Married and Board

Celebrating 100 Episodes: Chatting BGG top 100 and our newest obsession, Harvest

Christian and Angela Peterson Episode 100

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What if you could relive your favorite moments from the past few years of board gaming and podcasting? Join us as we celebrate our 100th episode of the Married and Bored podcast! In this special milestone episode, we reflect on our journey from October 2019 to present day, sharing the story of how the podcast was born and Angela's initial hesitation about joining Christian in this fun adventure. Along the way, we recount our favorite episodes, from special Christmas editions to our exciting 2023 award ceremonies, and discuss how our love for board games evolved as a way to spend quality time together after our kids went to bed.

We share our personal experiences, strategic insights, and the nuances of playing "Harvest" by Keymaster Games. From setup to gameplay mechanics, we dive into the joy of managing resources and making strategic decisions, and highlight the importance of quality components and storage solutions in enhancing the overall gaming experience.

The debate of supporting local game stores versus big retailers takes center stage as we share our thoughts on accessibility and community. Plus, we celebrate personal milestones, like the arrival of our new niece and rediscovering hobbies like collecting basketball cards and playing bass guitar. Wrapping things up, we invite you to nominate your favorite games for the 2024 Married and Boredies, hint at exciting future interactions, including a potential Discord channel. Join us for a fun and engaging episode filled with laughter, nostalgia, and plenty of board game talk!

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Hi, I'm Christian.


And I'm Angela and we are married.


And bored.


Hey Angela, how's it going? Welcome back, Are we recording? Right now oh my gosh, I just pressed the big red button. Oh my gosh. Well, I wasn't ready, but I am glad to be here.


What you been up to.


You know, just hanging out.


Just hanging out.


In this room with you.


I feel like we haven't chatted in like days.


Days, we're just ships in the night passing, are we? Fighting. I don't think so. Oh, okay, good, I don't know.


Let me check my tweeters. Yeah, hi everybody. Welcome to another great and I say that with anticipation and a little soothsaying.


Oh, like foreshadowing, that's the word I was looking for.


Episode of the Married and Bored podcast. We're the hosts.


Yes, we are.


And how long have we been doing this?


Since October of 2019.


That's forever ago. That's when the world was not the world it is today.


It was right before the world was pre-pandemic.


It was PP, yep. The good old world, the good old PP world.


Okay, I've never heard it said like that, I think that's probably something different.


Don't Google that.




What we want, so continue.


So we are now right now recording our 100th episode.


One hundred Cue that sound you make at parties. Pew, pew, pew yeah and everyone going yay, pew, anyways, yeah, 100. That's triple didge. We made it.


I know.


Is it cheating a little bit that we counted all of our christmas episodes?


no, we just like blasted them out no, because I think some people really like those oh yeah including us like the mix, like once a year, it's like we get this taste of okay, we're doing one every day, but it's short short yeah and candy canes. And we taste candy canes, yeah.


That's true. So yeah, man, 100. Do you want to just talk about a little bit of the history of the show? I'm putting you on the spot, I see your eyes, I can handle it.


You started recording before I even knew it's been 100.


I almost said it's been a hundred years it's been a hundred episodes, but why? Why did we start doing this thing?


okay, so I remember exactly. It was the what most people would consider summer. It was august okay, yeah, summer of 2019. I say that because our kids go back to school in july, but so it's august 2019. Christian has had this idea floating around his head for a while to do a podcast about board games, and he wants me to be a part of it yeah kind of runs that by me?


yeah okay, how would you feel about this? I was like, well, yeah, I mean I'll do it with you, but I feel like people don't want to hear from me. They want to hear from you.


You're more knowledgeable yeah, but I'm just the same so then I remember, because I went, uh, I went to a conference with my friend in september, I think, and I told her that christian about this idea, that christian wanted to start a podcast about board games and wanted me to be part of it. Um, and then, and then, what? One month later we had our first episode.


And your friend probably was like Christian talks.


Yeah, Well, that's the thing In our daily lives. Christian is a man of few words.


I would say hardcore introvert.




Especially in social situationsvert. Yes, especially in like social situations.


Correct, yes, like I need recharging batteries. Right. So I think everyone who knows us really well is like wait Christian's going to be.


This is going to work great.


Christian's going to talk. For how long and how many words is he gonna say? Well, so far it's been about three minutes but every episode 100 he has talked, and, talked, and talked, and also I have, but that's the history yeah, I mean.


And for those of you who don't know, we started playing games because when our kids were little babies, we didn't want to, or we found ourselves sitting in front of the TV. Maybe too much late at night and we're just like let's do something else.




So you know, we started playing board games and here we are.


And we wanted to do something like together.


Look at us.


Look at us, look at us.


Oh my gosh. So yeah, um, I'm trying to think of anything else that we could highlight from the last 100 episodes. I would say I really enjoy those christmas episodes. Those are fun to do yes one highlight that stands out for me is the 2023 award ceremonies that we did this past winter okay, first, first of its kind.


First, I don't think it was the first of its kind, was it?


On this channel or episode.


Maybe we've just talked about it more. I think we made it official in 2023. We did make it official yeah.


So we're Facebook official. Finally, we have an award ceremony, and I really enjoyed that one. I'm already looking forward to 2024's version.


Christmas, and also it's not just that the Christmas episodes are shorter. We try to highlight games that would be good for specific gifts.


Yeah, I mean mainly. We've focused on a fan focus on the family tm um during those short runs.


Yes, yeah and yeah, because we're probably we're not going to be highlighting star wars rebellion on the christmas episodes, because we don't think that is a very good gift for the masses?


yeah, and even if we like switched it up and we're like, hey, we brought in star wars nerds and we're gonna talk this game, we would probably get everything wrong and there'd be people in the corner pushing their glasses up from their nose and saying I know um, actually actually it's this grand moff tarkin is a chiss.


I don't even know what that means. Look it up, okay, so.


Do you have any like memories?


Yeah, so my favorite or I guess one of my favorite things is going back and listening to the Easter eggs we put at the end of the bloopers.


Yeah, we don't do it every episode um no, that's true.


There was a stretch where I don't think we were very funny just serious maybe it was, maybe it was during the pandemic, and we were just like, yeah, exhausted, yeah, um, yeah. So I like listening back to those. I think one of my favorite episodes was well, I always like when we talk to guests.


That's true.


I always like that.




Just because it gives a new flavor, like a new flavor, to well, our same old, same old two-player experience.


The two-player variants.


But one of my favorites is when we talked solo games with natalie um, well, we did talk with natalie, but I think before that, maybe even quite a bit before that, we talked about solo games. Um, and maybe that's because I was the focus of that episode.


I'm realizing that it's me, it's all about me.


Very egotistical.


Yeah, I mean I. I think I topped on that one Um.


So I guess the moral of the story is I'm self-centered.




Okay, um, how's that?


going for you.


How's that going for you? How's that going I? Also, because it's 100, the 100th episode, and I don't know if anyone who has young kids in their lives, whether they're children or nieces, nephews, whatever knows that kids usually do something fun for, like the 100th day of school.




So I thought we should do something fun for, like, the 100th day of school, so I thought we should do something fun for the 100th episode.


Yeah, we are dressed up like we are 100 years old.


No, that's just how I look, just normal day.


Yeah, I appreciate your knitted sweater and knitted socks.


Yeah, the normalized socks hashtag Is that a thing. I think so yeah.


You never wear socks. No, I know, I'm just saying Normalize them All.


Right, there is a list of 100 games. Maybe you've heard of it.


Yeah, there's even posters with like scratch-offs.


Okay, it's the BGG Top 100.




BGG standing for.


BoardGameGeekcom yes, so I thought we would just list all 100 games yeah, and give our pure initial reactions to them, based on title alone yes, okay, no, I think that it'd be fun to like answer a few questions about these. Okay, sure.


So, right off the top, we just need to explain that we have only played 35 of these top 100.


That's 33%, or actually that's 35%. Yes, it is which, in baseball, is crushing it.


Yeah, we are crushing it. Our batting average is out of this world.


Yeah, it's 350.


Yeah, I don't think anyone in the majors is hitting that no, we're killing it yeah um, if you're talking about like a school letter grade, we're solidly in the f.


We're not advancing no sixth grade no, um, funny story.


We played games. This was probably a year ago. We played games at a friend's house and she had it was another couple, so there was four of us plus a couple that they invited and the guy of that couple was very into board games and he kept asking us have you played this game? And we're like no, we've never heard of it. Have you played this game? Oh, no, we've never heard of it. And that probably happened like three to five times.


I had heard of it because I knew what he was doing. I knew he was going through the list.


Okay, the BGG 100.


The top 100 yeah, and like for you, you not so much, maybe anymore, but you used to get a lot of board gaming information like through me, like hey, I saw this, check it out yeah um, and now you kind of do that on your own, sometimes, not as, not not as much as I still do it, yes, but and so I like he was listing me, yeah, so anyways, yeah.


So he was listing these games and for every single one it was either we haven't heard of it at all or we've heard of it, but no, yeah, he just kept on saying these games.


Have you played this one? I was like, no, what about this one? No, and so I'm pretty sure they thought we never played board he was like do you even play board games? Oh man. But you know, the moral of the story is he came to board game weekend and it was wonderful he and his wife came and it was perfect they crushed it.


They were great teachers yes, so top 100, we have played 35 of them. Yes, that does not mean we own 35 of the no, I mean no um how do you want to do this? You want I I think, I think that we should just acknowledge that arc nova, okay, is in the top 10 yeah, I mean it's solidly in the top 10 none of your favorites are in the top 10. Number nine I don't see Fox Experiment, which was the number one game of 2023.


It was 2023's game of the year.


Married and Boredies.


Yes. It's not there, no, I don't even think it's not in the top 100, but it's the top 10 in my heart.




So when it gets there, you can't get it out, it's true.


Well, maybe another game could push it out.


Well, yeah, that's true, being an introvert, you only have room for so much things, and so, like you have to, you have to let something go. Yep, as you can look around my room and see all this stuff that I have in my room that I won't let go.


Yeah, you don't let things go, and by my room.


I'm not saying that you and I have separate rooms. I have an office. Yeah, let's clarify that, Although you know I did say we might be fighting at the beginning of the show.


It's not that bad.




Okay, so Ark Nova acknowledgement hand clap, yeah Wonderful.


Number one for you.


Love it.


It is number four all time currently. These things move, but it doesn't move that often. I think when we first started getting into everything, Gloomhaven was number one forever. Forever, and it's actually moved down to number three, which is kind of like blowing my mind that it's number three, yeah, but we own the number one game, yes, which is weird for us because, in my opinion, a lot of these games are very board gamey. I don't know how to explain that.


Yeah, I know what you mean, but I don't know a better term for it.


Yeah, they're just, they look dry.


Okay, yeah.


But they might be great Like Grand Austrian Hotel. Is that what it's called? Castles of Burgundy? Look dry okay, yeah, but they might be great like grand aust. What's grand austrian hotel was?


that what it's called castles of burgundy?


yeah, they don't look amazing, right, but they, they're great according to the list. Maybe not for me maybe not for christian but you, you get what I say okay, but you know what I mean. Like they just they don't look modern Like. For me, board game is is a lot of. It is how it looks too.


Sure, so Exactly.


But number one Brass Birmingham.


Brass Birmingham. Yeah, I think in 2020, sorry I'm interrupting.


Um, I don't mean to fight, but it was the one game I wish we played more of in 2023. That won an award for that. I don't know if you remember, oh yeah, in 2023.


That won an award for that I don't know if you remember. Oh yeah, I didn't think you liked this game very much.


No, I wanted to play it. That was the one game in the awards ceremony that won for the game that I wanted to play.


That I played in 2023, but wish I would have played more. Okay, look at that, mm-hmm. Do you think it belongs at number one?


I don't know I mean it's not Sure, it's good it's got boats, trains, everything games have.


Yeah, I think.


That good games have.


I think you know, for me personally it's not number one. But I get why it's number one, Because I feel like it's where all the Venn diagrams of different gamers meet.


Brass Birmingham.




Well, if we were on video right now, we could have a really sweet graph of all the Sweet graph. So what are the Venn diagrams? How many bubbles are there?


Well, you know, there's like the people that it's like primarily Warhammer.


Okay, so like strategy game, like pure strategy.


And then there's like people that like just euros or worker placement or like. So I feel like it's one that many different types of board gamers could play Okay, and like not could, but want to play or should. I'm not going to, should anyone out there? Okay.


We've learned.


So I also want to know, on this list of top 100, tell me one of them on there that you want to play, that you haven't played before.


Okay, I can do that. Just give me a couple seconds to scroll through all 100 of these delicious board games.


Are you serious?


Yeah, I'm 100% serious.




I'm not In the top 10, because that's what I have in front of me right now. Uh, terraforming mars. I'm just I dabble in it I don't think it's for me, but because it's there and it's about outer space I tend to like space games yes, you do um and so I'm surprised to hear you say that that would be it.


I'm just saying that's one where I'd be like, okay, I would try it. I'm sure there's other ones that I would pick beforehand. What's it called? What's the Android Netrunner is on here, which is out of print. I wish I would have been able to try that. We've tried a version of that and I'm on a card game kick right now, or just cards in general. You are, um, which is really weird, um, so like, that's one that I wish that I would have gotten to experience in its fullest right how about you?


well, I was gonna say terraforming mars. However, there's another one um. It's not the mayan calendar, but it's very so is it like tehuacan, or whatever?


yeah, I don't know how to pronounce it I don't know, whatever it's the one with the big dial on it uh, yes, tehuacan, city of gods yeah I have heard that that would be a good one for me. It's very worker placement-ish.


See, I don't even know, I'm just saying someone has told me oh, I think you would like this game, so I would love to try it.


Yeah, and that one is ranked 87. 87. It's a good year.


Yeah, oh, my gosh, yeah.


So that one is ranked 87. 87. It's a good year. Yeah, oh my gosh.


Yeah, so that's what I think I would like to play behind Terraforming Mars.


Okay, yeah, how do you feel about one of your favorite games, robinson Crusoe, the Adventures of the Cursed Island, being 93 on the list?


Listen, it's on there.


That's true. A lot of my games I like are not even close.


That's one of you like. That's the bottom of the earth, scum for you, robinson caruso, and it's on the bgg top 100 bottom of the earth scum you hate it so much you? Dislike it so I'm just saying more people out there are like me, which is right oh, I do want.


I do want to tell our robinson cruz story um when we were strip racked for a few years on the island with a person named friday um I don't even know what this story is okay.


So I would say, like a year or two ago we had an idea, or I had an idea it might have been you, I don't know where. I was like, hey, like we hadn't been playing board games regularly and I was like let's play twice a week mondays, thursdays, tuesdays, fridays, whatever and we're like you pick a game, and then I'll pick a game, and then we'll just play it and you're like no strings attached. I was like, yeah, no problem, uh, and then you got to pick first.


I think right I think I was second, I think we what did we do?


first, because I only remember the downfall of my idea I feel like you picked parks, okay or something.


First a classic game yes, of walking through the forest, but the rule was because there's some games that Christian I mean, there's games that we have that we both don't agree on. But there's specific games looking at you Cosmic Encounter Duel.


Star Wars Destiny yeah.


So that I was trying up front to be like okay, so if someone suggests it, you can't veto it.


No, yeah.


You have to play.


Yep. And so Christian was like yeah, totally okay, so keep going so we played whatever I picked, and then you picked robinson caruso for game night number two I did and then, um, it went about as good as I thought it would go, which means we lost in turn two, and then we never did it again. Right, yeah, I was so sour.


So sour. I mean you guys, if you don't believe in yourself, christian, you're not going to survive on that island.


Yeah, but if I'm going to survive on an island, I need more than one stupid banana.


Yeah, well.


And they're just like oh, you have to get one banana and then your guy dies.


That's not exactly how it goes. That's exactly how it happened, okay.


Here's a banana. The mine is 12. Health your cook is dead, okay.


So morale, banana, the mine is 12. Health your cook is dead okay, so morale wasn't very high. No um with christian, and you know there's no better experience experience than playing a board game you like or love and watching the other people on the table hate it so and then we had the great idea.


I mean it's still cool, but we have, like, the updated. They finally got the updated Kickstarter stuff for this. It's neat.


I think it's great, I do as well. I will be playing it solo.


You and Friday and the dog what's his name?


And the dog, I don't know.


I don't name him, but Friday is actually a character.


Yes, friday is a character.


Yeah, but Friday is actually a character. Yes, friday is a character, yeah, so congratulations, angela. Thank you 100 episodes. You stuck with me during all this craziness. That's true, I did have one thing to say when you said the bloopers at the end. One of my favorite bloopers is when we did one of the very first episodes was what's the dating one?


Oh Fog of Love.


I was going to say Love on the the spectrum, but that's not. It Fog of Love. And I did a commercial because one of the characters I played was he was a jam jar person maker, Jam farm. So go to the end of that episode and you can see me be ridiculous.


You were really in character, I was really in character for that one.


So that was fun. So anything else, angie, you want to say about 100? Um, here's to 100 more here's to 100 more and you know like we talk about it a lot, but like consistency matters, like we always, we try life gets in the way, so maybe it took us a little longer to get to this number. But hey, we're here.


We're here and, like a fine wine, we're getting better with age right.


Oh, I hope so, I really do.


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All right, guys Harvest. It is a new game by Keymaster Games, the same makers of Parks.




Same makers of many other games as well that I can't think of off the top of my head, but they are great.


Caper, caper, europe yeah.


One thing they all have in common is they look awesome, fantastic. This is a. I think it's just hitting retail about now.


We saw it at the game store today. Oh my gosh, we did.


And we jumped on the Kickstarter for this last year. It was one of those, one of the last, like Kickstarters that we've been waiting for. I don't think we have any in queue, so RIP Kickstarter.


You're dead to me Until the next big thing comes out.


Oh okay, you mean October, when Root comes out, exactly, I'm sorry, ange, so Harvest. Do you want to explain what Harvest is and we'll jump into it?


I do. Harvest is a worker placement game for one to four players. In the game, players are going to take on the role of farmers attempting to get resources in order to plant and tend and eventually you're going to harvest those crops in your field and the end the farmer who achieves the most victory points after four is the winner only four seasons that is what is known right now. Yes, in the world no what I should say. That's what we've discovered so far, and oh that there's only four.


Yeah, so that is that is what's normal so there's, four seasons middle fall nope, fall.


Okay, so it's a year of life.


Gotcha On a farm, okay, cool. So before we even jump into it, we have to set up the game Ange. And what do we? How do we feel about that?


I think it's medium.


It's a medium.


Okay, I mean, I don't think it's Now that the game is set up. Let's explain what I mean. I don't think the game is set up, let's. Let's explain what I mean.


I see, yeah, let's explain, set up and tear down so you have on our field notes medium no-transcript.


There's stuff to set up. I think there's a fair amount of stuff to set up. You have to get certain tiles on the board, you have to shuffle them, you have to get your player board ready and it's not crazy but it's enough. It's not super simple like pulling out a deck of cards and shuffling it no. So yeah, I would say, it hovers right around what you would expect.


Yeah, I do like that. It is simple in that there is one main board, like there's not like go to the sideboard to make sure all of your tractors are in line and then do this to make the hay bale stack. It's all on the main board and it's got all the worker placement areas. The only thing that is expanded beyond that is your own personal player board. So that makes it easy. Everything's obviously color coded. You get your color, you pick a character, like it's all. There are a few things to get going. Yeah, I'd say yeah, medium light.


Medium light.


Yeah, yeah, and I think this kind of bleeds over into one of our, our uh, a new category that we started talking about on these regular episodes now, by the way, thanks for joining us for all of our marvel champions.


Summer episodes oh yeah, super fun. Oh yeah, a summer of marvel champions right, that was my wolverine oh, you're doing wolverine claws okay uh, anyway.


So let's talk about the components, because I think this does directly affect set up and teardown, because it is a Keymaster game.


Yes, and what we mean by that is that the Keymaster games always come with these game trays.


Game trays.


With a Z that are perfect for storing components. The storage is top notch. I mean, I can't think of any games that come with storage this good.


I'm sure they're out there maybe, but like you, think about that little box of parks and how everything Everything has a place. Everything has a place and all the little pieces fit where they need to be, yeah, and so when I saw that, I was like, oh, that's awesome, this is a lot more pieces. Right and so it's just I can't. I often wonder what it takes to like design that yeah like to think okay.


So now we've got the game, we've play, tested it, we it's beautiful, and now how are we going to store it? And it feels like we own some games that are like well, just throw it in the box yeah, our, our knock yeah, well, we have a new insert for our.


But because of that, because of that, uh, out of rim.


We had that issue, um. So it's so nice when something has not just a couple trays, but everything fits perfect.


Yeah, you love in life organization. I love it and having everything have its little place.




So when you get a game like that, how does it make you feel?


It makes me feel like it's worth the money. Okay, like it's worth the money. Okay, like, yeah, I feel like I would pay more within reason for a game that has good storage already yeah, without having to buy from a third party.


Yeah, I mean 2023's Game of the Year. Fox Experiment does not have good storage.


It does not.


So we need to figure that one out. But yeah, so like it helps so much because you just pull out those little containers and they're shaped in this game like barns, right, Like barns.


Yeah, and all the. I mean if you own or have seen a Keymaster game, the components are just top notch. We have some upgraded ones because of the Kickstarter. But even if you don't, it's not like flimsy cardboard.


No, I mean again, everything has its place.


And I do think I mean kind of going back to the first part about set up and tear down. I do think it takes up quite a bit of table space. Okay, not like Twilight Imperium, but you know, I feel like the player board is kind of big.


It's beefy.


Yeah, so I do feel like it takes up half a dining room table.


If you're playing with with like more than two, yes.


For two it's not bad. I don't think.


And, guys, the rule book has the linen. Feel you love that linen?


paper. Huh, I love it, I love it, love it, love it. Okay, so now we want to talk about how accessible is learning to play.


Well, let's just I want to finish. You have something about components, like just because our version is the kickstarter version so we have like the wooden um seeds, which are the plants you plant. And then um what game? Any game is made better by metal coins.


Yes, it doesn't matter what it is yep and so it has metal coins and you don't use. You don't get a lot of them throughout this game, but like, if you just have like seven what they call in this game, pence pennies, yeah, so like I don't even think they call them, I don't know.


That's seven dollars of harvest money, acorns, uh.


You know, you hold them and shake them, you get that ching, ching, ching sound, love it. Gold coins. Gold coins, metal coins are awesome and they add like if I had to upgrade one thing in every game to just take it to the next level, like gold coins would be cool.


Yes, well, it doesn't need to be 24 karat gold, Christian I mean metal. Metal coins. That's what I wanted to say. Yeah, that's awesome.


There you go, and then one thing if you have the Kickstarter version, we have the Kickstarter version, and so there's a debate that we're trying to figure out right now when it comes to components. So part of the upgraded version that we got normally your piece on the board is a wheelbarrow. Yes, so you go around the farm, you put all your stuff in a wheelbarrow, you get it. But the upgraded version is like the character Meeple, and so you get like, if you're the Mr Fox, whatever his name is like, you get a little fox meeple that you can put out. Yes, that was all extra and we didn't get that, but because we got the Kickstarter, we got like the stretch goals, so we have like three or four out of 12 of them.


That came in our version. Yes, and so, like the, there's space in our box with all of this lovely game trays, but it's just all empty for the other ones, for the other ones. So it's just kind of funny. You look, I look at it, and be like we gotta fill it.


Yeah, what are we missing?


fill it up like and you can buy it, which is the debate. It's like 24 and it's like is it really? Worth it I don't know yeah, but then you'd have the complete experience if you, if components and completioning.


Completing a game is you know what you're into yes, mean there is a part of me that just likes the full circle, like just seeing it complete yeah. But I think on this I would wait and see. Like it obviously doesn't affect gameplay.


No, 100% doesn't so.


I would just wait and see.


Now my meeple is a pig instead of a wheelbarrow.


Yes, Okay, now.


Now continue.


All right. So the next thing is how accessible learning to play is. So is it easy to teach? What kind of gamer could this appeal to? And all that jazz.


Yeah, I think it kind of. It's not a cozy game, if we know what that is when we were talking about Mythwind a few months ago with our friends. It's not cozy in that sense but it has cozy vibes just like and I think mainly because of stardew valley, because you're just tending in building a farm right, and so there's that like hey, do you want to do this board game?


it's about growing vegetables, it's not that bad. And to make it even easier or interesting, I guess you should say the vegetables are all shaped differently and so like they're kind of Tetris-y, and so your player board. You can play Tetris with pumpkins and wheat and stuff like that.




I think yeah.


I agree, I think it's a pretty quick teach or learn, a pretty quick teach or learn. Um, I think that, because of maybe the theme of harvesting stuff, I think you could maybe, you know, reel in some non-gamers into this one sure um, and they wouldn't feel overwhelmed, because it does look cozy even though I wouldn't necessarily classify it as a cozy game and it's not very combative I mean as combative as worker placement gets with taking someone's spot Like Dune.


Yeah, but I don't think that's super. I don't know, I don't feel like that's super in your face.


Yeah, one thing it does. Well, if you're not used to or if someone is against worker placement games unlike Apiary where you can just kick someone out, which is a neat little twist that I like on worker placement this one has there's like each section of your worker placement has tiers of that action.


So, if you want to be able to do a bunch of actions in that tier or in that section, like shop at the general store, you can take that spot. So now no one else can do three actions at the general store. My choice is now two or one action. I still get to go there. I won't be as efficient and get as much, but I can still do something.


Yes, that's very true. I think that helps a lot.




And I think it helps for new players or non-gaming players who wouldn't necessarily know the term worker placement. I think it helps to just have one action every turn, like okay, I just put my wheelbarrow one place, I do that, one thing, I'm buying, and then my turn's done.




It's not like. Well, someone I'm sure out there could have analysis paralysis, but I feel like it's very. It lends itself to quick gameplay.


Yeah, and there's not very many actions to choose from, right when it comes down to it. Yeah. It's like do you want to shop? Do you want to plant, water and harvest your plants? Yep. Do you want to buy? Or you want to build a building? And do you want to trade? Not with players, but like at like in an exchange?


with the game. That's basically it, yeah.


The structure is very simple. Yeah, I think it's fun. I think my favorite part about this game is the player board, which we haven't mentioned yet. You get your own little plot of land, basically, and it starts on what's the word I'm looking for?


So you only have so much room for crops you have to Excavate basically the rest of your board to get more room to plant.


I like that idea a lot.


I think it's very interesting.


So, like at the beginning of the game, you can maybe plant two wheat, that's all you have room for Right. Because a wheat is like three by one Right In the grid and that's you have six grids, six squares open, and then you have to excavate to remove some tiles, to get you more area right and how. And then what happens with those is that they go to the market because on the other side of your of your tile is like a building you can build so that's how you like increase.


That's how you get more options to do so like. I really like. I like that part of the game of trying to figure out how many plants can I get in here and be efficient in one turn? That's. That's what's the funnest for me yeah, I think it.


I am so surprised that you like this game as much as you do because it is worker placement. Yeah yeah, um. So what do you think makes it different? Like, why can you label this one fun and not dune, or um viticulture or other worker placement games?


I mean I've I for me it doesn't seem like there's that much planning that needs to happen like I guess, like I said earlier, you can still do something productive. You're not locked out. If somehow you could deny people access to the field and you weren't able to plant water or harvest, what would be the point? You know what I mean? It'd be like battle farms then at that point.


You can't do anything. Yeah, it's just like Battle Farms then.


At that point, you can't do anything, yeah it's just like okay, well, I was hoping to be able to do three actions. You did that. He actually did the two. I can only do one, which is a bummer.


But at least I can do something.


I can move the progress forward In Dune. It's like I can't do anything until I get three water and then all the water spots get taken. And it's like well, all my cards right now are just water cards, Like I can't do anything. Right and so that's what's frustrating for a game like that Bit of Culture. Has been so long since I played it, so I don't know I can't make the connection. Long since I played it, so I don't know I can't make the connection right. They're the most similar in that they're like farmy.


That's true, but but this one is more like Tetris, like yeah, it's stripped.


It's stripped down.


Yeah, and maybe that's why yeah, I think I really think it's fun as well. I like the the different decisions you have to make. So you described, described one of them, which is how much do I want to excavate, versus just dealing with, like planting well within what I already have. Like, at a certain point you're like, do I need to uncover my whole board and then have the whole board there available to plant, or am I good with? Is it a wasted action to try to excavate it? And I like playing like that back and forth. I've done it both ways and I don't know which one I feel is better. Yet I like that there's the whole aspect of building buildings, and if you build a building, it might get you a bonus, but it also takes up room and that room can't be for crops anymore.




So there's the push and pull there. I like trying to figure out, okay, my character's ability and how to just most effectively play that character's ability, because we both, at this point in our gameplay of harvest, we've tried to play new characters every time yeah, I think I've played a different one every time because there's just that many to go through and we just we don't want to be stuck in one um one set one character yet.


So I've been liking the idea of like trying to figure out. Okay, that's not how I would normally maybe play the game, but this character benefits from doing xyz so so that's what I have to do. Yeah, I think that's I think that's cool.


I think that also, you know, bleeds into into the immersive conversation too, because the first one that I played was the busy beaver.


And so what do?


beavers do, is they build stuff? And so the very first game of this farming game that we played, I had the beaver and he was just like build for free, build buildings. And I was like, oh well, so I had a ton of buildings, very little crops, and still succeeded.


That was cool, yeah yeah, so that you can figure out what your character's good at yeah and um with the uh, how immersive it is. I just really like that you're actually taking a well, for us it's a wooden piece and you're placing it on a field to represent the crop where it goes and then when you plant it, it's one piece, but then when you tend it it doubles or, in one case, triples.


And so you see your plants grow and then you know you take them off when you harvest. So it's just really it's. It's neat to actually put a physical thing into a field on your player board.


I like it yeah, and then try to make them all fit too the tetris because like strawberries, just take one square. But then if you have a bunch of pumpkins, they're L-shaped and they're funky, so you can't do a ton of those.




But you can smatter in strawberries with pumpkins or blueberry, like there's four, right, there's wheat strawberry, blueberries and pumpkins. So that's fun, and you know what?


We haven't even talked about poop and water. Well, fertilizer, yeah, because you need. You need the fertilizer in the water in order to plant and tend, and so you want to get those levels high enough to do something productive on your turn and you try to get them. I say you would try to get them high enough where you could do more than one thing on your turn, so that you're not just pigeonholed into like one thing at a time because, this game goes so fast it is so fast.


We mentioned at the beginning four seasons, which is really just four rounds of this game and you have, like you said, three meeples to put out on the board, so you're only doing three actions per round.


It's 12.


It's so short.


It's 12 turns 12 turns basically. Yeah.


With that said, how have our points been? 50-ish, it goes to 50, and then it has the mechanic where you can turn over one of your pieces. So you're 50-plus and you start over.




But where have we been? High 40s usually.


That was me one game I think we're hovering in the mid 50s.


Mid 50s Okay so you fly through the track most of the time You'll flip Okay, but I do remember the first couple times we played. I think we only got like 20 because we were just like it's over.


Well, it was just so quick. You feel like you have time.


Yeah, that's not very immersive. A year usually takes much longer.


Yeah, so not everything can be the show 24. Boop boop, boop boop, when it's in real time. Yeah, I hope no game actually takes one year. What if there was what?


if we are playing a game right now.


Well, it's the Matrix and you just don't know it. It's the Matrix.


I think we touched on it again, the different characters. That's really fun.


The farm animals.


It kind of brings you into the story and they're all like what's the style? It's almost like Fantastic, mr Fox.


Yeah, vibes a.


It's almost like Fantastic, mr Fox vibes a little bit Mm-hmm, I don't.




Dahl, it is.


It's a little bit Roald Dahl, even though Roald Dahl I don't think ever illustrated.


Or Charlotte's Web cartoon movie.




That's what it reminds me of.


Totally. It's just so, but it's got the colors of Fantastic Mr Fox.


Yeah, it's just very, it's very vibrant. What are some of the character traits that you can remember that you played?


You mean like, what did they do?


Yeah, like the fox, can use other resources.


No, the fox, I think, can roll the lookout, die or whatever. That worker die or something. He can roll it twice every sunrise. That's pretty good, so you could get money from that you could get a crop from that.


He slides getting extra actions.


basically, you could get poop from that and then the piggy starts with her bucket, one space higher, her water bucket one space higher. You talked about the beaver.


There's a frog who has three spaces higher on the water bucket and it's full, which is pretty cool.


Oh, wow, so you just start higher.


You can hold more water because you're a frog Right.


That makes sense.


That's neat.


And the pigs isn't a one-time, like the frogs, it's every sunrise it goes up it goes up one yeah the frog, you just start higher. It's just a one time, yeah um, there's one where you can spend money as if they were resources like water or water or fertilizer oh cool so yeah, and and there's ones course that we've played that we're not mentioning, but there's some that we still haven't tried yet, so that's cool.


Yeah, there's definitely a lot. We should probably mention that we have played this. I've played this three-player. We've played a three-player with our son, right, but he disliked it a lot, which is funny. Maybe this is his Robinsoninson caruso, it might be. It sounds like it based on the way he talks um, and I played it three players a few weeks ago with some friends from work. Um, but when we play two players, we do have to do a two-player variant yes, do you want to?


explain how that works yeah, so what's his name?


it's like it's the major, the major, the mayor.


The mayor. The mayor, who is a cow, comes out and basically takes places on the board for your worker to go. So he doesn't collect resources, he doesn't move on the victory track, he just takes away options for you.


There's a very cool turn order mechanic that we haven't even touched on, but you can check that out on your own on how that works, but I think it's very cool and based on where he is on the turn order, he'll just plug a hole on the board.


So it's like oh, I was going to go to the third.


I was going to go plant crops and do three actions, but the mayor did that.


So I'm unable to do that. And whenever he does a certain action, he also, like, drops a new building into the that's true. So they're the queue so that helps get through, like get more buildings available in a two-player game yeah and that, and we haven't really found him to be too annoying no, I mean there's been a few times, but it's not, and it's not terrible to um main uh. What am I trying to say to uh?


operate him. No, he's super, I can do it yeah, even christian can do it I think of. I'm comparing this a lot to dune imperium, which is not a great comparison, but they have that whole like deck in dune imperium. When you play two players, it's just like yes, dude so much, stop it.


This one is very uh, it's very user friendly, yeah I think it's set out to do what it meant to do. You feel it's fun making your farm? It's fun building your buildings. If you're the busy beaver like, get those points it's fun just trying it's. It's a fun puzzle to solve. It's pretty it's pretty fun. I'll say it again.


So for us we like to talk about, is it worth it, like the cost versus the replayability, at least for us? So I think for us it is definitely worth it. I think, based on even though it is a variant which sometimes we kind of roll our eyes and are like, oh, two player variant that means it's not going to be great.


Or super limiting in some weird way.


Yes, I think that we could enjoy this at two player a lot.


I think we do yeah.


And I think that it has a place in our normal rotation just because of its length.


It's yeah. So the yes, I agree in with all that, but there is an aspect of length where it's like we just set this up and it's over already. You know what I mean.


Like it's like dang it well, yeah, because you expect the box is a normal, I would say modern board game size normal size yep and so then you get, you get this idea in your head of how long this game should be yeah, and, to be fair, we haven't we, we have yet to play with four.


True, I can't think of how that's got to be so difficult but there there are more um there's more spaces available at four.


Yeah, the farmer's market. I think yeah, it opens up. Yes.


But still there's got to be less to do.


Not less to do, but just more of a puzzle. Yeah, and maybe the turn order matters more.


Yeah, because it's like oh, I have to do three actions this next turn. Yes, true, okay, okay. So yeah, I would say it is definitely worth it. We saw this today at the game store. Like Angela said, it was just the regular game. So instead of the fancy wooden meatballs and probably not game trays either, I would guess, because the box did look a little smaller, a little skinnier- oh, okay, I definitely could be wrong, because parks, you know, comes standard, that's true, that's true uh, don't quote me on that I'm not gonna, it just comes with cardboard, uh, everything else that we've talked about.


So it was cool. I think it was like 50 bucks so like we played a little bit more because kickstarters and we got that extra, extra junk, whatever, um, but yeah I, this is one of the games that I've been waiting for for a while. I was excited for this one. I was in my head. I was like oh, this summer, you know, we got Arx, we got Harvest and we got Rock and Roll.


I feel like there's another one I can't think of right now, but yeah, those are the ones where it's like this is in that group where it's like, yeah, let's play.


Play, that's what you wanted to play. A lot of yeah, yeah, I, yeah, I can't.


I can't imagine ever turning this game down, um, like if we were to ever do a you pick one night and I pick another night again. Should we? Should we try that again?


oh, that's asking for it, but if we did, I would never turn this one down or veto it. So it has a place on our shelf for sure.


For sure. If we do that again, do we have to implement a veto? Is that probably how it needs to happen?


Or maybe just some sort of.


Fail safe.


Rule Fail safe Rule? Or maybe certain people just need to do things for the enjoyment of others.


I did.


I played it, okay. Well, if we do it again, this one would have no problem fitting right in.


Yeah, so I think, like we said, I think it's available now. I even saw on Instagram that it was at a Target. We haven't seen it at our Targets. Your mileage may vary.


Could have it at your Target.


Go check it out if you're interested. I don't know if you can order it yet. I don't think you can order it from Keymaster Games online, which is interesting, but definitely check it out. Which is interesting, but definitely check it out. Check it out at your local game store. They definitely had it at ours. If you're interested, you know what and if you have any questions about harvest, you can text the show oh, my god in the show notes.


There's a link to text show. Ask your question. Just say where you're from and your name. It doesn't have to be your real name, it can be screen name, whatever we love to hear from you. You and read your question on the show.


That would be so fun.


And what's your favorite cropped plant in harvest?






Because the bush doesn't go away.


Okay, and you can, just, you just grow more blueberries, so like every time you harvest, it clears your entire board. Yes. Except it doesn't take the blueberry, bush that's true, I like strawberries, because when you plant one and you tend it, it produces two extra, and so sometimes it sneaks up on me. I'm like, oh, I'm going to tend three strawberries, and then I have a ton of strawberries. And you get one point per strawberry in this game, so that is my favorite. Pumpkins are fun because they're the big point getter.


But they also take up so much space. Take up so much space. Yeah, all right, we will come back and talk about what thoughts or ideas surfaced while playing Harvest. All righty, then, and we're back, we are back, and I am.


Hey Ange, what Happy 100.


Thank you, christian. Yeah, happy 100 to you too. Thanks, and happy 100 podcast episodes to all of you out there listening with us.


Has anybody listened to all 100? If you have listened to all 100, text the show.


Text the show. We should get them some sort of badge, because that is amazing. I don't even think Christian has listened back to all 100 episodes no, I haven't listened to a show from beginning to end ever he's just I lived it, he wings it.


I lived it, yeah, I do my best work, flying by the seat of my pants, it's true um, so you mentioned this at the end of the last segment that someone mentioned Harvest being found at Target. Yeah, and I know this can be like maybe not so much anymore, but at one time maybe still is like a hot button thing.




Like game purchasing board games from Target or Amazon or Barnes and Noble. I see where you're going as opposed to your friendly local game store or online at the actual retailer or the maker publisher. So I mean, we don't have to go super deep and we're not trying to cause any conflict, but what are your thoughts on that whole discussion?


I mean, I am like 50-50 on this.




I like the, so I will support a local game store any day.




Not every local game store, because I think some of them are not good.




But the one we go to, we love going to. But then also, here is my dilemma Last year and if you're listening, congratulations we did BGG Secret Santa.


Yes, we did.


And we bought our games from our game store Because we're like well, duh, we'll just do that.




It cost us so much to ship those stupid games to our person.


Yeah, it did we didn't think about it.


We're just like let's go to the game store. We got to get Christmas presents for these people and didn't think about it. We're just like let's go to the game store we got to get christmas presents for these people, and then we have secret santa. So we're like, yeah, we'll just knock it all out. And then it ended up costing basically the price of a whole nother game to ship what we bought, our, our, uh, santa or what's your? What is it called?


your target recipient target yeah um, and so that is where it comes to me, like that's where I get a little iffy on it. It's like, well, I could have I don't remember what we bought them, but we could have bought them on Amazon, possibly, and shipped it for zero dollars.




Or even Target for minimal dollars. So that's where the convenience can be so nice sometimes.


Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That is a conundrum Because it's like, as the giver, the shipping cost just blows you away, but also as the recipient. If I were hearing this from my giver, I would be like I would rather just have another game. Yeah, right. You know like don't spend. Spend 30 to ship it to me.


Give me another 30 game yeah but I, I am 50, 52, I feel like, if you are in the gaming space like we are, yeah I wouldn't maybe use I don't know what the right word is, but like you, have a duty, obligation, obligation to spend your money to support your local game store.


I would be pretty bummed if ours closed.




It's the best one we've had in Phoenix since we started this journey.


Yes, and great prices, honestly. Prices are amazing, are comparable to or better than amazon or whatever um, however, I do like that they have games at target and barnes and noble, because I feel like it lets people experience a new level of game.


They're like, oh, we're getting this party game yeah, beyond apples to apples and cards against humanity but this one looks cool yeah. So like root is a fun example that shows up at target every once in a while. Root, I've seen root yeah really and like my friend patrick leader, who owns leader games oh yeah, your best friend he always just says before it got into target. I think wingspan is at target yes and he's just like man wingspan.


In one of the podcasts I listened to him on, he's like man wingspan's getting that target money. Yeah, so like it must be significant right to be able to get your game in there and like thousands of stores. Now, all of a sudden, your game can be purchased in an instant.




At one of like a big box store, totally. Rather than going to some like dirty game store. You know like that has the bad reputation of like, you know like the basement players.


Well, and some people I would say most people outside of the board gaming space don't even know that these types of stores exist. 100, unless they have someone in their family but. If like that goes to tournaments or has gone to this I'm looking for a game for my nephew.


He really likes yugioh where should I go? And someone's like oh, you got to go to x Games and it smells like fish in there, like they're going to leave.


Now our local game store is really clean and wonderful and we know there are game stores like that, so we're just doing a huge generalization and stereotype there. But yes, I like that. It opens up strategy, modern board games, however you want to put it to people that wouldn't normally even pick up, Like they would pick up apples to apples.




Or they would pick up. When you say you play board games, they say oh, like Monopoly.




Scrabble. And then they pick up Azul and they're like, oh, this is cool, this is nice, this is fun, like I wonder what other games there are like this totally. So I do think there's a place for that.


Yeah, it's a good gateway area and I do like lightly. They've had a lot of lorcona like we haven't really been into that true, but I like that it's there.


That's really cool. You can get that at the local game store. I wish that it had more games like that. It's there, that's really cool. You can get that at the local game store. I wish that it had more games like that that I was interested in. But I'm also glad that they're not there, because I'd be like hey, I'm at Target, hey, do you want to go look at cards with me? Kids, and then, like, dad bought four packs of cards.


So I'm glad that doesn't really happen. It's true, so I'm glad that doesn't really happen. It's true, we're caught in the middle, both of us as a publisher, you want it to probably be there but, then also us as a consumer and a local game store.


They want you to come in so let us know.


If you have any strong opinions about that, let us know. Or if you feel kind of stuck in the middle like we do, we would love to hear that too. And anything about harvest, like christian mentioned, we would love you to text the show or interact with us on instagram or email us at hello at married and bored, we love talking to the community. The board game community is awesome yeah, I mean speaking of community.


We recently we hit 100 episodes of the show. We recently hit 1000 followers on instagram a few weeks ago. That was pretty fun amazing yeah so, like we gave away ahoy um, which was coincidentally who won, it was a local, yeah, so we were able to just drop it actually that was kind of fun physically bring it to that person that was fun um, which you know rarely happens this day and age no so we, I mean we just want everything to keep building our number of episodes, our conversations with you guys, our, I guess, our followers.


although we don't really, we don't really like try to hone in on the Instagram algorithm, I would say we just are there for the community and the fun we're there for the fun yeah.


Hey Ash.


Hey Christian.


Happy 100.


Thank you.


As we wrap up the show ang.


Let's talk about things a little bit outside the world of board games. Comes to food right now. So, we're doing a 30 day like eliminating everything. As I say, ice is a treat when it's all you can eat. It's true, and so we are we're hanging in there we're hanging in there um. We're sick of what are you sick of most? I? Don't know food me, it's chicken just so much chicken so much chicken um so I'm actually sick of water wow, okay, I mean water's great, but I would just I don't know like I like.


I like pop or soda, whatever you call it, wherever you are. I don't think I drank a ton of it, but like it just tasted good oh guys.


So if you've ever been on a journey like this, please commiserate with us. We are so I need to find joy in something.


Here's what I'm going to find joy in. Well, I'll say something that I think it could be.


Okay, and we'll just keep it vague, okay.


We have a new niece. Yes, oh, my gosh gosh. So that's probably.


Yes, she is bringing me joy. Yeah, she's two weeks old, three, almost three probably yeah, no, I think this past week she was two weeks, okay, okay.


Yeah, so yeah, my sister had a little girl and she's great.


Yeah, everything's doing great.


We visited them a couple times.


Love it.


They're playing board games already.


She is very precocious, she's good, she can't lift her own head yet, but she is playing board games. She is awesome at Seven Wonders and we've been um doing breaking bad oh, that's right.


So and I'm asking this seriously because I don't remember the answer did you watch it when it was out?


no, no, I saw the first, uh, maybe like three episodes, and and then I just I don't know, I wasn't into it enough to keep up with it.




And then when the finale happened, like the series finale, yeah. We. I went to a party with you. We went to a breaking party, so so I did watch it, although I don't remember.


Yeah, it was a while ago. Yeah, for sure.


So it's fun to go back and watch it and it's a little dated.


It's funny because it's only you think of that show as not being that long ago.




But it was 2013 when it debuted.




And so that was 10 years ago.


11 years ago Right.


And so the cars. Obviously, you expect the cars to be different but it's just different.


It's funny, it's. It doesn't take away from the show. I don't think. It's just funny what catches your eye and you know when you're a parent and you see like, oh, he's supposed to be 15.


Walter Jr. He's probably 25, you know or the cell phones is funny to me, the cell phones Everyone has a flip phone. So that's what's weird about watching the old show, when you think back to, like Friends or Seinfeld you just knew that that didn't exist. But like when you're like like, well, cell phones existed 10 years ago and they're just, they were just, everything was different, yeah you know what I'm saying?


yep, yeah, and the clothing, and it's just funny. So, um, that has been a fun thing that we do, and we don't eat while we watch it, because we can't eat.


No, we just stare ahead.


You guys. We're so addicted to food aren't we?


Isn't health great?


Health is so good. Yeah, so I guess we both shared what's bringing us joy. You mentioned our niece.


Well, yeah, I mean I would say, for some reason I'm on like a card kick.


Oh yeah.


I don't know where it came from, but I just keep on asking your son. I was like hey, do you want to get some baseball cards? And he's like no. I was like, okay, cool, Do you want to play this card game with me? No, All right. Like, come on, man, Come on. Like I just like the idea of so this. I've been thinking that this basketball season I was gonna be like I'm gonna buy some basketball cards okay, like consistently to see if we can get some cool ones that would be fun I think it'd be fun.


I think it's. I think eventually he'll like it okay because I remember when I was in third you know son's in third grade he was like I was all over it baseball cards, basketball cards. So I don't know he liked. He liked doing the pokemon thing with his friends. I know three to six pokemon yeah and that was a little bit after my time so I don't really know much about it, and so like he's like dad, dad, dad, look at this flag of sword. I'm like I don't know what that is.


Yeah so I don't know so but at least you want to find a meeting place where you two can both geek out on cards.


Yeah, I think it'd be fun like, oh my gosh, you got women yama rookie card. Like obviously it's his second year, duh, uh, so you're not gonna get his rookie. But then also I'll just say I've been playing, been playing bass guitar a little bit more than normal. So I play bass guitar. This one's 20 years old. Of course I look online to find new ones and there's a lot of cool new ones. But you know what? I'm? Pumping the brakes. Pump the brakes. Pumping the brakes Ange. Ok, all right. I the breaks, ange. Okay, all right. I'm not going to ask you what you're reading, just switch it up for the 100th episode If you want to tell us what your top 100 books are.


Okay, starting with number one.


No, we're going to go 100 to 1. Oh no, actually, let's do it this way. What is your 67th favorite book?


People are now shutting off the podcast.


They're like all right, we've gotten to the point where Christian's going nuts.


Christian's going nuts. I don't need to share what I'm reading. That's fine.


You can if you want. I'm not reading anything currently.


No, that's been established for quite a while.


No, I listen to books.


I know, but I'm just saying you're on a book, hiatus Jack.


Reacher. I can only read so many of those before they end, terribly yeah.


Do you want to tell the people where they can reach us?


Yeah, you feel free to text the show and the show notes. Definitely would love to get that going. If you're interested in a Discord channel, text that too, because I have one, I'd love to send a link out. I'm still trying to figure out what we can do with that. I think it'd be a cool place to hang out and chat board games, maybe book, have a little book nook corner, talk about some books Video games is another hobby that I do or music like just whatever. Come hang out, let's be friends. You can find us on Instagram at Married and Bored. You can try emailing us at hello at marriedandboredcom had some funny domain stuff happen, so maybe not email right now. Why don't you Instagram us and just say, hey, yeah just direct message us, just say hey.


So that's what I do every day is work with domains and I don't know what's going on with ours. So I'm either really bad at my job or they really messed up.


They really messed up. They really messed up.


So I need to figure that out but anyways hey ang, yeah, happy 100 happy 100, we did it I'm looking forward to, uh, the next year of the married and bored podcast since it's been about the three year, no five yeah, I mean what's yeah? Okay, I was gonna say what do we average if we did 100 episodes in five years?


yeah, there, there you go. So we're almost there and we're hitting some of our favorite parts of the year where we talk, you know, spooky games and Christmas episodes, and we talk board game, secret Santa. So we are coming into that stretch. That's really fun.


And if you want to nominate a game for the 2024 Married and Boredies, I haven't said it enough this episode, but text the show text the show, we'll nominate it and you just tell me what category it needs to go into and we'll do a user submitted category. So let us know and then we'll pick it, even if we haven't played it. That makes perfect sense uh, and anything you want to say about Harvest 100 or anything, before we wrap this up with the bow.


No, that's it. Harvest is probably for you. You should go get it and if you want to, you can maybe find it at Target. Thanks for listening to this episode of the married and bored podcast. And guess what? We have a website where you can listen to podcast episodes and so much more. Find us at married and boredcom, or you can email us at hello at married and boardcom or follow us on instagram at married and board. Music in this episode is by joseph mcdain. See you next time what happened?


you're bleeding, it's like dripping. I'm sorry I don't have to tease you in here, okay let's just should I stop? No, I'm gonna, oh, we're gonna keep going you're just gonna let the blood drip down your arm it's right here. It's fine, it's okay do you need a tsu?


no, I'm fine, I just looked down and saw it.