The Mind School

My dream came true & I'm still processing. Listen to my reflection πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“

β€’ Season 5 β€’ Episode 184

This week on the Mind School Podcast Bre is joined by Courtney from Seeking Wilder who facilitated the recent 6 day Mind School Immersion with her. This episode is their reflection on the magic that occurred over those six days.

Tune in to hear them chat about:

πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ What tf IS the Mind School Method?
πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ A sign from the other side
πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ Bre and Courtney’s personal takeaways
πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ Courtney’s thoughts on collaboration over competition

This is such a beautiful episode that really does encompass everything the Mind School was about. The waitlist is open for a second and third round in Perth and Queensland! Make sure you are on it to receive all of the details. Join HERE.


Welcome to the mind school, the classroom for your mind and soul where we design our lives from the inside out. He will find a human first approach to life, business and relationships to create freedom, growth and constant evolution through mindset, emotional intelligence, leadership and connection to self. I'm your host, Breanna Mae, educator, CEO, mindset and business mentor. And my mission is to teach the things we were never taught at school, so that no dream is left on the pillow and no purpose left unfulfilled. Here you can expect a lot of laughs and thought provoking conversation as we squeezed every drop of juice from this beautiful, precious, crazy thing called life. Hello, hello. Welcome back to another episode of the mind school method podcast. I am in my hotel room in Bali. And I feel like I'm on a massive calm down. I feel like I've had a week long bender. And I've just run off to Bali to sit by a pool and process what the fuck just happened. For anyone who has listened or been following along for the last year or so I have been getting ready for the mind to school methods certification, which was a certification for aspiring coaches and coaches and lots of people who weren't coaches, lots of business owners, lots of people from a wide variety of industries, we had some GMs we had all sorts of people. And actually it wasn't all coaches, but it is a coaching certification that I just run in Perth for six full days. And like I said, I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck just happened because it's like I went into a vortex and I've never felt so present so grounded, so grateful. So sure of where I'm meant to be and the work that I'm here to do on this earth. And so proud of my students who have had the most insane transformations it was, there were so many highlights of, honestly, my whole career like I was a teacher. For years before this, I've been a coach for many years, there were so many life and career professional highlights in the last week, watching my students transform, and I am so fucking proud of the mind school method for the depth and the transformation and the knowledge and the skills and the embodiment and the wisdom that my students walk away with. And I'm still trying to figure out what just happened. So this episode is actually a conversation with my support coach. So the main school method has a support coach who is now the new official student counsellor. That's our official terminology. That's our official title for now, the mind school method student counsellor is my beautiful friend, Courtney and she was there for the whole six days. And so we wanted to have a conversation mostly just to process but also to speak about, you know, things that came up for me reflections, how it feels to having you know, after having finally, like done this thing that you've been dreaming of for so long, and my takeaways and the reflections about what it takes to be an incredible coach and incredible human what it takes to be fully in your power. It was a really great conversation and reflection. And so have a listen, I think it's going to be really helpful for those of you who are a coach or want to be a coach or even just have a business or want to just, if you want to just be nosy To be honest, that's a really good conversation to hear what went down from our own lens and from our own stories. And if you are interested in doing the next round of the mind school method, which honestly I don't really yet have the words for what just happened was beyond comprehension beyond what I could ever have imagined beyond my wildest dreams better than I ever imagined 10 times better than I ever imagined. And I can honestly say with full conviction and with every cell of my body behind it, it will transform your life your kids lives, your grandkids lives, and obviously make you an incredible coach and incredible business owner, someone who's convicted and in their power it is it is something I am so so proud of and so the waitlist for the next enrollments are in the show notes. For now enjoy this conversation with my beautiful friend and the mind school method support coach Courtney who is seeking Wilder. Okay, I'm joined by Courtney, seeking Wilder, the mind school methods school counsellor, it seems and I think what we're about what we're about to do is actually as process what the fuck just happened, because I personally am still I feel like I've just had a Bender, and I'm just coming down. Like, I'm like, I was in a time warp. I was in his love bubble. I was on such a high. And it's been a few days since we just ran them on school method. And I am really trying to process it all. How are you feeling caught? Yes. Same. I feel like as you said, like we were just in this like Time Vortex where time didn't exist when we're in our own little cocoon with all the beautiful souls who are in the mind school. And then I've just come out of it. And it's been a bit like, where am I meant to be? What am I meant to be doing again? Who was I even before the school? Oh, that's right. But it's been beautiful. I love that. I love that. And it's, yeah, there's actually I was, I'm in Bali at the moment, I flew out the second day after just to recharge. And I was on the plane journaling. And I actually was like, you know, obviously, I created this programme to help transform my students lives. But I transformed as part of that, like, I'm not the same person now, either. I took so much from that there was so much magic, so much medicine, so much transformation. And the students provided so much value to us to like, my heart is so cracked open. And I'm just yeah, I'm really processing all of it. Yes, I feel the exact same way. And I think that's just a massive credit to what you've created. And it's also a massive credit to who you are, that you enter something as the teacher as the principal, teaching all of these really incredible, really incredible things and, you know, big concepts, but also to be so open. And I think what is so beautiful about the way you teach is and you touch on this in the mind school and you talk about golden shadow is that you don't pedestal yourself, you teach you bring everyone up with you. And you do it in such an open hearted way. And I think that's why both you and myself as well have been able to be transformed by this experience, because there was no ped of stalling in the way that you were holding space. And in the times that I was holding space. It was just we were all in there together to learn and exchange, knowledge and energy and just everything and it was honestly like one of the most beautiful weeks of my life to be completely honest. I'm gonna cry again, I thought I was out of cheers bog like, same and I actually said I think it was to a couple of the students in my DMs today I was like, to be honest, I actually feel a little bit flat because after such a high, you've got to, you know, naturally neutralise that energy somehow. And it was it was just so fucking beautiful. And yeah, it's insane. And so let's talk about because I find this magical, let's talk about, okay, because you've obviously come into the mind school method. Inserted yourself into the programme, I want to give context, and then you can tell this magical universe story, which is just so fucking beautiful and sends chills down my spine and Oh, my God, I still can't imagine I still can't contemplate what just happened. But for context, Courtney wanted to join. So Courtney has been a friend of mine for a few years, I've done some, you've been my client, I've been your client, we sort of exchange services almost because we have such a broad skill set between us. And it's been really helpful for both of us as friends and as coaches and professionals. And so when I started advertising the mine school method, you Courtney actually was like I'm joining and I was like, rejected. I love you. But no, you're not. And Courtney said to me later, you jected me and I was like I didn't reject you. It just there was something telling me? No, you're not a student. You're not a student, actually. And I said to you a few days later, when I was actually planning the curriculum and planning the days I was like, actually, would you like to come on the emotional embodiment day because that's your jam, like you love this stuff. It would be so nice for me to also have a break because six full on days of teaching and holding space is a lot. So I was like, actually, do you want to come and run a bit of a masterclass and run an embodiment practice so that my students really get to drop into their bodies and understand through experience what this is. And then Courtney, then Courtney was like, actually, I've bugged out all six days, and I'm going to be there to support you because you need a support person. And I was feeling quite stressed right before the main school method. Like all of my fears were coming up. I was like, Oh my God, is it going to be good enough? Am I going to be able to give, you know, all of the doubts that come up with creating something new and running it for the first time? And so I had reached out to you and told you as a friend like I am freaking the fuck out. I am so scared. And so yeah, just at my edge, I was really stretching my conference edge. And so Courtney said, Well, I'm going to be there like I'm going to be there every single day. I'm going to just help you take some content may sure that you're being fed, make sure that you you you're being looked after. Because Courtney is big on this, like, making sure that you are receiving and feeling like giving from a full cup. And I was like, Oh, I don't know, like, I don't know, let me pay you let me do something like, let me lalalalala. And, yeah, long story short, Courtney was there for the whole six days, and you ended up tape holding a lot of space for people as they were processing and having their own emotional. Yeah, emotional processing, really. And you were meant to it just felt like and this was the this was the feedback we got from almost everyone. It felt like you were meant to be there, not just for me, because I definitely needed the support, but also for the students. And then magical things we started realising happened behind the scenes in the energetic quantum field, things were happening. So Courtney, can you now share what happened from your end? Yes. And that was it. It was just that knowing it was just that knowing that I meant was meant to be this. It was like rejected, you sit with us, actually, you won't be a part of the mind school. I was like, My intuition is telling me I'm meant to be there. And I was, which is how it worked out. But it was the night before the last day. And in so many of the sharing circles. I've been feeling the energy of my dad and my bad dad passed away when I was 17. And he was into this stuff. He was so into the mind and reading books about it. And he come up a few times. And we were going through his thing throughout the week. And I had seen something from when he ran a it was a mind memory business and sales training programme 34 years ago. So when he ran that with a business partner, and I didn't click when I first saw the name, but on the morning of the last day, I had one of those aha moments and I went on tour and wild up. No, my brains gotta be making that up. There is no way that my dad's mind business and sales training programme was called Hunter and Wilder, and got my mom to send me a photo. And sure enough, it was. So it was him with his business partner whose last name was Hunter. And of course, my last name is Wilder. And it was just one of those insane aha moments. It felt like a seed that my dad had planted being like, hey, I have been bringing you into this. I've been bringing this person into your life like Breanna and I will just run into each other all of the time throughout the past three years and almost like my dad has been like, hello. There's a magic for you guys to create together. And it did feel like that beautiful coming together. And then just after the mind School finished, I actually went through and was looking through all of his notes and some of the quotes that Breanna has mentioned as in there. And so many of the things that Breanna that you taught, like, different language, but it's the same process is in there. And it's in his notes. And I'm like, This is wild to me. And it was one of those moments that when we shared that everybody was just like, oh my goodness, I can't believe it. And yeah, still gives me goosebumps when I think about it. About that. Absolute chills because obviously like My surname is Hunter and you're Wilder and even on the day that you realise that because Courtney signed for her dad when she knows that she's on the right path. And she's aligned and she's where she's meant to be. She always asked her dad to send cookie bars. And when you were driving to my house, the morning you saw that old business card, there was two kookaburras. And I just think it all felt like there was so many things that just lined up that week that I couldn't have planned and it's like everything was just meant to happen exactly as it was. And yeah, having you there was absolutely, like just so special and even afterwards for me to be able to have this conversation with you now and be like, Okay, what the hell? Let's actually answer this question. Now we can both take turns. What the fuck is the mind school? What is the mind school method? Please tell me in your words. I think if I had one word to describe the mind school, it would be all encompassing. That's the word that has really sat with me these past couple of days, because so many of the beautiful souls that came into the mind school came from very different things. They all came from very different things. And they all got exactly what they needed. times 10 And exactly what they didn't know that they needed but they had craved for many years or they hadn't even told themselves that that was what they needed. And I wonder because I've been hiding that part of themselves and it was this all encompassing. And something that I said to you, Brianna. Now I'm getting teary again, was how proud I was of you because I do think that this is one of the only coaching containers of its kind where you are really creating such well rounded It's, for lack of a better word holistic coaches because yes, you were doing the the mindset and the NLP, and the shadow work and the emotional intelligence, but even in the conversations that we were having, and the teaching people about creating safe containers and how to coach and really in really beautiful, safe and supportive ways, and all these other little pieces that don't necessarily fall into NLP, emotional intelligence and shadow workers, those labels that you have done is what is making these people such phenomenal coaches. And I mean, we got to see that in the way that they were practising with each other how easily they slipped into that, and also realised that for itself, so yeah, it would have to be all encompassing, because you don't just come to the mind school to learn business. And you don't just come to the mind school to learn NLP. And you don't just even come to the lines mind school to learn how to practice NLP and Shadow Work and emotional intelligence. You learn how to bring together all of those things, and embody them not only in your life and in your business as well. Yeah, it's such a good way to explain it. I've been sitting with it, because so much of the feedback that I've been getting is like, I thought I was coming to upskill. And that's great. Like, I'd say, 70% of the people, there were coaches a few months, some people were just coming for personal reasons. And they were like, I think I'll have a business one day, but I want to learn more and evolve. And it was so interesting that the people who came to be better coaches and to upskill walked away being like, Holy fucking shit, this has impacted my children. This has impacted my marriage, this has impacted jetlag, I got an I got a message a few days after, and it said, Bri, this has impacted generation. So thank you for my grandkids and my great, great, great, great, great grandkids. And I was like, I'm gonna have a real fun time writing the copy for the enrollment page next time. Because yes, it is 100% and upskilling. Like that the quality of the coaching I saw, there were people who came in and was still they still had this niggling story or narrative that I'm not really a coach, yet, I'm not good enough to be a coach, I'm nervous to coach I don't have the skills. And by the end, they were so highly skilled and confident and just holding space, like, I would be coached by them. Like, I'm so fucking proud of the quality of coaches that have come out. But more than that, their levels of self awareness, self regulation, connection to themselves. It's really hard to put into words, but it's, I'm very fucking proud of the depth of the course, I must say. Yeah, and there was so much depth to depth to it. And I think that is so beautiful about your way of bringing all of these things together is that there is so much depth, because you have everything in there, all those different modalities and how you bring it together, that it's not like and what I love, it's not like when it's NLP day, I'm just teaching you how to pay. And it's just NLP, the way that you teach is you would be sprinkling in these other things from the lessons that had come so that they could see how they could blend it together. And I think that is what was really helping people have these skills and have these confidence that this confidence is because, honestly, you taught people how to trust themselves. Because of instead of it being like, this is exactly how I have to do this practice how I have to coach this practice, they were like, well, Bri has said that and was giving examples of you can do this practice. But you can also bring in these pieces into it as well that what I really saw from when people were doing their coaching and practising on each other is the insane amount of self trust that was being shown. And really believing in themselves and being like, actually, I am a really good coach, which was so beautiful to see. It literally gives me chills right now like if I can help people to trust themselves. And that just means so much. And also I got a lot of I'm always listening for themes, like what are the themes here, and a lot of the themes were, thank you for Yes, I have clarity in my business, I know where I'm going, I trust myself. But more than that, I know who the fuck I am. And I'm okay with who I am. Like, I'm here to be me. And I love all parts of me. And that just landed so deep in my heart, and just further reinforced for me that you can only take your business and your clients as far as you'll take your yourself and I've had messages today because it's now Tuesday, and people are sort of returning to work returning back to their business. And I'm getting these little messages that are like, Holy fuck, I've never felt so convicted. I'm going in and having a meeting with my GM. I'm feeling so sure of myself. Or I'm at my part time job and I'm just like, not this alien. I know exactly what I need to be doing now. And it's it's yeah, all encompassing is a fucking great word. Oh, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum yum. And I will say one of my actually, I had a few takeaways. So let's share our personal takeaways because I think this might be helpful. And so many people I think will resonate with this because it was, these are my personal takeaways. But it was also echoed from a lot of students. And one of them was actually how much we are craving in person intimacy, like intimate spaces, not fucking surface level, not more time on our phones, I have never felt and this was one of the things I wrote in my journal on the plane over here. I have never felt more convicted, more sure of myself more trusting of where I'm meant to be. And the direction I'm going more in my own lane, more creative, more 100% Sure of everything that I'm doing and why I'm doing it. And it's no coincidence that I have spent fucking No, almost no time on my phone for the last six days. I've just been in my energy. I've been in my own energy doing what I love with the people that I love to be around. And it was so interesting, I had this reflection. Most nights I'd go home and I'd quickly go into a reshare on Instagram while I was fighting football to cook Monday night love him. And I felt like disgusted almost like I was like, the phone was giving me the EQ because it felt so it was like my nervous system. And my heart was so sensitive to anything that's not real. And that's not authentic, and that doesn't feel good in my body. And I was like, wow, this is so interesting. So I would reshare and then just put my phone away. And I want it to be my own energy again. And it was interesting how many people said that? Yes, absolutely. Because I think as you said, like humans crave connection we really do. And I think that recently in the past recent years, as well, so much of the connection that we got online, especially you know, or you mentioned, or very well often don't mention, but when we were stuck in our houses, and our only way to get connection with other people was through a screen. But we've kind of forgotten to swing back the other way and have that human in person connection. And it was so beautiful. It was so so beautiful to get to be in a space with these other beautiful people and just really speak what was on your heart and be heard. And it was very much there was very much a non judgmental space as well, which was beautiful. Everybody was showing up in such a place of openness. Because for you such a set such a beautiful, safe container at the start that people were able to be open. And I think that there's not a lot of places in society at the moment where we're able to drop into that openness and that vulnerability and have that true heart centre connection. And I was the same I was like, Okay, how can I sit up more in person events and things like that in the future, which is how my business started. And then it swung to all online. And being in that space for six days straight. It was like my soul was like, hey, remember how much you love to this? Remember how much this is medicine for you as much as it is for medicine for everyone else? So it's made me awesome. Look at my entire my entire business. I mean, like, there's some things that I also want to do differently now. Oh, I love it. So big, so big. Okay, so we both had that reflection, I want to share another of mine. I don't think this will be any. It may not be a surprise to you. Music Oh my god, music was such a big part of our wake, and how much joy it bring. To all of us. It brought so much groundedness and joy and it put us in our body and how many people had that reflection? Whoa, I listen to podcasts all the time. I'm always learning I'm always productive. I'm always reading, listening, filling, consuming, like this thirst? Where the fuck is the joy? Where is the dance party is at home? Where are the kids like, and moms were going home and having dance parties with their kids and their husbands are getting involved? Like what the fuck has happened to my wife. And I was filling my house with music. And this was just a beautiful reflection for me. And a reminder that like, oh my god, music is so healing and we do so much living in our head. Music is the best way to get out of it. Yes. And something that that I said is that I know to be true for myself is my house has been silent for a while. I have been avoiding Music Most of the time because I am living in my head and for those who are listening to this who do know me and for those who don't. I'm all about living in the fullness of your body and not just being a floating head and being in your full embodied self. And that was really what I was helping people with the entire week. And it was this beautiful thing like I know to be true. Like oh, I haven't I haven't opened one of my Spotify playlists for a while now. I'm like, Oh, you're also feeling really flat, you're also feeling really anxious, you're also feeling really in your head, you're also sitting at your computer for an extended period of time, but taking forever to do anything, like all of these puzzle pieces that link together, but when I have music on, and it's loud, and I'm so anchored into the different playlists that I play, and I moved in my body, everything feels free. Everything feels easier, because instead of just existing and taking in information and giving information from just my head, it gets to go through my entire body. So everything feels easier, because I feel like I have more capacity to do everything. Because I actually do, which is so beautiful. So I was just loving it every day, seeing people like getting free air and free Oh, when we were putting the music on as well. And I'm like, Yes, I love this so much. It's just yeah, a really beautiful way to anchor into coming back into your body. And again, it gets to be simple, like majority of songs are like, what, between three to five minutes. But it doesn't have to be this really long process of coming back into your body. It's just, it is practice. It's something that you come back to every single day, while you're building up that skill 100%. And it was so cool. I was actually going through all the footage this morning. And doing a little bit of a comparison, like day one, when Pete when the music was on watching how in people's head like people were in their head. And it was it's normal, right? It's so normal, especially coaches, and they're there. They're very, like, you know, people are building their businesses and they're trying to figure out how to build funnels and learn email marketing and learn to be an incredible coach and do my messaging and share my content and learn and grow and, and analyse because you're analysing behaviours and thought patterns. And people were came in in their head, and I could see that reflected in day one in the footage. By day six, everyone was moving, and you could see how quickly they were able to just drop in. And the creativity that came from that was fucking wild. So I really loved that. And that was a massive takeaway that I noticed, not just for me, but for lots of people. Did you have any that come up for you, any reflections, takeaways, when that came up for me, and again, this is just a reflection of how you teach. And I mentioned this before, adaptability. I think adaptability is an incredible skill, to strengthen to hone in on as a coach, as a teacher, as a mentor, as a kilo. Whatever you're going into. And I think Bree, you are one of the most incredible examples of embodied adaptability. And we got to see that every single day for every six days, the way that you were able to have every single person that was there feel seen and feel heard and to know when to go off the book off the script. And also when to bring it back as well. When to not go on a tangent when to like bring people and anchor people back into the energy because also that's what they need was so incredible. And it was one of those things that I was feeling so emotional, like sitting back and watching you do this and like just getting to see you in your genius of being like being adaptable as well. But also holding those those firm boundaries at times, also really helped everybody there to feel safe, because they could feel heard. And because they could feel answered. And there was not one person that was left behind this whole week, which was very beautiful and powerful. Because as we said it was such a wide variety of people and different skills and if they work or it coaches and weren't coaches, and again, coaches in completely different industries and all of this, but the way that you that you spoke the way that you taught and your adaptability was just absolutely incredible for really making sure that every single person got what they needed. And more. Thank you, thank you that is I love the skill of adaptability and if you're gonna be a teacher, and I really wanted to make it clear, like I was sharing with the ladies every day guys, we've actually just completely it got to be a bit of a joke by the end because as a teacher, you know, I would make sure I had the lesson plan for the day and the time sheet and I knew where I was meant to be going and what I wanted covered in terms of content and skill, drills and practice time and most days I was like you fuckers like my planning is out the window again. And it just became a joke where it was like forget the fucking planning on the last two days I didn't even bother because the truth is and this is something that I'm quite passionate about talking, talking speaking to, when you really fuck He knows your content, because you're embodied in your teachings, you've done your time, you know what, like the back of your hand, I could be adaptable because I was able to just go, You know what, whatever, throw away the book and do it, how they need, like work for the students, not for your own ego. And that was a conversation we had a lot, you know, I'm okay with. And I noticed a lot of them actually wanted the connection, they wanted more practice saying they wanted more of that. So I was like, okay, that's fine. I'm going to adapt, and I was showing them basically, you've got to be able to throw away your own plans and your own ideals of how you think things are meant to be. Because you're really there to serve your students. And if you can tell that your students aren't getting what they need, then you need to adapt. It's on you. And I think there's a bit of self responsibility that comes with that, too, which is a really cool conversation for business owners and coaches. Yes, it was so beautiful. And also it was so well received by everybody there as well. In the way to prove it. Absolutely. Absolutely. Like it was such a permissioning piece. And I won't I won't go into it, because it's someone else's story to tell. But the way that when you were were doing the example and doing the practice on them, the way that you were adaptable, and you were bringing in different tools and different skills that you had that they would then learn later on in the week, it was one of those aha permissioning moments that sparked one of the most powerful group discussions. I mean, there were so many but always powerful group discussions that we had as well. Though, you doing that and being the embodiment of that gave people again, so much more wisdom, so many more aha moments, so much more permissioning than if you had just stuck to the script. So true. Thank you for reflecting that. It was so nice actually having our drives home every and even if it's so wild, right? Like I was reflecting about it because my mom came on the last day and my mom loves you. My mom absolutely adores Courtney, your mom's everybody was sending messages like we love shit, Jim. We joked a lot about my dad, because I actually had my own reflection, which was really fucking beautiful. And my parents, my dad was a sports coach. He was a football coach, you know, mindset NLP, all of that sort of stuff. You can use your mind your mind is your strongest muscle. You can train anyone by having a strong mind all of that. And my mom's like, you should like this emotional like, Oh, honey, it's okay to cry. Bla bla bla. And so we sort of brought Yeah, it was just hilarious. Realising oh my god, this is literally like, I've brought both parts of my parents and put it into a course. And that was really, really interesting. But I was just going off on a tangent then because mom goes, so Courtney, what is Courtney lever she north of the river. And I was like, even that it's so fucking wild. She lives 10 minutes around the corner from me, and nobody ever lives southwest south of the rivers gals. And it's just Yes, so much has just come together where it's, it's fucking I don't even have the words for it, I'm still processing all of it. And there was something I wanted to touch on it in in terms of bringing you in and having you there and, and witnessing you in your magic and receiving feedback from clients that it was so beautiful to have you there. And they really appreciated having both of us and having our energies because they were able to see how you can move between modalities and embody different parts, but also be true to who you are. Also be true to the kind of human that you want to be and how you want to show up in your coaching business. And you and I probably hold a mirror up for those things. And then what became really interesting was a lot of clients said, it's also been beautiful to witness the actual collaboration over competition. And you wrote a beautiful post about this after so is there anything that you want to add to this? Because I have just brought it? We haven't even had this conversation yet. We haven't had the formal conversation of like, cool, Courtney. So you're officially the mind school council. And so you will be there coming to all of the things we haven't we haven't even spoke. It's just a knowing it's just a knowing that Courtney will be coming with me and I don't feel I don't feel any scarcity. I don't feel like No, it's my like, you know what I mean? And a lot of women were saying how beautiful it was to witness that. So what's that reflection for you? Or what would you like to say that because I loved your reel this week? Yes, I love collaboration. I love it so much. Also astrology girly, and my 10th house. So my career line is in the sign of Libra, which is like collaboration. So I just love it. I love when I get to collaborate for work. And I think that a lot of people say, collaboration over competition, but it's not always embodied in that way. And it was just so beautiful for both of us to hold the embodiment and hold that space so it doesn't take away. It doesn't take away from either of us. Me being there, me kind of forcing myself in but also like being eventually being open to it. saved my love and support. And having me come in. It didn't take away from Brees teaching, it didn't take away from the plan that Bree had HS added more. And the same sort of thing. Me being there. And something that was so beautiful is we actually did a lot of like very intuitively collaborative meditations where I would start the meditation in one point and then breathe would come in, and I could have been no, and when I'm doing a meditation, it's just me. But instead, it just added so much more and added more. And I think that's it, when you were really embodying collaboration over competition, it stops being about you. And it starts being about who you're of service to. Yeah. Because everybody was there by seeing that embodiment of collaboration and seeing that how we get to bring all these pieces together, it just gave them more, it gave them more value, it gave them more realisations, it gave them more connection, it gave them more space, it actually gave them more capacity, because you could be in that teacher mode teaching. And if somebody did need that extra support, I could be there to offer that extra support. Whereas you may not if it was just you had been able to stop and start, stop and start to go and support people in that way. And I think that's the piece when we talk about collaboration is it's reframing to it truly being about your audience truly being about your clients truly being about being of service. But it's also knowing yourself for much and being able to hold your own energy as well, so that those pieces, although shadows don't come out, whereas I think you and I, we have a longstanding friendship and we also know where we mirror each other and where those things came up. So we will also be able to sit in that energy and being like, This is so delicious, because we individually have done the work on ourselves to not drop into that jealousy or envy or any of those sorts of things or that scarcity mindset, we were like, oh, collaboration is abundance, whereas some people would view collaboration as scarcity being like, Oh, I'm getting less now. Because there are as well, like, there is more now there is abundance now because there's two of us. Yeah, and, sure, just a dozen times two, I feel like two times it's by like 10 100, which is the way that I've always viewed collaboration. So it was so beautiful to get to be in that energy and in that space. And since I put out that real, the amount of messages that I've got from people that were there and was like, I loved seeing this, I loved experiencing this in person. So so much. And it wasn't an intentional piece that we were bringing in. We didn't mean to one of the side things that that happened as well, which was so beautiful. Yeah, and it was a beautiful, that was one of my reflections. One of my own personal transformations or personal aha moments was Brianna Buck sake, you don't need to be so independent, you know, and I said to you and to Paul, in the week leading up to Holy shit is my toxic trait, my independent like Mr. Hyper independent, and when I had that reflection, and I set it to pull, you should have seen his bucking face that little funk, I want to slap him. I was like, he's like I said to him, because I'm putting together this big massive sign. And I thought I'd be able to do it on my own. So I'm putting together a sign in the living room and I. And it's like, why did you not tell, I would have taken the day off and come and set up with you. And I was like, It's okay, Courtney is coming like bank back garden is going well, a lot. And Paul goes, Yeah, I think you could really like it's something that you can practice. And that's being like allowing yourself to be supported. And I loved that reflection for myself. Because independence is a beautiful trait. Like I love my independence. I am so self and this is the shadow side of being such a self responsible self sourced, my power comes internally. And I know that I do not source or outsource my power. I don't take my power from other people. I don't believe that's where my value comes from. But then the shadow side of that is you can become Piper independent, and not actually allow yourself to be supported. And so when you said to me, I think it was one of the days leading up to or maybe in the drive there. You were like Bri Imagine going to school, isn't this something that pisses teachers off? Not having an EA not having an assistant in your classroom? And I was like, oh my god, I wanted to build a school that had all of this support and where there was limited class sizes like I always said no, in my school, there's no more than 20 kids in a class so that everybody gets what they need. And everyone and then I was like you'd have an assistant like it would be a utopia. And then when Courtney when you said to me like fuck imagine going into a classroom and not any classroom, a classroom that's about fucking emotions and processing and shadows and some heavy shit. Imagine doing that without AAA, I was like, wow. So allowing support has been such a big thing for me. And I'm just so happy that you reflected that back to me. And I think that comes back to that piece that we were talking about that embodiment piece that ended up being integrated in it every single in every single day is that if I was not embodied, if I was not filling myself up every single day, if I was not dropping into myself, if I was not doing the work for myself, I would not have had the capacity, I would not have had the space to be able to hold that energy of rate, to breathe and being like, to hold that energy to be of actually, you do need that support. And I have the capacity. So I'm going to show up for you. And that's a beautiful piece where I was so grateful and so thankful to myself for like the past previous months of like feeling myself up and building up my capacities. And I've been teaching so much about that about filling up your own capacities and how to check in with yourself and how to overflow into your community. Because that's like, my highest value is, is giving back. But I'm like, we be of service to ourselves so that we can be of service. So I was like, Oh, I had all this abundant energy from being of service to myself. And then I saw that little window with Bray, and I was like, you will receive my son. I will be part of the mind school method and you have nothing. There's nothing you can say about it. I can see and feel myself there. So it's happening. Yeah, and I obviously felt it too. It just it was all so fucking divine. And I am so excited for the neck. Like I'm already I actually feel like I said a little bit of a come down. And I was like, oh, like obviously I'm in Bali. I'm with my family. Life's fucking sweet, not gonna lie. But the thought of going back to my office and sitting in my office and sitting in my room, I'm like, No, get me back into school, get me back in the classroom. Get me back on that. Drive up the freeway with you having chats and listening to music and dancing in the mornings before our students come get me back there. So I am just lit the fuck up. Just start this again to do it again. We've got dates that we're starting to play with for Perth and Queensland. So Courtney, I hope you're our, you know, hope you're ready for a few little trips. I am ready. I am ready. Let's see. Yeah, I mean, eventually we'll be we'll be taking this worldwide guys, it's gonna happen, it's gonna be a thing. I think every single person that was there and both of ourselves felt like it was the start of something really big. The incredible transformation that every single every single person went on, including ourselves in those six days, I'm like, Ah, the world, the world does actually need this. There's, I think some of those few things in your life that you tap into, and you realise that it's so much bigger than yourself. It's so much bigger than yourself and think emotionally again. And the mind school was one of those moments where I was like, I was I mean, I was emotional every single day. I'm an emotional person, I love it more and more and more as more. But there was so many times that I was sitting back there and hearing Brianna teach hearing the back and forth with the students and Brianna and also hearing the aha moments as they were all practising with themselves. And I'm like the rebound effect of impact that this is going to make not only just to everybody was there and their families and their clients. And but I'm like that ripple effect is just going to keep going and I was like I can see Breanna teaching this to so many more people. So many more people because it's just really does feel like the medicine that the world needs right now. Oh, I just got full body chills again. Thank you. I do feel like this is it's so funny. I felt like and I think maybe some people in business could relate to this when I started to pivot and you know, level up your life has always been my, my bread and butter, my my main my signature offer the thing that I'm known for. And when I started to bring out the mind school method, it was almost this feeling of like, whoa, I've got to start again. Like I've got to start I've got no testimonials. I've got nothing in my back pocket to, you know, give me confidence that this shit works like that this shit is incredible. And I felt like I had to take 10 steps back I had to do a bit of an ego death I had to let my finances like with this knowing that it is gonna be bigger and better. And it's crazy because I've had I would say I've had a beautiful experience in business. I've loved my business and it's been a very successful journey in business so far and yet I literally have this sense that like it hasn't even fucking started like this is the start this right now is something so big and I'm so excited to have you on the journey with me babe because like, Man, I'm just not meant to be in my office by myself. It's not my place and I love the online space and there's so much beauty in it and I will keep doing some online teachings. But having people humans to touch and to be with and to connect with. This has just been such a dream come true. And last week was honestly one of the highlights of my whole life. So thank you. Thank you, Courtney so much. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, same it was so beautiful. It was so beautiful to be in that space with you. And Oh, yum. Can't wait. Can't wait. Yum, yum, yum, yum join on the waitlist guys, because you will learn so much. You will learn so many amazing skills, you'll become an all encompassing, well rounded Coach, your life will transform in ways that you don't, you can't even comprehend right now, but it will feel so right you'll feel more of yourself. You will be loved on it will be loved on in a way because you will truly be seen for those days and also just to get to be there to witness the way that everybody but especially the way that Bri teachers and coaches and holds that space. It's things that you can't even put on paper to learn but you will learn them which is so beautiful. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, God. Thank you universe. Thank you, Courtney's Dad, thank you Courtney's dad for just forcing us like forcing and forcing us to come together and it's fucking magical. And yes, guys the waitlist is in the shownotes. We will be doing a Perth round and a Queensland round and Courtney will be there as the main school methods student counsellor, we need to have chats about that, but we already know it's done. So, guys, go have a look on the waitlist. And thank you for listening. We'll be back next week. Bye. Bye. Thank you for tuning in to the MindScape podcast. It is a massive intention of mine to continue to grow this show. Because the more the show grows, the better the guests get. And I know that is going to be so powerful for you listening. So if I could ask this massive favour, it would mean the world if you could please leave a review, hit the Follow button or leave a rating on Spotify so that we can continue to grow this show and bring you the juiciest, most thought provoking and expansive conversations through incredible guests. Thank you so much for tuning in. I'll see you next week.