The Mind School

This got me LIT FT UP: 10,000 dreams in 10,000 days with Fraser Grut

Breanna May Season 5 Episode 193

We're SO pumped to introduce you to Fraser Grut, a passionate filmmaker who is on a mission to film 10,000 dreams in 10,000 days. This mission has taken him from to the Hollywood hills to chat to Mila Kunis, to Vegas hotel rooms with chatting to Prime Ministers and athletes. There's no way you can listen to this episode and NOT feel lit the f*ck up. 

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

  • What inspired Fraser to help people dream again
  • What causes people to fear sharing or pursuing their dreams
  • How to overcome a block or resistance to pursuing your dream
  • Why Fraser believes dreams are the "ultimate equaliser" 
  • The experience of chatting to stars like Mila Kunis and T-Pain
  • ...and just so much inspiring, activating stuff!

Join us as Fraser shares his journey, insights, and the profound impact of pursuing our dreams. Whether we’re chasing a passion or seeking inspiration, this episode is an invitation to dream big and embrace what sets our souls on fire.

Watch here the full interview with Fraser on YouTube.

Connect with Fraser on social media and follow him for more inspiring content and behind-the-scenes glimpses of his filmmaking journey!

Don't forget to share your key takeaways on your social media stories, snap a screenshot, and mention B! Just tag @iambreannamay.

Enrollment for Round 2 of The Mind School Method is now OPEN. Don't miss out—secure your spot today as spaces are limited! Enrol HERE.

Breanna Hunter:



Welcome to the mind school, the classroom for your mind and soul, where we design our lives from the inside out. Here you will find a human first approach to life, business and relationships, to create freedom, growth and constant evolution through mindset, emotional intelligence, leadership and connection to self. I'm your host, Breanna may educator, CEO mindset and business mentor, and my mission is to teach the things we were never taught at school so that no dream is left on the pillow and no purpose left unfulfilled. Here, you can expect a lot of laughs and thought provoking conversations as we squeeze every drop of juice from this beautiful, precious, crazy thing called life.

Breanna Hunter:

I want to introduce you to this guest who had me so fucking lit up. I actually went and completely I changed my bio. I redid my mission statement. I started dreaming big. I brought this workshop into my clients, and I was just so lit up. And so before I introduce to you this incredible, incredible human, I want to ask you this, what is your dream? What is your dream? Just I really want you wherever you are, whether you're driving, whether you're walking, I don't know, doing the dishes. I want you to think about this and really give it a moment, maybe even press pause, because this guest, Fraser grew who is a filmmaker on a mission to record 10,000 dreams from 10,000 humans. He believes that dreams are the ultimate equalizer, and he has this mission of his has taken him to Hollywood, inside the homes of Mila Kunis. He's spoken to Ashton Kutcher, he's found himself in wild and wonderful places all over the world. He speaks to celebrities, he speaks to cleaners mothers, he speaks to business owners, he speaks to athletes, he speaks to Prime Ministers. He is always on a mission to make people dream. And he said he's never met anyone who doesn't have something, who doesn't have something to say. And honestly, after I got off this episode, like I said, I was so lit up, I rewrote my bio, my mission statement, and I came to all my clients in my mastermind and I said, What if you started to look through the lens of, what is your dream for the world, if you have a business in particular, what is your dream for the world? Because that is in some way what you are doing, or how you are impacting and influencing the world through your work, through your business, through your service. So can you frame it in that way and outside of your business? What is your dream for your life? What is it? And as you can tell, this gets me so fired up. I absolutely love this. And so I want to introduce to you this incredible episode. And I will apologize, the audio quality is not the best, but Fraser is just the most down to earth, chilled dude. And if you want to watch it, we're actually going to put it up on YouTube. He was just having a cup of tea sitting on a deck chair outside in the sun in New Zealand, just chilling like so laid back. And I absolutely loved it. So it's not profesh we don't have. It's not the greatest audio quality. It's not terrible, but it's not, you know, studio, studio vibes. But you want to listen to this, trust me, you want to listen to this. I was honestly skipping around the house after this, and so go and have a look on YouTube. We're putting the link in the show notes, and I also just need to quickly let you know before we do dive in, that if one of your dreams is to help others dream, or to help others through your coaching and your services, or to have your own coaching business to create a life of freedom, if your dream is to create time freedom and spend more time with your kids, if your dream is to have meaningful and deep connections with yourself and to consistently evolve the mind, school method is opening, literally has already opened by the time this episode comes out. And this really is a place where dreams are unlocked, because you are going to come home to the most authentic, aligned, lit up version of yourself, and break through all the limiting beliefs, the traumas, the things lying in your subconscious that is stopping you from going big, from dreaming big, from unlocking and unloading your potential to the world and the transformations are wild. We teach you techniques in mindset, in NLP, emotional and somatic embodiment. We teach you communication and rapport strategies and the kicker, the one that all the graduates walked away with their mind absolutely blown, we certify you in Shadow Work everything you need to not only be an incredible coach and to share your mission with the world, but also to be a better mother, a better wife, a better. Friend to be better for yourself. And this truly is my mission, my dream. And I'm so grateful to have this conversation with Fraser where I really did reignite my mission. And you might have been able to tell, even on my socials, I've been pitching myself to, like, the biggest podcast in Australia. I've been featured on Perth now I'm chatting to the project. Like, after speaking to Fraser, I was like, actually, my dream is that all of this, that mindset, that NLP, that shadow work, that healing, that having the tools to dream and actually create your dreams, I want that to be so fucking mainstream that it's in every school curriculum that the mind school method has been taught inside businesses and corporations, because it does, it unlocks your potential. And my mission was fucking it's like we put some gasoline on it after this episode. And so I really hope that this does the same for you. I hope you love this episode as much as I did if you did, let us know, tag us. But more than just tag us, tell us your dream, share your dream, declare it to the world, announce it, and then fucking gun for it. Fraser, what is your dream?

Fraser Grut:

Oh, you heard me of the big one, my dream, and I'd show you it's actually my wallpaper on my phone, but I can't show you because I'm on my phone. My dream is to help the world dream, but I want, what's your dream to be on the cover of Time Magazine, and that is, I created a mock cover, and it's been my wallpaper for like, a year. Oh, chasing it. I manifest in that dream hard.

Breanna Hunter:

And it's, I have to say, like I was all over your Instagram today and looking at all the people you've interviewed, and I was getting so lit up just listening to everybody's dreams, and I was thinking, you've chosen this path that must just create so much joy and inspiration in your life. But I kind of want to know, like, what led you here, what was the pivotal moment or the inspiration? It's such a niche and nuanced thing that you're doing.

Fraser Grut:

Okay? So December 2016 I'm in a cafe with a mate, and somehow we create a bet that I would film one person staying on camera what their dream in life is every day for a year, and about 200 days in, I realized that was too easy, so I changed it to 10,000 days, which I didn't realize at the time was 27 and a half years, and somehow locked myself into a life mission that I'm Currently 2046 dreams deep in I've probably got, like, 20 years left, I reckon, if I whip two out a day, but honestly, it started as a bear, but it's become a life mission. I feel like this is what I was born to do. And I mean, it's no longer a bit like that's out the window. Now that was more the first year I was just trying to prove my mate wrong. Now, genuinely, this is my passion, helping people dream. Wow.

Breanna Hunter:

And were you already somebody who was, you know, were you interested in, I don't know, journalism or videography or storytelling? Was that already sort of in your nature, or you've always been an optimistic dreamer?

Fraser Grut:

Oh, yeah, 100% I'm a I've been a filmmaker since I was seven. That was my dream growing up was to be an Oscar winner, and I actually directed a feature film when I was 20 years old. So it's always been a dreamer like I was very fortunate that I was raised in a family that pushed me to dream. In fact, my parents would have probably told me off if I had pursued being an accountant or something like it's probably like the flip of most families where, if I had pursued Plan B, I think my parents would have told me off, which is amazing. I'm so blessed that that's how I was raised. And probably now that I'm just turned 30, now that I'm getting older, I'm realizing that a lot more that I was very fortunate how I was raised? Oh, 100%

Breanna Hunter:

I reckon most people that I work with are trying to out the conditioning of their parents, which was go to med school, you know, do that blueprint life. And so many people are trying to find the courage to pursue their dreams. But it does take a lot of courage for a lot of people, and I wanted to so I'm guessing it started out as a bet you probably didn't set the intention to be interviewing people like Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis. And you've got it weird, wonderful situations. What sort of adversities and challenges have you had to felt, to feel or to experience in the pursuit of your dream. Oh

Fraser Grut:

my gosh. Well, firstly, there's no way on planet earth, when I started this that the thought of, you know, ending up at Ashton and Mila's house was even in the realm of possibility, like I remember scoring like a local. MP, Dream, Dream number five. And I was like, Dude, that is like, I've kept it. I've already topped it. I've done an MP. I can't get bigger than that, yeah, but adversity wise, I've done this for eight years. Through this eight years of filming dreams, I've, you know, been married twice, I've gone for a divorce. I've had multiple deaths around me, and honestly, for five years, I filmed one dream every single day. Didn't miss a single day for five years. And that is Christmas, New Year's that's the day my Nana died, one of my close mates died, the day I my man did like it was genuinely an obsession in that way, and as tough it is to pursue a dream, it's kind of the thing that got me through a lot of tough times, and like, you know, trying to run a business in my mid 20s and been days away from bankruptcy, and Just totally like figuring life out. But this gave my life, just gave my life perfect, because the reason I woke up every morning was to meet someone and film their dream. And it gave me direction and hope and but does not mean it's been easy. I mean I I quit a year end of 2021 I quit straight for a year, was never going to do it again, until that little voice inside told me to pick it up once more. And thank goodness, because all the crazy opportunities and doors have basically all opened since picking it up again. But I had to kill it first before that ever happened. Wow.

Breanna Hunter:

And what have you found, because you've interviewed people, that what I love is, like, it ranges from kids to PMS. And I thought, like, Mila Kunis. I was like, wow, this is incredible. But also, you know, just mothers and fathers and athletes and like, I've heard you say dreams are an equalizer. Yeah, yeah. You ever met anyone who couldn't answer you when you asked, What's your dream?

Fraser Grut:

I get a lot of people that I go up to and they're like, they're instant responses. I don't really have a dream, but it's never true. I I've out how to break, break down a bit, and usually if someone says they don't have a dream, I start with, what was your dream as a kid? And then they'll be like, Oh, my dream was to be an astronaut or to be an all black and then I go, now, take me on their journey what happened? And then they slowly lead into what their current dream is. So I truly believe, and maybe I'm super optimistic, I believe everyone has a dream. I think a lot of people just scared to say it out loud. And I think that's why people tell me, Oh, I don't have a dream. It's, it's there, maybe, of rejection, fear of being accountable. Like, once I post the dream publicly, it kind of holds you accountable to some degree. Now your friends and family have all seen it. They're gonna, you know, they're gonna keep you in check about pursuing it. But, oh yeah, I do believe dreams are an equalizer. Like I've been everywhere I've met every walk of life you can imagine. Everyone has a dream. No,

Breanna Hunter:

have you noticed any common themes about dreams or things like I noticed when I was just watching a lot of your interviews, it seems like, and I forgive me if I'm wrong, you don't yet have children Correct. Oh, yeah, congratulations. Yeah.

Fraser Grut:

Thank you so much.

Breanna Hunter:

So I assuming, and I'm I'm retweeting the lines with all these people, and I don't have kids out myself. See that a lot of the people you interview, once they've had kids, it's like everything sort of changes. What have you noticed that?

Fraser Grut:

Oh, yeah, 100% I think there's so many trends. Like every kid right now wants to be a superhero. You know, everyone in their 20s, they dream around stuff, like social stuff, or like, what's going on right now in the world, like global warming, about stuff, you know, the very activist driven dreams. But most parents, their dreams are for their kids. I'd almost say, like, 90% of the parents I've filmed, they bring up their kids, and I think they're so beautiful. It's yeah and that, you know, right now, obviously, without kids, my dreams are so work driven and everything, but I 100% I know I'll be a big softy once I become a dad, and all my dreams will be about my kids achieving their dreams. You know, yeah,

Breanna Hunter:

I feel that I was sort of watching Big fanning when you were talking to Mick fam, yeah. What a cool dude, and how he said like he had fulfilled his dreams. And I think that's so important too, that adults are fulfilling their own dreams, so that they're not projecting their unfulfilled dreams onto their oh

Fraser Grut:

my gosh, that's so real.

Breanna Hunter:

Yeah, and I was a teacher for quite a few years, and I saw. That you could see parents projecting unmet dreams onto the kids, and the pressure that that can create can be quite intense. So I think it's, I think it's the best thing we can do for humanity to fulfill our own dreams.

Fraser Grut:

Amen, 100% agree with that. Are you a teacher? Still?

Breanna Hunter:

No, I teach online, but I'm not in the system. I sort of didn't love the system, okay, yeah, and did you said that? Like, fear is one of the things that you've noticed. Maybe it's fear of rejection. Have you noticed any, like, in your interviews, things that people do to overcome that,

Fraser Grut:

oh, overcoming the fear of sharing their dreams,

Breanna Hunter:

sharing their dreams, pursuing their dreams. Well, I mean,

Fraser Grut:

I think, like all fair, a lot of the time, it's just in our heads. And I think as soon as you verbalize your dream and it's posted, you realize it's not scary as you thought, yeah, and it's actually liberating and quite freeing to share your dreams publicly. And it's so interesting, like, because, because I'm such a dreamer, and because I've filmed 2050 people, when people get nervous, I'm kind of like what it's so easy to share your dream, and I've filmed my dream maybe five times, maybe every year I film my dream, and every year it's the second the camera's on me. I'm sweating bricks. I'm so nervous about sharing my dream, and I'm like, Oh, I get it. It's actually a really tough question to answer, but honestly, I think once it's out there, it's freeing, so freeing.

Breanna Hunter:

Yeah, and do your dreams as you've recorded them each year. Are you noticing that they change? And is that a comment, or is it more of this relentless pursuit of one dream that you see

Fraser Grut:

totally changed. My first dream my film was in 2017 and my dream was to win an Oscar and to be the greatest filmmaker of all time. Now my dream is to help the world dream and for what's your dream to be on the cover of Time magazine. So my dream has dramatically changed. Now, obviously I still want to be a filmmaker and pursue making feature films, but I think as you get older, I don't know if you feel it too, the older you get, the more you just realize that life's about helping people, loving people, blessing people, encouraging others and honestly, other people pursuing their like helping people to pursue their dream is far more fulfilling than any dream I could live out, you know, and I've been fortunate enough to be able to live out some of my dreams over the last 10 years, and never Has it been close to the fulfillment level of 10,000 dreams ever, wow, yeah. But you couldn't tell my 18 year old self that my 18 year old self would not believe that at all.

Breanna Hunter:

18 year old self is like, we want to be famous and we want to Oh yeah. Accolades, yeah.

Fraser Grut:

Oh yeah. 100% what was your dream at 18, and then what is your dream right now,

Breanna Hunter:

I think at 18, I wanted to know I was a frustrated student. I was the frustrated kid when I left high school because I didn't know my dream. And I you know, when you're a bit younger, and you speak to these people and their dreams are often at that age, what are you going to do? Like, what are you going to choose to university? What's your job? And I could never find mine, because I was so multi passionate, so creative, so, and I loved people like Oprah and people who talked about your story, so I want to do journalism for that reason. And my dream was to be like Oprah, so, but I was very frustrated, like I was so frustrated as a kid that I couldn't find my dream. And now I often help people to find theirs, because I went through 10 years of, you know, I chose, I did law degree, I did all these things, trying to find my thing. And I think that that was all leading me in the same place.

Fraser Grut:

That's so cool. And now, where, where are you at right now? What is like the thing right now? What is

Breanna Hunter:

for my dream is that I get to have an impact on the education system in some way through the courses that I teach, which are all around mindset and emotional intelligence. And I want that to be like Australia wide the course that I teach, and that will impact mothers children and make the change in the education system that I think needs to be made, because a lot of kids are too stressed out now to even dream and their children,

Fraser Grut:

yeah, oh my gosh, they're kids. That's so real.

Breanna Hunter:

Yeah, because we don't ask them like you said, how do you want to feel fulfilled? How do you want to give back? How do you want to feel we say, what's your grades? Like, what grade? What do you want to be? What do you want to what do you want to do? Not, who do you

Fraser Grut:

want to be? Oh, man, it's, it's big difference. Like, work is work, but having, like, a deep purpose to why you're alive, yeah, that you know. Like, if you know what your WHY IS, and your mission, you. And work can change. It's, you know, could be a totally different thing. You could be in journalism, you could be a filmmaker, you'd be writing books. But if your mission is the same thing, then, Oh man, that's where the joy with life comes from. Eh?

Breanna Hunter:

Have you found yourself, what's the weirdest, strangest situation? I mean, Elmo must have been wild, yeah, weirdest situation you found yourself

Fraser Grut:

in two weeks ago in LA. Me and my wife, we were filming the dream of a satanic priest in a car park outside of Denny's in downtown LA, and we spent half an hour with the satanic priest. I literally I cold emailed satanic church, not thinking I'd ever get a response back, but somehow they teed up someone that's never done an interview before. He was 5050, when we arrived, whether he was going to drive off or even do the interview. And it was fascinating. It was me and my wife a Christian. It was just such a fascinating experience. And we had an amazing conversation. And, you know, you go into something with an idea of what someone's going to say, and, you know, obviously you think of a satanic priest. You go, this dream was about community and happiness, and it was very kind and loving. And you're like, wow, what are these, you know, things that I created my head. But he was a very lovely guy, and it was a fantastic conversation. And it was an experience and a situation I never thought I'd ever find myself in, but it was so awesome. And you know, this, this really is everyone and anyone. And I feel like as of the last couple of months, I'm starting to live into that a bit more. I think I said that for years, but I never really went extreme, like I kind of stayed quite safe with the people I film. And there's been a few controversial, kind of spicy people as of recently, and let that humanity, you know, like to be anyone and everyone on travel the world, filming people in an extreme, outrageous places. And so that was extreme, but Yeah, Elmo. Last year, I flew to Melbourne from New Zealand for 10 minutes with Elmo. So literally through flew to Melbourne, did a 10 minute interview and then flew home. But it was so worth it. It was ever started when this started as a bet, I wrote out a list of five impossible people to film with my mate, and on that list was Steven Spielberg, Justin Bieber, Roger Federer, JK, Rowling and Almo. So I had to do it. I had to do it. I've got four left on that list.

Breanna Hunter:

If one of your dreams is to unlock your potential in your coaching business, or you're a human who just works with other humans, and you want to get the best out of your team, your family, your students, the mind school method is for you. Spaces are extremely limited and filling up fast. So if you are ready to turn your coaching dreams into a reality and have more clients, more money, more freedom and more impact, click the link in the show notes. Now,

Fraser Grut:

if I had to choose one word to describe my experience of mind school, it is limitless


acceptance, life changing, enlightening, transformational, grounded, immense gratitude, soulful connection, truly amazing, freeing, soul, purpose, fulfilling, grateful, absolute deliciousness, empowering and liberating transformation of for all generations. Awesome.

Fraser Grut:

Yeah, I'm getting closer to some of them, but I've been,

Breanna Hunter:

how have you been going about that? What's your strategy to, like, get these, you know, untouchable humans? Well,

Fraser Grut:

for years, they really were untouchable. Like for so many years, it was like, it is no way on planet Earth Elmo is ever going to share his dream. But, you know, you just slowly build relationships over time. And I build relationship with Sesame Street publicist over time. You know, originally it was locked in for 2020 and then covid delayed it four years, you know. And sometimes you gotta be patient. And there's, you know, other people on that list that I'm starting to build relationships with people around them. And, you know, it's, I believe next year I will have all five ticked off. I believe that, yeah,

Breanna Hunter:

oh my god, so exciting. I love it. Thank you. And I was thinking, actually, from a business perspective, I work with so many clients who are, you know, trying to get certain people on their podcasts, or they want to collaborate with someone, and they're so afraid of reaching out because of that rejection that you've mentioned that everyone can be afraid of. And I love. What you did with Tom Cruise, trying to speak to Tom Cruise, you basically out of a plane and started being like, Tom, Tom Cruise, I want to talk to you. And it really did, like, it stopped the scroll. I was like, What is he doing? Did you get any so there's two parts. What I guess, like thinking outside the box for collaboration and building those connections. You're doing it so well. Also Did, did you hear back from Tom Cruise?

Fraser Grut:

So for Christmas, my for my birthday, sorry, my wife got me a skydive jump, and essentially, she just got me a voucher to do a skydive. Yeah, and we were going to Fiji a couple of weeks later, and she's like, I bought you about you to do a Fiji skydive. And honestly, until the day before, I wasn't going to do it. Like this was one of my ultimate fears. I was like, I'm not going to do the skydive. And she kind of was like, alright, we can use the money for something else, until we had a massage in Fiji the day before, and it just hit me, mid massage, what if I did a Tom Cruise pitch mid skydive? That's probably the most Tom Cruise like way of doing a pitch, and that's honestly the only reason I did the skydive was the Tom Cruise video. It turned out to be like one of the greatest things I've ever done. I haven't heard back from Tom Cruise. I know it's in the hands of some people on his team, and honestly, let's just see what happens. But you know, regardless of whether he gets back or not, I don't regret it. It was fun. If I didn't do it, I would be full of regret right now, going, Oh, I bet he would have seen it. I should have, you know. And also, he might take a year to respond. I I'll keep trying. You know, I believe Tom Cruise will 100% but, yeah, but on your point, before of you know, having other people who are kind of scared to reach out honestly, I'm the biggest advocate for just sending that crazy email like I've, I've seen more than 35,000 cold emails since I started this, and to people that, you know, while people I shouldn't have, the emails of that I've been lucky enough to get, and like Ashton and Mila were straight cold emails, like I'd never met them. They had no idea who I was, total cold email, you know, like, nothing's impossible, like, just send that email. I, I'm such an advocate for it. Like I went I will America in February, and a couple of that left, I was like, Man, I really want to film Terry cruises. Dream. I had the strong feeling, so I literally just send him a cold email, and 20 minutes later, he responded, and a week later, I was in his office for an hour on a Sunday morning in Pasadena. Like, nothing's impossible. He never heard he'd never heard of me. It was a straight cold email. Ah, man, you got nothing to lose. And I think, like, because I've seen so many cold emails, I have been rejected 1000s of times. Like, 1000s. Yeah, it does not hurt anymore at all. Like, you just get. The more you do it, the more you're like, and like so many of the people that I've had rejections from, I've gone back to six months later, one year later, two years later, and I've teed up, you know, I don't know if you know who Sam Neill is, yeah. Dara, yeah. He was eight, eight emails before the year, basically eight no's from his team before it was a year. Can you just go? Just keep seeing it, just follow up, like, yeah.

Breanna Hunter:

And he spoke so I loved what he said at first. I think when you asked, what's his dream? At first, he said something that sounded almost anti inspirational. He was like, I want to, I want to wake up with no dreams, because the world is that peace and there is no bad things in the news, and just one day where everything we don't need a dream for a better. It was almost like he was saying it would be just nice to not have to dream for better, for once, because, well, he was beautiful, so I'm so glad.

Fraser Grut:

Oh yeah, yeah. Oh, and it's just fun. Like, honestly, it's so more rewarding when you had to spend five years seeing someone up. It's so it's so rewarding when it finally happened, like Mila. Mila was a year of trying to figure out schedules, whether it was even going to happen. And honestly, I was, like, even though I got in touch with her. It was like a 5050, for like a year, whether it was even going to happen or not. But then when it happened, it was the right time. It was exactly how it was meant to happen. And it was awesome. Yeah, you know? Well,

Breanna Hunter:

and what was that like? What was she like? What was that experience like? You're rocked up, you're in America, like in Mila Kunis house.

Fraser Grut:

Yeah, it was, it was so, like, it was just awesome. They're two of the coolest people I've ever met. So I filmed Ashton's dream last year in May, and then I filmed Mila in February. So there was a big gap. Obviously, I filmed ash I connected with. Fashioned first, and then I reached out to Mila. But it was, it was Valentine's Day. Spent the whole morning at their house. Mila chatted, had a DMC for like an hour. Then, you know, we're chilling in the kitchen. And then at one point, it was us on a FaceTime call with Scooter Braun chatting. It was just the whole situation was just like, so wild, but it was just awesome. Like, I felt so comfortable, and honestly, I've stayed in touch with her since, you know, like, genuinely, like, I it was a really special experience. It was definitely one of the most pinched me. Like, how the started as a bit in Auckland. How the heck that this happened? Like this is Beverly Hills. Like this is the most Hollywood you can get. Wow. So I'm so, yeah, I'm so grateful that they even trusted me, to welcome me, that they meant a lot. I you know, it's not something people do often, but it meant a lot. Yeah, I

Breanna Hunter:

think it says a lot to your character and your energy. You have a very trustworthy energy, and it speaks to them too, like and I think maybe I might be guessing here, but has this experience, in some ways, taken these big stars off a pedestal and enabled you to see that they're just humans, like every single like, like, all of us. Oh,

Fraser Grut:

absolutely, I don't get nervous or starstruck anymore at all, like, at all, because you just realize they're just normal people. Everyone dream, you know, like Ashton's in the kitchen making soup. Like, they're just human, like, you know, we build them up, but it's, oh, it's incredible how these experiences just build into your confidence and your view in the world, you know, like, even with the satanic priest, like, I changed after that, because I was like, Whoa, I've built up, you know, certain people you build narratives around. But we don't actually know we don't know them. We don't know what they're going through. We don't know where their heart's at. And it's kind of made me so much more open to like, everyone has a dream, everyone has a story. We're all we're all human. Like, Oh yeah, it's been a very blessed that this is what I get to do. I can't

Breanna Hunter:

imagine. I mean, you've inspired me as we've been talking. I'm like, I'm going to email Oprah. I'm just going to tell Oprah, yes,

Fraser Grut:

my good is she number one on your interview list?

Breanna Hunter:

I think she'd be up there. A lot of the people, unfortunately, that I would love to interview are no longer on this realm, because I think, like, Einstein would be, oh, if I could talk to Einstein, I'd love to speak to and my first mentor was Bob Proctor. I've always wanted to talk to him. He passed away just before that happened, but yeah, and I actually was curious, because I noticed on your chat with Ashton, he mentioned your email. You must have called him, and he actually said, mate your email. It was something about your email that sort of captured his attention. And what did you say? Like, how do you people with and I guess their inbox would be flooded. How do you cut through honestly,

Fraser Grut:

just being authentic. I don't put a show. I don't act professional. I don't say, Dear Mr kuchy. I'm like, yo what up Ashton, let's freaking do this, man. Like, let's go like, I am, just myself. Basically how I talk. I incorporate that into the email. I say, bro, I use emojis. I say, sup, I like, I just have fun with it. And I think that stands out because they probably get hundreds of professional emails every day. And here's this Kiwi dude, like, Yo doesn't seem nervous to be sending this email. I think that's what's connected. But two like the other thing is, I think it's one thing to get emails, and I've been very lucky that I've been able to kind of get all these emails and connections to people. But I think too it's having something worth reaching out about, you know, like if I emailed Ashton about investing in my cupcake business, I probably never would have heard back from him, you know. So I think because I only asked for a very short amount of their time, and, you know, I started at 30 seconds, like honestly, if they had 30 seconds, I'd be able to do it in 30 seconds. Now, luckily, a lot of the time it's now, you know, you go and you spend half an hour to an hour with people, but I'm not asking for a lot of time. I'm not asking for a lot, and it's also tying into something that's about encouraging people to dream. So I think the mission has helped me get into a lot of doors too, and it's also allowed a lot of people around me to also make connections. So I've been very fortunate that you know people I connect with. Want to connect me to other people and, you know? But when I started out, my cold emails were terrible, shocking. I used to call it a video blog, you know, and I didn't sell it well. I was like, I do this video blog, filming 10,000 dreams, and I've done it for 50 days. And, you know, it just, it's like, Oh, come on, man, like it just didn't feel and now I say, This is my life mission. This is why I was born. This is my Everest. I want to help the world dream. And suddenly that captures people's imagination a lot more. I think,

Breanna Hunter:

such a filmmaker. You're such a creative. It's so cool. Yeah, I'm just so and I have to ask. And this is my own, my own selfish I loved T pain, so chatting with Jane, getting everywhere. What was that like?

Fraser Grut:

That was so cool. I went to Vegas to film and stream. I was in this hotel room, Super Bowl weekend in Vegas, and I was just in his hotel room for like an hour. It was so awesome. He's such a good Gwen dude, and we've stayed in contact since. And I don't know if you saw the video where he was saying talking about the project to me, which he was basically saying, You're not stop this. He's like, Please promise me you'll never stop this mission. And that built me up so much, because I was the night before, I was sick in Vegas. I thought, I, you know, I felt like I had covid, and I was just miserable, and I was why am I doing this project? I'm over this. And then T PAIN being like, promise me you'll never stop this because it's so important, and that built me up so much. He might never know how much that built me up, but oh yeah, it was. It's just crazy. I don't know how some of these situations happen, but they keep they keep happening. It's really wild. And I

Breanna Hunter:

think that to me, that speaks to the innate nature of humans. Key your mission is like, yes, like, we just want, I think at our core, we want to see people dream. Because we all have dreams, and like you said, it's the equalizer to me. I would assume that this project, hopefully has made you think even greater of humankind, in a way where it would be so easy to look down the negative rabbit hole, it would be so easy to do that, and you're like this light that's making people dream again. What's been your biggest takeaway about the the true essence of our human spirit?

Fraser Grut:

Well, I've noticed that everyone lights up when they talk about their dream like lights up. It's everyone's favorite topic to talk about is their dream. Like, genuinely, as a hack, if you're at a party or an event and you're in a kind of stale, awkward conversation, ask someone what their dream is, and the whole combo will flip instantly, like it's just so fun talking about dreams, and people want to share their dream. People just don't ask the question enough, you know, it doesn't come up in conversation. It's not really bar chat. Yet, everyone has a dream and everyone wants to share it. And you just, I know I I've always been so optimistic, and I've always almost ignored the negativity in the world and the dark stuff happening, and I mean, to listen and to be with people every day, and to just hear their dreams, which is kind of like a portal into their souls, just builds me up so much like hard to be. I know it's like magic. It's so cheesy, but I genuinely believe it's like magic. You know, it kind of brings you back to your childhood essence. You know, as a kid, you're dreaming massive dreams of being an astronaut or a president, and I genuinely it's my favorite thing to talk about. I used to think was my passion. Now I learned that dreams are my passion, and film is the medium in which I, you know,

Breanna Hunter:

I feel that I really feel that I love a lot of my help people dream and to I always call it Life Design. Like design, your life. Don't live by design. And so I was met with, I don't have a dream. I don't know my dream, I can't connect to it. It's been so long since somebody asked me, and so if anybody's listening as you're talking about people that light up when they talk about their dreams and their mission, and hearing you talk about your mission like I feel like I need to go for a run up. So am I energized? Thank you. From the perspective of somebody listening, who might be feeling sad and thinking, what the fuck like? I don't know my mission. I can't connect, and it's nice for everybody else that has this vision and this energy and this mission. I don't know what mine is. Do you have anything that you would say to those people? Yeah,

Fraser Grut:

well, I think. Like thinking personally, whenever I'm in a place where I feel like that and I feel lost and I feel jaded, uninspired, it's usually because I'm thinking too much about myself, and I always find when I start helping others, when I start blessing other people, it makes life so much richer. And I would, I would start by saying, go out and help someone, serve someone, to help someone else discover their dream, and in doing so, you will feel that joy, and you will spark up again. And yeah, but honestly, and I think too, taking the time to stop and reflect and actually go, what is my dream? Not as not what is my parents dream for my life? Or what are my friends saying I should be doing? Like, what do I really want to do? Because it's so easy, I think, when you're younger, to pick the dream that will lead you to money and fame. You know, when you're 18, you're like, I want to be an actor or I want to be an athlete, because they'll make me famous and rich. But maybe the thing you're deeply passionate about, and actually that you're deeply gifted at, won't bring you wealth or fame, and it will make you so much happier. You know, so much happier like, oh, man, yeah. Just say that everyone has X Factor. I do not believe in this, you know, only a select new special something. I believe everyone is a genius at something you just, you just need to discover what that is, you know. And I encourage anyone listening that you are a genius and you have X Factor, so find that dream and honestly, just pursue it wholeheartedly. Oh, you will feel magic. Yeah,

Breanna Hunter:

I just, I honestly love your mission. I love what you stand for. I have this other dream that I want to build a school that's like a utopia. And I'm thinking, I want Fraser to be like the principal that just comes in. Oh, come on. This is the assembly items kids, you must dream. You have to dream. And you all have X Factor. Imagine if that's the programming that we were handing down to the next generation, oh

Fraser Grut:

my if there was a class solely about dreams and pursuing your dreams, that would be, yeah, that would be everyone's favorite class.

Breanna Hunter:

Teach them how to create the mindset and the skills and the, you know, emotional resilience, to go for those dreams and imagine the world. This is what lights me up. Imagine that world I love

Fraser Grut:

that oh my gosh, you've inspired me today with this conversation like honestly yesterday, I was I had a wall and was very much doubting why I was doing this, and was feeling uninspired about the whole mission. This has picked me up again. I'm so glad.

Breanna Hunter:

And my dream for you is that you take this into schools. Imagine, I've seen you do it at like some schools, but imagine you speaking at assemblies. I think that this is just so world changing. I thank you so much. Fraser, honestly, for everything. Thank

Fraser Grut:

you. That means so much to me. Oh, thank you so much

Breanna Hunter:

for being here. And where can listeners find you and listen to all your crazy interviews, and watch your life and you with Tom Cruise and all the people that are on

Fraser Grut:

happen. Tom Cruise will happen. You heard it here first Instagram, 10,000 dreams. Fraser grew with a G solenty or Tiktok, or 10,000 but I'd say Instagram is where I'm most, most prison

Breanna Hunter:

go and watch all the Instagram reels and videos, because I like, I this morning, I was watching them, and then I was like, I lied. I went for a run after, because I was so energized. Your Instagram is just like this heat of inspiration and so guys, it'll all be in the show notes. Fraser, thank you so so much for being here.

Fraser Grut:

Thank you that means so much to me. Perfect. Thank


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