Lash Anarchist Podcast

5 Yr old waxer? Millennials looking young? Does Chelsea from LIB look like MGK's wife?

Ali Lilly Season 5 Episode 3

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Speaker 1:

What is up? Welcome to the Lash Anarchist podcast. A little update from last week. I am getting used to my weird chin that I can't move very well. So basically I only look really strange when I am laughing, and every time I laugh I try to like cover my mouth a little bit because I'm still insecure about it, and then I think I am talking weird still. Oh yeah, I definitely am. I'm looking in the mirror and it looks strange. But I also don't know that much about what I looked like when I talked before. So I don't know, I probably won't do it again. Probably will not Botox my chin again, because I love the movement of my bottom lip.

Speaker 1:

I saw the funniest TikTok. It was like this girl was like I think she was just like with her friend. She was like this is my smartest friend and she was like I think I'm getting her, I'm thinking about getting Botox. And her friend was why? Or he said like he said it more intelligently than that, I don't even know like how he said it, but he was like what is your thought process behind that, basically? And she was like well, you know, I don't want to have like lines and I don't want to be able to move my mouth, so I have lines. And he was like, okay, well, this is why red light therapy is going to be better for you, because, xyz, it's going to like actually help your skin over time, whereas like Botox, it just like like it makes your muscles not move, which makes other parts of your face now overcompensate for those muscles not moving, which creates different wrinkles and different. And I was like you know what that's actually so fucking smart? Like this man took the time to think through why Botox might not be the best. Oh, by the way, I'm in car circle waiting for my kid right now, so if I'm like driving a little bit and you can hear my truck doing things in the background, that's what's happening. So, yeah, I was just like, wow, this genius.

Speaker 1:

Because the first time I got Botox, I really actually hated how I looked, because it raised my brows up like and like I was too young to be so worried about wrinkles in the way that I'm like, oh, I love a type forehead. Like having a type forehead reminded me of older people who had Botox and I was like, okay, now I just look old, like I'm compensating for being older, but I'm actually 26, so this is stupid. But now that I'm 37 it's like I think I look just my age. I look great.

Speaker 1:

Have you seen the trend on TikTok where people are talking about how? Gen is an X? What am I? A millennial? Gen Z, what's after millennial? What even is millennial? What was above us? Gen X is above me. Gen is millennial. Why? What's Gen Y? Holy shit, all of a sudden I don't know anything I'm talking about. Anyway, they were saying that Gen Z looks older than millennials. Oh, my god, y2k. Does that mean that I'm Gen Y? Are millennials Gen Y? Lord, I need Google. They're saying that Gen Z looks older than millennials and I'm just like is this true? Or is it that millennials just have more Botox and fillers? But I don't know, because if you don't do Botox and fillers right, I firmly believe you look older Like.

Speaker 1:

I'll never forget the nurse who put the undissolvable fucking filler underneath my eyes. I know she was like kind of new in the industry and this filler was new, but girl, holy shit, do not put this underneath somebody's eyes. But she did. I accidentally just pushed my seat thing with my toe. Anyway, she put it under my eyes. It never went away for the rest of my life.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I was again at the time I was 26. I believe I was 26 or somewhere right around there, maybe even 25 or 27. She was 30 and I remember thinking that she looked 35 or older. I thought she was so much older. And then, like one time she was like she said something, she did my Botox too. She was like we're around the same age and in my mind I was like the fuck, we are are no, we're absolutely not around the same age. Like I'm so young.

Speaker 1:

But I am very much the epitome of that meme. That's like but I'm just a baby. Like that's literally me. I'm like I'm just a girl. I think I'm a young baby girl forever. This is what happens when you marry older. So for if you are not married yet or you're still like dating around, you're not in like a super committed relationship.

Speaker 1:

I always say if you are a woman, get with an older person. Also, if you're like a, a more femme, gay man, definitely always get with an older guy, because then you just get to be the baby forever and it kind of makes you special in this way, like, yes, I'm the only girl in my house. Even my cat's a male. That was an accident, you know. We meant to get like a female but he was just so beautiful I had to get him. But so it's like I'm the princess of the house and like, technically I am the queen of the house but like sometimes I like to be the princess. So, yeah, just date older.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, this girl, this injector, she just looked so much older and I think it's cause she was over injected and that's just how I feel, because I feel like the only people that are going crazy overboard on injections anymore I feel like it was more common back in the day when they were newer, but like they're older people who were compensating for saggy skin or whatever. But like when you really get into it, I mean you gotta just have surgery. It is what it is. Get a fucking facelift. I heard Scarlett Johansson who is my age, by the way, 37, just had a facelift and that's just what you do.

Speaker 1:

If you wanna stay young looking forever, you fucking get surgery. You don't get fillers. It's sorry. You either have good genes or you don't. I feel like I have pretty decent genes, but I don't know, some people just don't and they look older faster.

Speaker 1:

Also, skinny people like sorry, you have a skinny face. I've always, always wanted a skinny face my entire life. I don't have a big chubby face. My mom has always told me that I should appreciate it. I'm going to love the fact that I have a big chubby face one day, because I look younger and I'll look younger forever. And I was always like mom you're fucking crazy. There's no way I'll ever love my chubby face. And now that I'm 37, I'm on my weight loss journey. I have lost a lot of chub in my face. I'm like you know what? I could have a zempic face right now. I could look pretty gaunt, but I don't, because I got chubby face. And God bless me for this chubby face, because she was right. And God bless my mom for telling me the truth, because she has a thin face and she always like I used to think she was so insane, but she'd be like well, I can't lose any more weight because if I do, I start to look old and I was like psycho. But now I get it because I'm older. We never understand the older people until we become older. Isn't that the fucking truth? Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

One of my clients today. She was like. She was like I bet you're, you seem like a good daughter. She was talking about her daughter and how she's 25 and how much she loves her so much and she like comes and visits her. She's they're from New York, but she was like, yeah, she comes to Florida with me. They have a little vacation condo here, and she was like we just hang out. She's like my best pal, like I bet you're like such a good daughter too, you seem like it.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh my God, you're so sweet. Thank you, but I don't know if I'm a good daughter. I'm kind of like a lone wolf and well, when my mom's in town, I hang out with her all the time. I don't know if I'm like nice to her, though. Do you ever get around your mom? And it just makes you be a teenager again. Like I am such a mature adult until my mom is around, and then I act like a fucking brat, like she'll tell me the same story twice or something, and I'm just like mom I know you told me that earlier. And then I hear myself and I'm so embarrassed for me. I'm like you are a 37 year old woman, deal with your mom's quirks. Anyway, I need to move on to this subject. Okay, so okay. I actually just need to pull this up because I cannot fuck up the details of this.

Speaker 1:

Have you seen the all of the Instagram shit, all of the media talking about this mother who let her five year old daughter give Brazilian waxes to her clients? Have you seen that? Wait, I fucking saved it and now it's not here. I literally saved it today and now I can't find the article. I think it was in Memphis. Sorry, bear with me. Where the fuck is it? Memphis Mom wax? Pretty sure it was in Memphis, low wood. Here it is.

Speaker 1:

Memphis woman charged with child neglect and abuse after posting photos of her young daughter performing Brazilian wax services. You guys, this little girl is five years old, okay, and she posted a picture of her pulling a little wax strip or putting wax on somebody's hoo-ha. And it's this five year old and she okay. So this is the caption. Like she did this to herself, she posted about this. She says when I say I'm passing out down deeds and LLCs to my creations, I mean that Ms Chloe did her thing today. She literally helped me wax 24 clients, starting from 725 to 5pm. She made a total of $744 and I'm going to put the money towards whatever her future dreams and aspirations are. I think the hashtags are important Hashtag love. Hashtag daughter. Hashtag esotition skincare Memphis. Like this lady did not think that anything she was doing was wrong. Okay, so investigation update A warrant was issued on February 16th, 2024, charging Jasmine Moss, age 30, with child neglect on February 19th, which was yesterday, national Lash Day.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the warrant was served and Moss is currently in jail. A bond has not been set at this time. Okay, I have been reading through comments because I am having 8,000 different mixed emotions about this. Like, how do you feel about this? Like, obviously, girl, you can't have your five year old working child labor laws. She didn't make $700. You fucking let her do a strip of wax and peel it off. Okay, like, you're, okay, I get it. I understand the sentiment behind it. Sorry, I just choked a little bit. I understand the sentiment and also, she's like I am leaving. You know, I'm gonna teach my daughter work ethic. I'm blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

And I was talking to my first Lash Clan of the Day about this, because she's also a lash artist, and I was like I don't know. We were just discussing how, what if she's a single mom? What if she's not a single mom. What if she's just a mom who has to take care of her five year old and her five year old like isn't in school yet or couldn't go to school for whatever reason? Like, literally, my son's school last week they were like, oh, by the way, they don't have school on Friday, and then they also don't have school on Monday too, because it's president's day. Like I was expecting president's day, but like I wasn't expecting Friday. It was just it was a hurricane makeup day. So it's like, if they don't get school off because there's not enough hurricanes, they just take random days off throughout the year and they just let you know when it's gonna be. Like what, the actual fuck If I had a nine to five?

Speaker 1:

Or whereas, like I know, a lot of people have very set schedules Like my husband, he works at Trader Joe's. Like he has very set days. It takes a while to get like time off. Like you can't just oh hey, by the way, can I take Friday off? Like no, he'd be calling in, he'd be using his PTO for that.

Speaker 1:

What if this woman had no other choice but to bring her five year old to work? I understand she should reschedule. She should have done a bunch of stuff. She should have never posted it. 24 clients were like yes, I will expose my Nether regions to this five year old girl. I don't know if they knew that the waxer was going to post it on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how I feel about this y'all. Like I am stressed the fuck out. Like it makes me sick to my stomach to know that a mom who seemingly really cares about her daughter is in jail. She's hashtagging love, hashtag daughter. I don't feel like she did any of this, obviously maliciously, but she's definitely getting treated that way. You know what I mean. But also like, how are you that fucking stupid Social media?

Speaker 1:

People are just waiting. They are praying and hoping and begging and wishing and they want you to fuck up so that not only can they share it and have news to talk about. Like me, like I don't I'm Sharing this on the podcast because it's so juicy I can't not fucking talk about it. But like people are just waiting to cancel you. People are Waiting to throw you in jail. Like I don't think that she would have gotten put in jail if this didn't blow up on social media like it did, because I've been seeing people posting about this for the past like week, and just sharing it and being like, oh my god, look at this shit. Like what do you think? Like people going deep dives on the tick tock and I'm just like, oh my god.

Speaker 1:

First of all, I have so much empathy for the mother, because I'm a mother and I Sometimes you just don't think, but also it was such a dumb fucking move. Like Like babies can't wax, they don't have licenses, that's illegal man in so many different ways. But then also like just the exposure of it all, like your, your baby had to see 24 vaginas. First of all, I remember the first time I saw porn on the internet. So I think that was the first time I ever saw a vagina. Besides, like my mom's bush, just like while she was taking baths or something like I never saw a vagina except for my own, and even then it was like a baby vagina. I don't, I don't even look at it. My, am I now Like, do people do that? Anyway, the first time I saw porn I was 11 years old. I Could have been a little younger.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, if you're 37 or around my age, you might remember Angel fire, do you remember that? So this was pre social media, pre everything. This was back when you googled didn't exist. You still had to fucking ask Gives or you had to like no AOL keywords. But yeah, I was called Angel fire and basically you could make your own website, but you had to know HTML code, which for some reason, I did. You know how I knew HTML code.

Speaker 1:

I fucking went to chat rooms when people were like we're discussing HTML code and I'd go in there and I'd be like what's the HTML code for a Hot pink background for your angel fire? And they'd be like you have to do it this way. And then I would memorize the code. Would I write it down? No, ma'am, no, I would memorize it with my brain. This is why my brain doesn't work now, I Guarantee it. I had it too much HTML code Anyway.

Speaker 1:

And then I would take it over to my angel fire, my website, which nobody had their own domains. Domains didn't exist back then. Like, by the way, this is gonna okay, this is a side note, but who is go daddy to say I own all the domains? Pay me. That is bullshit. Whoever that is literal, like that is. Oh my god, that is calling it. Calling the oldization. Wow, I can't even say that word of A space. That's not even real. I guess it's not tangible. It is real. Somebody was just like I own the domains, pay me. Oh my god, why didn't I? Why didn't I do that when I was 10 years old? I shoulda, anyway, I.

Speaker 1:

So there was a place on your angel fire website where you can be like these are the websites that I like the most, because that's how you used to discover websites, not by fucking googling. Um, and it would be. When people recommended it was a word, I was all word of mouth. Google used to be word of mouth and anyway. So I was like, oh my god, I don't even know websites. So I was like Disney comm. Obviously I loved Disney games. And then there was like um, oh shit, there was another one of the chat rooms that I really liked, and then I Was like, well, I need to, just, I need to just find some new websites. So I typed in Teengirlscom thinking this will be great, there's got to be stuff for teenage girls. Because I wasn't a teenage girl and I was naive and adorable, I, sucking, went to teengirlscom and saw corn and vaginas for the first time, and Then I was sick for the rest of the day and I didn't speak to my parents all night, but that's how I felt when I saw someone else's vagina. So why is this five-year-old seeing 24 vaginas in one day Like I would be? This girl has got to be traumatized. I'm sorry she is traumatized. Number four Yep, I'm still in car pickup line, but I'm about to pick up my kid, so I might have to come back to this.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna come back to this tomorrow and I will be posting the website After I'm done. But you know what? Just think about this for the next 10 seconds. Thank you, all right, I'm back. I am now at my house. My son just walked in the house and left the door wide open. Of course he would. Whatever, at least it's not hot today. This little turd.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, the photos that this woman posted of her daughter were doing these Brazilians. They're pretty fucking disturbing. One is like a woman laying down her leg is like out, and the little girl looks like she has gloves on and is possibly putting wax on her. I can't tell. It's like blurred, obviously. And then there's another one. This one's insane. This lady is on her back and she is full frog legs in the air like happy baby pose, yoga style, like full blown asshole vagina visual. And this little five year old is doing something. Oh my god. Oh my god, I just I understand why this woman's arrested, but I'm also like I don't know if the punishment is fitting the crime right now.

Speaker 1:

I think we could have figured something a little bit better out than removing the mom from the child. And it sounds like wait, according to her caption, when I say I'm passing down deeds and LLCs to my creations, I mean that Creations. She has multiple children. I'm assuming that's what I'm getting from creations. Ugh, and you know what else is fucked. I'm just going to throw this out there.

Speaker 1:

If she is a single mom, I need to do more research. I need to go down a rabbit hole on this. If she is a single mom, like we're giving her a hard time for what she's doing. I know what she's doing is wrong. I'm not saying it's not, but when the fall is over, when the fuck are dads going to start getting arrested and charged and thrown in jail for just not being there, just not being available for their kids?

Speaker 1:

It's like moms have to deal with everything because they came out of our bodies and we have an actual emotional attachment to them that we literally cannot like get rid of, no matter how hard we try. Like men don't get stuck with kids the same way that women do. It's just. It's such a. If I die and I live my next life in a different world, it better be a woman's world, because I'm sick of this man's world. For real. Like this is bullshit. Anyway, I'm off of that, I can't talk about that anymore. All right, so let's see what else did I want to talk about here? Oh, my God, I've been watching Love is Blind. Okay, so I fucking posted a TikTok about Jimmy on Love is Blind, if you're watching and if you haven't yet, and you know whatever spoiler alert, whatever, if you're not caught up.

Speaker 1:

So this girl, chelsea, tells Jimmy in the pods well, first of all she's like hey, do you have any celebrity lookalikes? And he's like yeah, I mean I do. I think he says like, yeah, I do. And then he's like but wait, do you? And she's like yeah, people tell me that I look like Megan Fox. And she was like I don't really see it. Like, I don't look a lot like her, I just have like dark hair and blue eyes.

Speaker 1:

And people say that I look like Megan Fox, like when I'm on the airplane because she's a flight attendant, and he's like oh no, no, no, she doesn't even say it that way. She says you know, I do. People tell me I look like MGK's wife and he's like Megan Fox. And I also had to like double take up like MGK who the fuck is that? And like I was like racking my mind and I was like machine gun Kelly Megan, fuck, what. Like I had to go through the same steps that his brain had to go through, but I was just like okay. And then, to be fair, I want to be honest about this. I think that she does look like Megan Fox.

Speaker 1:

She resembles Megan Fox her eyes, her nose, her mouth, but then the red eyes and the rest of her face, like her chin, the size of her head does not resemble Megan Fox at all. Megan Fox has a tiny little head with tiny little dainty features. This woman is not dainty, she is a medium to larger sized woman and I'm not saying that like she's not fat, she's just bigger. She's not dainty, she's not petite, she's tall, she's got a big jaw and yeah, I mean, I see the resemblance, but dude, people are giving her so much shit on social media right now. Like I was telling my friend last night I was like if that were me, I don't know what I would do right now. Like I would jump off of a fucking bridge, like that is I don't know how I would deal with social media. Like slamming the shit out of me because I made like a stupid ass comment.

Speaker 1:

Like that would be like if I was in the pods and I told somebody that I looked, that my celebrity look alike was, um, oh what do people tell me Julius Styles? They used to tell me that. Or oh, oh fuck. I forget her name, but do you remember that movie, blue Crush? She was like cool for a while, the little blonde one. People used to tell me that I looked like her in high school. Like, imagine if I said that now I don't look like her at all. I looked like her when I weighed 100 pounds and I kind of looked like her also I was young. People also tell me Drew Barrymore I can kind of see that one because I like talk out of the side of my mouth like she does. I Never knew that I did, but I'm learning things about myself in my older years. Anyway, imagine if I said that and then I was just like, hey, oh my god, so anyway, I just made some fucking random TikTok.

Speaker 1:

I was like laying in my bed and I was like, oh my god, this guy is so Weird, jimmy is so fucking weird. Like he is so concerned with his appearance and Keeping up with appearances that like he keeps saying like, oh, we have the best relationship, oh yeah, I'm super in it, chelsea. But like you can tell he is 100% not into Chelsea. The second he saw her, he literally looked over her shoulder as they were hugging and looked into the cameras with this look like this girl does not look like Megan Fox. And he had another girl on the line in the pods. That was like Really, really hot, like what it fuck? I forget her name, maybe Kelly or something, I don't know, I don't remember, but she basically was like I Can't believe you didn't choose me. She's a single mom. She's gorgeous, super skinny, big old boobs, big old lips, big ol hair. And she basically was like you're going to regret your decision for the rest of your fucking life. She literally says you're gonna need an epi pin because you are going to choke when you fucking see me and I think, although she's not wrong, like what a weird Thing to say. She's like I'm so fucking hot and I feel like she was saying it as, in comparison to the person, you chose me over or chose over me and I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I just Love is blind, is just not what it used to be. I do still very much adore this show because I love anything with crazy drama. I love anything with unhinged individuals just Getting together and having a wild time like I Absolutely love reality TV just for the fact that I get to watch people interact and I get to observe their behavior. And then I get to sit there and I get to dissect them like if like a Psychiatrist, like pretend, like I am because I'm delusional, and I get to. I Get to figure out why they're insane. It's, it's gotta be something that people love, because instead of sitting here and figuring out why I'm insane, I get to then Figure out why these other people are insane and distract myself from my own insanity. I Think that's why people like reality TV. It's got to be the most unhinged of people that love reality TV, because I look at these people and I'm like God, I'm normal, I am so normal, I do, I am not that crazy.

Speaker 1:

Wait, who's post was it the other day on Instagram? It was like one of my students from like a different Time in my life but she was posting about her salon and she was like I'm so happy to say that we Get along so well in my salon. We would make the most boring reality TV show and I was like that's fucking hilarious and relatable because, yeah, you don't want to make an interesting reality TV show at your salon. No, you don't. I used to say that we'd make like the best reality TV show, like at the Studios that lash bomb studios that I used to work at with all my friends and honestly, we've all had so much fallout and drama. Like I really do think it would have made an amazing reality TV show and I'm very sad for everybody that didn't get to participate in the drama that was lash bomb studios. But yeah, such a compliment to say like our salon would make a terrible reality show.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I posted this tiktok about how he like loves his. He's just so concerned with his appearance like he keeps, even when they meet, like all the other guys and like all the couples, like after they come out of the pods. They all go to like Usually like summer resort in like Mexico, but like this year I think it's in the Dominican Republic, and they go and they meet up, they all have drinks and they're just like haha. And then it's like the first time the guys see the girls outside of the pods like the other ones besides the one they're engaged to, and then and vice versa, and and Jimmy is like oh yeah, best relationship, we have such a good relationship. It's probably the best relationship out of all of us here. And I'm like no, it's not you freak, like why would you say that? But I really think that he is.

Speaker 1:

He's overcompensating so hard because I think he knows that he made the wrong decision. I think he's not attracted to Chelsea. He expected Megan Fox to come galloping out of that Paw door but instead he got Chelsea, who's a very beautiful girl in her own right, and he just expected something else, like I don't know. And then there's this other guy, clay. He's like this, also super attractive, or I wouldn't say Jimmy is attractive, but um, clay is super attractive. He's like a tall, dark, handsome. Could I think he said he was like into sports or he was like a sportsman.

Speaker 1:

He's like I just don't want girls to love me for my money and my accolades. I'm like you're such a fucking dork I can't. But then he like all I mean, he doesn't even try to, not. But he's like basically asking ad, the most beautiful girl on the show, like what she looks like physically. And he's like you know it, it's important, the physical is important. She's like what the fuck are we even here for? And like kudos to her for not telling him what she looks like. But also I Want to judge her because I'm like did you not see how insane this motherfucker is Asking you all that stuff? And then he like gets mad at her and like they have a fight, she cries, this is all before they see each other. You guys like they haven't even seen each other, and all this happens. I'm like there's 800 red flags. But at the same time it's like if you don't choose somebody, you don't stay on the show.

Speaker 1:

And like for these people who like want to stay on the show, because I Mean, if you're gonna go on a show, I don't Care who you are, stay on as long as you possibly can, because this is your meal ticket. After this, you, whether you're a villain, an idiot or or the hero. You will now have a Public face up. You are now a public figure. It doesn't matter. Stay on the show as long as you can, because once you come off, you're getting hello fresh, fresh, fresh. They need to rename it. You're getting hello fresh Calling you up, asking you to just do a little commercial for them on your Instagram and you say, yes, I will, for three grand. That is three grand. Okay, you are going to be Doing commercials on your Instagram and your TikTok. I don't care who you are. This is something that you can do now. So you stay on.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, for I Don't know, for AD, this beautiful girl, it's like she could have gone home and and some girls did go home they were just like, well, that's it for me, like this guy's fucking crazy, I'm leaving and, um, I mean, I don't even want to get into that. There was this other girl guy that AD was seeing, matthew, and he was. He was really fucking weird. He came out on TikTok recently and he said that it was all in the editing, but it really seems like he was telling AD and this other girl the exact same things Like word for word like I, I need to like Know who your dad is so that I can ask him if I can marry you, because I'd leave with you right now, type of shit. And he says that was edited. I don't know what to believe, because you know these shows are edited, but at the same time like how would that girl have known exactly what he said? Because AD didn't tell her.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, that girl ended up going home. She was like I can't even do this. And then AD was like well, fucking, I'm I can't. I can't do this with Matthew either. I'm gonna choose clay the psycho, the fucking psycho. She didn't say she loves a red flag, though girls wrong. Anyway, my weird TikTok oh my god, I haven't even gone to this part my TikTok like blew up. Like tell me why I never get TikToks that blow up about my business, but when I talk to I have no idea where that cut off. I'm sorry, but I was saying like I don't know why, when I do a TikTok about my business or like something like, even like random, something random about my business that could possibly blow up and get some traction, and like bring attention to my business, say it's not even about my business, but my sign is in the background, like could that blow up? That would be great.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I have over 600,000 views on this video where I'm talking about Jimmy being a loser and being like really image conscious. And then I have like 600 comments too, and people are like she doesn't look like Megan Fox. I'm like duh who cares, she does resemble Megan Fox, but and then they're like she's insecure, she needs reassurance. I'm like, yes, and he is also very conscious of his image. Like it is painful that people think that they have to choose a villain in these stories. It's like no two things can be true at once. She can be painfully insecure, who needs reassurance constantly, and he can also be very disappointed in his decision that he chose her and so he's really playing it up that he is happy he chose her and he's trying to convince himself possibly possibly he's just trying to convince everyone else that he didn't make the wrong decision.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but it did seem like in the coming weeks. I'm very excited about this because I think the new episodes are tomorrow, that they get to meet the people that they didn't choose, and he's going to be able to meet that other chick that I can't remember her name, the super hot one with the good one-liner, and I really think he is going to need an EpiPen because he's gonna choke when he sees her because she is gorgeous but she's also a single mom, and he seemed to really check the fuck out the second she told him that. So and I didn't know, and again, I can't fucking blame him. He's 25 years old. He looks like Buzz Lightyear, but he's 25 somehow. I don't know. I hate his teeth.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, moving on, let's see if I have one other thing I wanted to talk about. Love is blind. Oh my god, maybe I shouldn't talk about this because I don't know exactly. Shit, maybe I need to look into it a little bit more. On my notes I just have written here is the lash industry okay? I swear to God. Every single time I get like a DM or a text from like a long-lost lash friend, somebody with a salon in a different city, they're telling me that they're closing their salon down and they're just going back to like booth renting or they're just they're fucking out, they're done, and I don't know if the lash industry is okay like. Is everyone okay? Is everyone busy? Is everyone booked and busy? Are we all slow? Is everyone taking a break from their lashes because cost of living has literally tripled in the past four years? Like I'm not even. I'm not even fucking kidding you.

Speaker 1:

I bought a house in 2020. I believe we bought it for 318 in Scottsdale. It's a cute town home, and when we sold, we sold it for 515. And now when I go to that neighborhood to see what those same condos are selling for, they're selling for 625 and so, okay, that's doubled. Just home prices doubled in four years. That is un-precedented.

Speaker 1:

I know that, like 2008, everyone was like, oh, that's gonna. You know the home, the home market's gonna like pop, no, bitch. No, it's not. No, it's not. Sorry, it's not, but you know why? Because not everybody was like buying up homes in Airbnb the shit out of them. Back then and I'm not saying people, I don't care about private investors you go buy a home in Airbnb, the shit out of that house. I am happy for you. Corporations, though, can suck my dick when it comes to doing that stuff, but they are buying up all of the homes at overmarket value with cash, and it's driving up home prices to a point that individuals cannot afford anymore. So I'm selling my beach home. I am perreying we get a good deal out of it so that I can move back into a town home that I can fucking afford, because I'm sick of being house poor and like wondering if this rainstorm will flood my home again. I can't, I cannot.

Speaker 1:

I'm sitting here looking at my house. We call it Dolphin Junior because there's a dolphin on the front of the house and my son was calling him Dolphin Junior when we're looking at houses and it just stuck. But I'm looking at Dolphin Junior and I'm like I love you so much and you used to be so charming to me, but like you're somebody else's dream home. Dream home, baby, not mine, no more. But yeah. Like that's just the cost of living, the cost of food, like how come every time I go to the grocery store, if I get four, four or five things, 80 bucks, maybe a hundred and fifteen? A hundred and fifty wouldn't even surprise me at this point. I got a roast the other day 25 dollars, what? Like? How the fuck are we supposed to live right now and also afford our eyelashes? That's what I don't understand. I don't get my hair done anymore. I can't, I cannot afford it. It's like do you want to get your hair done and your lashes done, or do you want to pay for your kids snacks this month? Also, what the actual fuck? Reach out to me if you have an eight or nine-year-old boy, or if you ever had.

Speaker 1:

My son has been eating so much, like so much. It doesn't seem humanly possible. He eats, I'd say, four Lara bars a day, two z bars, three Ritz, pat or Ritz with cheese cracker packets probably three of those a day. He eats cereal, he eats eggs in the morning, he eats chicken nuggets just as a snack and then he'll have his lunch at school and that's a peanut butter and jelly and he has two Oreos he's been making me include two Oreos now and Pringles and a Capri Sun and then he has dinner, and dinner sometimes it's mac and cheese, sometimes it's chicken nuggets with apples. He has grapes, sometimes it's spaghetti. He is a very picky eater, like I just named off like 90% of anything that he'll eat. And I swear to God, this kid is eating like 3,000 calories a day, or more sometimes, and I'm just like is this fine? Is this fine? He's still skinny. I don't know, it is weird, it is weird. And my husband was like it's just gonna get worse, babe, and I'm like how I don't get it. And then I'm over here just trying to like not eat as much as possible, like okay, luckily I can balance him out in the home. I guess, man, I really I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what's going on with the lash industry, but it seems like everyone's slow. Even product lines are slow, like this is something that I've talked about in the past, so I don't want to keep harping on the subject, but like it just seems like people are buying directly from manufacturers now or they're just buying cheaper products, or I think that's a big part of it, but I, I don't know. I just think cost of living is really fucking everybody and it's like not anything you can do about it. Like it is what it is and I think people are just really having to cut back. Right now people are freaking out, like I'm freaking out. My husband is working at Trader Joe's, which, by the way, is a good job and he loves it. So don't worry about us.

Speaker 1:

The good thing is, if you were poor, like I always say this like jokingly to my husband like when we met, I was psyched if I made $500 a week serving tables, because that meant that I was rich. If I made $350 in a week, I was fine, I was getting by. So like, honestly, like I can live poor. I don't want to. It's not fun, but it's like if you were poor. You know you can handle it, it's fine, you can just get rich again and you know, build up again. But at least you have that in you. You know it's like when you come from nothing, nothing really scares you. You're like well, I'll figure it out and with that I will see you next week. I almost wanted to say see you next Tuesday, but oh my god, should I start putting out my podcast on Tuesday so that I can say see you next Tuesday? Wow, such a good idea things to think about. All right, see you later.