The Mind School

👩‍💻 BIZ BTS SERIES #3: An honest chat - the realities of owning a coaching biz ✨

Season 5 Episode 178

Welcome to the third episode in the Biz BTS Series of The Mind School Podcast and this week Bre is here with the realities of what it takes to launch, grown and scale a coaching business. 

The purpose of this conversation is to normalise all the different realities of business, check in with yourself and decide whether it’s what you really want. 

Tune in while Bre takes you through:


👩‍💻 The start up phase + what’s likely to come up internally

👩‍💻 Bre’s own experience when starting her biz

👩‍💻 Getting comfortable with uncertainty

👩‍💻 Scaling – what does it mean and what does it involve?


And so so much more. This episode offers an in depth insight into what it takes to build a coaching business from the ground up from someone who has been there and is still working HARD at growing her own biz. Full transparency – this might be hard for some to hear but if you’ve followed Bre for a while you know she is nothing if not authentic! 

There are massive positives to having your own business but don’t get it twisted – it takes WERK and Bre is here to dish out the truths based on her own experience.

We would absolutely love to hear your takeaways from this episode, fam. Be sure to share on stories and tag Bre with your thoughts and a-ha moments.

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Hello, welcome back to the MindScape podcast, I am really excited to have this conversation, I feel like today is going to be roast like not a roast, it's not a roast, it's going to be a little bit of an honest chat, a really honest conversation about the behind the scenes and the realities of what it takes at every phase and stage of business to grow, start, launch scale and have a successful and again, successful is very much dependent on what your metrics are. But to get your business to where it is that you want to be, which is I'm assuming here probably financial freedom, time freedom, and all the other things or reasons that you're starting a business, I want to talk about the behind the scenes, I want to talk about the realities, the mindset, the the relational things that come up the business things that come up, and just have the conversation that you probably haven't actually been able to have, either. Because the people in your life don't have businesses or you don't have this presented to you as commonly on socials, it does tend to be a little bit of a highlight reel, and it's all about you know, hashtag laptop lifestyle and make 1000 million dollars in point two seconds while you're fucking drinking cocktails at the beach. And a lot of that which you are a smart person, you know that there's more to it. But it can be alluring. And it can often make you feel like you're doing something wrong. If you're actually like, Whoa, this is really fucking hard, or it can make you feel like oh, God, something's wrong. It's not meant to be this difficult. It's not meant to be this challenging. And so I wanted to just bring you along. For my own. This is my own experience and what I can share about what goes into behind the scenes realities of launching, starting and scaling a coaching business. Not so it all feels Oh shit, doom and gloom, don't do it. But so you can actually honestly check in with yourself and be like, do I actually want that? Because the thing is, a lot of people come into, and I'm gonna say coaching business, but it could be any business. A lot of people start their business. And it's almost like this really great naivety, I must say there's nothing wrong with the naivety, it's kind of like, I was having a conversation with a girlfriend once and she was like, having a business. It's kind of like having a baby. Like, if you knew in the, at the start, how fucking challenging and how hard it would be, you might not do it. But you wouldn't change anything now that you've done it. And I thought that was such a cool analogy. And I obviously don't have children yet. So I can't I can't comment. But definitely I would say, I started a business with honestly rose coloured glasses. It's like I had come into the space being like, yeah, you just put some fucking posts on Instagram, and you people will come to you, they will put some posts out. And that'll be that you'll launch something. And that's how you do it. You just launch something. It's just chucking shit on Instagram, and then all the clients come to you. Oh, my God. And it's so funny to think back. Because it's honestly not like that at all. I haven't fought nearly four years into business. And it's still a constant learning and developing and growing and trying to figure out well, actually, how do you attract those clients? And how can we make this better and you know, it's just a constant phase of not not only business growth and development as in learning the strategy and learning the automations and learning the admin of business and and all of these things. It's also a constant mental challenge to keep leaning into your edges and to meet the parts of you because they will come up to meet the parts of you that actually is still afraid of judgement or is still afraid of rejection or is still afraid to be perceived the wrong way or is still afraid to be misunderstood all of your fearful parts, all of your wounded parts will come up to the surface in business. And all of that is something that we probably don't even consider in the beginning phases. And like I said, it's probably a beautiful, beautiful naivety. That actually is why so many of us come in like a bullet or gate just ready to go without any understanding of how challenging it can be. But I wanted to have this conversation not to put you off, but hopefully so that you can hear this and be like, Fuck, yeah. And check in with yourself to be like, Wait, do I want that? Like do I actually want the reality of what it takes to launch grow and scale a coaching business? Or have I been tempted and a Lord by what has been presented to me as easy and freeing and liberating? Am I actually needing to just take a moment to assess the the true reality of it and then if that feels Like a fuck yes. And if at the end of this conversation you are like, I'm actually willing, not just willing, but fucking pumped about what I hear of the realities. And and then you get to make decisions from a really empowered and an informed place. And so I want this conversation to be for you an opportunity just to listen and notice your own reactions. Are you going? Holy fuck, I don't actually want that. Or are you like, hell yeah, bring it to me. Let's fucking do this. And then also, the second benefit to hearing this conversation is that it will normalise things for you that you might not realise everyone else is actually going through. So you might be following coaches that you look up to, you might be following business owners that you're like, yes, that killing it, I want that. And maybe they're showing the end result. Maybe they're showing the highlight reel, maybe they're showing and look, there is truth to it, the end result is fucking epic. There are lots of highlights, but maybe you're not seeing what's going on behind the scenes. And so what that can do is make you think that you're doing it wrong, make you think that you're the only one experience it sorry, experiencing it, it can make you think that somehow you fucked up and oh, my God, I'm doing something wrong. And so I want to bring this conversation for two reasons. One, to normalise all the different realities of business, to, for you to check in with yourself and actually go, well do I really want that. And because every phase will come with its own rewards. And with those rewards will come with it its own set of new responsibilities. And so to an extent, the more you scale, the more responsibilities and duties you have, sometimes the more pressure that can feel. And it's not forever, of course, but there will be this period where you've got to expand your capacity to hold more. And I'm going to go through that in a moment. And you get to actually choose, do I actually want that level of responsibility? Do I actually want that level of pressure? Do I actually want? And am I willing to do what's required to get there? And if the answer is no, it can actually be so freeing and empowering to be like, actually, I'm happy to get to this point, I'm really happy to get to this point. But what's required of me at the next point is actually not something that aligns with my values is actually not something that aligns with how I want to live my life. And quite honestly, I've had to do this very recently, because I am. And I want to give so many practical examples. And I will as I go through every phase, I am currently in a phase where I've got to make an active choice about whether I want to continue growing my business and what and do what's required to do that. Or if I can actually just take a moment to be like, do I want that next phase? Am I actually really happy with what I've created? I've already created all the things that I originally intended, do I want to grow? And do I want to do? What's required of me to get to that next level? It's that constant checking in with yourself and asking, not just do I want the next level results? But do I want to do and have the responsibilities required of me to get there? So let's start from the start the realities of starting a business and I mean, like launching, just getting it off the ground? There are so many I would honestly, I think I would say that the startup phase and getting you're getting yourself to your first 10k months and that sort of five to 10k month period, I would honestly say that's possibly where the most growth is and where the most challenges come up. Because when you are starting the reality is you are fucking doubting yourself almost at every juncture. Because you're not just having to figure out well, what's my niche? Who am I targeting? What are my courses looking like? What is my brand? And what are my offers? How do I do this? Which programmes do I use? Should I use Outlook? Should I use Kajabi? Or should I use this other thing? fuck do I have? There's a few expenses that come with this, but I don't even have money yet. Like there's a lot of business decisions. And with that a whole lot of learning. Like I remember being like wait, what? Email marketing? What's that? automations What's that? Google Calendar. That's that sounds crazy. I've just been writing in my literal journal. And so you are literally learning every new skill set that there is to learn within business. And let me add it is not like if you have a business and let's say your actual business, like the actual service you provide is coaching. For me. I was like coaching is the easy part. Give me people and I can do it. I'm good at this. I'm ready to go. But that was actually the smallest part of growing the business that there was so much extra to learn the app actual service itself was the easy part. And you might resonate, maybe you're a photographer, maybe you're a coach, maybe you're a PT. And you're like, Yeah, I can do the thing. But I've got to get the clients. And that requires me to learn about marketing requires me to learn about copywriting. It requires me to learn about automations, and processes and business management and the ins and outs of owning a business that is so much greater than the thing that you actually do. And I will say, when you're very fucking good at the thing that you do, the business does feel easier because clients come to you get referrals easier, and all of that, but there's still a huge chunk of learning that comes in the startup phase. So not only in the beginning of business, are you having to learn so many new skills in so many different areas and disciplines, you're also dealing with probably what feels like the most insane amounts of personal growth and internal work and dealing with whatever demons present themselves. So in the startup phase is when you're going to have you'll be sharing your ideas, you'll be sharing your oh my god, and you'll be feeling pretty lit up. I'm assuming because you've been inspired. You're seeing this whole new world that's open to you. You're like, Oh, my God, I remember. I was like, I remember the exact spot actually, I was I had driven in to my job. I was a teacher at the time. And I driven in and I was at the car park. Oh my god, I can literally see myself in the car right now. And I made the decision in the carpark walking into school that I'm quitting. And I'm going all the way in on my business. And I had full body chills. I knew that it was happening. It was like I made the decision then and they're in the car. And I have this full knowing that it was done. It is happening. It is I'm doing it like that was the moment I actually went from I'm toying with the idea. I'm doing the research, this would be nice to not it's fucking done. I got off the phone with mom. I told her I'm doing it. I sat there in my car. And I was like, Holy shit, I've made the decision. So you've made the decision and you're pumped, right? But then you start telling people or you're too scared to tell people which was my I didn't really say much to anyone. I pretty much had a podcast for a whole year. didn't tell anyone had this little Instagram that I was growing on the side didn't tell anyone. Fun fact, my Instagram first was called the school mum. And that's because my students used to say I'm like their school mom. And it pissed me off because I was too young to be their mom. And then it became banter. They were like mom just to piss me off. So I called myself the school mom, because I was all about helping teenage girls, right? So I had this thing growing, but I wasn't telling a soul. Because what was coming up for me was what are they going to think? What are my colleagues gonna think? Who am I? I don't actually know if I ever thought Who am I to do this. But it's a very common one I hear with a lot of coaches in that startup phase. How am I to do this. And just a little side tangent I never had who am I to teach this personally, because I started with where I was an expert I started with where I did feel I had the experience I started with where I did have authority. And so I was like, Well, of course I'm going to do this. So there's a little, little tidbit for those of you who are in the startup phase to get rid of impostor syndrome. Start with where you're at. But all of those mindset things come up in the beginning. For me, most of my mindset things in the beginning, were extremely related to all my money wounding. I wanted a business. However, a business has to make money or it's just a hobby, and I did not feel comfortable selling things because I didn't want to be salesy. I didn't feel comfortable talking about how much my things were because it literally felt disgusting. Like I was that person who would be like, on a sales call and just kind of skim over the amount. Whereas now I'm just like, here it is. It's on, it's literally on my stories, how much is it? This is how much it is and it's a fucking steal. And I'm so behind my offers, and I've cleared so much money stuff. But in the beginning, I had so much work to do mindset work to do around money around fear of judgement, a few podcasts, and I still hadn't shared it with anyone except my mom, my best friend. And so all of that stuff comes up. So you're learning, you're overwhelmed by where to start. You need money to invest. So for me, I actually wanted a business coach. But I didn't have the money. So I had to borrow money off dad, I was already starting in quote, debt. And then it was like, oh, there's all these subscriptions. You need to pay for Calendly you need to pay for zoom, you need to pay your business coach, you need to pay all these subscriptions and you've got no money coming in. So your money stuff is your money. Fears are being perpetuated, there's a bit of scarcity that might come up. You're also worrying about people, other people are thinking or your money stuff, whatever it is. That's the reality of the start up phase of business. It's a fun time, but it's also very fucking rewarding because you're getting lots of wins and you're learning so much and it's actually if you allow it and if you're the kind of person like myself who fucking froths learning, this phase is so much fun. And it really gets to be, it really gets to be an opportunity for you to get to know yourself better to be excited about what comes up, like, Whoa, I didn't know I had money things holy moly, I didn't know that I was so petrified, and insecure, holy shit, I didn't know how much there was to learn. And so it gets to be really exciting. But the reality is starting a business. At the beginning, it feels exciting. And it also feels absolutely petrifying and overwhelming, and you don't know where to start. And so in this phase of business, what I think is the most helpful thing to do is to definitely invest in putting yourself into a space where everyone around you is in the same position, either a business coaching mastermind, or a personal development mastermind, where everyone's dealing with their own fears, where everyone's doing the thing where everyone's at the sort of same phase, and you're being led by someone who has 10 steps ahead of you. And I also think that in the startup phase of business, it is extremely important to have a mindset coach, like, honestly, I still believe and I've coached CEOs, I've coached seven figure business owners, I've coached startup business owners, there is almost in fact, no, not almost, there is no body who doesn't have mindset stuff come up that blocks growth in their business. And so for me, having a mindset coach is just invaluable, in valuable, but that's the reality of starting a business. What then happens is you start to and it might take months, it might take years. And what I'll say about that is you need to be someone who is okay, with not knowing how long it's gonna take. You need to be someone who is okay with doing heaps and heaps and heaps of work, putting in long hours, putting in so much time at your laptop, so much time learning so much time investing into courses, and having absolutely no certainty that it's going to pay off. What I will say about business in general, is that if you are somebody, if you are somebody who has a high value for certainty, I don't believe that businesses got businesses going to be extremely uncomfortable, extremely is going to bring up so much fear. Because the truth about business is, it is actually quite uncertain. I have literally made jokes to my friends and to my family every time I've got a launch coming up like Oh, am I eating this feel like it's a fun game? Oh, am I going to eat this year and to some people, my husband included who loves security who loves certainty, that is fuckin anxiety inducing. And so my first thing just to think about or a little thing for you to reflect on is how much do you place a high value on certainty, because business is oftentimes uncertain. There are changes in the market, there are changes in the economy, there are changes in trends, there are changes in how your messaging works. It's constantly evolving and changing, and you've got to be adaptive, and you've got to be okay with the fact that a lot of the time things aren't certain. And what I will say, just as a fucking add on little mindset thing here, I always believe that you need to use this opportunity to strengthen your certainty within yourself, as in, it doesn't matter what's happening with the industry, it doesn't matter what's happening with my content, it doesn't matter, I can be certain that I am going to show up, I can be certain in who I am and how I'm going to behave and control that. So there is that, but it's very important and often liberating, to sit with this real question and be like, actually, because you know what, here's the truth. Some people actually just value certainty and regularity and having that constant paycheck and having a workplace to go to and knowing where their path is going. And that's fucking liberating. If you're like, actually, I love security, I love certainty, then maybe having a job is actually perfect for you. And that's beautiful. There is nothing wrong with owning that with making peace with that. And I think it's very liberating to just know what's important to you, and what you place a high value on, and then being okay, with whatever decisions you make from that place. And so the startup phase of business, like I said, there is a lot of doing work and no not knowing at all if you're getting any results. So the startup phase, and when you're sort of growing towards that first sort of 10k month area, it is really challenging, I'm gonna be honest, it's fucking challenging. And the other part that I was not struggling with, but realise now with hindsight, is that I didn't really have many people to talk to because none of my friends had businesses, none of my family had businesses. And I'd be launching things and nobody would, you know, ask how I was going my friends would would catch up and talk about promotions and what's going on at work and and It was like I thought sort of just felt like ah, and again, this was a me problem, full responsibility here. I isolated myself and held back and lent out a little bit because I had this fucking victim story like nobody understands. Nobody wants to hear about it. And so I actually made it worse. And that actually is just with hindsight. Now, I actually will say to my friends, and most of my friends have actually a lot of my friends have started businesses since I did, and they get it, but a lot of them have also apologised like fog, I had no idea. I'm so sorry. I wasn't supportive. I didn't know how much went into this. And you know, it's been really great. There's been some beautiful conversations. But also, that was something I had to contend with in the beginning is that the people I loved the most, the people closest to me often didn't really understand, either because they they just weren't in it, or because I wasn't allowing them in. And the ones that I loved the most were the most fearful of me, for me, sorry. So like, my family was like, Oh, God, what are you doing? It's COVID have, you know, they wanted me because they love me so much. They just wanted me to be safe, they just wanted me to be secure, they didn't want to see me fail, they want to see my mom was so scared that they'd be trolls and haters on the internet. And oh, gosh, this is just so scary for me. So they were projecting their own fears out of love. And you've got to hold so strong and remain so convicted, when there's doubt being flung at you either externally or internally. And so it is a real mindfuck in the beginning. And that's just the reality. And it's fuckin sick, too. So, then you get to a place where you're like, cool, I'm learning stuff, I've got clients coming in and making pretty consistent money. And you do grow and you do scale. And with that comes its own issues. Scaling means you get to a point where you're like, Fuck, this is actually going off, or this is doing really well. But I'm doing all of it. Like I mentioned before, there's so many hats that the actual service you provide becomes a small part of it, because yes, you're wearing your coaching hat, but you're also wearing your marketing hat, your copywriting hat, your bookkeeper hat, your accountant hat, your admin hat, your projects, hat, your assistant hat, you're all of it. And so then you end up being like, Fuck, I either need to figure out how to delegate and with that, again comes its own responsibilities and its own pressures, so that I can get to the next level. So then you actually need to make a decision about okay, do I want to go to the next level? If the answer is yes, am I willing to put up with what's required of me. And so at the beginning of this episode, I talked about how every level has its own level. And you've got to be okay with what it requires of you. This is where things get a bit hectic, because in the beginning, you kind of like, yes, it felt like pressure, but it was only pressure to yourself. It was like, Look, when I was making 10k months, in the beginning, when I was even 5k months, the expenses were pretty low. The expenses were like 50 bucks here and there for a subscription, a couple bucks here and there for, you know, your email marketing and all of those things. And you Well, I wasn't really even paying myself and I had no team. So it was some pressure. But the responsibility was only really to me, I really only owed it to me, then in the next phase, you get to a point where you're like, I need fucking support, I need to hire someone. And then when you hire someone, all of a sudden, you're not just responsible to yourself, and you're, you're responsible to that person, you need to get work to them, you need to be able to secure work for them, you need to be able to pay their wages. With that comes its own pressures, its own responsibilities. So I went from having no one to having an OBM. And I couldn't believe like even looking back. Now, it's crazy to think because this expense actually feels really lovely. I used to pay, I think $750 a month for my OBM. And now I'm like, that'd be nice like that. That's a very cute expense. Now, my expenses are like 567 times that because I have team because I have higher expenses, because the costs associated with scaling are much higher. And with that comes its own pressure, not just financial pressure, not just financial burden of well, I've got to make sure that the clients are coming in so that I can pay my staff and honestly, most business owners will pay their staff before they pay themselves. And so there is that pressure. But it's also a requirement. You can't get to the next level on your own. Or if you're going to it's going to feel that you're doing a lot and that comes with its own issues. So then it's not just the financial pressure that comes with the next phase. It's also the I've got to be a leader. I've got to actually speak for my business. I've got to say hey, that wasn't quite the standard. Hey, that mistake actually cost us a lot of money. Hey, this is actually not the standard we need to elevate I need to create training or I can see that you want to be more or I don't know, planned ahead. So therefore, you've got to be more planned ahead, you're now starting to answer to other people. And you're having to be way more intentional, while you're carrying the extra load of having the team there to support financially. So, like I said, every level and other devil when you're scaling, it's also not financial. It's that Okay, so now you've got more clients, you've got more people coming through more people that might fall through the cracks, you've got more people who may not be happy with your service, you might have a couple people that are like, actually, I want a refund, you're going to have to hold and deal with more of the things that come with the next level. And this is where I've had to really sit with and I've asked myself this question many times, because some of my mentors have teams of 510 2030 staff. And I've had to really sit with oh, oh, is that actually what I want? Like, yeah, I can keep growing. Yeah, I can keep scaling. But do I want like, five figure expenses every month? Do I want to be leading a team? Do I want to be working in people management, which is what this can tend to be? Do I want that extra load of all I've got to just the machine always is running so that I can pay the staff? Do I want that? And you know, when I asked myself this question about a year ago, I was like, actually, no, actually, no, I saw what it looked like. I've seen the back end, I've worked in businesses where there's 20 staff, and I was like, that's not for me, I actually don't want that. So then you have to make choices about for them what is for you. And except that if that's not for you, you don't get to bitch and moan and complain that you're not getting the results that that person with 20 staff has, because what you will be doing and I've fallen into this trap, too. You're looking up to the people who are like, Fuck, yeah, they're making seven figure seconds. That's what it feels like. I made seven figures in two point seconds having a bubble bath and playing with myself. And so you're looking at these people, and I'm taking cheek and tongue this is all in jest, but you might be looking at these people and being like, fuck yeah, I want to fly first class. Fuck yeah, I want to sit in the bubble bath and watch my stripe notifications come in Fuck yeah, I want to be buying the Lambo in the whatever the thing is that you're looking at the proud of the whatever in you might be looking at that being really a lord. But I think it's important to ask the question, do I want the requirements and the responsibilities that come with getting to that level? And like I said, this is not to say, like more money, more problems. But there is a truth to more scaling, more issues, more responsibilities, more duties. It's that duality thing again, right? Like every positive has, whether it's equal and opposite, negative or shadow side, I want you to ask as you're looking at the light, as you're looking at the benefits, you're looking at the outcomes, the seven figures, the whatever it is that's appealing to you. What did that person need to accept responsibility for? What did that person need to do? Who did that person need to be? What are the duties attached with that outcome? And do I want that for myself? Do I actually want that not just the result. But what's required to get there, because the result is the end product, the result is the final destination, but you're not seeing what it took to get there. You're not seeing who they had to become, you're not seeing what they had to overcome. You're not seeing how they had to put out legal fires, you're not seeing how they had to scale through team and then train their team just to have the team leave. You're not seeing how they had to manage not just their own clients, which is growing and growing. And they're having to keep up with that. But now they've got staff that are having their own personal problems, and you're having to deal with that. And all of a sudden, you might feel like and this is another issue that I've seen with scaling. A lot of people scale themselves out of the things they love the most in their business. That's another piece of the realities I've witnessed, and I'm very conscious of, and I'm very, very conscious to not do this myself, because I have seen people scale because they want the outcomes. And then they start to get attached to the outcomes. And before you know it they've delegated delegated, delegated, scaled, scaled, scaled, and then they're like, wait, I'm not coaching anymore. I've got all these head coaches, or I'm not writing anymore, I've got a social media manager or whatever it is, and that might have been the thing that you loved. And so there are different questions to ask yourself at every phase of business. At this phase to from a mindset perspective is where there becomes a lot of leadership things. A lot of Who do I want to be in this Who do I want to become? There's also a lot of, can you handle The duality that comes with you've attracted more clients, you've attracted possibly more followers. And that's great. But can you handle the duality that comes with that the more people who love you, the more people will hate you, the more people who fucking froth what you do, the more people who will have an equal opposite reaction. Can you handle that. So this is where all of those beginning things start to reemerge. This is where all of those doubts might start to present itself. It's also where your ego is going to have to be checked constantly. Because once you get to a place of, quote, success, sometimes your metrics and your values if you're not constantly assessing your metrics, and your values have shifted, maybe now because you've started growing, growing, growing, and you're seeing all the money and you're seeing all the followers and you're seeing all the clients, you've got to check that your ego isn't doing it for the sake of egotistical metrics. You're doing it and you're always checking in with yourself, how am I feeling? How is this growth feeling? Is this still aligning with my values? Is this still aligning with my why am I still feeling good? Am I still coping? Can I sleep at night? Like, there's a lot of stuff that you need to be constantly checking with every phase of your business? And so I want to give some practical examples and just like behind the scenes realities of some things in my phase of business, and I'm not, I'm not a seven, eight figure, business mentor. I'm not a seven, eight figure coach. And I don't know, I don't even know yet. If that's what I want. Like, yes, it might be a great byproduct. But I don't want that to be the thing. Personally, that makes me move, I want to move for other reasons. But where I'm at, is like multi six figures, six figure launches doing really well I can make, excuse me, like my baseline base base baseline, and I'm talking like, over the summer, excuse me, I didn't really work much I spent a lot of time at the beach with my family. And I was able to enjoy minimum 20k months, that was just kind of like bare basics now. And so that's a fucking brilliant that, to me, that's a successful place to be at. And I'm not gonna lie and say that I haven't had to constantly check myself. And check the part of me check my ego that wants to be like, I will that's like, more more more, more, more, more like and compare myself to people who are doing six figure months, and make myself wrong, like I have gone through that, where I'm comparing myself to people, and then making myself feel like I'm a failure. And I've always got a check, wait, hey, do I want that? What are my values, what's important to me, I'm at the beach with my fucking family. Like, I choose to go a little bit slower and enjoy the ride because I really, truly do value balance. And you know, there's seasons, but you get the drift. And so where I'm at, and some of the realities that maybe you don't see on Instagram, or maybe you don't see with the people that you look up to, is that sometimes I know this has happened, I have had like, in the last few weeks to people close to me pass away, I've been dealing with a lot of really horrible medical appointments, I've had bad news delivered to me. And very soon after I'm launching something or I've got a client to be with, or I'm running a training. And it's like, I literally just lost someone, or I've just been told, you know things about my ovaries. That is heartbreaking. And I've spent the morning crying, I've spent the morning just being with myself and trying to get my energy, like be with myself so that I can be of service. But I have to be there because I've got to pay man's I've got to pay my web designer. And when I say got to I mean, I get to like I know this is a privilege. But I'm not gonna lie and say that sometimes it doesn't feel like you just want to be like, oh, I need everything to just stop for a moment. I just need everything to stop for a moment. And what I will say, to contradict myself here is that the beautiful part is that you're the owner, and you can stop things for a moment, if you need to, you did build this business for freedom and to be your boss. So you do get to make the rules. But it doesn't mean there's not pressure, it doesn't mean that there's not other issues that come with being your own boss means you've also got to deal with the responsibilities that come from that. So yeah, you can hit the pause button, but there's gonna be consequences sometimes, or you've got a team that's actually waiting to get some stuff from you. Or you've got clients that have got their session in a couple hours and you've just been delivered this terrible news. What are you going to do? And you've got to make that decision and own the decision and and you know, there's just lots of there's a lot of tabs and there's a lot of growth, yes, opportunity for growth opportunity for choosing who you want to be and for being a leader, but I'm not going to sugarcoat it. There's also pressure. There's also oh my god it was actually sometimes I actually have to Did it was easier to just take a seat or maybe not with teaching because taking a sick day actually just made more work for yourself. But you know, in jobs where you could actually just call in sick, not be there, not think about it, close the laptop, not answer your phone, someone else is going to come in and relieve you and your pay is going to come in. That was pretty easy to be honest, that obviously there's different types of hard. And we and I choose this every single day. But this is the reality. This is the actual reality. And so I want you to know this, like I said, not so that you're like, Oh my God, that sounds fucked. I don't want to do it. Or if that is truly like, if you've had any light bulb moments where you're like, Ah, I don't actually know if I want that next level like that, you know, this, the juice isn't worth the squeeze for me. Do you know? And and like, like I said, I've been sitting with this? Do I want to keep scaling and having a team of 1020 30? Like, I don't know, probably not at this season, if I'm really honest, I mean, a season where I actually don't know if that's what I want. And I've got to be okay with that. And I've got to check my ego and and check with why I would like to grow. And just come back to the why and come back to the values. And so this is an opportunity for you to check your values to check with, oh, maybe and I'm hoping that maybe you'll be able to be just to be seen in this just to be really like, Oh, this is normal. Everyone in business is going through the same stuff, the mindset stuff, the growth stuff, the leadership stuff, all the parts that come with business, and I want you to know that you're a not alone. It's so normal. They, if you don't choose to accept the new responsibilities and duties that come with the outcomes and results that you want, that's okay, too. But if you still are looking at the people a few steps ahead of you, if you still are looking at that person that you admire and look up to and going, No, no, no, I'm excited. This all sounds like growth opportunities. This all sounds like more potential for learning. This all sounds like exactly what I want to do, then amazing. But just know that every outcome comes with its own set of responsibilities and business is not for everyone. I actually do believe that my husband and I have this conversation all the time he loves loves the business chats, he froths learning about what I'm going through, he loves hearing about it, he loves seeing me do my thing. He loves it. But he has said point blank, I fucking love having a job. He loves his job. In fact, on his days off, he's seeking more jobs within his job because he loves his job. And I love that for him. I love that about him. He wants security, he likes stability, he loves his career. And this uncertainty, it's not for him. And so I can see that business is not for everyone. And it's really nice for you to actually just really sit with yourself before you get shiny object syndrome before you start to get wrapped up in comparison itis to note to use this as an opportunity to know who you are, reflect on what's important to you, reflect on what season you're in, and what you're willing to accept, give up sacrifice and strive towards this season. And keep checking in with when the seasons have changed because they might. So this is a big conversation that you may not have had. Or it might just be really validating for you to hear that. Okay, this is normal, I'm going through it. And this is part of it. This is actually part of the journey. And I hope that you can see this as you're not doing something wrong, you're probably exactly where you need to be. And for you to get to your next level, you're probably not probably you're going to, for you to get to your next level, you're going to have to transcend what is currently a problem. What is currently a problem for you is going to have to be mastered for you to get to your next level. Because these problems can't come with you to your next level. And when you get to your next level, you have a higher quality problem. It's not that the problems disappear, it's that they change the frequency of them changes the gravity of them changes the pressure that comes with them changes. And it's really just about knowing that if you want to get to the next level, you get to hold all that and you get to go through that. But it has to be a conscious choice. So that's the reality is I just wanted to have a really honest conversation. And I also want to say two things. If you are somebody who actually really struggles with the mindset piece of this, if you struggle to coach yourself through these growth opportunities, if you get stuck in your way if fear actually gets the best of you often. I truly think level up your life is the place to start. Level Up Your Life is my signature programme. And it's like the ultimate 12 week programme for you to be able to coach yourself through anything and have the tools to use them for life at every level because the problems don't go but you grow with them. And if you've got a toolkit you can Always coach yourself to the next level. So if mindset is a big issue or block for you, I would say to join level up your life. We are open now. And we are actually starting next week, which is so exciting. I'm doing it this round. And it's the first round. I'm really excited to do it not because I'm really pumped about all the growth and all the ideas and all the expansion and all the things. And actually really going back to phase one, like, I'm going back in this round of level up your life to reassessing my values, doing a lot of this work that I speak about inside of this podcast, like this episode, in particular, I want to go back to Okay, have my values shifted? What's important for me in this season of my life? What's it going to look like when I become a mum, because it's happening, thank you, God. All of these things. I'm doing the redesigning, and the clarity and the sitting with myself. And I'm really excited for this round of level up. So whether you have clarity or not, it's a perfect place to be and I'll be joining you, if you're in the mosh phase, and you're in that kind of transition period. I'm really excited to have you if you're a coach, and you're like, fuck yeah, this is actually just where I'm at. I love learning. I love the challenge, I want to do it, I'm ready for I'm ready for that startup phase, getting to the 10k months and growing my skill set as a coach, then you want to join the mind school method. We only have four spots left, which is crazy, I haven't actually launched it to the public yet, all of the information is going to be in the show notes. So you as the listeners will be hearing it here first, with the actual link to join. There are only four spots left we sold out 80% of the wait list. And so if you are interested in becoming the most highly skilled coach that has an impact that is just far beyond what you can even imagine. And you want to learn the skill set you want to learn NLP you want to learn shadow work, you want to learn all of the modalities that I've used to grow and scale my business. The mind skill method is for you. So please let me know if you enjoyed this podcast. I would absolutely absolutely love to hear from you. Tag me share it, put it in my DMs just please let me know I honestly love to hear and I will see you back here next week. Bye