The Mind School

👯‍♂️ RECESS: 2024 INS AND OUTS. What are you calling in this year + practical steps for implementation 📅

February 02, 2024 Breanna May Season 5 Episode 170
👯‍♂️ RECESS: 2024 INS AND OUTS. What are you calling in this year + practical steps for implementation 📅
The Mind School
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The Mind School
👯‍♂️ RECESS: 2024 INS AND OUTS. What are you calling in this year + practical steps for implementation 📅
Feb 02, 2024 Season 5 Episode 170
Breanna May

Welcome to the first episode of RECESS for 2024 and while we may already be in February and this trend has come and gone, it hasn’t stopped us from sharing our list of in’s and out’s for 2024.

We each share our top 5 ins and outs for the upcoming year plus Bre shares practical advice on how to actually implement your list. Sadly, it's not enough to just write them down - we need to action them fam!

Tune in to hear us chat about:

đź“… Letting go of control + embracing spontaneity
đź“… No more multitasking + nailing execution
đź“… Finding what makes us happy and doing more of that
đź“… Leaving the comfort zone behind + putting our needs first. 

We also hear some killer examples from our amazing listeners as well so be sure to tune in and let us know your thoughts!

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the first episode of RECESS for 2024 and while we may already be in February and this trend has come and gone, it hasn’t stopped us from sharing our list of in’s and out’s for 2024.

We each share our top 5 ins and outs for the upcoming year plus Bre shares practical advice on how to actually implement your list. Sadly, it's not enough to just write them down - we need to action them fam!

Tune in to hear us chat about:

đź“… Letting go of control + embracing spontaneity
đź“… No more multitasking + nailing execution
đź“… Finding what makes us happy and doing more of that
đź“… Leaving the comfort zone behind + putting our needs first. 

We also hear some killer examples from our amazing listeners as well so be sure to tune in and let us know your thoughts!


Welcome to recess with Breanna and many more even in the day where you can unwind, bring a snack and a question and hang out with us as we ponder life, share homework and update you on what's going on outside the classroom as we evolve ourselves behind the scenes. Each month we'll be diving deep into your current live questions, unpacking issues relating to life, love health and business and giving our very unqualified two cents. If you're a 90s child, think of this as the deer dolly section of Dolly magazine. And if not consider it hanging out with your mates in a space when nothing is off the table and no topic is too taboo. Whether you want to know what goes on behind the scenes at the mine school HQ, or you want fresh perspectives from an objective third party. We're here to answer all your questions and have a lot of fun along the way. You can submit your questions, stories and suggested topics each month by Instagram or email. And don't worry, Your identity will be kept anonymous. I can't wait to get into this. See you at recess. Okay, we're back. It's Monday 24th. February. It's been quite a break for us. And this is our first 2024 episode of Route fest is all back. It's so wild that it's already the end of January. I know it's well. It's February when we upload this which is crazy, because the last time we were on the pod together I was like way before you even went to Japan before before Christmas. I think we recorded together. I know. And I saw something the other day that said we're at day 54 January and I've felt every single hour of it or something like that. And that is how it feels that January has just dragged it's gone so long like school today. Yes, maybe because it's going so fast already. Maybe school holidays like the school holidays. The last couple of weeks always tends to like drag out a little bit and maybe that's what it is because yeah, I feel like wow, January's really. She's gone through it. Maybe that's the parents listening will resonate with that. And everyone that's got kids at home. And it's funny because I went down to the beach just before we started recording and it was dead. Dead. Going on. Oh, yes, schools back. So fucking stoked about that. So good. Anywho. So let's chat quickly about Well, it's been a while but give me give me a whim or a little thing that you're celebrating at the moment what's been going on? Well, my sister's here at the moment. And she and my mum planned the most epic surprise. And I didn't know that that Kate was coming over for my mom's birthday. And they surprised me a couple of days ago and it was honestly the best. I've never had anything like that. No one's ever planned a surprise for me before. And it was perfect. Like it was absolutely perfect. And yeah, I've really missed Kate lately and it was just so nice to have a big cuddle and I got to feel her belly like her belly so big. I felt the baby Kiki. Oh, it's just yeah, it's been a really beautiful couple of days. So that's my that's my big win. It was amazing. Oh, that was I honestly got so emotional when he sent me the video and I saw your reaction. I was like, oh my god, I love those videos. You know when people record a surprise like either telling their parents they're pregnant or a surprise you know exactly like what Kate did. I get so emotional. They're my favourite reels and tiktoks to watch. Honestly, me to like the ones that get me out. Have you seen the ones where soldiers come back from being deployed? Just and then I just the algorithms like yeah, I have another one. Another one. I'm just a wreck by and then like because the algorithm knows, especially at the moment all the baby stuff like I'm just in that season where I'm either liking it or my friends are all pregnant and there's baby showers and all of that. They're telling their friends and telling us parents that they're pregnant. Oh, I die. I literally cried so much. But that one that one of you this week squealing like an ABS that was the most high pitched I've ever heard from you. And I loved it the more I watch it back I'm like where did that even? I didn't even know I could make that noise. And my brain could not compute that it was catered towards me. I was just like, because lawless her first and she was like cocky, which is what she calls Kay and I just logged in I was like, could not she was actually there and yeah, it just could not contain my excitement. It was just this and they want the shot off. I just sobbed and sobbed Well, I had all over her. It was just it was the best of right. They did so well. And they've been planning that for one whole year. Whoa. But you tell me you're when I think I know what you're gonna say. Ryan Simba. Oh my gosh, I became a jogger. When will the it was literally two days ago. But I already I'm just like, I'm so obsessed with him like, Paul. And I just like our whole days, we spent hours just staring at him just staring. And he's, he's looks like Paddington Bear. Like he is the cutest little thing. And he's just, even in the two days watching him like develop and I've taught him to sit like it's just, it's so stimulating for my brain. I am absolutely obsessed. So that has brought so much joy to my Yeah, he's so beautiful. He's big, beautiful eyes. And like his little hanky that he had around. He's MC Oh, my God, he's could not do he's so adorable. Oh, so that's my way. And it's just been an incredible summer in general, like, I have had so much family time, so much time at the beach, so much time on my bike, and feeling so fresh about 2020. For like, I took so much time to reflect and put things in place that I'm feeling very, very good. Amazing, that is unreal. And it kind of leads us into what we're talking about today, which is our ins and outs for 2024. And I know it probably seems a little bit late for people now seeing this, we are literally in February. I absolutely loved this trend over the break. I just love seeing what people were ditching and what they were bringing in. And so I thought that it would be a really good idea for us to go through ours and to hear from some of the listeners as well. And we got some really good responses. So I'm really excited to have this conversation. Are you happy for me to get started? Yes. What are you starting with? So you're gonna start with yours? You got to tell us yours. Start with mine. And I know you want to do the outs first. So I will start with my outs. And we will go through the reason for that. Once we've gone through the list. Yes. And there is a reason that I want to start with outs which I'll explain and anyone who's Well, I think if you've done level up, you'll probably know because there's an exercise where we'd sort of do one of these kinds of activities. And I find it so helpful. So you start with your outs, I actually, I have not heard man's ins and outs. So I'm very much looking forward to hearing these, although I reckon I can get some of them. Okay, well, this will be interesting to see if any of the ones that you sort of thought you're me on that. My first out is viewing my needs as a burden to others. So I'll give you an example that a very basic example, there will be others, but the one that sort of sprung to mind is like you know that I don't eat gluten. And so often if I'm in a situation where we need to be eating somewhere, if there's no gluten free options, or I feel like it's going to be too much of a hassle for someone to give me a free something. I'll go oh, it's, it's fine. I'll just I'll eat the thing with the gluten. And I don't I don't have an allergy. I don't get sick from it immediately. But I just know that it's inflammatory. And I know it's not good for me in terms of my health, as you know. And I want to stop doing that because it puts me backwards. Yeah. So it's like it's self sacrifice. Is it not? Yeah, well, yeah, I guess it is because of sacrificing my, what I know is good for my health. Like I know, Newton is really good for me when I do it for a long period of time. And then every time I have something with gluten, it's like, Fuck, it's like I'm putting myself back a step because it feels like I'm making it more comfortable for for other people, do you not? Yeah, it stems that stems into so many different areas of life. But that is something that I really want to try hard not to do this year is to sacrificing. What I know is good for me. What I genuinely know is good for me. Yes. For the comfort of others kind of thing. Yes. It's almost it's always like self sacrifice and also like, not complacency. But yeah, I'm a I'm easy. I'm easy. Like, I'm not gonna stress you out. I'm not gonna be a hassle. Like, I'll just go with the flow. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, I love that one. That's a really, really good one. Okay, so let's actually hear the first one on your list now. So we'll go one for one. So you tell me what your first out is. This is funny and I actually think you're going to appreciate this a lot. One of my outs is winging it. So I am the CO mean at winging things. And I think that's like, I think that's just years of being a teacher, you kind of have to wing things, you have to think on your feet, you have to be able to be really adaptable, really fluid, and to kind of just perform and execute in the moment. And because I've developed that as a strength, I have sort of overused it. And I started to see at the end of last year, that actually, this isn't really good anymore. And even though sometimes it's a, it's a brilliant thing, and I'm really grateful that I have that, that strength, I would say, I could see also where I was winging things and not then being empowered and intentional with my decision making. So it was like, kind of winging, seeing what happens even like with my money, like Paul and I have been learning a lot about investing and compounding and all of this, and I hadn't made plans for my money. So I just kind of like received money with no plan. I just like wing things. Or in my business, I can just wing it. Like, if I'll have to record a podcast next week, I'll just have a thing. You know what I mean? Like I can leave things to the last minute, which is great, because I'll follow what I'm feeling inspired by. And I'll be very engaged in it. But I think that there's an opportunity for a lot more intentionality, and making empowered decisions. And then following that through with a lot more thought so winging it is. I do love that. I really, really love that. Because it sounds like there's a lot of room for diarization things within that hour, which makes me really happy. But also, it's interesting, because it is still a strength and it is still something. It's a good tool to have in the toolkit when you need it. But yeah, I can totally understand how relying on that just, it just becomes a little bit like, Oh, it'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. And then you flying by the seat of your pants, I often get on the other side of that and go fuck I wish I had have put a little bit more thought into that or a little bit more planning and yeah, do I really like that? And it's interesting because that actually when we get to my friends list that is actually similar to one of my in so that'll be interesting. All right, well then give me another hour. Okay, so this is a little bit it sounds a little bit funny, but I don't think I'll be alone here and there's a reason for it. Taking my phone into the toilet. Know what's so funny. Literally before hit record, you will like hold on a second because gonna run to the toilet. And I nearly said to wait take your phone send me the link, I want to say that thing you were talking about. I took it. I took my phone with me. I grabbed it off the desk and I took it executing yet. Okay, that's fine. It's after this, okay, it comes into play now. Now that it's out in the world, and it's official now I have to fucking really be holding you accountable unless they're following you in but you'll have to be see, this is a huge self accountability one. And there's a I actually saw something. Ironically, on Instagram the other day, I was probably like, yeah, yeah, probably. But even, it's just like, even if I'm just gonna go in there and do a quick way. It's like, I must take my phone. It's like my phone is this extension of my body, you know what I mean? It's only been in the last 10 years or whatever, that we've had these devices that just take you away from what you're doing in the present moment. And, and it's you know, it leads into like, constant scrolling. And you know, all of that it's I think a lot of people just want to try and spend less time on the devices and more time in the present moment. And so that is another out for me. I absolutely love that one. I must say this is one of the things that I've noticed just in the last few days having Simba like I am so present because I don't know, I'm just playing with him. I don't have my phone. And I'm so in love. I don't know what the time is doing. And it's it's been really cool. Just that like reminder to myself of how different I feel when I'm fully engaged in whatever I'm doing without having my phone nearby. Real next one. Yeah, mine's actually of the very similar vein. So one of my outs was mindless activities, but specifically mindless eating or mindless scrolling. So just like you know, I can be cooking dinner, literally cooking dinner, and I'll still go to the cupboard and go see what I've got to snack on. Or just mindlessly snacking without thinking about it. Like am I hungry? Does this feel good? Does this align with my health goals with my fitness goals, etc, etc. And the same was scrolling. So that was an out for me, which just piggybacks off yours really nicely. So the third out for me is control. This is a huge one for me and another one that feels scary to actually implement because I think it is such I've made it part of my identity not not on purpose. I just know that it's such a huge part of something that makes me feel it makes it feel like everything's okay if I've got control over Uh, I mean, and it is something that I'm really wanting to try and relinquish and just have a bit of a like constant reminder that it's okay for things to just unfold the way they're going to unfold. Like, I genuinely can't control everything. And it sounds so simple. Like, of course, people go, Well, obviously, you can't fucking control everything, but I try really fucking hard to control everything like, you know that I need things to be a certain way. And it's just not interesting work. It's just in life in general. And it's just, it's so unproductive. It is so unproductive, like, it just takes so much energy. And you know that I got a new tattoo at the end of last year that says the heart is the bar. And that is coined by the beautiful Jana Saunders, who you know, as well from day clarity, and it's about lowering the bar to your heart and operating from that zone, instead of having the bar so fucking high that you're just trying so hard to, you know, do everything perfectly, and it just doesn't work. That's a big, it's a big one. And it's feels really scary. But I think, really, I think it's really important. Like, I've got to, I've got to let that shit go, you know, we're gonna try, we're gonna make a buck. And we were, you know, if you and I could just meet in the middle, we would be who could you imagine? It'll compromise. But also, I have one that's kind of similar, different but similar. With control, I wouldn't, I don't know if I would use the word control. But I guess it kind of is one of my outs. And this is one of my outs is actually, I'm no longer going to take any pregnancy tests this year, not unless I'm really fucking late, you know, like, I started to notice at the end of last year, I would take a pregnancy test just because, you know, all my periods do today. And my periods due tomorrow, it hasn't come and create this cycle of like, hope and excitement. And it created quite a routine of like being let down and being disappointed. And I was like, I'm just not going to do this to myself anymore. In 2024, I'm going to, and I guess it is relinquish control. And just whatever will be will be and if I need to take a pregnancy test, because I've actually skipped a period, I fucking will and I will know. But why put myself through that? Why not just enjoy 2024 and be pleasantly surprised is whatever the universe delivers, you know? So. Oh, my God, I love that so much. Yeah, I guess it is a control thing. But I just put out taking pregnancy tests. That's an out for me, ob ich bah. That's my out. Okay, so this is a little bit of a funny one as well. But something that had a habit of doing last year, I am not going to buy any new plants. And I'm just going to focus on nurturing the many, many, many plants that I already have. Because what I was finding, I'm the type of person that if I go out somewhere and I see a cute plant, I will fucking bring it home because I just love them so much, really. And you know, my studies filling up with all of these plants, and I can't give them all the love and attention that they need in order to thrive. So some of them are thriving, and some of them are literally just leaf by leaf is just falling and dying. So I need to just put a lid on buying all of the plants and just focus on fertilising and watering and loving and caring for the many that I have. So that isn't out for me this year to that's the pool. And I reckon it'll be interesting to be to look at, like, what could you spend your money on that's more aligned with your goals. It's cool, I like it. That's a good one. That's an easy one, you've got this one in the bag. That's a good either, I need to put an easy one in there. Yeah, my next one was actually slow, unstructured mornings. That's out gone. So again, at the end of last year, I found that like, you know, I was in a bit of a Pilates era where you could kind of go either at the 615 class or the 715 class or the 815 class. I was still going, like I was still going to all my sessions. But I found that like, I started to wake up and just be like, Ah, I might just like read for a bit and then I'll go to the gym like I let myself have a little bit too much. And look, it's funny, because when I designed my dream life in in the level up content that I that I teach, I literally was like I want slow mornings. I don't want anyone to be in control of my diary. I want to have a three or four hour morning routine. And I'm like, actually fuck that. I've gotten to a point where I actually that's out that's gone. I want to bring back my really regimented and structured morning times where nothing nothing's a choice. Nothing's to be decided Nothing's up to decide the morning of it's just automated again. And so out is my slow unstructured mornings. And like, it was fine. I still got everything done, like I said, but it was having too much choice that created all this, like decision fatigue. And sometimes I'm wanting with an energy that I didn't actually want to carry in through the day. So like, Oh, I love that, you know, I mean, I'm all for structure. So that makes me feel real fucking happy. I love that one for you. My final out is staying within my comfort zone. Now, this is another huge one for me, because Oh, yeah, yeah, she loves the comfort zone. Okay, she will just pull up a pew, and she'll talk herself in a nice little Willie throw, she'll get some cushions around her, and she'll get some cups of tea and some snacks. And she'll be fuckin happy there. And she will stay there forever. Not the yes, 100% Cause it's all linked, yeah. Also feels very scary. So it's very much linked to the control thing. But I've certainly done some things already that have catapulted me out of my cute little seat with all the blankets. And I just need to keep going with it. So it links into I think my word for the year this year is courage. And I've needed to exercise quite a lot of that this year already as well. And so it feels very in sync with all of that. So yeah, that's, that's a huge one. I'm so proud of you. Because I know that you've already been embodying these things already. And we talked about a lot of these things at the end of last year, so it was already in action. So watching you do it, like I said, this to him WhatsApp, it's just been a wild ride final out. And this is also one that I started to really implement. And notice at the end of last year, my out is multitasking. And I've never been a fan of multitasking ever. Because it's actually really not great for learning and for productivity. But I noticed at all, no, it's not efficient. No, and we've been sold all of this, like multitasking. And you'll Yeah, you can do your steps. And you can listen to a podcast, maybe you can kill two birds with one stone. But that actually usually takes away from presence, which is what everyone's really after is being fully present and engaged in one thing they're doing. And I found that I was sort of multitasking sort of, in a way where it's like, I would take my laptop to the lounge room and sort of have some TV on in the background. But also kind of be doing something on my laptop, or you know, trying to do two things at once. And I just it doesn't work. And that's completely out for me. So I've just gone. And again, like real ham on single tasking. And it just feels really fucking good. Like my pop always said, I said this in the level up your 2024 Master Class, one of my phrases for 2024 It's something my papa always said, which was shit or get off the pot, like you're in or you're out. Like, I just think you're either doing the thing or you're not doing the thing you're in or you're out. What are you doing? Don't go half endo go half out, like do the thing or not. And I keep having that in my head. Even when I'm working. If I can see that I'm going between lots of different tabs. And I'm like, I'm not actually focused on one task. I just hear that in my head. Like, should I get off the pot, either do some real actual needle moving work and be focused or go to the fucking beach? Like, yeah, if you're gonna be scattered, at least go down to the beach and enjoy your time. So yes, multitasking is out. Okay, we're going to scoot over to NS we are but before we do, I just want to explain something. And this is actually just a guess a little bit of like a coachable moment. And something that's really helpful for anyone listening, who is thinking about the ins and outs or doesn't quite have any clarity yet about 2024 Or maybe no clarity about business, maybe no clarity about life. What I find and this is usually a pattern with people when I asked them what they want, or when I asked them what it is they're aiming for or just their response to the question What do you want? A lot of people unconsciously start talking about well, I don't want an asshole boss. I don't want to be tied to my desk anymore. I don't want these clients I don't want I don't want I don't want and that's incredible, but it's not incredible if it's where all of your mind space is. If you are consistently repeating well I don't want to be in this role. I don't want to feel this anymore. I don't want to have this anymore. I don't want the asshole boss. I don't want the Groundhog Day. I don't want to feel financially stressed anymore. We are repeating that language and that energy into our subconscious mind and we get more and more and more more of it, we see more and more and more of it. And our reticular activating system just finds more of that thing that you're saying you're You don't want. So we always If all you've got is, oh, I know, I don't want this. And I know I don't like that. And I know I'm not into this, and I know this isn't working. That's a really cool place to start. But it should be used for contrast to look at, okay, well, then if this is what you don't want, if these are the outs, what would be the opposite in, and then we need to spend our mental attention and our mental focus on those things. So if you don't want to feel financially stressed anymore, what do you want to feel? Well, I want to feel financially abundant. And we focus on abundance, we focus on those things like it's about creating contrast, using contrast using the out so that we can clearly identify the end, but then make sure that all of our energy is focused on the thing that we do want rather than what we don't want. That makes perfect, perfect sense. What is that little saying? It goes something about what you focus on grows. Yeah, sorry, true, what you focus on grows. And it's just funny. I and I've said this to lots of clients in the past. That's amazing. But I just asked you what you want. Me great, how are you automatically filled it with negative. And that's not a bad thing. It's a great tool to start. But it's even just watching like when you're asked the question about an expensive question about what you want. What's exciting, what feels good. How often do you go to oh, well, I don't want that. I don't want this. I don't want that. Is that a reflection of what your brain is doing? Because that tells me a lot about where your attention is. Love it. Amazing. That makes sense. So with that in mind, let's let's do the ends. Okay. So starting real easy, breezy for me. Easy, breezy. walks at the dog beach, like frequent walks, that there are the dog beach, and I should say I don't take my dogs to the dog beach. They're too old. I can't take them anymore. But if anyone knows of a happier place on planet Earth, that is not the dog beach fucking tell me because all of the little doggies, they're just living their best lives. And it is. So it brings me so much joy. I go right down to the water's edge. And I walk all the way up and all the way back and I get to pet all the little dogs and they're chasing their ball, and they're loving their own. And they're just they're so fucking cute. Oh, right now I am it makes me so happy. It genuinely like if I go to the dog beach and I'm not in a good space, I will guarantee I will leave there feeling like at least 85% better. That's so cool. And you know what I actually remember because you when we were driving to the I think that's when we're driving to the level of retreat, you were telling me about your vision statement that you wrote in your level up journal, and it was, so you were like hell bent on walking on the beach. Like, it was these simple things that were lighting you up. I just want to walk on the beach every day, I want to do my close walk. And as I saw you talking about that I could see you getting animated. You just did it again then and it's like, it's so fucking simple. Go to the beach. You know, I know the tiniest little things. And it's also learning what those little things are for you. To be a big extravagant thing. Like it can literally be going for a walk at the dog beach and finding all the dogs so cute that it makes you happy. Yeah, I love it. I love it. And I totally get it now I totally get it. I can't wait to take that right, what's your first one, so mine's kind of similar. One of my ends. It was fun. Like one of my work. It was just a word fun. And like, I have really made that happen this summer. And I put it under the phrase one of the phrases that I actually really want and resonate with. But 2024 is work hard, play hard. But I kind of I always think like when I feel my best self, I'm usually really on as in like, I'm in a hustle vibes. Like I love hustle. I love being really passionately engaged in something meaningful. But then having such a nice off switch, where it's like, you know, I think about back in the day if I was really really busy at work and I'd had a really productive week and I'd got all my marketing done or I'd hit PBS in the gym and I'd been to the gym every morning I got shit done. And then on the weekend I'd go camping and it just felt so nice to have that polarity like that real change in energy. So one of my phrases actually for this year is work hard play hard, meaning if you're working fucking work, like get it done. But then once you're off once you've got off the pot, so to speak, make it fun, like make it joyful. So I've been going to music festivals. I've been like I've been actually went to connections on the weekend, which is a gay club in Perth I had so much fun. And I really just been loving those two different energies of like hustle and then switch the fuck off and have some good old fashioned fun. I think there's also an element of like when you are in the fun mode, it's like I fucking earned this, like, I've worked so hard this week, I don't like I don't feel bad about needing to switch off from the work side of things I'm going to be in the moment, I'm going to really enjoy it. And I actually deserve to have this fun. Yes, and it's like I find sometimes the harder that you work or like, the harder you exert yourself, the more rewarding the award is. And so I found that I think I've spoken to about it before, but like Paul, and I had that real epiphany when we're cycling up the Alps, it was just like, genuinely, the harder you have to work on the climb, the more exhilarating it is going down. And it's just like that analogy of life. Yeah, I love that. That is a really, really good one. What's another. So this is the one that sort of links to your out of winning it. So I want to bring in more spontaneity, because obviously, I'm trying to let go of a little bit of control. And so just having those moments where I suppose in the past, I've had feelings and moments of like, Oh, I'd really love to do that. And then not feeling like I was able to do it based on the circumstances. And so I think this year, when I have those moments of like, I really feel like doing this thing. I'm just gonna fucking do it. Yeah, I'm so excited. And again, it's not like big things. It's just like, like you said, it's like, Oh, I feel like going for a coastal walk or whatever. I feel like going to this shop, but it's a 45 minute drive away or whatever the fuck that thing is like, it doesn't have to be big, but it's just, if I feel like doing it. I'm going to just do it. Oh, you wild child you. Who is she? Yeah, I was shocked ladies and gentlemen. I was shocked. I mean, it's like a time like that, where you can't possibly do that. It's five minutes. Fucking 100% and spontaneity is often where I feel like so much magic happen. Yeah, so I definitely want to bring a little bit more well, a lot more of that into this year. That's that's a, an exciting one for me. Oh, that's really exciting. Okay, another in for me, this is one of my key words, execute, like, execute, because I love and this is once again kind of like winging it, my strength can become my weakness. I fucking froth learning like there is nothing that makes me more happy than learning than reading a book than studying than watching a course, consuming information is my happy place libraries like for us. But sometimes it's like, Well, cool, but my head is now full of information. And I haven't done anything with it. So I've made a rule. And I've already been implementing it. And it is game changing. Like, if I'm learning anything, I will only watch a tidbit, I will only read a tidbit. And I cannot go on until I've gone in and executed. And you will you probably notice this even with some of the integrations we've made in the business and stuff lately. I just I heard something from my business mentor. And I was like, man, we need to do this when we're doing like now we need to execute because I've just weren't it oh my god execute. It's changing. It's really amazing. Loving it. And I think it'll Yeah, it'll clear that space in the brain too. So you're sort of learning it x executing it which leaves room to learn something else. Learn execute, so you're sort of going into more of a pattern that way, which is amazing. Yes. So execute. What about you what's another in another one for me is figuring out what makes me happy and doing more of those things. And I was careful when I wrote this. I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to give my happiness away to external things. Like I'm not trying to find things to make me happy. But as humans there are things that we do that give us happiness dog beach, for example. Like that's a huge one like music, new like concerts and stuff like that. That's another one. So it's about learning what some more of those things are for me and implementing them and integrating them into my days. Yeah, that's such a fun and what a privilege Hey, like, what a privilege to be in that position. You know, I always think that when people you know they'll I don't know what I love. I don't know I want to start to get I don't know who I am. It's like that's so beautiful to be in a place where you get the privilege of exploring because if you're in genuine fight flight to safety mode like survival mode, that's just not available, like you have to survive. And so I always find the opportunity to explore what you love is like such a first world beautiful thing. And I'm excited. Yeah, you're not agreement hit me. Okay, another one for me. And this kind of goes I guess, maybe it goes under, execute but do less and do it well. So I earn if anyone was if anyone listening is into human design, I'm a managing. And typically speaking managers love doing multiple projects and we actually need that stimulation. And I'm a bit like that, like I have lots of different projects that keep me excited. But I found last year I can take on a lot, but that's when my winging it starts to come in. Because I'm I will just rely on winging it when I've got too much projects, too many projects. So one of my phrases or ends is do less, but do it well and be very planned and very intentional about those things. Yes. They're all tying in for you. Because that's the multitasking stuff as well. Yeah, yeah, you need to be focusing on one thing at a time. That's one of my ends, what's another end of yours. So another end of mine is sort of linking again to the letter, letting go control and a little bit of the spontaneous stuff as well is just trying to be in the moment more. I'm very much a person who worries and stresses about, what, what if this happens in the future? What if, what if, what if, what if so, I'm very much living in the future. And usually what's happening in the future is fucking scary and bad. And, you know, worst case scenario sort of stuff. So I want to try and be in the moment a lot more and forget about what hasn't happened, yeah, and worry about that. If it does happen. Oh, I'm loving yours. I'm so excited. We need to do like a recess in December, to come back to this episode, and see how integrity we've held with our word here. I love that idea. Because we will have a conversation at the end of this of what the next phase of this list is like. And I think it'd be a really good idea to check back in at the end of the year and say, How were we? Oh, that's really tiring. So I've got one, what these two are kinda, I'm just going to put it under the same basket. So I put surrender. And that was kind of around the taking pregnancy tests, things like I'm just in for me is just surrendering to whatever will happen, and doing everything I can, in the meantime, to just live a really full and exciting life and have so much fun that like everything's just overflowing, and it's just going to be a beautiful surprise. But second to that. And under the same kind of umbrella, one of my phrases is open your heart, because what I found was when I get disappointed, hurt, sad, let down, I will tend to close off emotionally so that I don't have to feel those feelings. And that can happen. For example, like if there's been any, you know, in friendships or in disappointing fertility stuff, I can sometimes go into a complacent or I don't care, it doesn't impact me doesn't matter. And I actually close my heart off, which I don't, I don't like that. Honestly, getting symbol was a huge part of this. Like I knew how much I would love this thing and how much he would keep my heart open. And so I want to just keep reminding myself that you can experience disappointment and heartache and sadness and frustration and all of these things and yet still decide to not let your reaction data close down. I love that so much. And it also sort of links in as well with sometimes when things like that happen and you do feel a certain way, of course it feels uncomfortable and you don't want to feel it. You don't want to feel that discomfort, but you kind of have to in order to move through it. And so instead of just throwing the walls up and being like nope, not doing it today, not tomorrow, we're good. Let's just move on. Because then you're suppressing it and we all know that's not healthy either. So it's a reminder to feel all the feelings as well as hard as they might be to feel. Yeah, love that one. Yeah, so that's that's my thing. That's my final one. And what about you my last one I actually it wasn't an incident in and out that I heard somewhere else but it was from Mel Robbins who I'm sure everyone knows who Mel Robbins is. But I heard her talking about something called the let them theory and it ties in for me with relinquishing control and it's about letting peace People be the way they're gonna be without trying to change them. And instead of trying to control how they are being or how they're going to be in control their actions, you control what you do as a result of those things. That is such a beautiful one. I feel like that's one that if it can you imagine a society where everyone just did that, like, just okay, I can't control anyone, but I can control my reactions to those people. I can see why courage has been your word for 2024 Just hearing all your ins and outs. It's gonna take, like so much courage to actually implement and execute these things. Yeah, I agree. And that feels scary. It does feel really scary. But it's out, like I said to you before, it's out in the open now. So. So now the whole world can hear them. And then in December, we'll come back and do a little integrity check and see how we've walked out our words. So that actually, the next piece of ins and outs, so I think everyone was doing that trend where it was like ins and outs. Cool. Hopefully, everyone's got really clear on what those things are. But there's always that next step, where it's like, okay, what have you put in place to implement these things? Or what actions behaviours? Have you changed in order to make sure that these things actually become more than just words? So I might actually share what I've done and how I've let these words be a reminder for how I want my gear to go. And then we can talk about have you done anything as well with your actions? Yeah, no. And when you mentioned the actions, I was like, your Fuck, I have to actually implement these, like, you can't just write them down and go, yeah, that's, that's what I'm gonna do. And then. Yeah. So as soon as you mentioned that implementation, I was like, half market, like, of course, she's got the implementation plan ready to go? Yeah, we can. Like, we'll just go back to our unconscious patterns, we'll go back. Of course, yes, of course. I do. It's scary. But I do love that this is the second part of this. So yes, you definitely hit me with yours. And then I'll fucking figure mine out. This might be this will give me some inspo to go and do your plan. Okay. So the first thing that I did was, I have got these written. So my words and phrases are written on my desk planner. So I've got a desk planner in front of me that I'm looking at every single day, my words and phrases are at the top. So every single month, I have to rewrite the words on top of my desk planner, so that I'm seeing them when I look at every single month. And because one of my words and one of my outs, one of my outs was winging it. And so one of my ends was structure and execution. What that means is I have put in my diary at the beginning of every month, a monthly plan for myself. So every Sunday on the first day of the month, it's in my diary, now that I do a plan. And I come back to my desk calendar, which is where I write my words again, write my 2024 ends again, and start to make a plan for the month. So it's just that repetition of the words. That was the first thing I did. Second thing was that I have my screensaver on my desktop. So I have changed my desktop, and it literally has non negotiables and those non negotiables are offshoots of my ends. So my if my aim, for example is structure and execution, my non negotiables for the week is that I go to PT every single morning at 6am. And so that's become a non negotiable that's now on my desk desktop screensaver. And then I went and did the thing. So I got the PT as scheduled her in for 6am in the mornings, which gets rid of my flowy morning routines. Yeah, I love it. I actually went through each each one and was like, what does this actually mean? And then I started to put it into my diary. I got the dog obviously. So like I got the dog. I actually just saw one of my words was fun, because I knew one of my words was fun. I spent a day on the internet trolling. What's coming up in Perth? What do I want to get tickets to? What can I What are my friends interested in my social calendar now? Like I went and booked juice fest I've booked another electronic music Beach Festival in April. I've got a staycation booked in, like I literally Yes, what are all of the things that are fun and how can I actually implement it now? So there it was like looking at my ends, looking at my intentions and then seeing what I actually need to put in place now. And then second to that would be I had a real good think about what are the things that stopped me from this. Like what am I patterns and behave ideas which, which typically stop me. And for me, my phone is one of the things that stops me from execution. Many tabs being open stops me from being like in the single task lane. And so I just wrote a list of all of the things that get in my way. And I've put reminders all over all over the place. And literally like physical reminders. So I've got, for example, my headphones here all the time in my office. And that's to remind me to put my alpha waves on and do my single, single task. So actually, yeah, looking at it, asking yourself what needs to change in my diary, and in my actual day to day routine, to be able to implement these things, what things do I need to plan? Who do I need to speak to? And what things get in the way? And how can I get around them now, I love that, of course, you have all bases covered. And that is so helpful. I will go through my list and I will do the same your sounds so fun, though. Like, you get to go to concerts, and I have to give up control and no spontaneity will be fun. But how do you schedule spontaneity? You can't? Do not you do not? You just have to have a room? Yes, I do. I love that. I absolutely love it. So I will commit to going through my list and actually implementing it. And we shall see in December. And you could even like if like control, for example, you could schedule things that are in your diary, where you, you have no control, like things that you're scared of doing because you've never done it. Like let's say for example, I don't know you've never, I don't know something you've never done that scares you. Lock it in and make yourself go to that thing because you can't control shit. Like, okay, do you want to do a quick, rapid fire some of the ins and outs we got from listeners because I love some of these? Yeah, tell me what business said. Okay, so one of them was ins was not leaving the washing to rot in the washing machine after a cycle, which I loved. I can't resonate with leaving in the machine. But I can absolutely resonate with leaving it on the line are both I do both, like the getting washing, washed, hung out and brought in all in one day is almost a foreign concept to me unless. So there was that one replying to text messages is an end that someone wrote, which I think is hilarious, because it does become a chore. How often do you read a message and go oh, just like four days? Yeah. But I'm also that's so interesting, because a while ago, one of my ends was not feeling the pressure to respond instantly. Yeah, I feel so bad when you forget, it's, I feel so rude. Especially if there's a question in there or like they're genuinely checking in. And it's like, fucking Sorry, I thought that was really funny one. I reached out to Anika, who's done level up quite a few times now. And she had some really good ones actually. So deep conversations was one of hers that was in which, yes, love that soulful friendships. Again, wow. And another one that I really want to focus on this year as well is like deepening the friendships that I have, because I've got some fucking incredible friends and just wanting to tip a little bit more into those friendships, I think is something that I definitely want to be focusing on. So I really, really loved that and her. Another one of her ends was vulnerability, which obviously we love. It's not always easy to do. But when you can do, or when you can be in a space with someone who's been so vulnerable and open. It's just like, Oh, it's just something about connection. Oh, that's beautiful. And I've actually seen Annika embody that for quite a while. So that's so nice. She's obviously taking it to the next level. Absolutely. Yeah, she is really walking the talk since level up and had some outs that we had were. And I love this because this might be a part of my giving up control. My eyes switched. When I read this one was caring about typos in messages and shit. No, I will edit a text message. If if I've made a typo. You know how you can edit messages. Now. I did not know you could do that. After you've sent a message, you can actually go back and edit it, it tells the person that you've made an edit. But if there's a typo that I've missed, I'll usually read my messages before I send them and fix any typos. But if there's that I missed, I'll go back and edit it like it honestly makes my eye twitch but me that's one that I can try. Both let typos remain. Maybe Maybe it's part of the control pieces. For me. I just love being judgey of others and just letting people live the way they want to live, which I loved as well. Like it's so easy. I see I try very very hard to make a conscious effort not to judge and not to like if it's not affecting me Who fucking cares. But every now and again you do catch yourself being like all you know, sometimes I'm cutting myself Okay, but sometimes everyone does it. Everyone. Sure. I literally wrote a post about this. I think it was yesterday that we all judge, and they don't judge as got a lot of shadow work to do, basically. Exactly, exactly. And so I just loved that it was worded like just let people live. No, I love that. Another couple from Annika again. This one ties in with one of mine phone codependency I loved the way she worded that because that is how he sees times with my phone. Yes, like naked without it. Yes. Small talk. Yeah, yeah, not, not a fan. The inability to sit in silence is massive, and I reckon would be massive for so many people. And then kind of weeks into taking your phone to the toilet. It's like, I don't have like, can't possibly have a moment where there's no noise. I do that as well. If I'm cooking, if I'm getting ready in the morning, if I'm cleaning, there is a podcast or there is music, there is some sort of noise happening. Doing anything in silence is just too. Not too it's too much. That's so funny. My husband is like, I swear in another life. He was like Dalai Lama or something. I don't know what it is. He has this insane ability to literally stare it's his happy place. It's literally his happy place. Sitting in a park, sitting on the right park bench, staring off into the distance looking at the ducks. Like, literally. I'm like, what, what did you do at the park? Or is that not gonna just just watched just sat in silence. It's his happy place. And I might feel that is a dying skill. And I think I agree magic. I absolutely agree. I love it. And the only the last one she had here, which I loved as well, from a business point of view, is only showing up when receiving validation. So just showing up, regardless of who's watching who's liking your posts of who's commenting, you know, just keep showing up regardless. Well, they're great ones I really liked those. I loved these chat on. So we've got, we've got an implementation plan for anyone else who is like me that had their list of ins and outs and just had them on paper and thought that was all you needed to do. We were wrong, fam. And Bri has come to the rescue, we've got our little implementation plan. So I would encourage everyone to sort of join me on that front and sort of get some things in place to actually implement the ins and outs. Because it's great, well, they're all fresh in your mind at the start of the year. But you're right, they do fade you get stuck into your old habits. And then before you know it's December, and you're writing a brand new least so and get some, like get someone to hold you accountable. You know, like share it with someone. Or if you know that there is a particular area where you like less struggle. They're like, I'm not so good. For example, little things like one of my things was mindless eating and hitting my protein targets. I got a PT that does it now for me, you know what I mean? I just made it so easy for myself and having that accountability, where I guess you get to kind of delegate some of the things that you're still creating as an automatic habit. I feel get it get an accountability friend for 2024. Who can like for you if you know that you've got a friend who's super spontaneous, like get around her Tell her that I'm trying to be more spontaneous. You know, it's an accountability buddy. I love that. Yeah, I will definitely help you with the winging it. That's something I can definitely help. You're an absolute master at that. Got you locked in for that one. We won't be winging the pod though, because we are being executing and we are batching and we are a month ahead at all time. organised. girlies there's lots of diarization going on. So we are good to go. What a great chat. Thank you so much for that. And yeah, if you guys found this helpful, let us know because we obviously love hearing from you. Yes, we would love to have you in March the next episode of recess, which is when it's going to be like what are the gone nearly so wild. Anyway, fam. Thanks for Thanks for being with us for recess. We'll see you next month. Bye bye. Thank you for tuning into another month of recess. We hope you loved listening as much as we loved answering. If you would like your questions answered, please remember that every month you can submit anonymously through the questions box on my Instagram stories, or through your emails. You just need to keep your eyes peeled in your inbox. As always, thank you so much for being here. And if you are finding this podcast to help you to inspire iru to educate you, we ask this favour that you leave a review and hit the Follow button so we can get this into more airwaves and bring you quality guests that are going to help up level your life in every single way as we squeezed every drop of juice from this beautiful thing called life