The Mind School

👩‍💻 BIZ BTS SERIES #4: Breaking Biz Rules, Giving less F*cks + Making more Bucks + Creating Content that's not boring AF with Tracey Spencer

Season 5 Episode 179

Welcome to episode 4 in the Biz BTS series and this week Bre is interviewing Tracey Spencer. Tracey is a lightworker and business coach who helps women discover how to use their creative and intuitive gifts to make a positive impact on the world. 

☝️ Tracey's introduction to coaching from a young age
☝️ Her experience with doing things her own way inside the coaching space 
☝️ Why showing up authentically is critical to finding your people
☝️ Intuition in business 
☝️ Tracey’s take on the use of money in the coaching space for marketing 


The vibes are so high in this chat, fam. Tracey’s energy is contagious and she’s dropping mic’s all over the place. Tune into the whole episode for further insights around creating engaging content and why going viral means nothing if your messaging is off.

Be sure to let us know your takeaways from this episode by sharing a screenshot to your stories and tagging @iambreannamay and @tracey_spencer

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Tue, Mar 26, 2024 12:13PM • 49:31


people, business, fucking, coach, coaching, love, energy, feel, fuck, content, clients, money, marketing, magnetic, moving, playing, figures, thread, intuition, feeling



Hey Tracy bloody Spencer. I'm gonna stop this interview with your favourite question. Can you just start this interview actually with giving us your elevator pitch? No,



I can't because I don't know what it is a been in business nine fucking years now and I'm still changes every week. But for you, I will. I will pull something.



Crack. Yeah.



Oh, well did you want to do you want to do in the short punchy version? I feel you want the short punchy version?



I wanted that and then we'll expand on it.



Well, what it is now okay. Tracy fucking Spencer. Is mama, business activator, a speaker, an author, a podcaster. She's married fucking Poppins, all the things but I activate Lightworkers into their light work. I do that through you know, holding space for people Saugus to come to the table, helping you be authentic as fuck online. And all the in between. That's the real short version. And in between of that.



Can I just say I absolutely love this is so validating to me, because every time I've heard you say I don't fucking No, my elevator pitch from like, Oh, thank you. Because I've been told by almost every business coach that you need to nail that thing you need to nail it. And what I love about you is that you actually break a lot of this sort of industry norms and normalise that actually those things. It's okay, if it's not so perfect and shiny and wrapped in a bow.



Oh, yeah. Because like, I'm an Aries through and through like, don't tell me how to live my life. So don't tell me how to live my business. Like, don't tell me I need to know my niche. Don't tell me don't put me in a box like I will rock this shit my way. And it seems to be going pretty well. So cool with that, you know?



So cool. So obviously, you're businesses, you've been going for nine years, like you said, and there's been lots of iterations. But from what I can tell there's a very common thread that sort of weaves with you through throughout whatever you're doing. Can you go backwards? Before you had a business and decided offer? I'm going to be an entrepreneur and I'm going to do this thing. I'm gonna do yoga or coaching. What was the thing that led you to business? And how did you get here?



Yeah, okay, let's go back. Someone asked me this question recently reflecting on my journey as a coach actually coming into nine years of kind of, as I graduated as a life coach, I would say. And the thread before that, though, I was reflecting on was I was always unofficially coaching. In my life, I've always been in leadership positions, whether it was high school captain, whether it was like sports Captain, you know, so there's always been a thread for me of like, I bring people together. And I help inspire them in some way doesn't mean I was given some big TED Talk in high school, but there was something about like, I was put in front of people and I had to, I didn't move people to, you know, take action or do something or, you know, come on, we can do this guy's been inspiring or something like that. So that thread of speaking and kind of leadership was always there for me, naturally. Unofficially, I was coaching, I was always that positive hippie, one in my friendship group. I was always kind of like, giving guidance without even realising, like, even when I was bloodied, you know, early 20s, and stuff like always offering that without putting a label to it. I always just wanted to help, I stood up to bullies in high school, just just this thread of, I'm here to help. That was always there for me. And it just naturally, one day, kind of following that thread was okay, there's this thing that's kind of coaching, like maybe this is the legit job, maybe this is the legit thing that I've just kind of always been doing. But I can do something with this now. And I think, again, maybe it's an heiress thing. Or maybe there's just like, something and a lot of us that are entrepreneurs is just like, I just like doing shit my way. And like, I've just don't like having a boss. I'm not good at listening to rules. Like I just I rebel against my own rules that I set for myself. So how the fuck am I gonna keep up with someone else's. But always this desire of like, I'm really creative. And I want to create something, from my own creativity, from my own intuition from my own, what I see in the world, what I what I want to see in the world and stuff like that. So I think it was this real organic flow on effect of like noticing the golden threads that were already there. And then being like, this is a fact this is a thing. This is cool. Let me play with this. And then taking my time, taking my time grounding into that, like something else. I reflected on this podcast when someone asked me that question recently was, I think for the first four years of my business like back in 2015. Life Coaching was not a fucking thing in Australia. It was very, very new. And I think for the first four years of my business from coaching, I didn't really make that much money. I was still working part time I was still like, I was putting my hand up anywhere in Perth to speak and teach. I was teaching in fucking goals workshops in a gym. I was working at, like anywhere. I was like, just give me the mic. I want to go I'm shit. But I'm going to figure it out and you know, I wasn't afraid of that. And I think that's really rad to reflect on of like, it's okay to have a gig on the side as well. It doesn't mean anything about your power it doesn't mean anything about your desire and your seriousness. It's like do what you need if I can do to make this happen there's a bit of a riff that I just went on there sorry about that, but like somewhere somewhere in there hopefully there was some some threads but yeah, that's how it all started for me.



Wow. And so when you did start Did you find coming into an industry that does actually funnily enough it's all these Rule Breakers and people that are like fuck the boss fuck the system I want to you know, have impact and start a business and live my on my terms. Did you have your own experience or journey through art there are rules that I need to follow and what's your journey been like for figuring out you're so big on doing business your way doing marketing your way showing up online your way up? Have you had any journeys through Oh, shit, like I actually went back into a box for a little moment there.



Yeah, well, I think just it takes time to grant into your gifts and it takes time to try things on and figure things out and I'm a big big fan of playing the game but play it your way. You know, that's that's kind of been there from the start for me and even more so in the last couple of years as the industry just really it's a base now it's a base you know, some good some bad but anyways, so I think there was there was always a part of me that's like, cool, there's, there's foundational things in business that I do need to do. If I want to have a business, I have to sell stuff on our business. I have to market myself if I want to have business, I have to get clients I have to be really fucking good at what I do. That doesn't change. It's just like, and the way that I express that what's the funnest way that T Spence can do this. What's that? Like? There's enough people out there doing luxury branding, how could I be the one that's been the loose cannon? Because that's me like there's enough people who are banging on about this I'm gonna be over here banging on about this and I'm really fucking jazzed on you know, so I think it has really been a trying and practising and a dance between like cool Yes, there are things I need to tick off here to run a business there's skills every single business owner needs to have and there's a way that we can do it that's true for us you know what I see in the coaching industry particularly when we're talking about that is you know there's a lot of like we can play the game but aware of where the coaches like try so fucking hard to look the part that we forget what's true in our heart that's where I am so big on hang on I can I can do all these things but I'm doing with my values at the forefront I'm doing this the finest way possible. I'm doing this with fucking integrity and service and having the best best bloody time being myself. You know, that's that's what I want to be a permission for. And that's what I want to see when when someone lands on my page on Instagram. This is good for anyone to think about if someone's landing on your page. What's that moment for them of them being like oh my God finally a fucking coach who's not banging on about this sign me up? Finally, if I can be a you know a mentor who teaches mindset who's doing it like this, finally someone who's doing it like there's not like every other person like that's where the authenticity and that's where the uniqueness and that's where the fun the the gap comes in for me that I love playing in that of like, who am I representing? Because there's enough people don't like that. So what someone got to be like, Oh, my prayers have been answered a coach is doing it like this. Yeah,



it sounds like for you, it's very much about articulating and knowing how to express your point of difference, and who you are. What sort of things when clients come to you and when people when you're having conversations with people? What are people's resistances to that I can imagine it's a lot of like, I don't know who I am. But I'm scared to be my authentic self. What's the fucking authenticity if you are something that I've always not struggled with, but being deeply philosophical about is what I'm all of it I'm actually full of it and I will express certain parts some parts of for my husband some parts of when I'm he's with my mate some parts of the when I'm like I said to you dancing on the tables with my fucking uncle's down south, like, who? Which pieces do express inside of your business? Now, how do you get to know, I guess, strategically as well, what to bring out for your audience and your clients?



Yeah, and I think this is where we've got a lot of interesting mindset around like, if I'm not being serious, people won't take me seriously. And I call bullshit on that. Because I'm known for my my straight talk my fire my truth bombs, equally as known and loved for my silliness. The way I'd take the piss, like, my sense of humour, and like, like, you know, before, we're multi dimensional, it's like, people were allowed to bring all of that to the table. We got into business to be fully ourselves. And yeah, At short, it doesn't mean you have to show every single part of you but I guarantee like I have this saying of your community can't see you unless you be you. And I have like owned that from the start of like, okay I'm I am this country bumpkin I am this like shit talker, I am also like, really fucking potent when I'm in my zone, and I know bullshit people with that. And I want I want people to see all of that because they connect with different parts of me and there'll be resonance with the different parts of me. So they'll come in from my, my sense of humour, but stay from my fire, or they'll come in from my fire, but stay for my big mama, mama bear energy that, you know, my clients see behind the scenes a lot more. So I think it's about like, having fun with all expressions of you. And I have no doubt like, so many times, I'll get on a call with someone. And we'll just be like natural, whether it's a sort of a coaching call or something like that. And they'll be, you know, being a bit dorky, or being a bit silly, or like dropping an F bomb. And I'm like, where's this on your social media? With it, because this is like, your right now you're like, lit up, you're magnetic, your body language is different. And then I'm coming over to social media, and it's fucking robot. And it's same same. And it's like, Okay, I've got to look the part, I've got to sound like a coach, you've got to look like a coach got to be like a coach, like, what's every other coach doing and how they, and it's like, hang on, like, there's magic here that that's your point of difference. So I think it's, it's practising that because, you know, a lot of us I have this thing as well, like, high school, fuck, like, fucked us up from being fully seen? Because like, yeah, right, which is the whole podcast in itself of like, cool, we share these beautiful, you know, sensitive, sensitive parts of ourselves, and then it gets shut down, or we go, Hey, I created this, you know, I poured my heart into this creative writing, and then we get a fucking f1 or something like, you know, and it's like, okay, well, this part of me, I'm gonna shut that shit down. Because, you know, that was too vulnerable or whatever. So a lot of us are coming into business and then having that, that, like, nervous system response, or that that memory get triggered, right? So it's like, okay, I can really come in, I need to be polished, and I need to be perfect. And I need to know this. And it's just not the case, man. It's not how I don't wanna and right now, I think the sexiest thing in business, and what is really trendy is people's authentic truth. And, like more of that, like, you're gonna get all the parts of your hiding, you're gonna get hired for that. So that's the ship people love. Yeah,



so good. So, so good. I think it's like, what I see when I come across your message. And when I really tune into what you're saying is almost like, the duality can exist, you get to be both, you get to be a dork and you get to be serious, you get to be fiery, and you get to be soft, like you bring all pieces of you. And something that I find really interesting and I want to sort of dive into a little bit more is that you bring such a spiritual perspective to business and you talk about your you know, your fiery energy and your channelled wisdom, when you're bringing your creative writing and speaking in, there's definitely a sense of energetics that you seem to be really into, and that is a power of yours. And yeah, and you also have a very successful business, which I'm guessing has to have some sort of structure and plan and that more masculine sort of approach. How do you balance like, am I correct? They're like, what's your sort of approach to business where you merge the two?



Yeah, I think it's again, a dance that I am still dancing as I go, but I'm definitely I joke that I'm like, three day five day I'm like, I'm very I'm moved with creative energy. Like I would say that first and foremost is like if I get a download, I'm like, Let's fucking go. Like I'm I. My intuition is my see like my CEO of my business number one, and I move with that, however, we know when creativity doesn't have doesn't have a not a box, it doesn't have boundaries or structures or anything to kind of give it legs it won't go anywhere. You know, so I think I think probably before I came became a mom I was weighed more heavily in my masculine and I'm so grateful for that because like back in laid some sweet foundations and I got shit done and I laid you know, my foundations, my structures, my systems, everything like that. And then probably would have become a bit bit more loose since then. I'm not really sure but it has to be both. And I think I think the mindset of like it's finding your groove with it because I think there's there's been a mindset of like the boss bitch and everything like that. And that's really good until it becomes detrimental to our nervous system until it becomes detrimental to our mental health and we start to run on someone else's timeline. That is what I see in the industry a lot. But also then it's like okay, let's be really in our feminine it's like get and you fucking get nothing done mate. Like you're in your feminine and it's really fluffy. So Like the embodied feminine and the embodied like them together, like delightful. That's where that's that's where you're in some magic. But I think it's it's figuring out your own groove with that, like, I have weeks where I swing too much into my masculine and I get a bit heavy and I get and I'm like cool Yep, worked a bit more than I'd like this week or you know, not hot, I don't really hustle anymore. But like I can tell when I'm just holding a lot more especially moving around with my family at the minute. But then I also know when I get to the end of the week, and I was like, Oh, it was not productive. And that was fluffy and annoying. And I'm annoyed at myself, you know, so that doesn't happen a lot. Because I am, I'm very much an action taker. So, gratefully, I don't don't struggle with that too much. But, but it is like, it's kind of being okay with different expressions needed in different seasons. Like, if you're just starting your business, like you got to get after It'd be my like, it's really hard to get momentum if nothing's moving.



Yeah, that's incredible. And so if your intuition is your CEO, what does that actually look like on a practical level? So do you do you have practices? What is the day look like so that you know that you can nourish that creative, intuitive piece of you? Yeah,



yeah. Again, figuring this out week to week, sometimes I'm like, oh, that didn't work. Well, that worked. But my whole business has really been, like, everything I've launched has really come from me tuning into my community. And I know that can sound really fluffy. Another thing I have is stop reading strategy books and start reading your community. And I buy that because everyone to me as I was like, how do you nail exactly what we're thinking? How do you how's your next offer? Exactly what we're all struggling with, or what we need or what we're really craving? And it's because like, I would say my quote unquote, like my business spiritual practice, is just is looking at my fucking community and listening and tuning in and observing, like, there'll be times where I pull back a little bit, and I'm just observing my community and my clients. And I'm going like, yeah, I can see what's playing out here. And it's not even from like, I'm fucking trying to read them their energy or anything, it's just little threads in conversations or little threads with like, yeah, I can see those pieces of the puzzle aren't quite adding up for you, or there's something here that's frustrating you. And moving with that, like, if I have downloads, like, the most abundant thing we have is our intuition. Like it. It's never fucking wrong, man. Like, and I'll tell you on the flip side of that, it's honouring that gut feeling as well, when something's off. Like, I think that intuition is the CEO is also like, I know who I am. But I know who I'm not, yes, I'm doing this business foundations. Yes, I'm doing these skills. But I know when I'm betraying myself, I know when this is not feeling true for me. And I've got caught up in something here, or I've got caught up in how I think I should do it, or what other successful people are doing. So let me try that on. Let me try and brand myself like that. Let me try to do photos like that. And you're just like, why does this just feel off? This doesn't feel me? Yeah. And that's a, that's a huge one for people that I think they're ignoring. So true,



I can resonate with that. And as you were talking about, you know, the beast that the coaching industry has become, and the messaging there's so much messaging around, money to be on, it's like 20k months, 30k months, 50k months, 100k months, fuckin 7k months while you're in the bubble bath playing with yourself don't have to work. It's



like, it's actually eight figures. Now. we've skipped seven,



eight figures. And so 2023 Oh, my God, it's not enough anymore. And so that was something that I had to have my own journey with, where I was like, Oh, shit, I lost myself. And I forgot my values for a moment. Because it was next financial goal, next financial milestone, next financial milestone, and it wasn't feeling good, because, again, my intuition had been cut off. And it was about these milestones. And I, there's two questions here. First, I'd love to know if you've had your own experience of this and what you do when you notice the money side of businesses starting to feel more powerful than you are. And second to that, I want to, and we'll switch gears in a moment to this. But I've noticed that you're a very different kind of business coach, because you very rarely talk about money. And I find that very interesting. So what's been your journey there?



Where I want to start with this. Let me start with a moment that I can probably what you just spoke to there, darling of that moment of like, oh, yeah, I've gone out of balance here. And I'm getting caught up and it feels it isn't in alignment with my values. I think that's really natural for most of us to go through that at some point because it anchors more about leadership and who we want to be moving forwards. I think it's important and I remember having a similar moment to that sometime in the last year or the last two years. And I think I was I think I was even like journaling about it or having a fucking ugly cry about it in the shower or just get one of those moments that we all have. And I remember my intuition So strong was like trace Your community don't fucking care if you're a millionaire, they care about how you make them feel. Number one, they don't care. They don't give a shit how much money you make, when you get in a room with them. They're caring about how you make them feel. That's what they remember. Yeah. And it comes back to what I said at the start there. There's enough coaches talking about money. That to me is, like awesome and amazing. And I think that's cool to be inspired, but not distracted by. But I want people to know me for my heart, I want people to know me for my fucking epic coaching. And when you get in a run, you feel more sane than you've ever felt in your life. Like that stuff is what is activating for me. The money stuff, I'm like, Yeah, cool. If we, if we stand up all the coaches in a line on stage, all the coaches that you follow, or whoever, and we take away their following, we take away their monthly income, we take away the numbers and the dollars or whatever, who's moving you with their message, who's moving in with a vision for humanity, who's activating you just through what they're talking about with none of this other shiny stuff? That's the stuff I'm interested in that that's like, that's lat work being your life's work, you know, that it's like, we don't like that. That's boring to me, Mike. It's just, it's just another again, it's awesome. And I think it's important, and when you have a business, you've got to make money, the same business like that's not, that's not fucking pretend that doesn't exist. But the way you serve and the way you create, and the way you teach, and the way you make people feel is so much more powerful, I believe, and so much more interesting and beautiful and unique. You know, they don't know that. It's the question, but that that's definitely been a thing for me of cool. Everyone can talk about that. And I'm going to be over here the one that talks about it every now and then, but very fucking rarely, because I just don't give a shit. I just want to do my light work.



Yeah. What is love working your your definition? What is like work? Yeah,



I like work is just for me, like, using your creative intuitive gifts to make a positive impact in the world. That's like work. It can be arranging flowers, it can be photography, it can be coaching, it can be space holding, like, anywhere we're using. We're using our creative and intuitive gifts to make a positive impact on the world or help someone that's our light work.



And I love seeing you in yours. I love seeing you when you're talking. It's really cool to witness like, you're speaking and it's so magnetic, which is another word we hear thrown around all the time. But I think that's the byproduct of someone who's in their light work in their power in their in their highest expression when you're speaking, it's so magnetic. And I think that's the end result of someone who's doing that work. So is that the thing that like when you work with clients, and what you've noticed in your business is when you are in your energy that is your most authentic self, your highest expression? I'm assuming that money and the magnetic clients and that attracting the right people, that's the byproduct, right?



Yes. And this is something I want to say before so thanks for triggering my memory on this is I've noticed the times in the last couple of years where I had, let's say lower income months, or where I had that that inner sense of like, Oh, something feels off, is when I have convinced myself that I should start talking more about money in that. And like if I talk about it, it's like the universe is like, Yo, bitch, this ain't how we do business. No, no. And like the when I don't talk about it, and I focus so deeply in my service and in like, I just want to help like, like, I'm here. The money is takes care of itself every fucking time. Like you can manifest so much quicker when you focus on the mission and not the milestones.



Yes. Ah, amen. Mic drop. Still. Yeah. Truth



though. That's where we balance we're obsessed with the milestones and we get clunky if you're obsessed with your mission. The milestones just fucking come. Right.



Yeah, amazing. And so one of the things that is just your zone of genius and I love reading your captions, I love all of the rules. You put together content and marketing and messaging. Yes, it's so it's your zone, right? Can you share with audience who because this is probably the most common thing I hear from clients are stuck in a nightmare. I hate content. I hate messaging is so hard. I don't know what to say. Let's start there. Yeah, what is messaging on content to you? How do you say it?



Right question. And this is why you're so good at a little mindset things because the way you question I'm like, oh, yeah, good, good. From the outside. I like it. Well, to me, it's like it's our it's our job to share our light work. So it's just about sharing it in a way that feels fun and true. Everything I've been talking about, but something that I often say to my clients or anyone that comes into my world, particularly around content stuff. I say okay, just go on your Instagram. Go back to your content and use the BFF filter. Best friend filter. If your best if your soul sister who knows you more than anyone in the world who knows your quirkiness who knows your fire? Who knows your passion? Who knows your big heart? If they if they look on your content right now? Are they like, Who the fuck is this? Are they like odd? Tries? This is hilarious. Oh my god, that's so you like yep, I heard you say that. Like, you know, like the way your power texting your bestie like, that should be how you're writing your content. It's when we get in our head of like, okay, this needs to sound Kochi this knee, I need to pitch perfectly like, I'm fucking Eminem, I got one shot one opportunity. And if I fuck it up, then you know, it's so like the pressure we put on ourselves versus like, what feels like if if your content isn't moving you it's not going to move your clients. So anytime that I'm writing, and I'm really I piss people off a lot because I'm like, I don't have a social media content plan that that that to me, I'm like, I cannot deal with that. I'm like, I'm a loose cannon. I'm like, I get a download, type it out in five minutes. Post it like that works really good for me. And I can very much appreciate that some people would be like hell to the no, no. But also that might be permission for you. If you're trying really hard to over analyse and be like, post this time and post this and this a call to action. That's probably what's fucking cut. What can you make? Versus like, Okay, if we just if we just come back to what feels like our authentic expression, what would my What? What, how? What's the energy I'm in when I'm power texting my bestie? How can I bring that to my content? Yeah, because straightaway people like they get a bit unhinged. They're like, ah, I'd be dropping news. I'd be using these little like, quotes, I'd be using these emojis like and it's like, Yes, bring that personality to the way you email and the way like, what would be the funnest email for you to receive from someone because we all know this. There's very standard sales emails, launch emails, sequences. What would be the funnest one that you're just like, Oh, my God, this is an email, like, I need to binge this. Like, what's the next email? Like, you know, I like to play with that. Because people are consuming content. It's just good content.



Sorry, true. Love read.



I love reading good content. I might This is fucking creative. This is amazing. Like, tell me more. Where's the link like this? This is fun. Like, it's like, I think we need to shift that mindset of like, no one's reading this. And it's like, yes, they are. Oh, yeah. They're just looking for content with some lifeforce energy behind it. No, true.



So true. And then if you do get into that energy, like Alright, cool. This is how I talk to my bestie This is the emojis I'd use this to to speak. This is my tonality, then, something I've been reading a lot from you recently is about cutting the fluff. Yeah. So what would you then do if you've written like, say it's really long form? Or what's the importance behind cutting the fluff once you've now got a message?



Yeah, well, I think okay, there's, there's two ways I want to answer this because, firstly, know what your authentic expression looks like. So I'm gonna use me as an example. I am very to the point direct, get in, get out. That's just my personality, though. For a lot of my clients, you are deep bitches who love a good essay who want to get on their substack who want to get in the juice and want the storytelling. If that is your style, own it, please don't go okay. Now, I really love consuming that way. And I love and I love writing that way. But you know, that doesn't fit in the box like this. So I need to cut it all down. That's why it's not feeling like you. Okay, so firstly, know what your style is. If you are someone that loves the deep and you will and you love, like a really nourishing piece of writing so longer form, own that, okay, I own the fact that I'm like, compound power get in get out. But then structurally, when we're writing, it's like I think a lot of people try and have too many things in one caption as in too many ideas. So we really overcomplicate it talk about one fucking thing in each post like one big idea by with it and then get out you know versus like okay, I need to squeeze every single detail in every single thing and whatever into this. That's where it kind of chops and changes all over the place. And something I'll actually like share it if this is cool share like a really more of a not a structure but a bit strategy about me like calling that something to play with with your storytelling. Because we know that buzzwords are a buzz kill buzzwords are like cool even even we talked for like six days and say I snooze over that now my it means nothing to me. Like no joke. In my nervous system. There's no accent. I'm like, yep, CNET cool, whatever. Yeah. And people were seeing that weren't it's like, are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you ready to be less anxious? Like, yes, that's beautiful. And I believe everyone has more creativity than that. Okay, so what I've been really playing with is like this idea of storytelling that really, it almost like calls out, like a singular micro moment in your day. So I'll give some examples here because I know this could be a bit heady. But if, if everyone starts playing with this, your content will just feel so much more fun. It's like, okay, so let's just say if you're marketing like, Do you want more energy? You might be a PT, or you might be a nutrition or something like, Do you want more energy or you're feeling blah? The way to kind of like, expansive right about that is think about a single moment in the day that could describe or explain what that is. So instead of being like, you want more energy, it's like, I'm trying to think off the top my head here, hey, this is going to test my skills like you're fucking you moonwalking back in the door after your third wet workout of the week. And your handgun and you haven't even had your morning coffee yet. Like blah, blah, see how it's like singular moment or it might be like for coaches, it's like have six figures or make more money like yes, we've seen that so it's like okay, you're open your laptop and your fucking notifications opinion. And you just someone's slid into Dan's trice, I just binge your content. Fuck, I feel like I know you. Like some of the dates, I don't even need to read it. Like, I'm keen to work with you. That's when you know you're nailing your marketing, you know, or like, or fuck, and you're thinking to yourself, and you're not even launching right now. Like, is this how good it can be? Yeah, I see how it's like these singular moments of like, this is a day in the life or this is a particular moment in time where I know that that person has more energy, or I know that person is now magnetic in their business. So I don't know if I just butchered that. Because it was it was very, like, I had to like think on my feet. But that's what I'm saying. Like shifts like that and playing with that of like, it's like when you read a good book, and you're like, Oh, my God, I need it. I need to keep reading this fuck this is like captivating versus a book isn't just full of fucking same same words that everyone's using, you know, like, there's some juice behind it. Like, yeah, I see myself in that I want to moonwalk before I can ping. And before I even have my coffee, like, yeah, lip, yes,



this is speaking to my English teacher nerd, like, I'm like,



I probably butchered so much.



It's so perfect. Because what you're doing is painting a picture for the reader to see themselves in it. And it's so much more engaging, it's just so much engaging. Yeah, and people like,



again, this is the difference between a lot of people, when we maybe attract clients, or attract people that you know, want one or the links and stuff and then never actually purchase, we're never actually move into action versus when you attract, ready to buy clients is what we could label, you know. And it's very much like, cool, we can keep painting a picture of where they're stuck. And they'll keep in that loop. And it's like, they already fucking know that they want a solution, they want to actually see where they can be in six months. So paint that picture for them. Because those action takers and those, like there's people right now, who are who are trying to manifest you as a coach that are like, I'm gonna look out for my next mindset coach, I'm gonna look out for my next naturopath, I'm gonna look out for my next healer. And like, when you speak to the vision that they want to be in three, six months, that's expensive for them versus like, I'm going to tell you again, that you're overwhelmed and you're stuck and you're anxious. Like, there's a real balance of, yes, let them feel seen. And you can absolutely acknowledge where they are. But hey, let's also like, future focus here of like, and this is where we're heading. And if you're ready to go there, I can help you fast track.



So with that, like I think that it's that pain point marketing, right, that we've all been told about so many times do the pain point marketing? Is it your your approach is more like leave the pain point marketing out, or touch on it, but don't make it your main message. Boom,



yep, touch on it as in like, and not from, like, let's throw vodka on their wounds. Not that but like, Hey, I see you on this, this and this cool, but like 75% 80% of what I talk about is we're going here, you know? Yeah, and like when I read stuff like that, I'm like, Oh, yes. Like that is that's what I'm journaling about. That's what I'm fucking podcasting about. It's on YouTube about is how to get there. So just, if you already paint that picture, there's a resonance. Yes. No. Yeah.



So is the point then, when we're making the content when we're creating that, you know, delicious and enticing message is the point or mission to go viral? No.



It's a reference to my rally. Yeah, good. Yep. You've done your homework. Love it. No. Okay. So let's talk about that real because I think we need to be we really need to stop being obsessed with going viral. Viral viral mean fuck all if you your messages shit. Oh, If you're not already converting clients with the content now with your 200 followers, like if you're not converting, they're like, let's, let's really dial that in and now that and have fun with that, and then throw money at it with ads or then then go viral or whatever. Like, I think again, it's that thing of everyone thinks that going viral or having 10,000 more followers is gonna fix everything. Majority of the time, it actually does nothing, but maybe bring some trolls to your page. No, I'm not. It's like, There's definitely times where it has worked for people. But I'm like, focus on the people, right? In fact, in front of you, like, don't be obsessed with going viral. be obsessed with serving the people right in front of you in your community right now and nailing that and I know you're you're so beautiful at talking about just being fucking good at your craft. I know that people are like, yeah, yeah, but I might not. If your business wants to be here and another 20 3040 years, get bloody good at what you do. And focus on that. Because you will always have referrals you will always have people marketing for you always have people sharing your work. But please don't Don't be obsessed with going viral. Like, they don't pray for your five minutes of fame. Long term game man, long term game.



Amazing. I love this. I love the content conversation. And I want to quickly just switch gears because there are lots of people listening to this podcast, who are aspiring coaches or business owners. And they possibly are still in that like, holy shit. There's so much to consider. There's so many. It's the marketing, it's the messaging. It's the like, what's my priority here? What, when you begun? Yeah, what when you begun? Did you focus on and I'm talking about who you need to be, rather than what you need to do? What has been your metrics, and your priorities as you've grown your business from, you know, the beginning? Has it shifted? Has it changed? Or have you always come back and anchored back into? What's your priority? And what's your focus?



I mean, I've definitely got lost along the way. But it all it always comes back to and I know this again, sounds kind of like a bit boring. But it always comes back to like, well, actually, who I am in terms of, Am I aligned with my values? Am I in alignment with what is actually truly fucking important to me, not just what I think should be important to me, like, even on the even on the money thing on a touch on Sorry, I'm going to dance a few different ways with this question. Because I'm just going to move with what I was going to come through. Even with that money when I want to speak about it, and I use the term lightworkers. But anyone's whose sole it in business there. I think there are a lot of coaches trying to build a coaching business as if money is their top value. And it's not. And that does not mean because money is not your top value, or your top leading business, that does not mean you're not going to have an abundant business money is not my top value. I have a very abundant business and life, you know, and it's still not my top value. And that's okay. And I think what it when we come in it's like we're building from the strategy of what's going to get me here the quickest. Yeah, I think that's where people it's like, like, I reflect back on my 23 year old self when I was first coaching and I'm like, you fucking legend like, I was I was really just roll my sleeves up the grassroots, like, just, I wanted to put my hand up and speak anyway, like I said before, but like, giving as many people an experience of me and my work as possible. I think that is what a lot of people are forgetting now. We're just like, so obsessed with everything being online. And yes, amazing. We can have online platforms. When was the last time you got in a fucking room with some new people Heart to Heart human connection, vote some different energy, had some different conversations got out from your four walls of your house, you know, like, get people in the room with you in different ways all the time, whatever that looks like. I don't know where I was going with this. But I feel like that was an important message. That's always something throughout my business. So I will always do is get in the room with my community. Because if I lose my way if I lose connection to that, I feel disconnected from my mission. You know, like I taught a master class the end of last year it was literally called remember why you started. And I needed that for myself just as much as for everyone else teaching because we had gone a bit out of balance. We had gotten a bit obsessed with things that are really shiny and cool, but not the sole mission. And we kind of forgot so assignment a little bit I think so. Yeah, it's I can't remember if I can question babe. Sorry, has went on a bit of wild ride there. But, but I think that that whole time, it's like coming back to who I am who I'm not plugging back in with that. And also just like, Yeah, I don't know. Sorry, forgot the fucking question. But there you go.



It's not it's perfect. I think that that was actually the perfect route. Although, and just one other thing I wanted to touch on because this is actually something I've spoken about for so long. I've never heard anyone else talk about it. And I was so excited to hear you have a conversation around the difference between coaching and teaching, and most people, there's a few things here. So lots of people run into the coaching industry a to make bank and to do it quickly. And so they're not. What I've noticed is there tends to be an air of entitlement that comes with that, where people will be like, Well, I've been posting for three months, like, where's my millions? Or like, I thought I was lucky. Yeah, I thought I was meant to make six, seven figures by working 10 hour fucking weeks. And it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, roll your sleeves up. Do your time. So there's that. But also, if you're going to scale a coaching business, most people because that's what they want to do. Right? They want to scale they want the time freedom that lalala Yes, but they always go to one too many courses, grid programmes, which is brilliant, amazing. But I think it's really important to also know Hold on, is your energy and your fullest expression, the teacher archetype, and that like, Oh, I love that energy, or are you actually that coach that one on one? Let's get what lights you up more? Because it's a fucking different skill set? Very different. Yes, yeah. And a different expression. And you might feel more confident in one of those spaces. But I believe now to scale a coaching business, you want to be pretty clear about what they both are and the differences. So can you speak to that? And tell me what's been? Where do you feel like you're in your power? And how has that impacted and influenced the way you've scaled your business? Oh,



this is so good. Because you're just so great. No, I don't like so I'm so glad that you are you are leading this in in your community as well. And these conversations because I'm gonna go back to the Yeah, what you said that the archetypes in the expression piece like me and my most potent and I knew this from day one that I graduated as a coach, I knew I was was a teacher. Yeah, it's a very different energy of like, I want to be on the mic I have, I have a message to share with you. I know I can move the energy of a room. I know I'm here to just go Pow, pow, pow, go and do whatever you need with that. I know that speaking is a big part of my my work and my mission here as well. But I think owning that especially when people Yeah, think that okay, the dream business model is to have masterminds or to have the group coaching and then you've got this amazing, beautiful, introverted, healer, coach, whatever. And I'm like, You are so powerful holding space one to one, why are you thinking that that is any less powerful than someone teaching 20 people in a mastermind? There's actually no difference in power. It's what is what is your most truest expression and I think that's the clunkiness of when someone goes, Okay, I dollar signs, I need to double this or that, that must equal a group and it's like, no, you can get really creative with like leveraging your space holding, you can get really creative with leveraging yet just being a coach, or being a teacher and a speaker and build your business model around that. You know, it's something I'm constantly kind of pulling the pieces and playing around with but because I would say like, like, I am a business coach, but I would say my strongest expression is teaching and speaking for sure. So I'm at my coaching one to one kind of around that a bit as well, where it's like you're coming in, it's kind of like a yes, I'm holding space for you and coaching but it's very, I'm also teaching a, b and c and then we take action to like not together but we take action and move on this like, here's a shirt let's go you know, it's I feel like I'm not answering this great but I think it's just an ownership of your, your strongest expression but also what what, what feels most natural to you as well. And knowing that there's a business model that fits around that that can be leveraged that can be at the forefront and that's that beautiful to circle back to what you said before that's also when you're most magnetic. You know and the thing with like I talk about this like with my one on one coaching I don't actually market it a whole lot and this is because I nine years in business as well everyone just to give context to that it's not like oh, I know market and I'm fully booked like I'm being a bit of a fucking nonius but I only talk about it every now and then. Because the thing that sells out my one to one is when people get in a room and hear me speak because they have an experience with my teaching and energy. My my fire my heart My love, all of my expression is like the same the way that I am on stage on the same on socials. Like you know, I just have a microphone in my hand. But people haven't experienced that that they're in the room with me. So that gap is closed very quickly. Yeah. And then it's like cool that that's how my one on one mentoring is just always going because I built into my business model I'm leveraging my teacher energy. Get people in a master class with me where I'm teaching, get people in a room with me get people on a podcast, you know, hearing a guest podcast episode, whatever, where I can just be in my zone. And from that it's just magnetic.






ah I love that. And I feel like there might be there might be some people listening who are like, Oh, I've just realised I'm actually more in my one on one energy like, I'm the coach, the nurturer, the healer. But there has been this almost messaging or I guess it's just an industry standard now where it's kind of like that the less than, or that's the start



here i that she? Do



you know what I mean? And so there's people that are like you said, there'll be scaling and their energy is probably fucked, because they're doing these big energy things. What would you say to the person listening? who's like, Oh, I'm actually really my power is with the one on one. I love that stuff. I love being in the coach archetype. Yeah. Would you say to that person? Oh,



my God owner. Yeah, like the simple is owner and unhook from any bullshit stories that are making you feel like that's not enough to be one on one coaching. Like there are so many thriving coaching business one on one and you just get creative with it, where it's like, you do coaching series you do in person coaching days, you do VIP one, on one days, you do a three day fucking immersion. Like, it doesn't mean because I think the the marketing as well is, you know, like, you don't want to have 20 calls a week, when you could just have five minutes and make a movie. And it's like, fuck off of what we actually want to work, you actually want to, when you're in your work, you are magnetic as well. You know, like when you're in actually in your, in your channel, in your zone, in your healing gifts, whatever energy is moving, and when energy is moving, more energy comes into your business. You know, that doesn't mean like cool work 70 hours a week. That's not what I'm saying. But I know you know what I mean, I'll just like you, Mark, you talk about this. So well has become really cool to have one call in your calendar, which for a lot of the time when people say that they have buck and 40 calls in there, and they're just talking shit and actually burnt out. So shut up. Yes,



I've seen so many funny, interesting things behind the scenes where I'm like, there's an integrity piece here. There's a Donate.



We didn't hold the podcast for that. So yeah. Yeah,



but so just just



own own yours own. That's almost like own his own man.



Yeah, love it. I'm going to wrap this up. And I want to finish it with one question, which I think is going to tie this whole conversation into a boat and hopefully leave listeners with something to think about for themselves, too. I want to know, Tracy Spencer, what is your version or metric of success? Ah,



yeah. I want to say too, okay, too, because my top value is my creative expression. Yeah, if I don't feel creatively expressed, I'm frustrated as fuck. And like sometimes overwhelm is actually just frustration. And for me, that's my biggest core of misalignment is I'm just like, Oh, I just, I feel frustrated. I'm not creating, I'm not being my full self that at all. So my metric and business is, am I having fun being my full self? If I'm not, if I'm turning into a big serious head, if I'm out of my alignment, if I am trying to be someone, I'm not like Merle, it ain't working. Yeah. And the second one is harmony in my home. Like, if I'm not feeling flow with my partner, if I'm not feeling connected to my son, if, you know, like, no one, no one sees what goes on inside the four walls of my house. And that's most important to me. You know, so it's those two things. If I'm successful in my business, where I'm creatively express, and I'm having fun in whatever way that looks. And my home life is really grounded and feeling nourished. I'm killing it.



Oh, that is so beautiful. I love it. Thank you so so much. I hope that that gives every lesson or something to think about I think we could tie this whole conversation up with like, what is your version of success? What is your metric for success? What do you value and making sure you don't stray from that? Because the coaching industry is a fucking weird place. And it can be very distracting. So Tracy, thank you so much for just being you and for everything you do. I love your content, your messaging, I love your story. I love your everything. So thank you so much for being here. Know



what a treat may look at us to country girls living our best lives so Bogan or chat



made it work in the stone. Okay.



Thank you so much. Thanks, mate.



I can't find the off button. Here we go.