The Mind School

Feeling overwhelmed or disheartened by your big dreams? 💭

• Season 5 • Episode 188

This week on the pod Bre is chatting about feeling overwhelmed or disheartened by your big dreams. She reflects on a time where her life as it is right now, was her big, ‘far away’ goal. 

Now, following the success of The Mind School Method she’s staring down the barrel of another BIG goal and in this episode, she shares the tips and tools she uses to avoid feeling overwhelmed by it.


Tune in to hear her chat about: 

💭 Why it’s helpful to declare and share
💭 Be aware of any narratives that present themselves
💭 What to do when your goal feels out of control
💭 The importance of controlling the controllables

There are some tangible action steps in this episode that will be so beneficial to anyone with crazy big goals that feel overwhelming and out of reach. Let us know your takeaways by sharing to your stories and tagging @iambreannamay.


The Mind School Method is coming back and we have dates finalized for Perth AND Queensland locations. To be the first to hear all of the details make sure you’re on the waitlist! Join HERE.


Welcome to the mind school, the classroom for your mind and soul where we design our lives from the inside out. He will find a human first approach to life, business and relationships to create freedom, growth and constant evolution through mindset, emotional intelligence, leadership and connection to self. I'm your host, Breanna Mae, educator, CEO mindset and business mentor. And my mission is to teach the things we were never taught at school, so that no dream is left on the pillow and no purpose left unfulfilled. Here you can expect a lot of laughs and thought provoking conversation as we squeezed every drop of juice from this beautiful, precious, crazy thing called life. Hello, you beautiful human, thank you for being back here on the mind school podcast or if it is your first time here. Thank you for being here. Today has been what I feel is like the first day of winter come in. It's so funny before we went to bed last night actually, that just reminded me right before we went to bed last night, my husband stood out the window and he was like, winter is coming steady there and his jocks I don't know why that's just cracking me up. But today felt like the first day of winter and it was raining. And of course it happens this weekend. So I don't know if anyone out there maybe with a little bit of a spicy brain could resonate with this. Sometimes the duration or length of time it takes for me to completely fulfil one boring house task can vary from like I'm on and I've got it I've got and I'm talking about washing right now fan, please let me know, in the DMS, if I'm not alone here. If I commit to doing the washing, it's either going to be washed, hung out, brought back in put away all in one day, or that whole process is going to take me a week. And I'll just forget and keep remembering, like at different moments throughout the week. Most of the time, it's the latter. And yesterday, I was like right time to do washing, I'm gonna do washing I just got back from Bali. And then after Bali, I went home to my hometown for a while to spend some time with my mom. And so I just felt a little bit all out of sorts, not having my rhythm and routine. So I was like, right, I'm gonna do groceries, get my washing done. And of course, it's the weekend that it rains. And so I've tried but two days in a row. Now I've just got wet washing, which is super annoying, but you know, we live and we learn or do we, I certainly don't, it's that and dishes, it's just household chores, I will start them and forget to do them and sometimes not finished them. And that will be something that Paul will remind me of many, many times, but it's just, it's just the way I am. And I say he certainly did not marry me because of my hashtag wifey skills. I'm very much missing that Stepford wife factor. But I'm really gonna give it a little bit more, I'm going to practice it, I'm going to practice it, I think it's going to become one of my goals, one of these years, it's probably not this year. But one year, I'm just going to make it a goal to be a little bit more Wi Fi, you know, I might, I might do it. I might, I might let let Paul Come on the show. And we'll talk about whether or not that ever happened. But quickly to life update from me, I've been pretty high. I've been high as a kite the last little while. And I think it's actually taken me a month, a good solid month to come down after the mine school method. So the founding members have now been through this certification. And it was 10 million times better than I ever could have imagined. Like, I had my my vision in my mind and in my heart, and it's been there for years. But this just blew it out of the water. And I'm still sort of coming to terms with it. I knew that it was going to teach NLP I knew that it was going to teach shadow work, I knew that it was going to make coaches feel really confident in their coaching skills. What I didn't know was how many of the students would actually have these profound transformations that impacted their kids and their marriages and so much and I won't speak for my students, I never would. But it was just beyond what I ever could have imagined. And that has actually led me to this topic that I want to talk about today. Which is what to do when you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed or disheartened by dreams that are so big that they either feel so far away, or it's a goal or a dream that's actually outside of your control. And so I'm going to talk about that today because it's something that I have personally been moving myself through and coaching myself through this last year and more specifically, after the mine school method and I want to share two different one professional and one A personal example that I think a lot of people will be able to resonate with, and really just share how I coach myself through these things and how I would coach clients through this. Because I have set really big goals, some that are so big that I'm like, Oh, well, that's so far away, and some that are actually outside of my control. And so let's talk about that. I want to start with, when your goal feels so far away, like you've got the vision, you've actually got this dream, you've got this exciting big project in mind, or this vision or this thing that you're like, it's it's there. But it's so far out into the future or so far away from your current reality, that it actually starts to feel really big and really overwhelming. And this happens quite a lot whenever I teach level up your life, which is my signature mindset and personal development programme. And what happens in this course, is that everybody dreams really, really big because we start with what's called Dream Life Design. And I believe that this is one of the most important things that anyone can do when goal setting, and that is getting really, really clear on the specific outcome. Because then you know what to align your mindset with, then you know what to align your actions with, then you know how to make decisions. But if you don't know where you're going, it's like you're sort of a tumbleweed blowing in the wind. And wherever the direction of the wind goes is where you will end up. When you have a North Star, you have a compass with which to sort of align yourself to. And so we need to start with Dream Life Design. And this happens every time I work with a client where they're like, I've got the vision. And it's big. And it's so you know, it's so clear in my mind, but it's so far away. And this is how I felt when I was, for example, still working as a teacher. And I was like in my classroom, piles of marking around me and I had this vision of, of exactly what I'm doing now, to be honest, like I had this dream of having the freedom to work where I want work from different countries have lots of time off with my husband, I dreamt of teaching things in my own classroom, that were really relevant and that like, really contributed to satisfaction and fulfilment, I had a dream of having a podcast, I had a dream of having this house, I had a dream. That was everything that I have now. But at that point five years ago, it felt so far away, I didn't know how to have a business, I didn't know how to create a podcast, I didn't know how to, I didn't know the first thing. And then I didn't even know how to invoice people. I was writing it in a ledger in a little journal, the first time I got a client had written in this little notebook, which I've still got in my office right next to me, and it's the cutest thing. But I didn't know and so it felt really far away. And sometimes this can start to feel really overwhelming because you're seeing the end result, but not all the steps to get there. And you might not even know how to get there because you don't yet have the skill set. So now you're dealing with I'm not sure how to do it. And then if I do know how to do it, I don't actually know how to do those skills. For example, I was like, Well, I'm obviously going to need to start my own business. How the fuck do I start a business? What's an ABN? Am I a sole trader or a company? What do I do, like every single thing was new, so overwhelmed, just starts piling on if you don't have the right mindset and tools and strategies behind you, which I'm gonna get into. But let me share how this could play out for me right now and why I'm sharing this on the podcast and why it's going to be one of the tips that I will ask you to do when you are setting a goal that feels really big and almost like unachievable or out of reach to the first thing or one of the things that I would say to do is to actually say it out loud, declare it and share it. And what this will do is a few things it is going to make you notice any fears, any insecurities, any shame, any doubt, any narratives that is associated with it. For example, if I had shared back five years ago, now, I have this dream of having a podcast and doing this and doing that. What I would have noticed is the story. I'm too scared, I was too scared to share it with my colleagues because I thought they would all think I'm silly. And that was the first narrative for me to be like, Whoa, I'm going to really have to work on this fear of others judgement if I'm going to do this thing. So there's that it highlights and brings to the surface, any narratives that are going to be the first obstacle for you to get through. And again, this is an opportunity, not an obstacle. It's an opportunity. Every time you see where your mindset blocks are, where your narratives might get in the way where your fears will get in the way. You've now got the language and the articulation to be like, Ah, I am afraid of my colleagues and then you can dive deeper, which colleagues in particular, what is it that you're afraid they might say And now what's happening is you're actually starting to build your own self And so it doesn't just feel like this really vague or I can't because I'm scared, you start to pinpoint. Actually, what I'm afraid of is a few colleagues that might think I'm X Y, Zed, cool, now you've got something tangible and specific to actually work on. But other than this other than you getting clearer on and building this awareness of what exactly is holding you back and its own, I can tell you right now, spoiler alert, the thing that will be holding you back is fear, fear of some sort. And that is actually again, not an obstacle, there is no one ever, who has achieved something spectacular or outside of their current reality, who didn't have some form of fear. The only difference between them and the people who don't get there is that the people who achieve that thing, are very good at working with and despite fear, whereas others let it be a reason not to take action. So the first thing that you're going to do when you share and declare out loud, your goal is start to notice narratives. The other thing that will happen is if you share it with the right people, and you have that person in your life, who wants the best for you who is unconditionally supportive, who sees your highest potential, who has got your back no matter what, if you can share it with that person, you can also then ask them to hold you accountable. Whether this is your best friend, or your husband or a coach, you've got somebody in your corner, who will be holding you to account and making sure that you are sticking to your word. The other thing about this is, we are more likely to achieve our goals when we actually share and say them out loud. And as a piggy back to this, you are even more likely to achieve your goals. If you write them down, there has been so many different studies and research which actually prove and anywhere up to you are 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to achieve your goal if it is written down, and it is written down with specificity. So write your goals down and then share them with people this is going to do two things. One, make it more likely that you're going to achieve them because it is clear in your mind and you now have focus and two, it's going to bring you up to your next hurdle that you can work through which is what are the narratives, fears, insecurities and stories that are happening when you say your goals out loud. And so I'm going to do that right now. Here's me telling you and exemplifying or showcasing how I've got goals that seems so far outside of my current reality, that it's like, whoa, this could lead to overwhelm. But I'm going to share the next few steps in a moment about how to reduce overwhelm and just start taking action, even if your goals feel so far away from you or so far outside of your reach. So right now I just rewrote my goals. Like I said, it's a very nice wintry day and I spent the day snuggled up on the couch with my dog with Simba. And I just wish I had my big a4 Sketchpad with me and I started rewriting my goals and putting my vision statement in and I just got all juiced up. I just got fucking excited again, and I wrote things like, I am going to have a top rated podcast that will be in there with people like Steven Bartlett Jay Shetty, Mel Robbins, I am going to be up there next to them with them and this podcast, the MindScape podcast will be one of the top rated shows in the world. Second to that I'm going to be interviewed on the diary of a CEO. Another goal that seems quite crazy right now, more goals from me that seem crazy is that I have a vision of buying a commercial property that is the mind school HQ and this will be a place for me to run the mind school method this will be a place where there is a recording studio this will be a place where there is content studio this will be a place where my team comes together and where I trained teachers and educators and business owners and all of that will happen in the mind school HQ that is another big crazy dream of mine that right now seems so wild. But that's the same I'm going to do it the same way I've achieved every other goal that fell out of out of my leg and I'm going to share that in just a moment. But this is me declaring things that feel crazy and so if you want to help me by the way to achieve this goal it really fucking helps me to get this podcast out there so share it put put it on your stories tag me it just means the world and it means I can get incredible guests. I've got this dream guestlist that is feeling really crazy. And today I sat there and I wrote all my dream guests and it was like okay, I'm gonna get Stephen Bartlett I want to get Oprah I want to get Dr. Joe Dispenza there's all these people that I just can't wait to just pillage their mind for all that they've got to just like Goldmine their mind and right now I probably have stories like oh, they wouldn't even look at me right now. Like look at little old me and it's like cool. Here's something for me to look Cut and let's move anyway and I'm still going to gun for those things even though right now they kind of feel like big and out of reach. Okay, so if you are an aspiring or established coach or teacher, a business owner or a leader and you are interested in upskilling, your coaching toolkit with mindset, NLP Shadow Work and emotional intelligence and embodiment, the mind school method is soon opening for term two in both Queensland and Western Australia. And you can now join the waitlist in the show notes. Spaces are strictly limited. So if you want to be one of the most highly skilled highly sought after coaches in your industry, with a toolkit as big as your heart, join the waitlist now to be first to hear when we open the doors. If I had to choose one word to describe my experience of mine school, it is limitless acceptance, life changing, enlightening, transformational, grounded, immense gratitude, soulful connection, truly amazing. Freeing soul purpose, fulfilling, grateful absolute deliciousness empowering and liberating transformation are for all generations. Fucking awesome. What you will notice is there's big crazy out of reach goals, and the first thing I said to do is to write it down, say it out loud, to clear it and share it, that's gonna highlight different things that are there for you to look at work on notice and really just notice and keep moving anyway. And if you need to work with a mindset coach or something like that, at least to have specificity around what exactly is the issue, not just our I'm afraid you have specificity. So first, write it all down really, really vividly. Say it out loud, share it with somebody who holds you in your highest potential, and ask them to keep you accountable. Now, the other thing that you're going to do is called chunking. Down, when you dream big, you are chunking up, you're looking at everything in a really big, zoomed out lens. Now what you're going to do is chunk down, which is a way of saying reverse engineer it into very small chunks. So as an example, if the goal is okay, well, this is going to be the mind school podcast is going to be a top rated podcast and we are going to have insane guests on in the next 12 months. Okay, cool. So what does that mean, I need to do in the next six months in the next 90 days. What does that mean I need to do in the next week? Well, it means I want to up level the content. And that might mean Okay, it's time to get out professional videographer, it might mean start researching new cameras and putting it on YouTube, it might mean start researching ads so that you can run ads to take people to the podcast, there's so many different things that would all align with that end goal. But if I started with how do I get my podcast to be up there with the diary of a CEO or Joe Rogan or something like that, it would feel a little bit overwhelming. However, if I reverse engineer it into small action steps that take me in that direction, and I focus not on the outcome, but on the action, they start to actually take care of themselves. My mentor always said to me, go as far as you can see. And when you get there, you'll see how you can go further. So what that means is take the first step, and when you take that first step, other doors will open, you will have learned and have expanded your level of consciousness. So you'll be able to see things differently. You'll have new knowledge, which will enable you to see things clearer, you will meet people on your journey, who will show you other steps, you will unlock doors simply by taking the first step. So first, we go big, and then we reverse engineer it to what is the first thing that I can do today, this week, this month, what could I do in the next three months? What could I do in the next six months, that all take me closer to that end goal. So that's the second thing. Now, the other thing that you can do is to find yourself a mentor or start doing some modelling. What is modelling? Modelling is essentially you find yourself a role model that is somebody who has demonstrated that they can do the exact thing that you want to do and start looking to them as role models and modelling their behaviour. Now caveat here, don't model the behaviour of somebody who is for example, if I wanted to be like Joe Rogan and I wanted a podcast that was like Hey, He is. And I started putting pressure on myself to produce things like him to put the same amount of money and investing into advertising as him, it wouldn't make sense for where I'm currently at. So you don't want to be copying the strategy of somebody who is 10,000 steps ahead of you, because it wouldn't make sense. What you want to do is look at what were they doing at my level? What were they doing when they were starting out? What would they prioritising? What kind of person were they being? What was their mindset? What was their attitude? How did they talk? How did they move? How did they think about their podcast? Did they what was their identity when they were starting when they were building it, because then you're going to build the skill to take you where it took them. So find somebody who's got those results that you want, and start modelling them specifically at the point that you are at. Now. Second to this, if you can't, if you have the resources, get yourself a mentor, I have invested so much money into shortcuts into just being in the energy of people who have done things that I want to do, so that I can normalise it for myself, and take shortcuts. And that is such such a thing. Now obviously, that is a privileged position to be in if you do have the resources. If you don't, there is no excuse these days to not have a mentor, even if it's an unofficial mentor. There are people out there who are putting out so much content, so much free stuff, there's books, there's podcasts, there's YouTube channels, there is almost no excuse these days to say that you can't learn something and that you can't have a mentor, even if it's just somebody who you absorb all the time, have that person who is your activator, and who you can get into your airwaves all the time just to normalise their mindset and their level of embodiment. Honestly, this is probably the most underrated tip for achieving your unachievable or unobtainable goals make it so fucking normal by normalising people who have done it and are willing to share how they did it, how they moved, how they think their beliefs, all of that. So that's some things to think about when you are feeling overwhelmed by your goals, because they seem really far away. Because they are so far outside of your current reality that you're like, oh, wow, this feels big, this feels like a lot, I want you to go back to those things, writing it down very, very clearly, sharing it and declaring it with somebody who cares about you, making sure that you've got a mentor or a role model that you can be mentored by, and role model their actions, behaviours, and all of those things, reverse engineer it into small steps so that you know, everything that you can do this day, this week, this month is 90 days, this six month is 12 months is all leading you in that direction. And even if you only know the first step, start with the first step, go as far as you can see. And when you get there, you'll see how you can go further. So that's the first type of goal, the one that feels really out of your current reality and therefore can create some overwhelm. I want to talk about another type of scenario that happens often when somebody has a goal that is outside of their control. What do I mean by this, I want to share a more personal example where at the moment, it's kind of a goal of mine to get pregnant. It's a goal of mine to be a mum, I have also worked with clients who have goals, things like I want to find my partner, I want to meet my wife, I want to meet my husband, maybe you've got a goal of buying your dream family home and you've put all these different offers in and you're just not getting accepted. Like there's so many goals that we have that sometimes fall outside of our control. And that's why the first thing when it comes to these type of goals, is to simply control the controllables and nothing else. Stephen Covey, who wrote seven habits of highly effective people has got a beautiful model called the circle of control or the circle of influence, and that categorises things into things that you can influence, things that you can control and things that are outside of your control. And the idea is anything that is outside of your control, like the weather is not something that you give your attention to is not something that you focus on. So for example, in the thing in the example of trying to fall pregnant, I can control my stress levels to a certain extent I can control my diet, I can control my sleep, I can control things like going to kinesiology and going to acupuncture and paying for all these different supplements I can do my part, but ultimately it is so so far, it has been very much outside of my control when this actually happens. So control the controllables what is inside of your zone of control What is something that you can influence and everything else, we have to just let go. And that moves on to the second point, which is to practice detachment. And trust me, I know how fucking frustrating it can feel when people say, because I've heard this a lot, oh, when you stop stressing, when you start worrying about it, it'll just happen. And what people are saying is, when you can be less attached to the outcome, you're actually going to have a lot less stress in your body. And that can be really, really great, especially in this example of trying to fall pregnant from an energetic perspective, also, the energy of attachment, that is, it must happen, it has to happen. It's like this real energy of desperation, it's kind of like when you go on a date with somebody, and you can sense their desperation. And it comes from this lack energy, it's instantly repelling. And that can kind of lead to the third point and to something that I've really been actively and intentionally doing, which is immersing myself in other things that elevate my energy that elevate my vibration. So that a I'm not so attached, because it's the only thing in my life. It's like this obsession and this lack, I have got so many other things that bring me joy that make me excited that I can immerse myself in that almost take my mind away from it, not in a way where it's burying or suppressing, but it's actually just life is really fucking good. And everything that happens will be like a bonus like overflow, because I am being in my life with gratitude, I am booking holidays, I am doing things in my business that excite me, I am doing all these things that just make me so excited. Yes, every now and then I might be like, Oh, this is frustrating. And I'll get a little bit attached again. And that's when I will like, for example, last night, my husband and I were like where are we going for winter, we always leave during winter. Last night, we booked a fitness retreat, and we're off to Bali again. And I'm excited. And I've got all these other goals that are with my fitness and my health and my business that make me so excited and really do put that energy somewhere else. Again, not just to suppress not to ignore that just because it's the intelligent thing to do, it's not intelligent to focus on one thing that is outside of your control. And that actually makes you feel a little bit sad. And that actually makes you feel like you're in luck. I don't want to feel like that. I don't want to mope around, I'm going to try and I'm going to practice and this is what I have been doing, practising being present in my life being grateful for my life so that when this goal makes itself to me, which it will and I trust that it will, it's not because it completes me it's because it's overflow. And also just on that imagine if you've got this attachment to something and it needs, it's coming to like you've got the pressure and the expectation on this external thing that it is there to complete you. Can you imagine the kind of pressure that puts on this external thing that is trying to make its way to let's say, for example, there's a human or a person or a scenario that wants to come to you. But it sensing this energy that you're actually desperate for it to complete you, that puts a lot of pressure on that thing, that person that circumstance. And that actually feels like a heavy energy. So why not be full and complete and ingratitude and whole, and so that you're vibrating at this really high level, and you're vibrating and becoming an energetic match to something else that is high vibrational. And so that's the last point here, if you are waiting for something, or desiring something that feels like it's kind of outside of your control, and it's starting to put you into that lack mentality of I'll only be complete when it comes or everything is shit until then, or I am like desperate for this thing. Because what I have right now isn't enough, can you start to think about what would be the dominant frequency that you would be in, if and when you had this thing? Because I would guess, let's say for example, and I can give the example actually the other example I've mentioned of when you're waiting or wanting desiring a partner. I remember feeling like this so often before I met Paul, and I was like, Oh, when I have this partner, I'll be able to do all these exciting adventurous things that I want to do, I'll be able to go dive in and hiking and I'll be able to travel the world and do all these weird things and go camping lots, and it's like, I was waiting for this mail to give me permission to do these things that I wanted to do. And it wasn't until I kind of went Fuck it. I'm going to just complete myself. I'm going to do these things. I'm going to get my diving certificate and be a scuba person on my own. And I'm going to climb up volcanoes and do all this hectic shit on my own. That was when I became a match to Paul. That was when I became a match to the person that I wanted to attract in that sitting waiting without anything to offer. Ah, without being a match for who I wanted in, wasn't going to work. So I had to become a match first. With motherhood as an example, I want to be more grounded, more loving, more slow, more sensual, more present. And so those are the things that I am actively intentionally practising. Now, I have been listening to a lot more music, I have been so obsessed, and in my head, and I realise this sounds really crazy, but I am so maternal with my puppy, I just stare at him. And I'm so obsessed. And I just am like, I love you so much. And I'm in that energy, I'm present playing with him around my friend's babies all the time, not rejecting them or feeling like they get a baby. And so therefore, rejecting that energy, I'm obsessed when my friends told me they're pregnant, I can't wait to go cuddle their baby, I'm leaning into things that put me more into that energy so that I can be a match. But sometimes what happens is, when somebody has a goal, and they haven't yet attracted it in, or it feels really outside of themselves, or outside their control, they will look to other people that have created that for themselves. And they will really start to feel like jealousy or resent or sadness, and that's fine. We're humans, I, I would be lying if I said that I don't sometimes watch gender reveals and all of those exciting things and feel a little bit of sadness that it hasn't happened for me yet. But I don't project that outwards and make my end make that person wrong. I don't. For example, this is the same with money. This is the same if you're trying to bring in more levels of abundance. You can't look at people who have lots of money and make them bad, make them greedy, make them superficial. I likewise, can't look at people who are pregnant and be like, Oh, it's so easy for them, the other the other the and start to project all this negative energy that is further repelling the energy that will bring it in. And so there's a few parts to this. Firstly, control what you can control. Make sure that you're not obsessing over things that are outside of your control and practice surrender, and practice detachment. How you can do this is by making sure that your life is full with other things that bring up your vibration that give you joy that bring you fulfilment, and that make you an energetic match for the thing that you are calling in. So whether you're calling in a partner or a baby or a job or money, ask yourself the question, how would I be feeling as a dominant vibration? How would I be feeling and thinking as a dominant way of being if that thing were in my life? And how can I then be in that energy more now? How can I be more abundant? Now? How could I be more fulfilled? Now? How could I be more full of joy? Now? How could I be more maternal now? How could I be more present? Now? How could I be more grounded now. Because what you are saying, when you are focusing on something that you want over there that is outside of your control that hasn't yet come to is, I want that thing, because that thing is going to make me feel what that is saying that you don't feel that now. And if you don't feel that now, you're not a match, it's like that person over there will make me happy. But that person's not going to be attracted to you right now, if you're not a happy person, you've got to be the thing first. And what I will say just to sort of contradict myself, but it makes complete sense. Of course, there will be moments there will be times where it actually just feels really disheartening. And it actually you know what, there's nothing wrong with that you're allowed to feel sad, you're allowed to feel frustrated, you're allowed to feel disheartened. It's about how long you sit there, I have had days where I have sat in the park and cried. Because, you know, I got my period again, or a specialist told me something I didn't want to hear or whatever. And I didn't want to be detached and I didn't want to just control the controllables and simply immerse myself in other things that bring me joy. I wanted to sit in my sadness, I wanted to feel like shit, I didn't want anybody to try to tell me that it's all going to be okay. I just wanted to sit in sadness. And the more I allow myself to just sit in that feeling, the quicker it moves through me and I can move back to doing these other things that I've mentioned. Because I don't want to live in feeling disheartened. I don't want to live in feeling sad. And so the more I repress those feelings, the more they stick around, and that's not the vibe either. So it's not a case of don't feel feelings, it's a case of let yourself feel them because it can be disheartening and that is fine. It is totally okay if you want to feel sad, feel sad, and then do what you need to do because you're a very intelligent human and you know how to pick yourself up and you know what you need to make yourself feel better and you know, how long you need to sit in it for and you know how long you need to grieve, if that's what you need to do. Give yourself a time limit. That's something that actually helps me if I want to feel sad. I'm like, Fine, I'm going to feel really sad this afternoon. And tomorrow, I'm going to wake up and go for a run. And that's going to feel perfect. So give yourself a little bit of time to feel the feelings if that's what you need. And then just yourself up and move back into a state where you can feel empowered, and where you can invest your time and energy back into those things that make you feel good. So that is me this week. I hope you enjoyed this and took something from it. If you've got this big dream that it's feeling a little bit overwhelming, or you're feeling a little bit disheartened. These are the steps that I really, really encourage you to use. And if this helped you please share it on your stories tag me it would mean the absolute world because I have this big crazy goal of making the MindScape podcast up there with the best in the world. I want to be next to Joe Rogan. And I want to be next to Tom Bell you and I want to be next to and getting guests for you like the giants that we all want to hear from that have incredible minds. And it would just mean the world if you could help me by tagging me sharing this leaving a review doing whatever you can to help me with my dream so that I can keep helping everybody else with theirs. Thank you so much for being here. And I'll be back next week catch up. Thank you for tuning in to the MindScape podcast. It is a massive intention of mine to continue to grow this show. Because the more the show grows, the better the guests get. And I know that is going to be so powerful for you listening. So if I could ask this massive favour, it would mean the world if you could please leave a review, hit the Follow button or leave a rating on Spotify so that we can continue to grow this show and bring you the juiciest, most thought provoking and expansive conversations through incredible guests. Thank you so much for tuning in. I'll see you next week.