The Digital Hammurabi Podcast
Digital Hammurabi is the creative outlet for two Assyriologists, Megan Lewis and Joshua Bowen. Driven by a passion for the ancient Near East and the belief that history is both important and relevant to modern life, Megan and Josh aim to break out of the ivory tower of academia and bring ancient Mesopotamia to the world! This podcast brings academic scholarship and interviews with researchers to your brain (via your ears) in an easily-understood format, so you can enjoy fascinating content wherever you are!
The Digital Hammurabi Podcast
COVID-19, the Bible, and the End of the World.
Digital Hammurabi
Season 1
Episode 4
Apocalypticism is a poorly-understood genre of literature that is found in the Hebrew Bible, and has given rise to countless predictions of the end of the world. Join Megan and Dr. Josh as they talk to Dr. Stephen Cook, professor of Old Testament Language and Literature at Virginia Theological Seminary, to talk about this fascinating genre of text.
Recorded March 21st 2020.