The Mind School

👩 "I had a beautiful life but felt so ungrateful & guilty" - living with gratitude & presence with Dani 💫

February 28, 2024 Season 5 Episode 174
👩 "I had a beautiful life but felt so ungrateful & guilty" - living with gratitude & presence with Dani 💫
The Mind School
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The Mind School
👩 "I had a beautiful life but felt so ungrateful & guilty" - living with gratitude & presence with Dani 💫
Feb 28, 2024 Season 5 Episode 174

This week on The Mind School podcast Bre is chatting to LUL alum, Dani about her incredible transformation inside the most recent round of LUL.

Dani’s story is the epitome of what impact doing the internal work can have on ourselves, our families and our community.

Tune in to hear her chat about; 

✨ What finally led Dani to joining LUL after years of sitting on the sidelines
✨ How Dani has implemented the lessons from LUL into her life
✨ A visualization exercise that changed everything
✨ How identifying patterns established in childhood helped Dani make big changes

Dani is another shining example of the changes that can happen when you DO. THE. WORK. For her, it was shifting her mindset that led to deepening the quality of her relationships, changing the way she parents and squeezing every drop out of life instead of racing through it.

If you’re ready for a change make sure you’re on the waitlist because we are launching LUL very soon! 

Join the LUL waitlist HERE

Show Notes Transcript

This week on The Mind School podcast Bre is chatting to LUL alum, Dani about her incredible transformation inside the most recent round of LUL.

Dani’s story is the epitome of what impact doing the internal work can have on ourselves, our families and our community.

Tune in to hear her chat about; 

✨ What finally led Dani to joining LUL after years of sitting on the sidelines
✨ How Dani has implemented the lessons from LUL into her life
✨ A visualization exercise that changed everything
✨ How identifying patterns established in childhood helped Dani make big changes

Dani is another shining example of the changes that can happen when you DO. THE. WORK. For her, it was shifting her mindset that led to deepening the quality of her relationships, changing the way she parents and squeezing every drop out of life instead of racing through it.

If you’re ready for a change make sure you’re on the waitlist because we are launching LUL very soon! 

Join the LUL waitlist HERE


Okay, listeners, I am joined by a human who I have had the privilege of getting to know last year actually in person to at the level up retreat, and I am, I might get emotional actually, I feel like there's a very large, there's a very large possibility that I'll cry in this episode. And I was just saying before I hit record to this beautiful guest and one of my clients, Danny, that over the years, I have seen really big transformations. And when I say big, I mean those things that you see externally like those, quote, you know, the big, the biggest months in business, or the quitting the job, or the launching the business or the moving interstate, like there's all of these big things. And yet, it was something about the transformation I witnessed in you, and the weekly reflections that I heard from you, that brought me to tears. And that's why I want to thank you for giving me that clarity within myself about why this is so important this work that we do. And be I just wanted to celebrate everything that you've created. And you are the, for me, the epitome of the internal work, and how that is the most important thing because of the impact it has on our on ourselves on our family on our wider community. So, Danny, I'm so so so honoured to have you here. And I wanted to say thank you so much for just doing the work because what I saw and you literally brought me to tears for a one minute intro, thank you so much. And thank you so much for having me and choosing me to be on here. Oh, it's very easy, because like I said, Okay, so before I just dive ahead into like all of these changes and little shifts that I witnessed, and that you you saw, take me back to and this is going actually back now because it was a while ago that you joined up it was What month was it in? It would have been September, September, October, somewhere around there in 2023. Tell me where you were at emotionally, mentally, internally, where were you at when you joined to level up? Yeah, sure. So actually just watched my intro video again, just to really take me back to where I was back in October or September last year. And oh, she was an unhappy Chappie she was. She was so ungrateful, feeling so unaligned with, you know, with my life, I was just going through the motions, going through life feeling like I didn't really have a purpose. I felt grateful for what I had. And I had a really good life. You know, on paper, I had a wonderful family, I have a beautiful daughter, I have a business that we were starting and a dream house that we were building, I had all of these wonderful things in my life. But I was just feeling so ungrateful so unaligned with where I was at. And then I started to feel guilty, because all of those things are things that I had just once dreamt of. And I really, really wanted. So I was going through this cycle of ungratefulness guilt, and I was just feeling very unhappy. And I got to a point where I said, I need to make a change now and I have been wanting to do lol actually for quite a few years. And this round just felt right for me. And it was actually a podcast episode that I was listening to that you had a previous level guest on. And everything she said, I resonated so much with it. And it was actually that episode that I made that decision I said I am doing lol this round. And she actually had a really similar name to myself at all, it must be a sign. But it was it was that moment where I decided, yeah, I need to make this change. I cannot keep going on the living like this just feeling feeling like I'm just worth worth walking through life with no purpose and need to make some serious changes. Well, that must have I've just thinking that must have been Daniella from last round. Jenny. Yeah, she has a story. And I think I think that there's honestly going to be so many listeners who can resonate with that. I know in the past, I have experienced that exact same cycle of I've actually landed with everything that I wanted. I have this really great life, why don't I feel the way I thought I would feel and so for listeners that can resonate with that and knowing what you know now, why do you think you were feeling that way? I just feel like I didn't have the skills or the tools to be able to get myself If out of this funk, I just felt like I, I knew that there was more for me. But I just didn't know how to get myself out of this cycle, I just felt like as time was going on, I was just digging that hole a little bit deeper. And what I learned through low was, I now have the skills and the tools to be able to catch myself and to understand why I do things the way I do. And really just understanding and appreciating all those small things and all those wonderful things that I have in my life. I just don't think I had the skills and the knowledge to be able to do that before. But now I do. So big and I get so mad because I'm like, Hey, imagine if we taught this in the curriculum at school, how far along we would all be and, and one of the things that I remember getting quite emotional about was how when you started implementing these little practices, and you had these tools and techniques to move yourself out of the funk. You mentioned a few times having these days of intense gratitude, and how that sort of trickled down to your daughter. So would you mind sharing how these these tools and these practices actually did impact your life and your family? Yeah, absolutely. So I remember this moment, actually quite vividly, when we, I think we just discovered just finished doing our dream life. And we were doing a visualisation exercise that was so so powerful. And I was doing the module work while my daughter was napping in the car. And from that moment, I just remember how I was feeling at that point in time that I'd already felt a shift in me. And we'd gone to the shop that afternoon, you know, something that we have done 1000 times before, we got a boost juice, and we were just sitting on the couch, my daughter and myself. And we normally I'm running around with my crazy to do list and not really being present, or really spending that quality time with her. And there was this moment where everything just came to life for me really, and I just let all that stuff go. We had the best afternoon we were running around the shops like not caring about anyone was thinking of going up and down the escalators all day, we were paying peekaboo in David Jones, we were just having the absolute best time. And I actually got so emotional. And it doesn't sound like it's this huge, significant moment in my life. But I remember that forever, because it was that first time that I felt really truly present in my life. And I just got so emotional, I just couldn't believe it was just something so simple. And I finally got that moment of gratitude and happiness, you know, what I was looking for all along. And it was just being able to understand, tap into that. And it's and it's honestly just changed everything for me. Oh, my, I could feel my heart like literally coming out of its chest. It makes me so happy because I talk about this all the time. It's, it's not just about us, like your daughter now gets to see a role model who is present and happy and grateful. And that conditioning. As we know, we learn about conditioning a lot inside of level up, that conditioning is going to change the trajectory of her life. And so I just I can't thank you enough for doing the work not just for yourself, but for your daughter who now gets to see this in her mom. And I'd love to know, like, was there any other sort of shifts or anything, any other ways that these tools helped you bought shifts that you noticed inside of your life after level up? Yeah, I just felt like everything was shifting the relationships that I have. They were just so much more wholesome. I was really truly enjoying spending the quality time. I felt like before I was just looking at my calendar, flooding and things to do. I've we've got to go to the next thing I've got to go to the next thing. I'm always thinking about the future. I wasn't actually enjoying any of the moments that we were having together and there was so many special moments that we had during that time in LA and that we do now as well. But those relationships that I have in with my partner with my parents, everybody, it just feels so different now, and even things within you know, my work with things within our business that we've started. Just everything just feels like it's shifted to this positive energy and don't get me wrong. There's still days where we have hard days. As in, you know, we need to look at things and choose things differently sometimes, but everything just feels like, I know what I want. And I know what truly matters, and it is those micro moments. And that's now everything that I feel like I live for is those little micro moments. I love I love it. I love it, I love it. And I do want to like touch on what you said. You said, don't get me wrong. It's not like it's not all sunshine, rainbows and lollipops. And I think it's a really important message to send. And I, I've had this conversation with people in level up where sometimes they'll come and they'll say my goal is just to be happy. And as you know, because we talked a lot in the last few modules about emotional regulation and energetics. We can't be happy all the time, we simply can't. It's more about knowing how to navigate, and knowing how to be with yourself, when things are tough when things are challenging, so that we can lead ourselves out of it in a really empowered way. And that's what I saw you doing. It wasn't like, everything's now sunshine rainbows, it's, I know how to handle myself in all of it and to hold the duality of life, which is just so beautiful. And with that, we sort of we spoke about how to go through any transformation, there has to be a cycle, you know, there's excitement, and there's all of the beginning energy. And then usually before change, there's a massive contraction, there's fear, there's resistance, it feels a lot. Sometimes people start to drop out throughout the few weeks, the last few weeks because it gets overwhelming. What did you find? Did you have any moments where you were like, Whoa, this is a lot? Was there any fear or resistance that came up for you? I think there was because throughout even when I joined at the beginning, being vulnerable with a group of people, was very uncomfortable to me. So for me, when I'd made that decision that I was going to do allow and I was going to go all in, I said I'm going to commit to absolutely everything, I'm going to find the time to make sure I get this done, I am going to do everything I can to make sure I get everything out of this course I'm going all in I'm not doing this half assed. So I think for me, there were lots of moments, I think, for every week that I had to work through, because you do see people make some really big shifts in in the space, and you start to naturally compare yourself even though you you try not to, but you do sort of work through what does that mean for my life? You know, there are some, there were some moments that I thought, or this is this is tough. I think there was a lot for me when it came to the childhood memories and understanding why I do the things that I do a man that not a found it interesting, I found it a bit challenging to work through. Because all of these beliefs that I had, it was really great for me to identify and work through that. It also helped me work out, you know what I wanted? I've learnt so many things going through this process at everything that started to feel a little bit harder or a little bit challenging for me, I really just tried to lean into that. So I could get as much as I can out of it. I didn't want to pull out like, Oh, this is too hard. I said no, I've made this commitment. I've made this choice. And I'm going to do it. And you know, even writing the takeaways in the wins every week. That's something I would never ever do normally. But I made that commitment. I'm going to do that every week, even though that makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm going to share that every single week. And I did. You really did. And I have to say that's why and I say it in the beginning, I say it in the welcome call the people who I end up interviewing the people who get something from it. The people who really allow the information to transform them are the ones that show up. And you did like you didn't even and I know it was actually an edge for you to celebrate yourself and to share a win. And like you said you never missed that. And it was collecting this evidence that there is shifts that there are changes that I am celebrating and creating more positive energy to anchor into. But I think it's really important that listeners know any transformation requires action on your part. And that's exactly what you did. So I wanted to just reflect back to like, the amount of commitment that you had the consistency you had how you lent in when things got a little bit challenging or confronting. That's why you are where you are and why you will continue to go wherever you want to while you're being completely present with the micro moments which just makes me so so happy. So If anyone listening is like, Oh, I kind of want to do it, but it sounds a bit confronting. I sort of want to do it. But it sounds scary or is on the fence. What would you say to these people? I was exactly like you, I have been watching and listening, watching Instagram listening to the podcast was such a long time and I was on the fence for so long. And honestly, doing lol was the best decision that I ever made. When I finally made that choice to do it. Everything just changed for me. And you know, you get I get so much out of listening to your podcast and reading your Instagram posts. But being in that container is just something you can't quite explain. Unless you've been through it. I just can't articulate what it's like it is it is just so incredible. I absolutely look forward to every single call. The way that you teach Bree is just truly incredible. You're just such a great teacher, you are so inspiring. You are so intelligent. It's just so amazing to be part of part of your world. And anyone who's thinking about doing it, I just say, honestly, just just do it. Because it is is life changing. And you know, all the things that you think the reasons why you think that you can't do it. Just ask yourselves why? Because there's something yeah, there's something might be holding you back and just leaning into it. Because what I've learned, I will, I will have and forever, like all the knowledge that I have is forever. And I am I'm definitely going to be doing well again, I didn't understand why so many people did it more than once. But now I'm doing I said, Oh, I get it. Now I am I'm gonna be one of those people that does it multiple times. Because, like reading a book multiple times, you'll get something different out of it every single time. So I just I couldn't recommend it enough. It's been the best thing I've ever done. Oh, God, I cried. I might cry. And I might cry. Thank you so much. I those words mean so much means so so much. And I guess you know, you've listened to the podcast, I left the education system with the mission to teach the things that weren't taught at school. And hearing you say that, you know, it had an impact on your life because of the way that I teach is just, I will never be able to articulate how much it means to me because it's, it's really I feel like I was put on this planet to do this work. So thank you for trusting me. And thank you for showing up and thank you for the work you're doing for yourself and for your daughter, which just makes me so so happy and your partner. And thank you for coming on to the podcast. I really, really appreciate it. Well, thank you so much, Ray. Thank you