Light of the Nations' Foursquare Church in Denver Podcast

2018-12-02 – Revelation 19 – Part 2

December 16, 2018 Andy Millar/Fils Ekanga
2018-12-02 – Revelation 19 – Part 2
Light of the Nations' Foursquare Church in Denver Podcast
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Light of the Nations' Foursquare Church in Denver Podcast
2018-12-02 – Revelation 19 – Part 2
Dec 16, 2018
Andy Millar/Fils Ekanga

In the beginning of chapter 19 we saw the three hallelujahs showing that God is God and there is no other. They started right before the final battle. At the end of the hallelujahs it was so beautiful that John fell down and worshiped the angel. But the angel stopped him. We are not to worship angels. We are to worship the creator and not the created. Jesus accepted worship because He is God.

In our modern world we are enticed to worship all sort of things and people. Rock stars, sports stars, money, cars. Even ourselves. That is the ultimate sin. We are constantly tempted to worship anything but God. Throughout the old and new testaments we are told not to worship idols. We get confused because we don’t have “idols” but the devil is so crafty that he has created all sorts of idols for us to worship that don’t look like idols.

In chapter 19 Jesus comes out of heaven to fight the devil. He is riding a white horse. He is referred to as faithful and true. Why would Jesus do that? He already dies for our sins. In the old testament the messiah comes as a lion and as a lamb. One messiah that comes two times. First as a lamb and then as a lion. He comes to bring justice.

He doesn’t come alone. He comes with the host of heaven and they are all dressed in white. Pure, clean and white. 

He is the Word of God. With a sword coming out of His mouth. The sword is His word. A two edged sword that cuts us to separate what is good from what is bad. He is carrying something in His hand. An iron scepter that symbolizes ruling. This one is made of iron instead of gold. Iron is a hard metal. He is not messing around.

Why do wars start? Sometimes it is because of greed. Sometimes it is for revenge. This final war has another reason. To bring justice on the earth. Every sin that has been done against you will be paid for in one of two ways. Either by the person who committed it or by Jesus himself.

We need to get serious about God. We need to tell others!

The final battle comes in verse 21. The devil has three parts. There is the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire. This happens so fast. It shows how powerful God is. But it makes you wonder what God is waiting for. He is waiting for His people to come to Him. God is patient and kind and doesn’t want anyone to go to the lake of fire but He won’t force you against your will. 

Show Notes

In the beginning of chapter 19 we saw the three hallelujahs showing that God is God and there is no other. They started right before the final battle. At the end of the hallelujahs it was so beautiful that John fell down and worshiped the angel. But the angel stopped him. We are not to worship angels. We are to worship the creator and not the created. Jesus accepted worship because He is God.

In our modern world we are enticed to worship all sort of things and people. Rock stars, sports stars, money, cars. Even ourselves. That is the ultimate sin. We are constantly tempted to worship anything but God. Throughout the old and new testaments we are told not to worship idols. We get confused because we don’t have “idols” but the devil is so crafty that he has created all sorts of idols for us to worship that don’t look like idols.

In chapter 19 Jesus comes out of heaven to fight the devil. He is riding a white horse. He is referred to as faithful and true. Why would Jesus do that? He already dies for our sins. In the old testament the messiah comes as a lion and as a lamb. One messiah that comes two times. First as a lamb and then as a lion. He comes to bring justice.

He doesn’t come alone. He comes with the host of heaven and they are all dressed in white. Pure, clean and white. 

He is the Word of God. With a sword coming out of His mouth. The sword is His word. A two edged sword that cuts us to separate what is good from what is bad. He is carrying something in His hand. An iron scepter that symbolizes ruling. This one is made of iron instead of gold. Iron is a hard metal. He is not messing around.

Why do wars start? Sometimes it is because of greed. Sometimes it is for revenge. This final war has another reason. To bring justice on the earth. Every sin that has been done against you will be paid for in one of two ways. Either by the person who committed it or by Jesus himself.

We need to get serious about God. We need to tell others!

The final battle comes in verse 21. The devil has three parts. There is the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire. This happens so fast. It shows how powerful God is. But it makes you wonder what God is waiting for. He is waiting for His people to come to Him. God is patient and kind and doesn’t want anyone to go to the lake of fire but He won’t force you against your will.