Smart Cleaning School

Get Your Name Out There

Ken Carfagno Episode 96

This is a follow up to "Top of Mind" as I walk through 3 examples of how I get my name out there. Also, make sure to listen to the "Go for No" episode before this one! If you didn't listen yet, stop, and go back! It's hard in the beginning to do this as you fear what others will think of your new cleaning business. I promise you. It gets easier the more you do it. The next mindset you need is one of service and helping others. Getting your name out isn't greedy or self-serving. There are people right now that need exactly what you offer. You would be selfish to hold it back. Therefore, have courage and overcome the fear. Share your knowledge and your business and let God work out the rest. That's what I do. Here's the examples that happened my solo cleaning business over the past 2 weeks.

  1. I mentioned this on "Slow Down to Speed Up" This week, I resubmitted a proposal to an office prospect Drew at Town Supply. I have put myself out there to 100 people each and every time I send an email campaign with something of value to my local community. Over the past weeks, I've been teaching on building trust with your new cleaning service. Well... Drew must have connected as he opened my previous emails multiple times and the one from last week 23 times! I knew it was time to reconnect. He asked for the new proposal, sharing all of the details of what they pay the company they chose over me. I put myself out there and it could turn into a $5,000 per year new office!
  2. During COVID, I put myself out there and offered to help my chamber run virtual webinars. This lead to more trust between my company and my chamber leadership. Our president, Steven Hunsberger, offered for me to lead a webinar on how to disinfect properly and return to work back in April. Here's that presentation! A few weeks ago, Steven asked if I'd be interested in a showcase interview on me and my company. I said YES! Steven emailed me the questions. I answered them all and supplied some pictures. That showcase went out this week to 300 members via email and I'm amazed at the outcome. My friend and client, Dennis Gehman, along with my chamber ambassador Scott Little emailed me to congratulate me on a well-done showcase piece. Pam owns a local cafe and loved my showcase. She emailed me through my website and wanted to set up an estimate. We spoke over the phone and I took my time (obviously.... Slow Down to Speed Up). During the phone call and in-person interview, Pam asked for other references. I mentioned Dennis Gehman and Evan Gehman (from my BIB and they are not related). She knew both well and it helped a ton. This speaks volumes to the networking I've been doing over the past year! There is a great chance Pam will hire me as a new recurring biweekly house cleaning client!
  3. I put myself out there to meet with the realtors in my networking groups 1-to-1 to get to know them better and share how I can help them. This strategy adds my name and business to their list of preferred cleaning vendors. I got a call this week from Ginny who needed cleaning ASAP. It was a long shot and I wasn't available. I asked how she found me. Her realtor gave her my number and told her to call. I never even met the realtor. They just knew me because I was recommended by their office, thanks to one of my realtor meetings!

Read the rest of this article at the Solo Cleaning School website