that's another thing you could do is become an expert for other people within their content.


Yeah, for example, as a web designer, if you know a SEO person or a digital marketing agency, but they're doing SEO and digital marketing and then they need somebody that teach on the web design side of things.


There's your opportunity there it is.


Which I'm doing that in pro, by the way. I don't know if I filled you in on this, but I have some members who are colleagues, like Steve who does subscription web design. I didn't do subscription web design, it wasn't my cup of tea, but it is his, so he's like he's a part of the business course. If you wanna go further into subscription web design, go to Steve. There you go, have a training in pro to get you started.


If you want his full course, that's available and that's enough, like that is enough to run your entire business, like these strategies are huge. But so, partners, I do referrals. If anyone's a client, they send a client back to me, we send them a referral commission. So we've sent thousands back to our clients.


What is that? What's your commission? It's like 10.


We do 250 to 500, depending on how many people they've sent to us. So if you send more, you get more money. Oh, okay, that's cool. Yep, now, in the beginning I did $2,000, I gave him half Woo and that got clients fast and then I shut that off because I just wanted clients fast. But yeah, that was a big one. But free money and that only works again because of my product-high service, because if it took me three months, I just couldn't do it, and me it's 60 minutes of my time Gotcha and then, as you know, paid ads.


So I don't do any social media posting. I don't do any content. I haven't sent an email newsletter for years. It is paid ads and partnerships. Those are my big ones, and paid ads do great. You and I have talked many times about it. If you have a dialed in system and it's niche, so you can speak right to your audience, then ads can do really well. So, yeah, we've made hundreds of thousands from ads.


Oh, that's awesome. Again there's I mean marketing in reality like it all works. It's almost like what do you want to do? What do you like to do? How can you make it work? The partnerships thing I'm really enjoying the partnerships thing. I did a few tests around so far and they've all overwhelmingly have gone well and it is the hot lead. The prime lead is something.


It's so nice. It's so nice, it's so nice.


It's something I just can't recommend. Like don't cold call who needs a cold call. You don't need a cold call anymore.


I guess you have partners.


Yeah, if you have partners, or I mean yeah, even like going to a networking group or a Chamber of Commerce, you're automatically in with a warmer audience. There's just there's so many avenues now for warm and hot leads. So, yeah, man, well, Jason, this has been awesome, really getting a good feel for this entire product type system. One last thing I was curious about how are you tracking results for these clients? Do you have a followup sequence? And I'm going to let you keep talking Daisy, lou and Michael, and Retriever is dying to get out of the office. I'm going to let her out, but can you just let us know how do you track? How do you do the?


results Yep, yep, yep. So for our first batch of clients, like coming through Swift, I just it was all external, so I would email them. Have a great rest of your day. Thank you guys so much for watching this video, if anyone knows listening. Or Josh, if you know, once someone's done with a project, trying to get data from them can be very hard, so it was not easy. So we do have a ton of client results, but a lot of people never reported. Now what I do today with clients that I work with directly. As you know, we have a white labeled CRM where I can see everything. So I see every visitor they get. I see every lead they get. I see every book to call they get, which is kind of, for me, the dream, because I'm a data guy. I love to see it all. So for those clients, we know how some did, but we can't always get the other people to report on how the site did for them.


That's what I was wondering is like when you're selling the system that you have in place. We're talking about results. You know these pages work. The question I would have as a client is how do you know like? How are you doing. How are you using go high level for measures?


Yes for the coaching program. Yep, because now, with high level, you can build within high level, which means I can track everything that a client's going through. So, yeah, I know everything about those clients. That's separate from SWIFT. This is more my coaching program, but yeah, that's, that's like my dream that I see every number clients.


How are you Swift?


clients is email.


Okay, so Swift clients is still email Got it.


Yep, Yep. So, as you can imagine, we've gotten a lot of feedback. But then there's clients who they're done like they moved on. They got their website, they are not going to. And the other thing is, too, they don't know their numbers right. Most clients don't. Most clients, most coaches, just like probably web designers they're not entrepreneurs by trade and so they don't know the importance of numbers. I try and teach it, it's in my training, but not every coach tracks their numbers, so they don't even know sometimes.


So you have this coaching program. I don't know how much you want to share or you feel comfortable sharing, but yeah, tell us about kind of the next thing for you, because you've got these amazing coaching clients through SWIFT. I imagine some of them are rock stars who want to keep working with you. I can't. I mean, I would imagine you're getting consulting invites and questions about further coaching. So is that what kind of led to first paying client with this new coaching program? Like, tell us about that if you want to.


Right, because so SWIFT sites was great and it now runs itself, so I don't do much in it. So I think, like you and probably a lot of people listening, like I'm an entrepreneur and so I want to, I want to do business, like I want to talk business, I want to help businesses, and so I thought, well, I kind of check the box on the website but there's so much more. There's the mindset, there's the strategy, there's growing a business. I don't get a chance yet to do that at the level I want to. So I launched a coaching program to help people do that.


So, yeah, we're in our beta right now, helping people go through the whole process, pretty much following what I did, to go from making zero after cancer. We got down to about a few hundred dollars a month in income, all the way up to five, six hundred thousand dollars. So I just teach them, because the great thing is, when it comes to getting clients, just like with SWIFT, a lot of it can be standardized. You use a lot of the same ideas and principles to get coaching clients as you do website clients, so I can teach a lot of what I've done to help them get clients as well.


The seven year itch principle for entrepreneurs. Did you think about that? Like? I don't know if you, for me it's okay, so me and this might sound.


I hope it doesn't sound terrible For me. It's the million dollar itch. When motivation one, two, three hit a million, I was like okay and when. Swift hit a million. I was kind of like I kind of did it, like I proved that it worked and now I need. But you're totally right, you know me.


Well, the reason I mentioned that is you said you started 2016,. 2023 is when you started first Spain client. I started in transit in 2010. I started Josh Hallco in 2017. I don't know what it is about the seven thing.


I think you might be right. I think you might be right Cause, yeah, I just I know focus is the key, right, we know that, like everyone says it. But yeah, I just feel like I kind of did the thing and I'm ready for the new thing and first paying clients, that new thing.


Well, it's a. It's a cool case study too for a product type service where, if I mean honestly for anyone who's really considering going to the, to the level that you have with the product ties web design service even if it's not quite as like a custom software system type thing, but still product ties in as many ways as possible and automated you do get to the point where you are going to free yourself up. And then I think it's important to think about the vision for the next chapter and like, well, you're doing, if you have a pool of clients who are you're building product sites for, how could you serve them in a way that may be a membership or a coaching program or whatever that looks like, and I think that's. I have a student right now, Katie, who has a personal brand for building websites that's getting more and more automated and now she's doing like almost similar. It's like it's like a DIY website, business coaching type membership alongside of it. That could be like the upsell.


So you got. Yeah, that's exactly right.


And I'll say you triggered.


One more thing I want to say, which we both know it in the early stages I would do the same work and I would just tell myself I'll, I'll create a process and kind of map out what I do later, like I'm just going to do it, and then I would just I'll just do it. I did the work and it did the work. So I wasted a lot of time doing repetitive work because I didn't want to take the time to map out the system and write out the SOP. Once I wrote it out, that's when it changed. So anyone listening, if you do something similar over and over, you do just have to stop, take the time and map out the process, even though it's like I put it off forever. It was like homework for me. But once you do it, then you've got it and that's the key.


Such wise counsel. Yeah, you just, you just have to do it and it's going to be overwhelming if you're thinking about a lot of systems and SOPs, but if you just get the ball rolling or start small, I promise Sure You'll agree with me in saying that it's easier than you think it is. You'll go six months and you'll do something that takes an hour and you're like why the heck didn't I do that Six months ago? And it really it's the compound effect of saving time. That's the kicker. Like, when I did that, I shared this in my business course. When I did that with my invoice or my proposal, contract invoice and payment system, I automated all those with 17 hats into one slick little digga, digga, digga, digga and it was just all automated. The first time I got that email that said proposals been signed or proposals been accepted, contract been signed, invoice payment came in, content is underway, and I was like it's a beautiful thing.


I did that in 2018. Why didn't I do that in 2013?


You know like yeah, so that's what.


I'm here for. That's what you're here for. So, jason man, thank you so much for sharing the ins and outs and just opening up about this whole system. And where would you like people to go, do you? I don't know? A first paying client is at the point where you're, you know, getting more awareness about that. Or should they just go to Swift Sides?


Yeah, I'm trying to switch sites for now. So that, yeah, SWYFT S-I-T-E-Scom. So Swift Sidescom is a great place to learn more about what we do.


Awesome, yeah. And of course, as first playing client goes, it's going to be right now, but as it gets further along, if that's a good option for anybody, I will. Let's just say I'll be a partner for it. I will definitely be the first one to recommend that. So yeah, man, as always, you're such an inspiration. On a personal note, man, thank you, for I very I just I consider you a business coach for me in many ways and I feel honored to be in your circle.


So I'm right back at you. It's one of my best my yeah. You're right at the top of one of the best relationships I have online in business and such a great friend. So I'm so lucky our pals crossed in that divi group. I'm pretty sure it was Divi, so thank Divi for that.


Yeah, so I'll calculate 10% of every $4,500 clients. Yeah, I'll send you the invoice after this, we'll get it all. No, but again it's again. For me it's like I'm my client, like how the heck am I helping you, jason? So you know, that's really cool to hear how that all started.


And you help in more ways than you think. I think people we all do right. We just don't know the impact we make, and you definitely do. You give as much as you take. So I love it and I look forward to many, many, many more podcast interviews.


I'm already pumped for round four. Man Jason Grosse, everyone go to check out his website SwissSitescom, swyft, sitescom. We'll have that linked in the show notes, of course. So the next one, jason. Thanks so much, man.


Now thank you.


Well, I hope you are pumped, inspired, amazed, flabbergasted whatever word we want to use there because I sure am. Again, I've known Jason for many years now. We're in a mastermind group together. I see the results of his business, but this was a real rare opportunity where I got to peel the curtain back on like how he runs this business. It was equally as enlightening for me as I hope it was for you.


Again, you can check Jason now. He's not on social media. He is a Batman of entrepreneurship. He works in the shadows, but man, is he the real deal? You can find his website at SwissSitescom.


That will be linked in the show notes at joshallco, and if you have any takeaways from this episode, feel free to leave us a comment. I will make sure that Jason sees those. I know it really lights him up to help other web designers as well. So leave us a comment, joshallco, with any big takeaways that you have here or anything you'd like to add or quit, even questions for Jason. I'll make sure he gets those. You can just leave us a comment and I really hope this inspires you to productize. If not something in your business, several parts of your business and even maybe your whole business model could be productized because, as you can see, if you productize, systematize and scale your business your way sounds like a good course name, doesn't it? It says, yes, my scaling course is live right now inside of Web Designer Pro. This is how to do it and it is crucial for the longevity as an entrepreneur. So, jason's just the real deal.


I hope you really enjoyed this one. Again, all the links we mentioned and show notes for this are going to be at joshallco, so I will see you over there and if you productize your business in any way, leave a comment on that episode, on this episode on the show notes, and I'll check it out. I would love to see what you're up to as far as productizing your business and I'm just excited for you, as you are, for your business moving forward, friends. So I'll see you over there. Enjoy productizing your business and be sure to subscribe to the show so you get the next episode. Some more doozies are headed your way. A lot of good guests coming up, a lot of good topics. We're going to have some fun. We're going to have some fun in 2024 with the podcast. All right, friends, thanks for watching this episode of from exclusive productizing business.

Productizing Web Design With Jason Grasia
Building a Successful Web Design Service
Proven Website System for Coaches
Business Strategy in Website Design
Content Collection and Website Development Process
Efficient Website Building and Client Acquisition
Maximizing Partnerships for Business Growth
Coaching Program and Tracking Client Success
Seven Year Itch Principle for Entrepreneurs
Productizing Your Business