Awakened Heart Ministries - Dr. Scott Engelman

What is a Man? Restored Masculinity: Living into God’s Good Design for Men 8.1

AHM Season 8 Episode 8

God made the World to flourish through Men who singularly trust and faithfully reflect their Creator by engaging life’s chaos with the courage of a Warrior and imagination of a Poet.  When men live according to this Divine design their marriages, families, communities, and nations will thrive with “Shalom”—Life in this World as God intends it to be.  But people are not thriving, and the World is not flourishing because men are not living according to design.  Ever since the Fall in Genesis 3 something destructive has been passed down to every generation of men that has left their masculine souls confused, afraid, and stubbornly committed to avoiding chaos rather than engaging it.  Instead of living as Warrior-Poets, men have devolved into “Dreamer-Destroyers”—sub-masculine men given over to absence, passivity, silence, anger, intimidation, and shame.  No man wants to be like this.  In fact, all men intuitively long to live as the masculine men God designed.  But instead they feel stuck, hopeless, and powerless to change. And for this reason, the marriages, families, communities, and nations of the World are progressively descending into a chaotic, life-diminishing, anti-shalomic mess.

In this final talk of our series, “What is a Man?” we will address this all-important question:  “Is there hope for Men?”  Can men be restored to make a difference?  Is it possible for a man to experience deep and real change from the inside-out?   The kind of change that empowers him to not only “act like a man” (1 Cor 16:13), but to also bear the kind of good masculine fruit that brings order, beauty, and life to the Word, blesses others and honors God.  If you are looking for this kind of God-sized hope, sit back and enjoy this final talk: Restored Masculinity: Living into God’s Good Design for Men.

To learn more about our ministry and our mission to offer men hope and direction in a confusing world through Jesus Christ, please visit us at