The Mind School

To niche or not to niche? Elevator Pitches, Insta Bio's & What's actually important 🤔

Breanna May Season 5 Episode 183

Welcome back to another episode of The Mind School Podcast. This week, ahead of her upcoming Masterclass ‘Nail Your Coaching Niche’, Bre is going to answer the BURNING question – to niche or not to niche?!

In true Bre style, she does things her way and instead of speaking about ‘the rules’, she’s chatting today about the principles that form them.

Tune in to hear things like:

❔ The simple answer to whether or not to niche down
❔ The difference between offers & messaging + how it relates to your niche.
❔ What is a client journey and why do you need to map it?
❔ Does the perfect bio exist?

This is a topic that people get really stuck on and whilst it's important to know, it's not necessary to get bogged down in.

As always let us know your thoughts on this episode and if you're a coach and want to nail your niche, you can jump into Bre's upcoming masterclass for the earlybird price of just $77! Join HERE


Hello, welcome back to another episode of The MindScape podcast, I really hope you're doing well I am feeling lit the fuck up like so excited, because behind the scenes there is just so much going on. And while I have been finding very interestingly, that I have been procrastinating like an absolute motherfucker, when I actually start getting balls deep into creating all of the templates and scripts and the mine school method manual for all of my students that are starting the mine School, which is my new certification for aspiring coaches to really upskill in their coaching toolkit and up level in terms of mindset in NLP and Shadow Work in emotional intelligence and brand and all the things that create a really thriving coaching business. As I start putting all of that content and work together, I'm just getting so lit up. And so it's actually guys, this never happens, like never happens. It

is 3:

30pm I want you to know, I generally don't work past now. And I assure a shit don't do podcasting past Well, usually past 11am like I am a real morning person, I like getting up at four or five. And I'm like, all my creativity is coming out then. And so it's wild that it's 330. And I'm like, You know what, I want to record some podcasts. And I'm feeling really lit up to do it. And it's so interesting that I get really energised when I'm doing the right kind of work. And so this has got nothing to do with today's podcast episode. But what I'm getting what I'm getting at, I guess is that there is something to be said for just observing your energy for watching the tasks within your day where you're like, oh, that actually added to my energy that actually gave me energy that generated energy and which things are tasks, whether this is in your business or in your workplace or in your life. What is draining my lifeforce energy, because it's just something I've really noticed lately, and not just from that lens of how am I designing my day? Where am I putting my time and energy? What sort of tasks Am I giving all of myself to, but also the people I'm spending time with some times like yesterday, I got home from a library date with a girlfriend and I was let the fuck up. And I said to my husband, I always leave her with more energy than what I started with. And it's just he said to me, like, again, shower chats, he was like, you've got to pay attention to that you really do because the people the things, the activities that are giving you energy, we want to create space for more of that. And we want to just be so conscious of the things that are draining draining us because it is it's our lifeforce and our lifeforce energy is our point of attraction. And so I think we need to take it really, really seriously. And it's something I do often but it's just I'm noticing a few little threads of clarity really dropping even for myself lately. And it's really nice as I start the next round of level up your life. And that starts this week. Actually, by the time this episode comes out, or last week, by the time this episode comes out, and you can still join if you would like to, I am doing this round of level up and I'm really coming back to okay, I'm redesigning, because I'm going into a season where I want to be a mom, I'm gonna be a mom. And I'm really thinking about what am I new values? What do I want to redesign my life and business to look like? How do I want my my days and my years and my months to look and so I'm gonna go back into that season and with this new clarity redesign, so I'm really excited to start level up your life, I'm really excited to start teaching the mind school method. And I'm very excited for this particular podcast episode. Now, I have to I have to touch on this because I'm gonna be really fucking honest here, this question and if you've read the podcast title, you already know, the question that I am referring to, to niche or not to niche. This has been the bane of my existence for like such a long time. Because it's, it's just a huge question. If you have a business if you have particularly a coaching business, and this series is the business behind the scenes series, I want to answer those burning questions. And those topics and issues that are getting everybody's knickers in a knot that honestly I think we're spending way too much time on and I'm saying this because I've been there. And it comes up for me often. And this is just where I'm at with it. So I'm just going to share and look, I want to preface this by saying this is my beliefs. This is what has worked for me. This is the conversations that I'm having with clients. There are multiple beliefs around this with business around niching and your elevator pitch in your bio and all the things that we're going to touch on today. This is what works for me, this is my perspective, my approach. And my approach has always been a little bit like fuck the rules. I'll do it my way. I didn't come into business to follow another blueprint, you know, although of course, there are blueprints. There are principles. There are principles and I'm going to touch on principles today. rather than the rule itself, because we've all heard the rules, you've got to have a niche, you've got to have a clearly defined bio that speaks to who you help and what you do. And you've got to make sure that your elevator pitch is snappy and get straight to the point in law, you've heard the rules, I want to talk to the principles that govern those rules so that you can apply it how feels good to you. Now, to niche or not to niche, let's start back how many I would love to know, please reach out to me share your niching journey and how many knickers, you have gotten a knot with this whole conversation. So what I think this actually is reflective of is how sometimes in business, we can get stuck on things. And we can take things to extremes. And we can make things so much harder than they need to be. Really your niche is, who do you help? Do you need to know the answer to this question? ABS so fucking lewdly? Yes, you need to know who you help. You need to know how you help them. And you need to know the problems that they have so that you can solve them. That's what business is it is solving problems. So do you need to know who you are, who you serve, who you help who you are for? Absolutely. That is that is a principle of business? Who do you help? And how do you help them? The person that you help has a problem? What is the problem? And how does your service or your product or your offer create a solution to that problem? It is actually that simple. And if you just let that answer be the answer, who's my knees? Well, who do I help? What I think we're actually getting out or where I'm seeing more of the issue. The issue is probably not that you don't know your niche. The issue is that you haven't figured out how to message to that niche. Messaging, and niching are two very fucking different things. And what I'm seeing for a lot of the time is that people are spending more time trying to find the perfect way to describe their niche, or worrying about who their niches are, do I need to niche or lalalala. And they're spending all this time being distracted there. Rather than thinking about how do I message to this particular person, depending on the offer I'm providing to them. So there's two pieces here that I want to touch on. And it's not actually relevant at alternation, but it's going to help you with the overall picture. So I want to talk about your offers, and I want to talk about your messaging. And then you'll get to see how it relates to your niche and maybe what you haven't considered yet. So I just said, you need to know your niche. And then you need to know how to message to that particular niche, but it will change depending on the offer. So first, you're going to have to know where your ideal client starts in their journey, or what your first offer is to them, before they start to evolve and move past that first offer. And again, this is all you're going to have to just use discernment here and have a think about well, obviously, this is dependent on what kind of business you have, what kind of business models you have, do you just have one core offer? And that's the only thing or do you have multiple offers, and it's a client journey. But let's say you have a client journey, which you probably know, I'm not gonna say should but which is beneficial for a lot of different business models. So you have a client journey. So they start on day one, and in day one, their offer is x. But then they finish off at x. And they're like, Ah, sweet, amazing. I'm at this new level, but then as we know, every level another level, then they have a new fucking problem. And you're like, Ah, okay, I've got a solution for that. So here's the next offer, the messaging will change from offer X to offer, why you're going to have two different possible avatars, and you will message very different depending on where they're at in their customer journey. And that's one little tidbit there is that you kind of want to map out a client journey and have a think about do you have an offer, or a solution to a problem at every different level of your client journey. So that's the first thing your offers will have different messaging, depending on where your clients are at. And you want to have a bit of a think about that. So let me give you a practical example of how this all works and how I can tie this all together in terms of niching messaging and offers. When I first started my business, my niche was I was a mindset coach for teenage girls navigating High School. That's actually pretty specific. It's very easy for people to it was easy for people to land on my page were like, amazing. This is exactly what I'm looking for or not. Notice how it was way more specific than I'm a mindset coach. It was okay who for mindset coach for teenage girls, particularly in high school, not the ones that have dropped out and not the ones that are at TAFE not the ones that are like I don't know, homeschooling, navigating High School. So that was the niche. Now, let's say that I had different offers for different Problems that these clients had. So for that niche, they have lots of different problems. So what I'm actually getting at here is now way more than just niching. But let's have the conversation while we're here. So that you can sit down and be like, Okay, so this is who I help and try to get specific as in okay, if you're a mindset coach for fucking who like for teenagers, for mums with two year olds, for mums with 10 year olds, for mums who are going through menopause, for corporates, for lawyers, like do get quite specific, especially in the beginning. So for me, mindset coaching for teenage girls, then what you might want to do is be like, what problems do they have, and you can just list all the problems and this is actually going to help you create your offers. So for me, it was like, well, academic problems, and I can list all the academic problems, they can't concentrate, they struggle under exam pressure, they don't perform so well. They can't even go into an exam room, they're not able to do any oral oral presentations, because speaking in front of people gives them anxiety. These are all the academic problems, social and emotional problems, okay, they're having beef with all the girls at school girls are being little bitches, they're coming home crying, they don't know where they fit in. They're trying to be cool, they're doing dumb shit to be cool in front of the boys lalalalalala. So I'm listing all these problems. Now, when I first began one of my offers, which I actually don't even think I ever launched, because I was like, actually, this is a snooze fest. This is why I left teaching. But I started working on an offer, which was how to overcome exam pressure and perform really well in exams. And then of course, that didn't actually feel aligned to me anymore. So I never, I never, never offered it. But what you will see is okay, so there's one offer, and I will have particular messaging around that offer, which will be like, right, you walk into exams, you instantly feel sweaty palms, you know the answers before but as soon as you're in exam conditions, you fucking panic and your brain goes numb. And so you bet you freeze and you can't get anything out and you're looking at everyone and the clock's ticking, and you're like, Oh, my God, I'm not going to be able to get the answers. And then you freak out and lalalala that's messaging. That's the messaging that speaks to the offer. And the offer is a problem, and a solution for my particular niche. Right. But I might have a different offer. And the other offer might be body confidence, teenage girls who are struggling with body confidence. They're coming to me telling me they want Botox, they won't come to the swimming carnivals because they can't be in like bikinis. They look at themselves in the mirror and barely even looking look, they won't look in the mirror. Or when they do they pick themselves to pieces. They're on social media all the time saving and looking at, you know, you get the point, the messaging for that offer is going to be very different. And so it will be almost a different avatar. So avatar one, struggling with all of the exam stuff, can't handle it, but maybe doesn't have any body image issues, avatar to second offer lots of Body Body problems, but maybe it's doing fine with exams. It's a messaging thing. It's an offer thing, but it all relates to the same niche. So Tanisha, not to niche. Yes, my, my answer is yes. And it can start broad but then you're going to hone in on really specific messaging. What I'm hearing most the time when people are having this niche conversation is not that you don't know your niche is that you've gotten complacent or unclear or just haven't spent enough time thinking strategically about the offers and the messaging that applies to those offers. Now, one other bit that I'll just add is yes, you might be sitting here being like, but I have a really broad niche, or I just I teach mindset, or I'm a PT like it's pretty broad. Great. If it's something that's broad still think about, is there a particular age or is there a particular psycho demographic as in? They're all feeling this particular way? Is it high performers at work? Is it the perfectionists the perfectionistic teachers? Is it like, it can be that clear. So one other thing that I would say when you're defining your niche is that you want to really think about how they identify what words would they use? What language would they use? What identity would they have? And where would they be like Yep, that's me. You want them to be able to self select. So for example, I'm a teenage girl, mindset coach for girls struggling in high school. Very easy for parents or the student themselves to self select. Oh, yep, that's me. I'm a teenager. I'm a female. I'm in high school. Yes, yes. Yes. language they use language they identify with so for you, it could be something that feels a little bit broad, but can you get more specific with their values, their identity and how they would speak so let's say I'm a wellness coach. I love working with men. Okay, cool. But like family men, are they mostly like dad ages and they obviously value health. So it's like I value I work with health conscious fathers to be the best version of themselves for for them and their families, you're speaking to their values you're speaking to who you help help and serve and the problems that they're having. So they might not feel like they're being the best version of themselves. And that's impacting their family. And what's really important to them is those two things. So speak to what's important to them, what's valuable to them, and let that be the fucking answer. Like, that's your niche. That is your niche. My, my answer is yes, I do believe you should niche. But I also believe that we're having way too much time on this conversation, when really, it's just who do you help. And then let's get really, really clear on your messaging, which is way more important than spending time on this whole conversation about niching or not niching? Yes, just get clear on who you help. And then get really, really clear about the problems that they have. And make sure you've got a client journey, and messaging that speaks to them. Second thing, elevated that you probably know what I'm going to say to these sorts of questions, because it's a very same sort of frequency. But elevator pitches, bios, again, let it be easy, get on with it, and work on the things that really matter, which is your tonality, which is your messaging, which is making sure that your offers actually solve a problem, making sure that you're very fucking good at what you do, making sure that you're lit the fuck up about it. So when you talk about your offers and speak to clients, they can't help but feel your magnetism and be drawn towards you. Yes, it's important that we nail our niche. Yes, it's important that our bio speaks to that person. Yes, it's important that we kind of have an idea of what to say in our little elevator pitch. But what's more important is the energy that comes through you is your embodiment behind the scenes is, knowing who you are and your point of difference and how you're different to every other motherfucker out there doing the same thing as you so that people like you're my person, you're who I want to work with our thank god, you're a breath of fresh air, you have the same values as me, you have the same water, whatever it is, that's more important than spending so much time being like, I need to figure out my 150 character word bio, and, and obsessing over that, like Yes, take the principles. Is your on a very first glance, do I land on your page and know who you are? What you're about how you're different to others? And how you're going to help me? Because that's what people want to know. And let it be the answer. Let it be the answer. It doesn't have to be something that you perfect and never change. I'm always playing with mine, I'm always evolving mine. I don't want to ever give it more than 10 minutes of my time. Because that's all it is. It's a bio it's 150 characters have I nailed what I who I am and what I do, have I spoken to the values and identity of the people that I work with. And let's be real, you're never going to be able to enter 150 characters, your bio is never going to be able to show who you really are and all of your parts and all of your weirdness and all of your quirks that's not going to come out in your bio, you can try but what's more important is your messaging, your content, how you show up, how you use your tonality, all of those things, what you're doing behind the scenes behind the screens, what are you doing behind the screens when nobody can see, because that's the energetic shift that people can feel that you should be spending more time on than obsessing over 150 characters. When no one's ever going to get the real you. They're gonna get the real you with how you show up. So I believe, yes, this is an important conversation. So let's hold the duality. Yes, it's important that your bio speaks to the right things. Yes, it's important that you have a clearly defined niche. And what's more important is probably that you just get on with it, make a decision and do the work and then adapt as you need to. If it's not landing, it's not landing, move with it, refine it, practice it, do it a little bit different, but do the work and figure it out that way. Now, on the same vein with the elevator pitch, I still don't fucking know my elevator pitch depends who's asking. I'm multi passionate, and I'm going to say don't get caught up in that I'm so multi passionate and so my Instagram pages for me to share all the fucking things so nobody has a clue what you're about or where you're an authority. And let me give you an example. I'm very, very, very interested in and always have been in fitness. I'm usually doing Pilates or yoga or ice baths or saunas or cycling or hip mobility or learning about my health or learning about sugar or learning about gluten. My page, you wouldn't really know that you wouldn't know it because it doesn't align with my offers. It doesn't align with what I'm selling. It wouldn't make strategic sense. Like it just wouldn't. I'm also very interested in human design. I'm also very interested in lots of different things. I'm learning about the menstrual cycle. I'm doing a lot of things outside of my business that people don't need to know about. I'm a multi passionate person, but that doesn't mean that I share all of it and talk about all of it on my socials if my socials is a business page. And I think this is where some people are getting a little bit caught up in like I'm a multi passionate person. I'm showing all sides of me. That's great. And you get to show all parts of you and all sides of you, but you also need to think a little bit about okay? But is this a business? And is this strengthening my brand and my offers, or or not. And that's not to say you can't show your quirks that's not to show you don't get to. That's not to say you don't get to show all parts of your personality. That is not to say you can't come as you are. But it's also about knowing that even though you might be a multi passionate person, not everything is relevant or strengthening your brand, if we think about the fact and if you were to think from the level of a CEO, or if you were to think about what Woolworths are, what big businesses are putting out there, they're making it about the client, they're making it about the problems and the solutions that they have, they're talking about offers, everything is relevant. So I think, again, use your discernment, you're an intelligent person, you know what I'm saying you can bring all pieces of you, you can be multi passionate, your business can even be a representation of your multi like multi passionate you are. And I would say I'm an example of that. I am very multi passionate, you can tell because of my background, and my offers that what the hell like mindset, but then I teach people how to create courses. Because I've got a background in education and teaching, I'm starting to help a lot of clients with messaging because I have a background in journalism and writing, I was an English teacher, mindsets, my thing. So I work with mindset was so that you can tell that I am a multi passionate person, and my offers definitely reflect that. But not all of it. Because it wouldn't make sense for me to start sharing about the menstrual cycle and what I'm learning and and all of that, because it doesn't align with my business and my office like there's nothing there. Do you know what I'm saying. So, use your discernment show all parts of you, it's okay to be multi passionate, but also know, where sometimes it's not helping your brand, it's hindering. And so that was just a piece I wanted to add on being the multi passionate person, it's great, it's brilliant. And you can use it as a strength if you know how to message it and market it cleverly. But also, sometimes using that I'm a multi passionate person actually means what you're doing is confusing your audience and nobody knows what you're doing. And it might even weaken your reputation. So it's just something to be aware of. And that's really important. So with that, the elevator pitch. Again, it depends like I don't, I can't honestly can't tell you that I've ever nailed my my elevator pitch, or that it stayed consistent. It's evolved. It's changed. It depends who I'm talking to. It depends which podcast I'm on. For example, this morning, I was interviewed on a podcast, which was all for photographers, and creatives. And so my elevator pitch was adapted. And here's the part I want you to really hear. Because it's a principle again, that's going to come through my elevator pitch when this host said, you know, who are you what's your elevator pitch, basically. And I want to be clear, I stay in integrity with who I am, I never adapt my elevator pitch to manipulate or be someone that I'm not, there's a very big difference. But I pull out different pieces of my brand story, I pull out different pieces of my values, I pull out different pieces of my background and my story to appeal to or speak to the identities, the values and the avatars of the people that I'm in front of. And so when speaking to creatives and photographers, I was talking to them about how frustrated I was put inside a box in the education system, when I was always a creative person who need needed so many different ways to express myself. And that came out in chasing multiple careers. And that's why I've had to develop a really strong mindset, because mindset is so important when you're somebody who's always pivoting and has to deal with what, you know, the struggles that come with that of like, Oh, God, I'm flaky or whatever. So you see how the elevator pitch will shift and adapt depending on who you're in front of. But it's going to still speak to the values and the identities of the people that you are addressing. It's a really important piece, because when you speak to people's values and identities on an unconscious level, they decide whether they're for you or they're not for you. And this all happens unconsciously. And so elevator pitch, I don't know, I'm just like, it depends. I am such a nuanced person. And I'm very aware of the fact that I cannot ever tell you really who I am and what I'm about in a sentence in a 32nd snappy elevator pitch. And at the same time, if I need to be direct and concise and speak directly to this person to get my point across, I know the principles to lean on. And so what I want you to take away from this whole conversation is yes, it's important. Yes, there are principles to follow and those things won't change. But also, you are a layered person. You are a nuanced person. And that means that while these things are important, there are other ways to get it across. And it doesn't have to mean that it doesn't have to be this huge big deal. Speak to the person speak to what their problems czar, make sure you've got a solution to their problem, know their values and their identities and make sure you're getting really clear on who they are so that you can message to them. And then your buyer needs to speak to that your elevator pitch needs to speak to that all of it comes back to how you solve problems for people. It's really that simple. How do you solve problems for people? Let that be the answer. And then focus on the things that really matter. Let this be simple. Let this be straightforward. And then focus on the things that I said really matter. So your tonality, your messaging, your embodiment, who you are behind the screen, and behind when people aren't looking how you're showing up. That is the most important thing because it's an energy that will be felt. And when you really spend the time getting to know yourself so that you can express that online, you will also know your point of difference, and you'll stand out without even trying, and it will all just be very natural. So I think yes, it's important. Yes, there's principles to follow. But also don't let this be the thing that distracts you from really knowing who you are on a real deep level and learning how to express that from a point of view of all the things we spoke about. So that's all for today. And that's wrapping up our behind the BS series. I would love to hear from you if this was helpful. If you liked these series, let me know tag me I would really, really, really love to hear from you and I will see you next week.