Financial Joy School

Balancing Generosity and Financial Health: Ruby Sunshine Taylor's Journey to Generational Wealth

Ruby "SunShine" Taylor, M.S.W. Season 3 Episode 1

Ever felt the weight of financial stress pulling you down? Ruby Sunshine Taylor, CEO and founder of Financial Joy School, knows that burden all too well. In this heartfelt episode, Ruby opens up about her personal journey through financial turmoil and the societal pressures to give, especially in marginalized communities. Together, we dissect the fine balance between generosity and financial stability, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries to protect one's financial health. Ruby’s core message is clear: before you can give abundantly, you must reach a place of financial overflow.

As we shift gears, the conversation turns towards the future—specifically, building generational wealth for lasting financial freedom. Ruby passionately explores how educating our families about wealth management can break the cycle of financial stress and create lives filled with joy and abundance. Plus, don't miss the exciting news about the Financial Family Reunion Summit happening on February 28th, 2025, in San Francisco. This summit promises to be a transformative experience, bringing together minds committed to financial well-being. Join us on this journey with Financial Joy School and let's build a prosperous future together.

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Welcome to Financial Joy School. You deserve joy and wealth. I deserve joy and wealth. We all deserve joy and wealth, baby. Yes, yes and yes. That is how we start off each day knowing that we deserve joy and wealth Not just one, but both. So it's been a long time since I have done a podcast and I'm like it is time for me to do a podcast Now. If you are new to Financial Joy School, let me allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is okay well, that was whack but my name is Ruby Sunshine Taylor.

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I am the CEO and founder of Financial Joy School and we are on a mission to make our world financially equitable. Yes, yes and yes. So that is who I am. I am a traumatic brain injury survivor and I am a stutterer. So every so often you will hear me stutter, sometimes more than I would like, but I am who I am Sam. Sam I am and I like to enjoy life. I think life is beautiful and it's full of miracles and it's just the way God wants it to be. So I like to laugh. I like to crack jokes, even when things shouldn't be laughed at. I can find a reason why that is funny, reason why that is funny and I love that about me. So that's a little bit about me.

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Let's get into this topic today. Today, I wanted to talk about stress, more specifically, financial stress. And financial stress doesn't have to be, and financial stress can become chronic stress, which means that it's a constant and it can lead to death. Yes, financial stress can kill you. It can, and for it not to, we have to be able to deal with it. And this day I'm going to talk about family and friends and life and all of that wonderful stuff and how it can add to our life and it can add to our financial stress. Right, I will not name names in this recording, so I will be talking in general and I'm general For myself and for my lived experiences and what I've seen.

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Right, once you get to a certain point in your life financially and people feel that you are successful, especially within marginalized communities this is a pandemic baby within our communities they feel that you have an obligation to give to people, the people you love. It is an obligation and I used to do it all the time. All the time Give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give. And when I needed it, I didn't have it because I gave out so much. So when I had my TBI, I had no money to like rely on because I was just giving, giving, giving, and, and it's a hard habit to to stop, especially when the expectations never, ever decrease. They always increase, but they never decrease and they will never stay the same. People will always expect more from a giver. The more you give, the more they will expect it, and it's nothing wrong with that if you have it like that, with that, if you have it like that, and just because you may have some like extra money doesn't mean you have it like, like, like that. If you want to be that person, you're gonna have to stop giving the way, the way, the way that you are giving, until your money reach a point of that.

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I can be my own family philanthropist, right, I can give them grants, I can help them, but that is only when you are in constant overflow. You can't do that when you have a full cup, but the cup is full just for you. If you are giving your full cup away out when you need it, there will be nothing left in it. Please believe me, I have lived this and I'm trying my best not to relive it right, and it's hard, it is not easy, but I am urge you to really look within and find healing, to be able to give you a consciousness to make better choices around helping people Before you have fully, fully established your own generational wealth for your family and the people you love.

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We will never get there if we are giving out a hundred here, $20 here, $50 there, $700 here, $1,000 here, $10,000 here. Right, a couple of thousand dollars here. You got it. Yes, I got it for myself. But if we keep on giving, we won't even have it for ourselves. So that's why I am big on building generational wealth, so that one day I can be at that place that I'm in so much over flow Me. Giving out grants to my loved ones will not impact me. It could actually bless me if I put it in some type of non-profit that my family could benefit from. It could help me with taxes and a whole lot of other stuff.

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But to just give money and keep on giving money and the money is rarely returned, not never. Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not, and we really have to look at that right Within our families. Whether you are black, brown, white, disabled, abled, whatever I'm a believer, not a believer. You know, and I know that people say the Bible says we should give. The Bible also says we should be a good steward over what we have, and that means managing it well. God wants us to give when we are in a place to Now, sometimes we will be in a place to and sometimes we won't. But if it's a constant, that's not God. If it's like, oh, my God wanted a blue moon, okay, maybe, maybe, but God does not constantly put us in a broke space and say that we are still supposed to give, I don't believe that is God. That's my own view. Doesn't have to be yours, but I hope this is yours To be a good steward, to manage your money well, to manage your money well.

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And the biggest tool we have to help our loved ones is prayer. It's not our money, because we don't have enough of it to really change their circumstance or to change their consciousness. Like, even if you give a person a million dollars, if they have the same mindset, they will be in the same condition. And so be careful who you give your money to, because it will cause you financial stress, and financial stress can become chronic and, like chronic, can lead to diseases that will eventually lead to your death, eventually lead to your death. So that's why it is imperative for me to talk about this today Financial stress can lead to death.

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That's why we have to be very careful about who we give our money to and how we are managing the money we do have. Right, if you cannot afford to live in a $10,000 a month mortgage, don't live there. Live in a $500. An $800. A $1000. Whatever you can live in, that will not cause you Unnecessary stress, because you are, because you are, above what you are bringing. If you like Mercedes, like these luxury Rim cars, get one you can afford. You may not be able to get a A, a I'm 2020. But you could get a 2010.

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I do not believe that Like we need to Reduce what we want. We just need to get it within the price range we can afford it. And so the reason why we want to be careful with the way that we spend is because that can cause financial stress. Right, not just giving out money, but the way we spend it can create financial stress, and financial stress can become chronic, which can lead to diseases, which can lead to your death. And that's what we are trying to prevent Because, if not, let me know so that I can get a good life insurance policy. You know, you might as well, your death might as well lead to something great. Okay, I told you I have a sick sense of humor, but, in all seriousness, right, let's watch how we give out money to like people we love. Let's watch how we manage our money. I'm not saying not to get those things.

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Get it within your budget and like, if it's not Just wait, you can get it eventually. Save and what? Invest? Invest in the stock market. Build your money up. Start a market. Build your money up. Start a business. Build your money up. Do a hobby. Get your money me up.

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There are various ways we can get our money up. Go back to school, get a trade to get your money up, right, not to spend it more, not to give it out more, but to be able to be at the place for you to be your own family philanthropist. How dope would that be? To be able to give money and not be stressed out about it and not even need it back, right? And so please be careful giving out money to the people we love, and I struggle with this daily.

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This is not easy for me at all. I have to. I fall down and I have to get back up and learn to say no, and so, like I have not perfected this the way that like I would would like, but I'm getting pretty close. It's not a yes, 70% of it is a no. There's a 30% that I will give out a yes, but I want that to be a 100% no and a 0% yes. But I'm working at it, chipping it away and manage what you do have and spend within your means or below it. The more you're below it, the more you can invest either in the stock market, which I love, or buy some real estate or buy some bonds. You can buy things to help your money grow.

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And that's what we are about here Building generational wealth for the next generation, next generation so that, so that they won't even know the word financial, financial, financial stress, they'll be able to manage it well, because we have taught them just, only just, don't leave a legacy. Leave what education to leave? An education to please educate your, your like, family, about wealth management and the best way to handle the resources that we do have. Right, we can do it. We can do it, and so I hope this was helpful. It was longer than I wanted. I tried to keep this down to 10 minutes and or less, but I was very, very passionate About this topic Because I know the hurt and the harm Financial stress cause.

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So I pray that your financial stress cause, so I pray that your financial stress becomes eliminated in 2024. And to never rise, to never rise again that's my hope and that's my joy for you, your loved ones and our community. We deserve to have a joyful life, we deserve to have wealth, and we cannot get there until we manage our money well, until we stop giving what we don't have, until we seek God, like whoever you believe in, for direction concerning our money, so that we can make the best choices for ourselves, for our families and for the greater community. Because this life is not just about you and I'm a Leo and I wish it was, but I know it is not it is about more way more than just us. So let's go out and build generational wealth together. Check out Financial Joy School at financialjoyschoolcom. We have our first in-person summit coming up the Financial Family Reunion Summit coming February 28th 2025 in San Francisco, california. Baby, yes, yes and yes, we would love to have you go to financialjoyschoolcom and click on Summit. Let's go.