Wilderness Tracks // Timber Festival

Focus - Sounds of the Forest Soundscapes

Timber Festival

Use the forest as a place to find focus, whether that be for study, work or a sense of clarity. Find inspiration in the vibrant and fresh sounds of nature with this beautiful soundscape as the trees sway, the leaves rustle and the birds sing.

This is the Sounds of the Forest podcast — three episodes welcoming you into a unique soundworld using a carefully selected range of recordings taken from our soundmap, created by hundreds of people all around the world. Another time, perhaps, you can listen to our other tracks - ‘calm’ and ‘meditate’.
To find out more about the Sounds of the Forest project — timberfestival.org.uk/soundsoftheforest/

Sounds of the Forest Soundscapes was supported by The Space and Arts Council England with funding from the National Lottery.