Light of the Nations' Foursquare Church in Denver Podcast

2019-04-14 – Palm Sunday – How do we engage with our families

July 07, 2019 Jesse Millar/Fils Ekanga
2019-04-14 – Palm Sunday – How do we engage with our families
Light of the Nations' Foursquare Church in Denver Podcast
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Light of the Nations' Foursquare Church in Denver Podcast
2019-04-14 – Palm Sunday – How do we engage with our families
Jul 07, 2019
Jesse Millar/Fils Ekanga

Over 2000 years ago Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey and the people laid down their coats and palm branches to cover the ground and they shouted “Hosanna.” But what they were shouting is different than what we shout today. What they were saying was a plea to be saved. But when we say it, He has already saved us. For us it is a declaration! It is important to realize which side of the cross you are on.

The kingdom of God is advancing! 

Whatever you are looking for, you will find. Even in the midst of the worst desert God will provide what you need. Philippians 4:8 says “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Our country is going through some struggles. If you are looking for bad things, you will find them. And if you are looking for good things, you will find them. Even in the darkness, the light is shining brighter. I am filled with hope because the Kingdom of God is expanding.

In John chapter 7 it tells us that during most of Jesus ministry His brothers rejected Him. He was completely misunderstood by His blood relatives. Since He went through it, He can lead us out of it.

Adam and Eve rejected God. He was their father and they broke the family relationship. Ever since then, brokenness has been part of families around the world. Except Jesus came from an unbroken family to reestablish what family is and to reclaim what Adam and Eve had given up. During His ministry he said some pretty radical things about family. Because the more broken something is, the more radical the fix needs to be.

Whoever Jesus says He is, has to become our foundation, because He is the embodiment of our Father. In Matthew 12:46-50 Jesus shifts the whole definition of family. When we become Christians, family changes. We used to know the family rules but when Jesus came He changed the rules of what family looks like. Is Jesus giving permission to dishonor parents? NO! He is redefining what family is.

When Jesus says “who are my mother and brothers and sisters?”, He is not downgrading his loyalty to them. Rather He is upgrading His loyalty to someone else, God the Father! If He is upgrading His loyalty to the Father, what should we be doing?

Show Notes

Over 2000 years ago Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey and the people laid down their coats and palm branches to cover the ground and they shouted “Hosanna.” But what they were shouting is different than what we shout today. What they were saying was a plea to be saved. But when we say it, He has already saved us. For us it is a declaration! It is important to realize which side of the cross you are on.

The kingdom of God is advancing! 

Whatever you are looking for, you will find. Even in the midst of the worst desert God will provide what you need. Philippians 4:8 says “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Our country is going through some struggles. If you are looking for bad things, you will find them. And if you are looking for good things, you will find them. Even in the darkness, the light is shining brighter. I am filled with hope because the Kingdom of God is expanding.

In John chapter 7 it tells us that during most of Jesus ministry His brothers rejected Him. He was completely misunderstood by His blood relatives. Since He went through it, He can lead us out of it.

Adam and Eve rejected God. He was their father and they broke the family relationship. Ever since then, brokenness has been part of families around the world. Except Jesus came from an unbroken family to reestablish what family is and to reclaim what Adam and Eve had given up. During His ministry he said some pretty radical things about family. Because the more broken something is, the more radical the fix needs to be.

Whoever Jesus says He is, has to become our foundation, because He is the embodiment of our Father. In Matthew 12:46-50 Jesus shifts the whole definition of family. When we become Christians, family changes. We used to know the family rules but when Jesus came He changed the rules of what family looks like. Is Jesus giving permission to dishonor parents? NO! He is redefining what family is.

When Jesus says “who are my mother and brothers and sisters?”, He is not downgrading his loyalty to them. Rather He is upgrading His loyalty to someone else, God the Father! If He is upgrading His loyalty to the Father, what should we be doing?