The Mind School

✔️ I ticked all the boxes but I wasn't fulfilled. Ditching people pleasing to get into alignment with Jade Linton ⭐

February 21, 2024 Breanna May Season 5 Episode 173
✔️ I ticked all the boxes but I wasn't fulfilled. Ditching people pleasing to get into alignment with Jade Linton ⭐
The Mind School
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The Mind School
✔️ I ticked all the boxes but I wasn't fulfilled. Ditching people pleasing to get into alignment with Jade Linton ⭐
Feb 21, 2024 Season 5 Episode 173
Breanna May

This week on The Mind School Podcast Bre is chatting with LUL alum Jade Linton about her experience and transformation inside Level up your Life. 

You can find Jade on socials @jadeyfitt @jade_lintonn

Prior to joining LUL, Jade was feeling unfulfilled, lost and lacking any clarity, She was worried about people’s expectations and was living a life based on other people's values.

Her dream was to start her own health and fitness business with the aim to inspire other women but showing up on social media was something that terrified her - until LUL. Now Jade shows up on socials every day and feels as though she’s on an aligned path to the life she’s always dreamt of. 

Tune in to hear them chat about; 

✨ What led Jade to joining LUL
✨ Jade’s process when it came to investing in herself
✨ Moving through fear once Jade decided what she actually wanted
✨ How pushing herself out of her comfort zone helped Jade show up on social media


In order to transform you need to be someone who embodies courage and Jade absolutely does that. Her mindset shift is so clear after completing LUL and we really hope her story inspires anyone who might be wondering if LUL is for them.

If you want to join the next round (launching VERY SOON) make sure you’re on the waitlist. You can join HERE

REMINDER! Bre is running an INSANE competition exclusively for podcast listeners. To celebrate her birthday month, we're giving one listener the chance to join every single program + masterclass of 2024.....FOR FREE. And there is quite a lot in the pipeline:

  • Level Up Your Life
  • The Confident Coach Playbook Masterclass
  • Money Mindset
  • 2 surprise Masterclasses

....and a LOT more. 


Here's what you need to do:

  1. Leave a review of The Mind School Podcast on Apple or Spotify. Make sure you screen shot and send to us via email or DM
  2. Share The Mind School Podcast on your stories + Tag Breanna @iambreannamay 

That is ALL! The winner will be announced on the March Recess Segment. 

ALSOOOO The Mind School Method is launching very soon. If you’re a hum who works with humans and you want to hone your skills then this is for you. Make sure you’re on the waitlist HERE to get all the details about the launch.

As always, let us know your thoughts by taking a screenshot and sharing to your stories. Be sure to tag @iambreannamay!

Show Notes Transcript

This week on The Mind School Podcast Bre is chatting with LUL alum Jade Linton about her experience and transformation inside Level up your Life. 

You can find Jade on socials @jadeyfitt @jade_lintonn

Prior to joining LUL, Jade was feeling unfulfilled, lost and lacking any clarity, She was worried about people’s expectations and was living a life based on other people's values.

Her dream was to start her own health and fitness business with the aim to inspire other women but showing up on social media was something that terrified her - until LUL. Now Jade shows up on socials every day and feels as though she’s on an aligned path to the life she’s always dreamt of. 

Tune in to hear them chat about; 

✨ What led Jade to joining LUL
✨ Jade’s process when it came to investing in herself
✨ Moving through fear once Jade decided what she actually wanted
✨ How pushing herself out of her comfort zone helped Jade show up on social media


In order to transform you need to be someone who embodies courage and Jade absolutely does that. Her mindset shift is so clear after completing LUL and we really hope her story inspires anyone who might be wondering if LUL is for them.

If you want to join the next round (launching VERY SOON) make sure you’re on the waitlist. You can join HERE

REMINDER! Bre is running an INSANE competition exclusively for podcast listeners. To celebrate her birthday month, we're giving one listener the chance to join every single program + masterclass of 2024.....FOR FREE. And there is quite a lot in the pipeline:

  • Level Up Your Life
  • The Confident Coach Playbook Masterclass
  • Money Mindset
  • 2 surprise Masterclasses

....and a LOT more. 


Here's what you need to do:

  1. Leave a review of The Mind School Podcast on Apple or Spotify. Make sure you screen shot and send to us via email or DM
  2. Share The Mind School Podcast on your stories + Tag Breanna @iambreannamay 

That is ALL! The winner will be announced on the March Recess Segment. 

ALSOOOO The Mind School Method is launching very soon. If you’re a hum who works with humans and you want to hone your skills then this is for you. Make sure you’re on the waitlist HERE to get all the details about the launch.

As always, let us know your thoughts by taking a screenshot and sharing to your stories. Be sure to tag @iambreannamay!


Welcome back to the mind school Podcast. I'm very, very, very excited to have a past client come on to speak about what has been honestly so incredible to witness in terms of a transformation and a change. And I got to see that by like in meeting you in person, but also watching you for the last few months since level up finish last year, I said to you in the DMS watching, you feel so crazy considering where we were at in week four, I remember a coaching call that we had inside of level up and there was lots of big stuff coming up for you. So watching where you're at now is just been so incredible. And I wanted to get you on the podcast, really to not only share your story and celebrate you but for listeners to see it because there's so many people I think that are listening that will resonate with where you were at, and what sorts of fears and issues and things came up for you to get to where you are now. So thank you so much for being on here. Jay, do you want to just explain to listeners, who you are and why you joined to level up your life. Of course, thank you for having me, Bree. So I'm Jade I am 22 years old. I'm from Melbourne. So basically, before joining level up, I was unfulfilled lost. Lacking any kind of clarity in my life, I was scared of taking risks. I was scared of the fear of judgement of others. And I just really didn't feel aligned with my life. I felt like everything was that I was doing was basically due to society and what they expected of me and my parents. And yeah, I just didn't feel fulfilled with anything. And joining lol has honestly just changed my whole perspective. And now I am starting my own PT business. I don't care what others think I post what I want. I aim to inspire other women. And yeah, I just feel so so fulfilled. And I feel like I'm on the right path. I am working towards a life that I've dreamt of. And yeah, it just feels feels really good. Like it feels like a fire in my belly that I just want to keep going. So and it's so interesting as you were talking like I remember so clearly your introduction video, when you posted your introduction video and you said like, because you had ticked all the boxes you had done the things that you would be forgiven for if no one went What's wrong, like you've got a great job? You're a mental health mental health nurse. Yeah, so yeah, Mental Health Nursing, so many different roles Disability Support Worker, also owning my own little beauty business, just wearing samples, different hats, and yeah, from the outside. Most people would be like, Wow, she has you know it all together. And she has a great life. And yes, to some extent, but when you're living your life on other people's values and terms, you start to realise that you're not actually happy with where you're heading. And I realised that even though I had, you know, studied to be a nurse, and yes, it's a great career, but for me, it just didn't feel fulfilling. And I just knew there was more out there for me. I feel like I can resonate with that feeling so much it was like, and I don't know if you felt the same. And I know lots of listeners probably can relate to it's like, I don't know what it is yet. Like, I can't quite put my finger on it. But this isn't it. And that to me was so frustrating. I spent so long feeling frustrated, because I thought I had to have this perfectly defined, being like, Oh, this is my thing. This is my purpose. And I'd gone about studying all these different things to find the thing and getting more and more frustrated as I went on. And I could see that in you. So it was really cool to witness as you just allowed yourself to explore and evolve over time. Yeah, exactly. And lol just gave me that space. It was almost like that permission to be like, you can do it. You know? What's stopping you? And I remember you saying to me it was like, what's another day? Gonna do? Like, why not do it now? And I remember that just stuck with me. And I was like, You know what, I need to just do it now and it's now on me. I've been hold I've been putting this off for years wanting to do PT and get into health and fitness. You know, another day is I need to do it now. Like I just Yeah, I had to do it. Yeah, I want to talk about that because there was a lot that came up and we're going back now to the week for a group coaching call but just before I get there, how did you feel if you take yourself back to the moment you decided to actually and I don't know if this was like the first time you've come don't have invested in personal development or mindset work or anything like that. How did you feel? Did you feel ready? Did you feel scared? Like, what was your process of investing in yourself? I definitely felt ready. It was something I wanted to do. I think what was holding me back, was spending that money on myself, I felt I didn't feel worthy to spend that money on myself. And I, but then after realising, you know, how much impact this would have on my life in a positive way, I just knew I had to invest in this. But yeah, it's just one of those things, I definitely feel like I was looking for something, you know, I wanted to do more mindset work, and I wanted to become a better person. So it was, it was like, I was waiting for that opportunity. And then lo came up, and I just, I felt that energetic attraction to it. It was like, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. And I just wanted to be in your world in your community. And yeah, so I'm so glad I joined me too. It was, um, there was a pivotal moment. And it was it was week four, when we had the group coaching call, and I would love for you to share, because I think so many listeners would resonate with some of the feelings and the fears that were coming up for you. Because you'd become quite clear through the exercises. Like actually, I do kind of know what I wanted to it was pretty clear. And it was funny, because in your introduction video, I felt it I was like, I bet ya, she actually wants to do something in the PT space. And when you started to say, I was like, fucking cold it, I knew it. And you so you had this story. It was like you had the story of like, I don't know, I want something else. But I don't know. But actually, you did know. But then what actually happened was, there was a lot of fear, like you knew what you wanted. But now I actually have to show up. Now I've got to do something about it. So on Week Four on the group coaching call, we really spoke about it. And that's where I saw you just something fucking shifted. But more that there was fear. So what was that thing that was sort of holding you back and keeping you stuck? Definitely a fear of origin. I think, for most of my life, I've definitely been a bit of a people pleaser, and a kid what others thought of me. So I think I had this idea in my head that, you know, I can't do this thing, because I've already got this whole career, which I've just started, you know, what would people think of me if I just quit my stable full time job, and then went in and started my business from scratch? And it was that fear? That's, you know, what would my parents think of me? What would society think of me? And yeah, just the fear of those around me? And are you seeing me start again? But then I just after that call, I just thought, you know, there's all these women in this group supporting me like, why not just start, you know, there's nothing stopping me. You know, fear is just a made up thing in your head, which is so crazy. So I just thought I need to just take this head on and just go with it. And you did, like, I remember. Because I said, like, well, what you said, oh, yeah, I'll post it. I think I'll post it next week. Or I'll post it and it's like, why are we waiting? Why don't you post it now. And literally, by the end of the call, I think I went and had dinner or whatever. And you posted it that night. And I haven't seen your face disappear since. So you've stepped into it. It's like you've been propelled by the fear. And I'd love to know like, how does it feel for you now, this was so scary for you months ago. Now I see your face on socials all the time, you're sharing your PT stuff. You're sharing what you're studying, you're sharing so much incredible health tips, like you can tell that you love what you do. How did you get past that? If anyone listening is like, oh, fuck, I'm so scared of what everyone's gonna think like, how did you it's honestly just getting over that uncomfortable feeling and doing the thing anyway, it's like you get that fear that builds up inside of you. But if you don't post it, you just giving into that fear. So it's just pushing yourself outside of that comfort zone. And as you say, dancing with fear and just going with it, and you post it. And then yet, you know, you get the Positive Support and the positive reinforcement and you realise this really isn't the worst thing in the whole world. Like, you know, you've got people that are support you. And also it's just knowing that at the end of the day, who cares what anybody thinks because the people that are that are supporting you. I mean, it's really all that matters. Is the people close to you what they think no one else really matters. So just put yourself out there and hopefully help and inspire other people. Yeah, which I've just honestly been quite, quite amazed at the way you went from petrified to consistent as like you are so consistent. And it's it's a testament to your character. And it's a testament to the fact that like I always say at the beginning of level up you have to be someone who embodies courage, if you want real change and if you want real transformation because it actually feels shit scary. Marie. And I think that's the part where people start to go back to that comfort zone, but you have really embodied courageousness. And it's fucking phenomenal to say. So, obviously, I've witnessed what it's like this courage and this mindset work has done for your career and for your business that you've now got a new view we'll talk about in a moment, have there been any other changes or shifts or any other way that this work has influenced or impacted your life are definitely the mindset work that has impacted me in such a good way. I realised that before I did the mindset work, I had a bit of a fixed mindset, you know, I avoided challenges I stayed comfortable. I didn't really, you know, try anything new sometimes. So yeah, I think the mindset work has really shifted, everything made me just take fear head on, you know, try new things. And just not, not really not be scared of anything, just give everything ago. So yeah, that's a massive one. And probably just also the conscious and unconscious mind, I realised I had a lot of subconscious unconscious, or a lot of negative thoughts coming into my head. And I know a lot of them weren't me. They were just other people's thoughts. So yeah, I've really been able to, you know, control the thoughts coming in and redirect them to something more positive. And that's definitely shifted my whole mindset. So that's been a really good thing as well. Wow. So big, and even like, you flew over to Perth for the retreat. And I was like, Holy shit, you didn't know anyone, you're the baby of the group. True. It blows my mind that you're 22 because of just the maturity and the wisdom that you hold. But again, like I said, you on the retreat, I'm so excited to see where you go. If I had this work when I was your age, I was like, why? But you came to this retreat. And you know, you I don't know, I'm maybe just assuming here, but that must have been quite confronting to just to walk into a new, you went to a new state you stayed for the week you came to this retreat. We didn't know anyone. What was your experience just with being inside of that community as well? And Did anything come up there? Oh, that was such an amazing trip. I'm so so glad they went. But yeah, there was definitely anxiety going into it. You know, I'm walking into a place which I've never been to before. I don't know anyone. And you know, those thoughts start coming up. Like what if, you know, what, if no one really talks to me? What if I don't get along with anyone, things like that. But I think I did go into it with a really positive mindset. And I was just excited. You know, everyone, and when I got there, honestly, everyone was just so supportive. It was yeah, you've just created the most amazing community. I had the best day ever. Everyone, you know, was lovely and was there for each other and we really got deep and and discussed a few things which were amazing. Yeah, I just felt I felt so good afterwards. So nice. It was so nice to meet you. Like it was just it's always a highlight when I get to meet people in the flesh. I love the in person part. And yeah, the fact that you flew over like I never take that lightly. So I'm just I'm honestly so honoured. Right? I'm so glad you Yeah, you held that it was just an amazing space and amazing day, I would recommend it to anyone. It's just yeah, a great experience. Thank you. So this is the part where I want you to just celebrate yourself like from the rooftops tell everyone what it is that you now do. And I mean, it makes so much sense that you've stepped into like you already had the mental health qualification and the Disability Support. And so you're collecting so much incredible information and knowledge which I know you're going to share with your clients. What is it that you do now? What have you found to be your passion and how are you helping women? Yeah, so my passion is definitely health and fitness. Help open supporting inspiring women. I'm still studying at the moment I'm working towards, you know, finishing my Cert four and then being qualified PT. But I just really want my business to also incorporate mental health because I'm a mental health nurse, I really, really care about people's mental health. And I think health and fitness and mental health go hand in hand. I think it's really important you know that you do do that mindset work but you also you know, look after your body physically as well. So yeah, at the moment I'm finishing studying I'm still working in my nursing role. So this is the people out there you know, you can do it if you really want to start a business you don't have to just give up everything straightaway and you can do both. It's quite hard but if you really want something you know you'll go after it and that's what I'm doing i i need that security right now of of my stable business and my stable income until I get my business off the ground. But yeah, It's balancing both at the moment. But yeah, my ultimate goal is just I just really want to inspire and create a a community of women, you know, that are confident that believe in themselves, have good body image, good self worth. Yeah, just all things I just, I really, really want to support other women because I know that how I felt in the past, you know, just lacking confidence, low self worth hating my body, and not training it well to then now, you know, confident and my whole mindset shift and just feeling strong and amazing in my body, I just want that for other women. So yeah, that's basically my whole, my whole aim alive is so beautiful and so cool, because you've lived and breathed it and embody it yourself. And you can feel that you can feel that you really live it. And I love what you said, too, because I think there is I don't know, if you notice the same, especially in the business world, or the startup coaching space, it's very much like go all in and quit your business like, so people feel this almost pressure of like, Oh, I've got to quit my job and go all in. There is alternative ways to do things where you get to transition slowly and keep your job while you're building this thing. And I've loved the energy that you've brought to your business because it feels very calm and grounded. There's no desperate Rashi energy. And every time I get on your page, every time I see your stories, you do feel that sense of like safety and security. Because you do you've still got your career and you're building this thing that you love. And it's a beautiful reminder to people, I think that you get to do things lots of different ways. Exactly. And that's, that's so true. You know, there's no, everyone's journey is different. And for me, you know, it's about having that bit of security from my income right now. And then when I am ready to start my business, I have all the back end and everything worked out, then I will feel ready to go and start that. But right now, you know, I'm not ready to give up that and I still enjoy my mental health and working people. And obviously, I'm going to incorporate that into my business too. Because that's really important to me. Just kind of balancing it all and starting to make it happen. Oh, it's so good. I fucking love it. Like it makes me I'm so proud. Every time I say your stories, I might be scared of showing up. You're such a natural. I can't believe it. Like I just I don't even recognise that person anymore. That was scared to even post something. Yeah, I just I just don't even recognise her grown so much. And isn't that I think that's a nice reminder for people to that it doesn't have to be slow like this is we're talking that call was a couple months ago, I think three or four months ago and for you to be like I don't recognise that person. And I don't recognise that person because you seem natural and confident and chill as whenever you're showing up. So change gets to be fast if you are consistently courageous. That's what I put it down to every time I see someone who's really taken the level up content and run with it and allowed it to transform their life. It's the people who commit to being courageous and you've fucking embody that like 1,000,000% So you deserve everything that's that's happening. Oh, that's so sweet. Sorry, thank you so much for you know holding me in your space like lol has just been an amazing experience and yeah, I would I would highly highly recommend it to anyone who wants to do it it's just yeah honestly changed my life and I will continue using all the content you know for the rest of my life as well. Yeah, amazing. That's Oh, so good. So if people want to witness the confident Jade on the socials and want some support maybe in the future with physical and mental health and blending both, where can people find you? So on Instagram, I am Jade Linton J, D, underscore Li, n t o n n, or signing up my fitness page, which is JD fit, that'll be my page where I post education and tips and things like that. So that's J DYFIT. T. Yes, I will link it. Oh, yeah, thing but in the show notes and everyone like, give Jade so much support so much love because once upon a time, it actually took a bit of courage to do this thing. And now you're doing the thing. And it's just I always love it when we can support you. So I Yeah, once again, just thank you for showing up. Thank you for what you're going to do to support women and for anyone listening who's got some inspiration from you and feels like they can now move forward to thank you for sharing your story as well. Thank you so much, Bree. It's honestly been an amazing experience. Thank you. Bye bye