Awakened Heart Ministries - Dr. Scott Engelman

What is a Man? Toxic Masculinity - Living Life as a Sub-Masculine Man 7.1

AHM Season 8 Episode 7

While toxic masculinity has been a real problem throughout human history, today’s culture has wrongly conflated toxic masculinity with masculinity itself.  What God in Creation pronounced as “very good,” modern society now decries as very bad. So, what is it?  Is masculinity a good or bad thing?  And if it’s a good thing as God clearly declares, then what exactly is toxic masculinity?  Moreover, how does it effect men, what does it do to the world men are called to subdue, and how can a man prevent his masculinity from becoming toxic? Join us this month in Talk 7 of our series, What is a Man?  as we tackle this important and often misunderstood subject.

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